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Smarpan ago

Just keep it easy for the beginner's man. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. I truly appreciate this.

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Sorry it took me a little longer to get too it than I thought it would, account resurrected. Holidays family and all that. I'm more than just a web site admin you know.

On the replies to putt, As I've said I've buried my issues with voat. I think that showing mutual respect is probably the best way forward as we are all in the same fight. It would be stupid to make more enemies than we've already got.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Goys-R-Us ago

Yeah - same 6-7 faggots

You're agreeing with gabara and my point is he's a lying sack of shit.

Goys-R-Us ago

Wrong. And I never said I was either getwiththepogrom or kosherhivekicker. Go look through my comments and you'll see the original post. @gabara is a lying piece of shit. Also retarded.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Goys-R-Us ago

I already called his attention to it. Nothing happened. And I did say you were likely (I'm not certain) part of the downvoat brigade so fuck off right back at ya.


I’ll get on it at some point today. I’m considerably busier than I was when you were there.

gabara ago

Would explain why they are blaming all their woes on me and the rest of SBBH. There have been a lot of "new" accounts ranting about "muh sbbh".

gabara ago

If I recall they were telling people they used to be getwiththepogram and kosherhivekicker but then one of them logged in and disputed it. Looks like it sorted itself out.

Goys-R-Us ago

You're a fucking liar. I said I liked getwiththe pogroms and kosherhivekickers user names in response to somebody saying they like mine. Not only are you a brigading asshole, you truly are retarded. Get your caretaker to wipe your ass, bitch.

Goys-R-Us ago

Why don't you explain to me how I'm supposed to provide proof? I called gabara a retard and immediately I went from positive CCP to massively negative CCP. You were likely (I'm not certain) part of the downvoat brigade. So was AndrewBlazit, gabara and Dial_Indicator among others. How do I know? Because they all followed up with snarky, snide comments on a post that had nothing to do with them. Fuck off you disingenuous twat. If @PuttitOut gave a fuck he'd check the logs and ban you assholes for brigade manipulation.

Anything else wise ass?


Some times a joke is just a joke. I was more than happy to remove the badge. I’m not shy about telling people I’m Christian but we all need a sense of humor. Again you have my apologies, it was just a joke, you were far from the first person we gave a surprise badge too, look at @picmans profile.

ExpertShitposter ago

I object.

Admit that it was the Q-tards that gave you this idea. Gas all baby boomers. Then we can have whatever kind of rules we want. Also, gas zoomers.

alexendarjon32 ago

Agree with this.

cthulian_axioms ago

Putt, I don't know what your day job was before starting Voat, but you're building one hell of a resume for jobs you might want in the future. You're doing God's work -- keep it the fuck up.

OzzyOsmanS ago

Feel like a brand new person" - Every baby ever

Elbower_of_Quants ago

I'm a dust particle on the interweb mantle next to the fucking Voat naked Venus statue and I've been complaining about this shit forever....

Goys-R-Us ago

Don't like getting called out for brigading on voat, do you dickehead? Why else would you have so much hostility? Go suck on gabara's clit you piece of shit.

thezorch ago

How about a Controversial tag for anything with "strong or offensive language" in it. No censorship, just a fair warning to users if you view this you will see bad words. Reserve the NSFW tag for anything that's actually mature like porn and the occasional gory pic. Differentiating these two should allow some to view certain important Subverses without fear of being pink-slipped by their boss if they're at work. An alternative to using the words Controversial would be Bad Words, why this? It's funny that's why, if you can't laugh at controversy it isn't good controversy. That's why Blazing Saddles is the greatest anti-racism film ever made because it draws attention to it while at the same time it also pokes fun at it for how ludicrous racism is. Bad Words are only "bad" if you give them the power to be bad. If you change your personal definitions of what a word means they become less...I loathe using this word because of Snowflakes...offending. I'm rambling on here but I think you are all more than smart enough to get my point.

Elbower_of_Quants ago

Also, how to tag thezorch for being a moron.... please include this special tag

thezorch ago

How about adding a "Why So Salty" tag for little bitches.

UndeadTed ago

We still love you

girtablilu_34 ago

Just here too late for anyone to care, to say that I've been here awhile despite what this mask says, and I appreciate what you are doing, and your attempts to stand by your own moral code in what must be a sea of hideous yet tempting possibilities.

May your life going forward heavily feature wonderful surprises.

Goys-R-Us ago

Maybe you're part of a bunch of assholes that abuse voat? That seems a lot more likely you pig fucker.

PapShamir ago

I've seen this brought up here and elsewhere a bit, particularly by your "competition".

Not sure why. This wasn't censorship at all, nor particularly surprising given the category.

This all seems reasonable. You're owed an apology for being maligned over any of this. I'm grateful for the place, and sorry you needed to be NSFW custodian with your time. That's a poster's job, and nearly anywhere else would ban someone for it rather than assist tagging it correctly.

It's not like you flagged it NSFA, buried it, or disallowed adult words in the posts anymore. Then I'd be yelling with blinding boomer capslock.

Obviously open and explicit policy helps though, and thanks again.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

ty nigger foe bein str8 az a tranny. smilin

GhostSkin ago

How do you feel about ketchup on pizza?

WashingtonStandard ago

why is that word deemed NSFW? Is it pornographic? Is it somehow destructive to a person who reads the word you just wrote? Was this post marked NSFW? Sure, I get that it's not in the title, but the point is the same, isn't it? Will this also be applied to the neo-nazis on VOAT? I"m just curious as I'm new here. I honestly don't understand why this would be necessary.

heygeorge ago

I’m 14

SubhumanDeplorable ago

But I want to add, your site is deservedly the best. Some of the content on this site is extremely intelligent and informative. I am spreading the word as much as possible, this is the place to go for discussion and ideas.

Thank you for all you have done.

SubhumanDeplorable ago

I hate the racial slurs. It's beneath the intelligence of my 2000 years enlightened evolution.

Chempergrill ago


thebearfromstartrack ago

Voat is mine? It's for sale you know? Wanna buy it?

Goys-R-Us ago

I have no way of providing proof. You'd lose if I did because you're part of the brigade faggot. I hope you enjoy fucking voat over. Rules for thee but not for me and my faggot friends, right asshole?

reject_kikery ago

You are a great admin, thank you @PuttItOut.

Soli2023 ago

Thank you for this. Now I understand how that works. Knowing is half the battle!

AsOnlyIAm ago

I wondered what was going on! This explains so much!

Holonomic ago

Whatever @PuttItOut. It's all things you feel you need to do, and that's fine by me. I think we all trust your judgement unilaterally. I do. Your communications are all appreciated and valued. You have done excellent work with the site, even tho it has not been easy for you. That's admirable, especially given the lack of values these days.

BlockMe ago

I've argued - on a past account name - for this as well.

Another one suggestion, which was down voted like mad, was to charge a tax for down votes. Each DV would cost say 2 CCP.

This was back when sanegoat was wreaking havoc.

penisse ago

Thanks man. Whatever you're doing, you're doing it in ways that make me trust you. God bless you.

wewuzgoyim ago

i love you

YamaMaya ago

Off topic but explain this downvoat brigading I keep seeing. Have le reddit fags been trying to raid voat or something?

Pointman ago

Don't be too hard on yourself. There's a lot of people who appreciate your time and effort keeping open one of the few bastions of free speech.


