theHubrisOfMan ago

oh yeah. I'm going to need a real source before I can get that creepy fucking cailou song out of my head.

zagreos ago

Nice try. The fact that there are so many shills spreading disinformation like this is only an additional proof that Pizzagate is real.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

the fact that worldcorp mods said it was podesta, with no evidence, other than the fact it sounds like the kid says john, leads me to believe they just traffic on their website. I'm a firm believer in following your gut instinct, and i believe this has nothing to do with podesta

theHubrisOfMan ago

I immediately think Dissociative Identity Disorder. I'd be willing to bet that these high-level abusers are a part of generational abuse. Or the Paul Bonacci's that never broke down.

Chatman ago

I read somewhere that they induce DID at a young age to make them succeptable to MKULTRA. Perhaps this is what this is?

TheTuringTest ago

The point is, the handler must have a dual personality in order to create dichotomy within the subject, chemical duality.

pmichel ago

that poor hysterical child screaming haunts me... also the man shouting I AM YOUR FUCKING DADDY NOW.... like he acquired the kid.

bibigirl_ ago

I listened again and heard the child say skippy more than once. What a coincidence

theHubrisOfMan ago

Not what he says. He says "I am your father. From now on you will call me your father." I'm not saying these videos aren't disturbing. I can't confirm how the footage was acquired. As a stepchild, I have had fights that sound similar to this. Also, it sounds like she could be yelling "Dad" but anyways.

Criticalthinker615 ago

as soon as i saw that child abuse video, "skippy" immediately came to mind

DangerPizza ago

Soros, MMFA trolls hate this post. Good work!

concernedaboutitall ago

Isn't that an effect of satanic ritual abuse and MK Ultra? The abuse creates a splitting in the personality.

Singleservename ago

That video is part of an Alternate Reality Game designed by worldcorp because they design ARGs. It's not Podesta or anyone connected to pizzagate.


AgainstTheNWO ago

If so, please give link or title or something so we can show with proof it's not what told/tought. If not, well, than i put little notice to your comment. If you can link to it, i would be very glad (the video is not true) and appreciated!

theHubrisOfMan ago

This video does a great job debunking the intention of the videos. I cant confirm the source of the footage.

AgainstTheNWO ago

Thank a lot for that video!! It does explain a lot, but debunking is not the right word if even she still tells there are questions.

Pechal ago

Anyone who takes a look at the other videos can see that its all an act, its just 2 of these videos you can't see anything so its believable.

And if you are not convinced by that, this guy has hundreds of raps uploaded on the soundcloud of the website. This is not a whistleblower.

AgainstTheNWO ago

which other videos? Do you have link?

libertyvs ago

Check various of the videos here:

Pechal ago

derram ago :

007 on Twitter: "Who is John Podesta's Alter Ego #SKIPPY.. This alias sounds like a pretty Disturbing and Sadistic creature... #PizzaGate🍕"

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