n080d33 ago

who are these guys though?

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

lol, EXPOSED....hi Robert, aka @geighbour

ploppy ago

great info!

Tsl2150 ago

Fucking retarded assholes

Geighborman ago

This needs to be removed this has absolutely nothing to do with pizzagate it took me 3 minutes to figure out that worldcorp is a alternate reality game....

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

sure, some of the other videos might be fake or an ARG as you put it...but the family, and each day video, seem VERY genuine, and disturbing

Geighborman ago

That video was nothing I pray to God you never go on the Deep Web for one and secondly be extremely fucking easy to fake that

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

ok ill bite, what makes you SO SURE it is an ARG? Those screams in the videos are genuine screams of REAL terror, there is nothing fake that

GeorgeT ago

Can't fake that!

Geighborman ago

My son is afraid of the dark he screams just like that if you turn the light off in his room kids are stupid they overreact so easily it wouldn't take much to get a kid to freak out like that if it was real but he could also be professional kids whose parents want them to be actors who are trained to freak out like that

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

your kid screams in the dark because kids are genuinely afraid of the dark, these types of screams are generated from pure terror, no acting class can teach you this.

AdmiralByrd ago

"This is fake."

"If I scare the ever-loving fuck out of my kid, he screams just like this."

What you hear is abject terror. You can not act this out at 5 years old. The child in this video is being subjected to something that is making this child feel like he is literally going to die. Total fucking panic. How many emotionally dead people exist these days? This is fucking real. I don't care if the video is some dude and his own child, the dude is subjecting this kid to the most terrifying experience you could ever fathom. I made an account after months of lurking to say this:


AdmiralByrd ago

I haven't been able to think about much else since I watched it, and yes I've seen all number of shit on the deep web and no you're not cool because you have been using tor for a year. I'm in my thirties with children of my own and have been on the internet since 1998. No beheading video or point blank execution. No scat porn or beastiality. None of that shit compares to what you hear in this video. I'd say this kid is dead to be totally honest. This may be part of a snuff film where this guy carries on the torture and rape for hours, days, or even weeks. Goddamnit. Hang these motherfuckers in public.

If you don't know if the screams are real, step away from your computer and go make a meaningful relationship with a human. They are real. 1000%

Geighborman ago

What is Worldcorpo in a nutshell?

cakeoflightylight ago

He's a creep and people need to see his face he raped a 12 year old girl and posts photos of his Dick online with his hair fetish of masturbating using girls' hair. He goes to CPP and hangs out around children. How he is out of jail is beyond me. He posted photos of himself eating out a baby doll.

fartyshorts ago

You can hit CTRL+S in that tab to save the code + content, but then you'd have to re-upload it somewhere.

bopper ago

I remember it. The twitter stuff.

User890020 ago

You should have archived it before posting!

Sheilaaliens ago

I explain my initial online encounter with Robert in this post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1647019 and how he is connected to all of this. And here's a prezi presentation that shows how he's connected to worldcorpo.net https://prezi.com/jctatsh7_ebc/httpworldcorponet/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy

Sheilaaliens ago

Yep we can fully conclude that, and that's terrible because he's a convicted pedophile. Thanks for sharing this!!

DarkMath ago

"convicted pedophile".......Where? Just curious. I heard it was in Maine but then someone said the Philipines. Is there a perp page for him somewhere?

nomorepepperoni ago

I have no doubts he's a complete creeper, it's the claims of CPP I question.

cakeoflightylight ago

He posted a video of himself at CPP with his paddles so he definitely hangs out there
Maybe trolling but still there

Fateswebb ago

That video was a hoax, which he admitted the same day in a different video, and I'm not convinced that guy is this same guy on here at all, but this does appear to be the guy from the worldcorp videos. I'm not sure why he thinks it's Robert because Robert for one has no teeth so this guy would have had to have lost his, also Robert just doesn't look the same... as this blog or worldcorp guy in the video. https://youtu.be/nWW7mj4Oroc

nomorepepperoni ago

His trolling would be consistent with how WorldCorp behaves.

nomorepepperoni ago

Oh THAT'S why he keeps showing up on here! Was wondering why people keep bringing this asshole up.

Did he claim that in the video, and was it made before PG? Can't help but wonder if he's trolling us like his other WorldCorp buddies.