DeeplyDisturbed ago

These are good moves @PuttItOut.

On another note, I hope you are taking steps to avoid getting gabbed, (taken down by isp/hosting service like they were)

Dismal_Swamp ago

Never relax dude

mightnotbearobot ago

I have. I just feel passionately about free speech.

think- ago

That's actually a very good idea, Kev. Although I admit that I was so proud when I was able to upvoat people after I had signed up! LOL. It made me feel being part of the crowd.

Garbalon ago

We appreciate your work.

WhiteWolfSS ago

As long as you don't turn this place into Reddit, it's all good niggerfaggot.

Takkix ago

Interesting. Nice thought.

Mind_Games ago

baby steps towards tyranny are still steps towards tyranny.

xenoPsychologist ago

animals should have sex! its how they keep their populations up!

xenoPsychologist ago

how could you do such a thing? i suppose worse things have been done. but dagnab, be careful with the voting limit settings! we dont wanna end up seeing only what the crazies want us to see. we will end up thinking the entire world is a flat tranny, too. may be getting my conspiracies mixed up.

DJB ago

man putt u keep it authentic. godbless u and godbless the US of A

edgelord666 ago

@PuttItOut you say "Points do matter, participation does matter.", in the context of having enough CCP to contribute. Because of the nature of this site you're essentially saying "being antisemetic frequently will allow you to participate more." Whether or not that was your intention this is an empirical fact about the site you have created. How do you feel about this? The idea of a fully free speech site sounds great on paper, but the fact is that this isn't a free speech site, since comments that go against the racist narrative here get downvoated and therefore limited in their ability to comment. Just because you don't literally delete comments doesn't mean there isn't a natural de facto form on censorship that occurs here. Why don't you check out v/science or v/technology right now, two subverses that should just be aimed at objective science. Check out a couple of the top comments on the top posts on those subverses right now. Are they talking about objective science or are they somehoe shoehorning "niggers" and "kikes" into whatever topic was posted? Your free speech experiment was a good idea, but ultimately this site just ends up scraping the filth off Reddit's shoe.

heygeorge ago

You should try experimenting with this in v/greatawakening. It’s my favorite shitposting sub!

mightnotbearobot ago

Yeah, and if you happen to have a different opinion you will not be able to say it. So much for free speech.

srayzie ago

Can we scoot around it by blending words like Putt_Is_A_Kike? Or would it still get the nigger flair? 👱🏿‍♀️

sguevar ago

Ok this made laugh.

srayzie ago


worthlesshope ago

I was thinking that accounts who try to game the system could be banished to some sort of shadowvoat. Similar to shadow banning, except all shadow users can see each others posts. While regular users cannot see their posts. This might trick them for awhile..

AOU ago

With default subs, that decision is left to Voat, and more specifically to me.

Voat isn't mine, it's yours, and as such, policy decisions will be communicated in advance going forward.

“A new fuck /u/spez appeared”


PuttItOut ago

It's funny how you can't quit me. Always checking in every few weeks.

AOU ago

Not really. Someone pinged me about this epic post that reminds me of reddit when they started implementing policing rules.

Holonomic ago

We all appreciate you coming out of your cave long enough to administer your words of wit.

PuttItOut ago

Fair enough. I can see that.


This is just sad man, I check back from time to time, I look at what you are doing and this move, I've got to say I am disappointed. I was impressed by what have you have done lately. You have really upped your game. You've been present active. This move though, not that my opinion matters it doesn't. You do you, but this move its one that supports free speech. Hope you are doing well.

PuttItOut ago

Well, don't stay away too long. Big things are in the works. I can understand your disappointment but it isn't a surprise either.


I support any platform as long as it supports free speech, I hope you continue to do the same. I've been on voat a long time, don't you think this is a step away from that? I've got less skin in the game here than I used too but I still wouldn't want to see this place start censoring words.

PuttItOut ago

You know what, I like you. You have a good head based on your communication with me. I think you've been respectful towards me when you don't have to be. I appreciate that.

With that said, I fully acknowledge how one might see this is a move in opposition of Free Speech. I don't consider it such or I wouldn't have done it. Extremes are abused, and I see this as a balance.


Well, thanks for saying that. I do my best, I'm not out to make enemies, I'd much rather make friends.

That said, like I said you do you, its your site and you can do with it as you wish. Best of luck(not that you need it) come check out sometime. Just be careful treading that line, I know its a hard one to walk, a lot of times you are forced to make choices that often there isn't a clear right or wrong. I've had a few times I've had to do that so far and it was tough. So really all I can say is best of luck.

Vindicator ago

I agree with this.

Redpilleveryone ago

Fuck you Putt for making Voat a safe space. May you burn in hell for eternity.

ANC3 ago

Huh? You can still say whatever you want.

But I have the option of filtering out those words etc when I am at work. Our computers here are fairly locked down, gmail blocked, of course the chans are blocked and also a lot of links. But I can still access Voat, although I am always on guard.

Honestly, some porn pic, if seen by a co-worker would get laughed off and I would be reminded that I could get fired behind that shit. But the racial words in topic headers wouldn't be taken so lightly.

Doesn't stop anyone from using those terms, or from me exploring that topic in the comfort of my home. Just lets me browse Voat at work while keeping my ass gainfully employed.

Niggertown ago

Putt has gone Linus on us.

Schreiber ago

Agreed 100%. I'm okay with requiring 100 ccp to get the initial 10 upvotes even.

Gorillion ago


Nigger Said Freely Within

ulovesexdoll ago

I also want to say that I don’t just want to comment, I also want to publish some of my own things or stories.

PuttItOut ago

We have a plan for that too. Soon.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Upon looking into manipulation on Voat, we discovered a massive hidden farm that was exploiting this setting

Who is "we"?


U monster I bet u even slept this month. TRAITOR

PuttItOut ago

You caught me napping on the job.

NoBlinders ago

Thanks mod for clearing this up & transparency and you're damn right! " nothing we do is impervious to manipulation" Let's see.. Florida....Georgia....Arizona

BlackPegasus ago

Good shit.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Can we get rid of all the jews?

FireSauce ago

GritD2 ago

all I have to say is BAAAA (good)

Bushpilot ago

l admit to being a newbie. You have three years on me. Doesn't lessen my patriotism. Haven't gotten up on the sarcasm as of yet. Learning more every day. Not asking to cut any slack, however.

Rotteuxx ago

Not sure if @searchvoat can go through comments to gather data though.

SearchVoat ago

Unfortunately I only have comment data for the last 12 months, so not useful trend-wise.

Overall the percentages are higher for comments than posts, and there appears to have been a slight drop in the use of 'nigger' for the last couple of months - since the Q influx.

Rotteuxx ago

Awesome ! Thx for delivering.


ur_wifes_boyfriend ago

You realize being on voat as t all is enough to get you fired right? The NSFW tag is pointless and redundant. Everything related to voat is NSFW.

Diggernicks ago

My boss hates niggers and im positive hes ok with anyone else hating kikes. If anything ill be closer to a promotion. Thanks voat!

Bushpilot ago

Guess I should of put LOL behind it so you would see it as a spoof.

PuttItOut ago

@Atko is closer than you know. :)

Atko ago

Hehe 😎😁

PuttItOut ago

Uh oh, everyone play cool. He's here.

GoyimNose ago

You have to have an account to see NSFW posts therefore its censoring posts to lurkers

bernitdown ago

But once they do level up some accounts, can’t they just upvote their other accounts and start cascading their farms?

Rotteuxx ago

How much do you claim there should be ?

harry_nash ago

This was much easier to take than Two Girls One Cup.

PuttItOut ago

I shouldn't respond

BrowardSheriff ago

Sounds good.

BraunF14 ago

I was wondering why one day I was going upvoat mad, I do a lot, and encountered no barrier to doing it as I normally do. I like to upvoat, pardon me. I do not down Voat except when used like it was meant to be used. I hope Voat stays alive forever.

GoyimNose ago

They are being censored though, not free speech

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I don't browse Voat at work. The DoD has it blocked.

Diggernicks ago

Cool story bro

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Thanks, bro. I thought it was cool and wanted to share.

Diggernicks ago

Don't think, you'll just end up hurting yourself.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Damn, I almost just went and did that, think. I really appreciate your help here.

anarcheril ago

All g dog, appreciate the honesty and openness here.

BentAxel ago

Thanks putt.

SpottyMatt ago


I'd like to be able to view NSFW or otherwise filtered content without having to log into an account.

Please allow cookie- or other local-storage-based toggling of this.

PuttItOut ago

This is possible

SearchVoatBot ago

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SpottyMatt ago


sunshine702 ago

Seems reasonable. Finee by me.

MaunaLoona ago

If these are your worst mistakes on the past few months then you're the best admin ever.

Gracyfunnel ago

Take advantage of these bank account information freee

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Gracyfunnel ago

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Gracyfunnel ago

Bank Account Number Routing Number Type 7041299608 125008547 Checking

Heujdjdjdiufjen ago

Jew making changes to monetize voat. As if all the bitcoin wasn't enough you greedy kike.

Diggernicks ago

Internet points don't matter. Get back to reddit.

PuttItOut ago

I'm outta here!

Canada_is_gay ago

Awful lot of homos up in this thread. I'm just saying.

XSS1337 ago

All hail Putt

HenryCabotLodge ago

You gots to love getting corrected by someone names Pen ShitLord. Ouch.


You were on the welding verse and Rotteuxx got you ehhh :)

I'm hoping to weld soon thanks to that crazy queerbecker @Rotteuxx

Thanks @Puttitout

Rotteuxx ago

Professionally or side project style ?


Side project, I have to deal with enough of you zinc heads at work.

PuttItOut ago

I love welding. You'll love it to!

carlip ago

Remove downvote meanie!

Bushpilot ago

Not so far way

Goathole ago

BLAH BLAH Blah, you're a cointelpro CIA plant trying to manipulate us into implicating ourselves into crimes of hate speech.


Voat isn't free speech! we're being controlled by this puppet master. OFF WITH HIS HEAD.

PuttItOut ago

But I've grown very attached to my head. I'd hate to sever ties now.

Asshat69 ago

As great as voat is this is another step closer to the soy lands of Reddit.

PuttItOut ago

If I hadn't heard this a hundred times about past situations you'd have a solid point.

Asshat69 ago

You're still doing a good thing by keeping this site alive and being transparent.

PuttItOut ago

Hey "ass hat" is one of my favorite terms.

Asshat69 ago

Guess that means it will never be banned for being offensive

Minxy_84 ago

I had to wait quite a while before I could do much of anything here other than comment and hope someone read and upvoated. When something is earned it appreciated right? I'll try QRV again now that you have harvested the farm. The shilling was too much this weekend.

Patriot17 ago

So true.

Dantes_Lady ago

Yep, shilling was bad this weekend.

Hand_of_Node ago

Some of the best shilling (ah, trolling?) mimics a starry-eyed Qcumber so well I can barely tell the difference.

freedumbz ago

Moar liek "Two goats, one Putt"

riposte ago

I'm very happy with all of these changes. I really like the autocensored nsfw filter on titles. Now I won't need third party software to filter out all the obnoxious kids lol.

think- ago


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KingHiss ago

Yells at the sky

think- ago

Forgive my ignorance, but what is NSFW ?

New Story From Work


@MolochHunter @Vindicator

MolochHunter ago

oh dear

someone gunna get the sack in 3...2...

think- ago


FuckYesJefferson ago

You're good, I'll just say joo and jiggaboo

primaryappellation ago

We need two levels of NSFW. Some people just don't want to see nudity or gore.

thelma ago

I think people consider looking at voat at work to be a no-no. Get some commie company who monitors its internet traffic and whamo-fucksville. I don't see a need for NSFW .. just visiting here would be considered enough by commie employers.

As for votes, I have many provisional votes in the trunk of my car.

shawnfromnh69 ago

We all screw up from time to time, I should have a trophy for my collection. Also thanks for clarifying everything with detail but no long winded, appreciated. I myself have been here for a while since I got sick of the sjw attitude over on Reddit like a disease and I would use 100 votes daily since I upvoat most stuff I agree with which is a lot but it can't hurt for me to be more discriminating in my voating.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Well, to be fair, Niggers are not suitable for work.

GoyimNose ago

How come your posts don't get NSFW tag when saying nigger or kike. Also you should make "cracker" & "beaner" trigger the nsfw as well. I can send you a list of POC nono words

PuttItOut ago

Titles only, in default subs only. Manual flairing when we see them, no automation.

GoyimNose ago

That's a little Reddit-tier. Voat is going to be voat, if you start to act like them then you'll become them. Reddit was once voat-tier

PuttItOut ago

The possibility is there yes. But my purpose is different.

GoyimNose ago

Road paved to hell is with good intentions

PuttItOut ago

I am not blind to the road ahead.

GoyimNose ago

Aye aye captain full speed ahead

PuttItOut ago

I assume your response is sarcastic but I know how you feel. I'd feel the same if I were you.

All I can say is that the destination is different although the path might share similarities at times. Remain skeptical and hold me to account.

GoyimNose ago

I did mean I'll stay with the site even if it does sink. Something else pop up to replace if it goes to shit.

I'd feel better if I knew we are heading, from my point of view you're trying to make it more normified?

PuttItOut ago

You know what scares the absolute hell out of the other side? People that become immune to vulgarity, that grow emotionally strong and words no longer have power over a person's emotional state, that can have a serious conversation about serious concerns and not have it framed as racist etc.

I'm trying to find the middle ground and it isn't easy.

I'm trying to expand free expression while playing against a stacked deck, in an environment that is hostile to it. I could martyr Voat by having no standards at all, but does that serve the bigger picture?

GoyimNose ago

I think you should really consider what you're saying. I now the get the purpose, is that what you really want though? If that is your goal I think it's super dooper gay however it is your website and its your rules. Right? If you are going with transparency then you should just outright make a post about the future vision so that voaters know whats coming.

PuttItOut ago

I've been known to think about things and I will do so based on this convo.

My only vision is Free Speech.

GoyimNose ago

If your only vision is free speech then you are severely misguided by this action. Voat was a haven of FS before, why limit it all? Only going to lead to more "changes", hopefully you can see through it. Cheers brother

PuttItOut ago

You're surely entitled to your opinion but I've been on the front lines for 4+ years so perhaps you should consider me a seasoned veteran who knows the war we are in.

GoyimNose ago

Me too, this is nothing more than bending the knee. They won't accept the site simply for putting NSFW, there's absolutely you could go to appease them. Voat will always been known as "that Nazi hate speech site!" simple because of its history. You'd have to make a new site entirely if you wanted a fresh start.

PuttItOut ago

I know this. I'm not attempting to counter that, which is what I believe you think my plan is. I'm not playing that game. It's tired and old and never works. I'd be foolish to even participate by their rules and according to their standards. I reject their world.

GoyimNose ago

You said the main reasoning was for browsing at work and if anyone saw, if this was the case and they knew what voat was it wouldint matter if they were on a SFW post or not, it has the same dogma as 4chan. Say your boss did see, "oh what's voat? I'll check it out when I get home" ruh-roh! unzips if you can't beat them then join them, take my up voat kind gentle sir! le sigh

Rotteuxx ago

Reading this comment thread would help a lot of people get some perspective... kinda like how you bitch slapped me the other day when I smacked you behind the head.

PuttItOut ago

That analogy made me laugh. I'm just glad we came out with a greater respect for one another. Isn't this how all conflict should end though?

Rotteuxx ago

Yep !

Well... either that or a sword fight. I wish we could still legally challenge people to duel sometimes I don't mean you btw

Hand_of_Node ago

Some compromise to further survival is usually better than suicide.

CultureOfCritique ago

Thanks for the transparency, it's a breath of fresh air after coming from platforms that ban, shadowban, and make changes with zero notice or oversight.

Keep up the good work, and keep those damn Israeli account farms out of our digital ethnostate.

Dfens ago

Thanks so much! This will be good for Voat and good for all of us who are working hard to see Voat succeed.

Zesty ago

You are awesome. Don't know what we'd do without you Putt

Attac ago

An admin who isn't a fagott. What a weird think to see.

PuttItOut ago

Sorry if I disappoint.

Wahaha ago

I don't really like the idea of people discovering voat not seeing the real voat and I also don't like the idea of people accessing voat (or really any site not related to work) from work. Content filtering only leads to bitching and people making their own filter bubbles. I don't like that shit.

PuttItOut ago

Neither do I, but the reality is, in real life if someone is screaming vulgar things in public most sensible people move to avoid it. One cannot expect to have an audience that is unwilling, which is what most desire who say things as explicitly and vulgarly as possible. They revel in the fact that they have an audience and abuse Free Speech instead of respect it. And this is not to mention the malicious groups who use this tactic to drive people away or frame Voat as a cesspool of filth.

If our purpose is to educate, that kind of communication is opposite our goal. This is where we begin to discuss the problems with Free Speech and how best to reach a reasonable compromise. This topic is for a future date though.

Wahaha ago

I'm not really into the educating others kind of thing. I just like this place because I and everyone else can say whatever they want without any consequences. This differentiation is a step away from what I like voat for.

EpiPendemic ago

I am going to have to insist you add whitey and faggot bc I feel marginalized not being included. In all seriousness though, why those two words only? I would have to say those two words are probably the two biggest offending words and that will fix 90% of whatever problem you are addressing so I guess I answered my own question never-mind - thanks for this great site fucker keep up the good work.

zyklon_b ago




captainstrange ago

Does this mean, in practice, people can forum-slide a post, or otherwise hide it from non-members, simply by posting the word nigger or kike in the comments?

Because if it does, it is a massive opportunity for shitheads to anonymously censor posts that are inconvenient to the narrative.

PuttItOut ago

No, this is only in titles as they are always displayed and visible when browsing. The comment section is not part of the equation.

ninjajunkie ago

You do what you gotta do chief. You've done us right this far, I have faith.

EveryBladeOfGrass ago

Is it possible you can tell us what some of the upvoted spam posts were. Wondering what the agenda looks like

PoundSign_999 ago

If you read Voat while at work you should be fired.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

my nigga

SteaksUSA ago

I don't know why everyone is sucking @PuttItOut's dick so much, adding an NSFW flair to every post just because it has 'nigger' or 'kike' in it is absurd and the first step to the SJWfication of this site. It's censorship and unnecessary, only porn and gore should get NSFW'd. Browsing Voat at work or in public is done at your own risk, submissions shouldn't get shadow censored because of the few dumbasses who do browse Voat in those situations. Fuck you Putt.

Hand_of_Node ago

Some might contend that adding an NSFW flair to every post just because it has 'porn' or 'gore' in it is absurd and the first step to the SJWfication of this site.

shawnfromnh69 ago

He's protecting Voaters jobs by doing this not being an ass or a prude. Hell if you were in a job where they can look up your net history at work and they find this and add it to the list to can you then you'd be grateful that work won't fire you for being a suspected racist or having all of work start treating you bad because someone said secretly that you were seen reading racist articles at work for the people keeping a low profile at work to not rock the boat.

SteaksUSA ago

The vast majority who isn't dumb enough to browse Voat at work or in public shouldn't suffer because of those who do.

shawnfromnh69 ago

Or we could stop saying this stuff on the open board and just in messages. We don't want them to use the GAB excuse again and you can say jew or black or muslim just don't have to use those words he stated and we'll get the message. Hell just say I hate jews and it's not a problem for anyone. Sorry but I like to take the safest path if it is the better one in the long run.

Dortex ago

So someone like me would be able to give the 1000 votes a day?

PuttItOut ago

That is correct

moviefreak ago

Chill - we love you. This platform is one of a few places on the internet that are still open to free speech, and you rock.

You are doing good and we love you, PuttItout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you!

Caliope ago

Oh all praise to the Baby Jebus the statue on the plastic dashboard altar on me automovile.... I saw the list and wept for the lost inhumanity. May they be devoured by Dool Of the Ravishing Lips! My name is what it is was and will be and I authorized the message: Attend and genuflect to my words of authorization: fuckashitpisscockcuntniggerjewkikewophumphumphump!€=¥¥>

Le_Squish ago

Thank you Putt.

Sometimes faggotry overcomes us, especially as OP, but I'm glad you prevailed. Now voat can be a speak easy.

19matthias52 ago

The system is perverted - no question. The system is sophisticated - no question. The system is not easy to see through - no question. The system is the matrix - no question. Do you want the red capsule and wonderland?

Very well, you have decided on the red pill, so I'll give you now try to explain what the matrix is, how it is structured, who it is has built, how it works and how you protect yourself from it and against it or how you can free yourself from it! Much of what you are It may sound incredible, but unfortunately it is the truth. I did not say it would be nice, I just said it was the Truth is.

Peace Treaty for the German Empire 1871 - 1918


  "The most dangerous man for the state is the one who does not care   can think of the prevailing superstitions and taboos.   Because he will almost inevitably come to the realization that the state   lying, mentally ill and unbearable. "

  - Henry Louis Mencken -

drj2 ago

That’s a solid idea. Farms won’t be able to upvoat each other to get the 10ccp.

Dismal_Swamp ago

We have bigger problems than THIS. Right now, rogue Sasquatches are sneaking thru the night and raiding people’s trashcans. Hide your chickens from these evil creatures!!!

Hand_of_Node ago

Dismal_Swamp ago

Raccoons don’t rape your pets in the night. Sleep with one eye open. Gripping your pet poodles tight.

BigFatDaddy ago

As much as I love to scream niggerkikefaggot at the top of my lungs, I agree with marking such content as NSFW. Free speech doesn't protect us from getting shitcanned if a kike boss happens to see a random niggerpost in our feed after all.

Good call Putt.

Hand_of_Node ago

On the other hand, could be seen as a service to those who "just happen to have" a kike boss.

BigFatDaddy ago

Given the prevalence of kikes in upper managerial positions, any of us who are gainfully employed have a good chance of having at least one.

Hand_of_Node ago

Is it a hopeless cause to hope people stop settling for being someones employee? That's probably a rhetorical question.

BigFatDaddy ago

Hey man, not everyone is a leader or an entrepreneur. Nothing wrong with it, just the way folks are.

mightnotbearobot ago

Free speech means you can only make ten posts per twenty four hours

PuttItOut ago

I'm not happy with this either but our system is better because of it. Imperfect yes, but not without benefit.

Looking at your CCP I'd venture to guess you reap what you sow.

mightnotbearobot ago

Yes, you can only disagree every 24 hours, Free speech just as it was intended.

Hand_of_Node ago

What's the character limit on a comment? 10,000? That's like 100,000 characters of disagreement per day. Should keep you busy for at least a few hours.

PuttItOut ago

Is it not better than being banned?

fluhthreeex ago

But if the hive-mind approves of your right-think you can post more!

AR47 ago

Lol proving the point always the same. Don’t change ok?

PsychoDesign ago

lord_nougat ago

Grabbin 'em by the pussy!!

Zammyanci ago

Aww integrity @ Voat ~ Thanks Putt.

digitalentity1497 ago

Thank you great Poobah. Thank you for your time and dedication. Thank you for Voat.

Nonymous608 ago

All of your work is appreciated PuttItOut, but none more-so than starting this site. VOAT is fucking amazing, and so are you for realizing the need for this place.

PuttItOut ago

@Atko started Voat, I've just carried the torch.

Letter-17 ago

Done, faggot!

AR47 ago

Just open a submission and read comments lol. I don’t need to waste my time on this kevdude. Look at introductions and usually first comment is

Jews did 9-11 or the popular variant of gas kikes. Lol

Just what Voat is now, and that doesn’t mean bad, and it don’t mean good either just what it is.

15010700? ago

Putt, we all make mistakes. The fact that this island of awesome is still around in the internet's ocean of shit is amazing. I will never join and participate in a community as I have here with you guys so keep up with the communication and the damned good work!

RumpRangerRick ago

I still love you man.

No homo.

Absolutely promise.

PuttItOut ago

Always sneaking up from behind!

Doglegwarrior ago

Wow we are bowing down to the jews.. kike is now a safe word we shouldnt use. Our overlords and rulers are on here for sure.

ilikeskittles ago

No yelling. Thanks for explaining and what you did was right in my eyes.

draaaak ago

This new CCP requirement sounds great. I called for something similar a while back for the purposes of blocking voat farming, and am very glad to see this put into effect.

sakuramboo ago

I like it. @puttitout implement this, please.

Optional-Reading ago

@puttitout Just out of curiosity, were the farming accounts banned or reprimanded in any way?

PuttItOut ago


Optional-Reading ago

Thank you for what you do bud

Gigglestick ago

You the goat putt

Joe10jo ago

Bwaaa! Only on Voat! It’s why I freakin’ love this site!!! ❤️

Tallest_Skil ago

Upon looking into manipulation on Voat, we discovered a massive hidden farm that was exploiting this setting, building up literally an army of accounts that can manipulate visibility of content via voting

Oh, so


you mean? How about that.

The unintended consequence... the v/QRV subverse. Many participate only in that subverse and as such, they have low CCP.

Good. FUCK THEM. You want to talk about manipulation, farms, and shills, there's your man.

gabara ago

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THANK YOU BASED @Tallest_Skil ! .

gabara ago

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freedumbz ago

Thank Mr. Skeltal

lord_nougat ago


gabara ago

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Great safety and security can be yours
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Samsquamch ago

Thank you for explaining your reasoning. Makes sense, I see no problems.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I never got the designation of "Adult" or "Mature". Porn is not for adults either. Its for brainwashed goy to feed their addiction. Nothing adult or mature about being a porn addict.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I never got the designation of "Adult" or "Mature". Porn is not for adults either.

The designation is that it's something that should be kept away from children, therefore it is "adult".

HoubovyTomas ago

And yet the average age of first exposure to pornography is under 11 years old.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I understand the implication but I'm saying its something that adults shouldn't really consume either. It's like writing "adult beverage" on a bottle of draino because children shouldn't drink draino.

It's a euphemism and I simply dislike it.

TexasInfidel ago

Two rounds to center mass,nice shootin

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Sounds like you've got hang-ups the rest of us don't.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Yeeee bud. Use "rest of us" to make yourself feel better. As if you are some eloquent man with a majority backing in your opinions.

I wouldn't give a fuck if I was the only person on Earth to hold a certain opinion. It's called being a real human being not a NPC.

What's your point? What's my hang up?

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

You sure you don't want to call me a "shill"?

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Are you sure you don't want to present a point or argument instead of jacking yourself off?

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

I made it already, dipshit. And you were too stupid to get it. Sorry 'bout that!

primaryappellation ago

"sounds like" Brilliant.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

No you didn't. I asked you to clarify what exactly you mean by my hangup.

Sorry you have the personality, intelligence and reading comprehension of a burning tire.

Carlosone ago

Bless you. Love you

Mike_Foster ago

Hate to get on the putt love bandwagon but thanks for putting up with all the autists. You have more patience with these sp-eds than I would.

Carlosone ago

We fight the dark state

lord_nougat ago

In night mode!

james780 ago

thanks for your work


Hey guys I heard that Putt is Q! WWG1WGA!

think- ago

Hey guys I heard that Putt is Q! WWG1WGA!

Hmm.....I was told I am Q..... :-P

@MolochHunter @Vindicator @srayzie @Shizy @Crensch

go1dfish ago

Sounds like reasonable changes to me.

I agree that posts with slurs that would typically get someone fired for saying them in the workplace should be marked NSFW.

In general I think most of the perceived problems of sites like this are solvable with categorization and user level filtering.

sguevar ago

I understand why you did it but I think a different tag should be used for the nigger, like etc words. The reason why that is is because I have that NSFW no show option just for the pornographic and such posts.

The words I don't care.

gabara ago

@Rotteuxx is the hero Voat needs!

Rotteuxx ago

That's why the shills love me :)

gabara ago

I made this for Kevdude:

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Great safety and security can be yours
but only if you reply to this comment with:

What should I use for you?

ExpertShitposter ago


Rotteuxx ago

Ffs, you're making me sit in front of a computer to look at ascii art...

You should use "Bonhomme Carnaval" for me ;)

gabara ago

Oh COURSE! I know who Bonhomme is! Love that guy!

AR47 ago


Can we be real with each other and the rest of this site? If you are browsing Voat on a computer or phone not yours and the person or company you work for......NSFW title is the last thing that you should be worried about because you know this place is committed to shock value above anything else.


You change is one of how you interpret the world and somehow in your world a site where almost every other comment is gassing the kikes or killing niggers is something you would view at work......I mean sure could happen.

The ccp shit is so damn used up as an argument and if anyone is here to be internet famous or get more likes, then take your ass to YouTube or something to shine.

DillHoleBagHands ago

Putt you're human. Mistakes happen. Don't worry about the few reeeeing in the background.

U gud maen.

Carlosone ago


LostandFound ago

All good putt thanks as always

irelandLost ago

Wtf?! The lad who provides us with this platform gratis, created and maintained by the sweat of his own brow made some relatively minor changes that he’s being entirely open about pretty soon after the fact? Shocked, appalled, and still grateful! Keep up the good work mo chara.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

or half of your CCP, which ever is highest


PuttItOut ago

This is why I said it's a large grey area.

We have no automated flairing. Don't plan on doing any automated flairing either.

PuttItOut ago

Fixed. Thanks.

gabara ago

Underrated comment!

Carlosone ago

Thanks for a place agree or disagree I'm able to speak my mind. FIND THE WAY TO PROFIT FROM OUR FREE SPEECH. YOU ARE A PATRIOT

gabara ago

You have been visited by the
@Womb_Raider of Miscegenation
You can be free of his cuckolding and misery
but only if you reply to this comment with:
FUCK YOU @Womb_Raider!

ExpertShitposter ago

FUCK YOU @Womb_Raider!

crazy_eyes ago

looks like you got this putt

MadWorld ago

For those interested, @PeaceSeeker's documentary is quite interesting. You can read about overall Voat activity in a nice short summary in /v/OneTruePutt.

Hand_of_Node ago

Thanks, that's a great summary sub.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Link to documentary?

gabara ago

You have been visited by the
Great freedom and lulz can be yours
but only if you reply to this comment with:

think- ago

Can I get an image like this with Justin Trudeau and his father, Fidel Castro?

That would be awesome! ;-P

@MolochHunter @kevdude @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch

gabara ago

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think- ago

Awww......THANK YOU!!!

@MolochHunter @srayzie @Shizy @Vindicator @Crensch - look!!!! I asked gabara to send pics of Justin T. and his father Fidel Castro... ;-P

gabara ago

I like to find ways to use my Autism powers for good.

think- ago


MolochHunter ago

amazing how you can still detect soy-cuck from a reduction to 4-tone

think- ago

LOL. Indeed. :-)

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Good idea. Would be nice if there were a separate "Hide/Show Porn" setting though.

I don't mind language, but get tired of blocking pr0n subs.

Yeah, I know this belongs in /ideasforvoat

Salicaz ago

Love you man, but who is this "we" you keep referring to?

PuttItOut ago

Us I suppose. We are all in this together.

Carlosone ago


Salicaz ago

We are indeed. raises glass

fluxusp ago

"If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake."

GhostSkin ago

Hi puttputt ;)

PuttItOut ago

Oh hi! How's the fam?

Bushpilot ago

Just a ? New here a week. How many here actually know who the fuck they are talking to?

weredawg ago

We all know each other. Hell, I know who you are now.

Bushpilot ago

3+ years eh? That's awhile. Glad to know you as well. Big learning curve here. Picking it up as I go.

Hand_of_Node ago

Search for Amateur Voat Enhancement and install it for 'more functionality'. I think github is a good source. I forget what all it does, and what's basic voat, but user tagging is a useful function. Looks like this:

[–] Bushpilot "New here a week. How many here actually know who the fuck they are talking to?" - [ +2 ] 3 points (+3|-0) 3.2 hours ago

Everything between your name and my vote score for you is the tag. This tag can appear in a number of colors for high visibility. I think it can contain up to 10,000 characters. Useful if you're the creepy stalker type, or if you just have a memory like a steel sieve.

weredawg ago

Jews did 9/11, keep that in mind and the rest will fall into place.

Bushpilot ago

Appears everybody who is anybody has barked on this thread.

Bushpilot ago

I had picked up on that early on.

GhostSkin ago

Im not @TheAmerican.

DeliciousOnions ago

As a side note, I think it's a good idea to encourage the QRV folks to get involved in the greater community. They're kind of building their own little Qtown there and not assimilating to Voat culture as far as I can tell.

Letter-17 ago

I came here for QRV and I’m trying to assimilate as best I can. I can’t be the only one. I lurked on Reddit and the chans but decided it was time to get my feet wet.

Hand_of_Node ago

Do you believe Q might be the second coming of Christ? I've seen that more than once in QRV.

Letter-17 ago

I wouldn’t go that far. There’s definite things that are to take place before that happens, if you believe the prophecies in the Bible.

Rotteuxx ago

I haven't seen any Qfag claim it openly but lots sure do behave as if it were so.

Hand_of_Node ago

[–] 15006273? 0 points (+0|-0) 9.1 hours ago

Many people doubted Jesus as well. What is your problem with Q? He is trying to help America and it is possible he is Christ.

Possibly a troll, but not that far out there.

think- ago

Try v/pizzagate. :-)

DeliciousOnions ago

Good on ya, then!

I'd also suggest you check out /v/JustGrowIt for some gardening stuff.

Rotteuxx ago

Thanks for bringing everyone up to speed !

PuttItOut ago

Thank you for calling me out.

Rotteuxx ago

Anytime El Jefe !

PuttItOut ago


Hmmm ago

Only some really hardcore people browse Voat at work. Respect.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

What about in class? Deep in the middle of enemy territory

boggle247 ago

I only do on my phone. And the words are small enough that I'm not worried about nigger or kike being read by anyone else. Hell if I was, I'd need to censor my texting too.

YugeDick ago

Shit nigger, I post at work.

redpilldessert ago

For those people, is it because you don't care if you get fired, or because your boss is based, or because you're a quick hand with the alt+tab shortcut?

jnola2 ago

TIL: I am hardcore.

a100167 ago

I don' t even lock my desktop when I'm away from my laptop. I got nigger and kike all over my screen, sometimes it's in a comment that I myself wrote yet didn't press submit yet.

I'm kinda cheating though cause I own the place and I don't hire niggers or kikes so that helps. Though I did hire a pajeet and some little chinaman or viet chang guy or whatever. The pajeet is a lazy fuck but the chinaman is doing pretty damn good.

boggle247 ago

The chinamen has yet to learn that outside of china he won't be killed for not working nearly to death.

watts2db ago

and often they don't care about racism hell many africans and beaners could give two shits as long as the checks clear

Thisismyvoatusername ago

To be fair, I think for some people shills being on Voat is work. Of course they would be unaffectedby the NSFW here since they are as likely to post it as to react against it.

gabara ago

Work is a great place to access Voat without my wife seeing.

YugeDick ago

Your wife shows you that hallmark shit from facebook, doesn't she? Then you pretend to chuckle, smile at her and tell her how nice it is.

gabara ago

Replace Facebook with 9gag and confirmed.

sakuramboo ago

You calling me hardcore? Gotta throwdown!

Reddit_traitor ago

i'm at work right now. 90% of my voating is at work...

Carlosone ago

I voat at work mostly

schmooble ago

Make sure you're using a VPN / tor fellas. Our corporate overlords would not be pleased to find out, and they can easily use it if you just access it directly.

Carlosone ago

Good advice

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

no guts, no glory.

middle_path ago

Hey man, good job owning up.

psymin ago

Thanks :)

Battlefat ago

Transparency is the only trans I’m down with

Not_a_redfugee ago


notfreespeech ago

Then you shouldn't trust PuttItOut. Voat is not transparent about the censorship that runs in this website. CCP requirement is just a shady way around it: everything that doesn't conform with established users is kept out and it doesn't take much to understand that today it is left-wing content but tomorrow it may be right-wing stuff that is not allowed.

Battlefat ago

Burt Reynolds’ ghost, is that you


Transformers. More than meets the eye.

cthulian_axioms ago


RageAgainstPizzagate ago

Amen! Respect for the humbleness Patriot!

ChiComs ago



When not logged in, Voat displays default subs without NSFW content.

There are TWO different voats now!!! Voat is essentially not voat unless you have an account.

I have never had a reddit account in my life and never had a slashdot account in my life. Not ever.

There should be a warning for lurkers that voat has gone private if you are hiding news articles from people not logged in!

One voat for lurkers hides all news articles with the word "Nigger" or Kike"!

Lurkers not logged in (a lot of voat members lurk for months or years) will not get to see the real voat.

The default should be NOT to censor news post titles of lurkers not logged in!!!

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @CriticalCore.

Posted automatically (#9247) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

freedumbz ago

If this was done your way it would open up accusations that Putt was requiring an account in an attempt to data farm. Methinks you would be crying about something like this if he went this way. Eat shit.

ChiComs ago

I think you misread my words, your logic is backwards in what you typed. read what you typed carefully. Then read what I typed. You realize that literally as of right now Putt is requiring an account to see the real voat, and for example is hiding news submissions with the word "kike" to lurkers. I have been a lurker on reddit and slashdot each for a decade. I would be horrified today to learn comments and articles on slashdot were hidden from lurkers with no visible indicators.

You have limited reading comprehension by claiming I should eat shit when you have NO IDEA the concept being discussed. At wrost, there needs to a be a visible NSFW toggle on lurkers screens that is static their entire session and VISIBLE STATE when alterred that clearly indicates censoring of news is enabled or disabled.

freedumbz ago

Potential to censorship doesn't mean it is happening. I'm a bit mixed on this myself as regular voat at work causes 0 issues for me. Maybe suggesting a NSFW filter in the right place would be the best option. I would word it better though as grammar and spelling are clearly not your strong suit.

TheTrigger ago

You're right, that bit threw up an instant red-flag, in my mind. I get the premise, and can appreciate the sentiment. I'd be more comfortable if voat had the default for non-signed-in accounts set to hiding NSFW content. But at least offer a toggle on the main bar, and give people the option to shut it off, without needing to sign in. That should be easy enough to code in a couple of seconds.

ForTheUltimate ago

I welcome the change, this will improve voat's image and thus popularity. At the same time, we retain the faggot control internally.

CriticalCore ago

What's the point in sharing an image of voat that's not true? That's if what people see on the outside is not what real content there is on the inside.

ForTheUltimate ago

trick more normies into getting redpilled. tbh the redpills on voat aren't very deep anywyay.

CriticalCore ago

So we should lie about what the site really is just to trick people into getting "red pilled." It's much more easier to just show them an edgy JQ meme when they load up the site if that's the goal.

shawnfromnh69 ago

No, disagree. I think all volitile stuff should be censored so we don't have a bunch of SJW's can't just cruise in and copy anything so they can say Voat is so bad and no one should be able to go there. I think censoring non users views might be a good thing.

SteaksUSA ago

This guy gets it. I like how the Voat goats sheep are also butthurt when I mentioned this:

ratsmack ago

It's not censoring... Mr drama queen.

CriticalCore ago

If it's not just removing pornographic and gore content from everyone's view, then what is it smarty pants? Should saying nigger and kike be treated equivalently to posting gore to those not logged in?

heroinwinsagain ago

Go the fuck on this is Q's plan you dumb shit

CriticalCore ago

Q is a honeypot

Deathperception ago

Q predicted you would say that


Haha that's gay

gabara ago

Did you know that if you kill a feminist and feed her to some pigs, pigs are actually cannibals and will eat the feminist?

Angelis_Solaris ago

Oh my gosh! That's repulsive!

gabara ago

Empty cans rattle the loudest.

6gorillion ago

You just stood there screaming

Fearing no one was listening to you

They say the empty can rattles the most

The sound of your own voice must soothe you

Hearing only what you want to hear

And knowing only what you've heard

You, you're smothered in tragedy

And you're out to save the world

cbramwel ago

Pigs are better characterized as omnivores. Pigs may be be, indeed, cannibals and eat their own. I've know some pigs who are feminists.

Volcris ago

pigs roll around in their own shit and mud and call it glorious. Definitely feminist.

sakuramboo ago

What about an alligator?

6million ago

You'll need to get one of them interior crocodile alligators as feminists rarely leave their house

Tzitzimitl ago

can you verify or strike down the rumors that this only works if you drive a chevrolet movie theater?

shawnfromnh69 ago

I guess we all should start breeding gators and pigs so we can clean up the political system in this country.

gabara ago

Yep! Crocs too!

sakuramboo ago

Maybe video games really DO influence peoples actions.

gabara ago

Oh no, no, I ran a few tests IRL before trying it in RDR2.

sakuramboo ago

I was wondering how it was a flawless execution in style in RDR2. Practice really does make perfect.

gabara ago

So in answer to your question, video games do NOT lead to violence. The violence happens first in practise

SIayfire122 ago

Transfat, manual transmission, transporter...

uvulectomy ago

Transfats are why Linux is having a "code of conduct" shoved into it. A bitter, mentally-deranged transfat wrote the "contributor covenant" that it's based on.

Transfats are bad, mmkay...

Intrixina ago


ThisIsMyRealName ago

Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Wait, you're down with transfat?

v888 ago

and The Trans Siberian Railway- dont forget that .

NoBlinders ago

Trans- fer provisional ballots in private cars

OneUnderNone ago

Transaction, transfer

ShineShooter ago

Found the hook nose

OneUnderNone ago

Lol k.

ThoseFeels ago

Transcendental magic. Transworld magazine ...

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike nigger kike

SIayfire122 ago

Dude. NSFW!

Trish_Pantscotti ago

Thank God, I thought this was going to be about me.

gabara ago

No means yes, and yes means anal.

primaryappellation ago

And affirmative consent means ocular

gabara ago


15010786? ago


gabara ago

This actually becomes more and more correct the hornier a woman gets. Or so I hear...

15011485? ago

I really don't understand why women want anything up their ass. It's really not like we can get legit pleasure from it like men do and their creepy milkable prostates.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

After a minute, having something up the normal hole gets boring for some women.

gabara ago

You sound like my wife about 15 years ago.

15012346? ago

You let her milk your prostate?

gabara ago


15013002? ago

That means yes.

Vindicator ago

Good Lord...this was the funniest thread I've read in weeks! Well playyyyyed.

15022477? ago

I couldn't help myself!

think- ago

Haha. Poor @gabara, you took him at his word. Lol.

15026642? ago

I don't know how he fell into that - him and zyklon pretty much taught me all I know xD adorable monster, he is.

Deathperception ago


gabara ago

I withhold consent! I withhold consent!

15014553? ago

In 'Murica it's "I plead the fifth!"

weredawg ago

We'll revisit the subject of creepiness when you people stop bleeding for no apparent reason.

Deathperception ago

" you people" KEK!!!

15011937? ago

Women are different than men. We do not create new sperm constantly (or eggs in this case). We have all our eggs from birth. Once we hit puberty we start ovulating, which prepares the womb for housing a fetus. When there is no sperm present after ovulation, thus begins the sloughing of the uterine lining and the egg. Hence, bleeding like a motherfucker by giving "mini birth" to a potential life. Cramps suck. Cramps whole reason I get snappy with others. PMS? PMS is that feeling when you know you're gonna be hurting for a few days in pure discomfort. Also, it's messy and smelly and holy shit period shits are a real thing too. Hmm.... shall I go on about it? Cuz I can. Bleeding for NO reason!!!

Bleeding for no apparent reason... That'd be like blood dripping out of our tear ducts but even that would have a reason! Bah.

think- ago


15012951? ago

I couldn't help myself. Lol

Ina_Pickle ago

TY for saving me the trouble

think- ago

Haha, I'm sure he will never again say 'people who are bleeding without reason'. :-P

Vindicator ago

Heh. The women of Voat. Gotta love 'em! The costly to acquire in meatspace.

think- ago


weredawg ago

Yeah, but it's not apparent just from looking. (Take it easy, buddy. I was just giving you shit.)

15012319? ago

Fuck you I'm bleeding for no reason!!! Reeeeeeee.

Nah I'm just messing with ya too. I like science.

Carlosone ago


TheKobold ago


I think the nsfw tag is a good change. I don't use the flag but it doesnt censor anything unless you are self censoring.

Nomad61900 ago

I don't see the canary disclaimer... we good?

WeekendBaker ago

No. 23 days ago.

ForTheUltimate ago

cannary? where?

hafen ago

If Voat's canary disclaimer were still meaningful today, this sort of thing would eventually see it become meaningless:

FuckYesJefferson ago

Canaries are pointless.

Hand_of_Node ago

As if the NSA and associates can't stroll though your servers at will.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

That's craZy talk

Hand_of_Node ago

craZy talk™

SIayfire122 ago

Pretty sure that's only for /v/announcements

CRKT_M16Z ago

Ah, good point.

CRKT_M16Z ago

First thing I noticed too. Until there is some sort of statement otherwise, then I'll assume something has been served.

C_Corax ago

It's the Grand Wizards over at QRV. I can appreciate their hate for the Jews, but they could be a bit more discrete about it.

Chadsden ago

The what?

fuckingmockies ago

Wii golf doesn't count.

Draurgothoth ago

Thanks Putt. Much love.

Carlosone ago

Amen yup

heroinwinsagain ago

thanks q, this is all part of the plan. not sure if you guys missed it, but in this message is the keys to unlocking the hole damn game.

get ready its happening.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Fuck the lazy faggot nigger kikes who complain about the CCP requirement. Go back to reddit!

notfreespeech ago

Poor idiot. You haven't realized yet that CCP requirement makes voat worse than reddit. Try to post something that doesn't doesn't conform with the current thinking and see for yourself how much free speech voat is.

Not_a_redfugee ago

An hero yourself Mr. Shillniggerstein

Ocelot ago

member for 5 hours

Neck yourself immediately.

Novastar ago

Someday I will get my downvoat privileges, but until then I will continue to respect the rules. Cause why the fuck not. Besides, if I was a more active and constructive member CCP wouldn't be a problem anyway.

Lynnwiod ago

You can easily get your 100 CCP with one seriously good post. I did, with this:


Just take a couple hours and write something fabulous!

Battlefat ago

Today is your someday bro

TheTrigger ago

Pretty much. Make one quick comment on ten-to-twenty posts in /new and you'd easily get to 100CCP. It's really not hard, all you're doing is basically proving you're not a bot.

Plavonica ago

There really should be a differentiation of NSFW and porn-nsfw .

penisse ago

Well, whatever being posted by @Aged should be automatically tagged as "NSFLegal".

Tzitzimitl ago

porn should have the HERESY label

watts2db ago

I was thinking this too

draaaak ago

And gore-nsfw... some people don't want to see exploded heads, but do like sexy ladies, and don't mind talking about niggerfaggotkikes.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

We are all niggerfaggotkikes in this blessed place.

Im surprised there isnt a Ken M. sub dedicated to his glorious contributions to the internet.

Wahaha ago

If you go down the rabbit hole that is content filtering, you soon discover that there is a whole lot more of distinctions you can make within nsfw. And that people are generally idiots and always get this wrong. The simple solution is to just work while on work and not browse voat at fucking all and completely remove nsfw filtering.

draaaak ago

I agree that voating at work is not a great idea. People should be working at work. That is why they're there... right?

primaryappellation ago

Some stuff can still get you fired in the break room, but you're right, anyone that gets paid to browse the Internet, should be put in a work camp

draaaak ago

I would like to see NSFL as an tag option. I know many people see the "L" as standing for "Life", but I see it as standing for "Lunch", as in, if you're eating, you might not want to see this, unless you want to either lose your appetite, or suddenly become bulimic.

Wahaha ago

That just means you weren't really hungry to begin with. Maybe that could be sold to fats as a dieting plan. Though, I don't think I ever stumbled upon that kind of content on the Internet. Or maybe I've just forgotten about it. The only kind of disturbing thing I remember watching years ago was this animated music video that I have forgotten everything about, except for the fact that it was .. disturbing. Hmm.

Hand_of_Node ago

Are you saying you missed videos like Funkytown, or that nothing fazes you anymore? I've seen that, and the worse one where they kill the father and son together by disassembling them, leaving the extraction of the beating heart until the far-too-extended end. In the first, Funky Town plays while cartels kill some dude. His face is skinned off, no eyes, hands cutoff, then they start cutting at his throat. The worst part is when he goes to protect his throat by bringing his arms up, then you can see his by his arm movements that he remembers he no longer has hands. Brutality x infinite with a lively soundtrack. Both of those are top of the NSFL scale.

Wahaha ago

Never seen stuff like that. If I did, I probably would find the close button real quick. You don't have to sit there and just watch it.

Hand_of_Node ago

True, but some of us are curious about what goes on out there. It's not all fun and games.

draaaak ago

I take it you either weren't online for, or just didn't ever see

Wahaha ago

I was vaguely aware that was a thing, but it wasn't a thing somebody forced me to look at, so I didn't. The worst thing somebody tricked me into seeing was probably the first half of encyclopedia dramaticas offended page.

draaaak ago

I had friends in high school who would gather around a computer in the comp lab and look at to gross each other out. I believe that was where I saw pics of Chris Farley's swollen dead body after he OD'd. Also a power-lifter who shit his intestines out his ass while attempting a lift. It was pretty terrible stuff. Early internet days were, interesting...

Wahaha ago

And to this day I've avoided watching 2Girls1Cup. No regret.

draaaak ago


Artofchoke ago

That's me.

YugeDick ago

Exploded head is a no. But a bagged head... There needs to be a distinction.

Wish you'd post more to that sub btw. ;)

Artofchoke ago


YugeDick ago

Thank you! ♡♡♡

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Because you get your hopes up?

PuttItOut ago

Yes, this will be discussed later. Obviously before any changes.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/OneTruePutt comment by @PeaceSeeker.

Posted automatically (#10380) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15023138? ago

Can you stop showing banned subs in random sub searches? I'm tired of landing in loli subs

jollux ago

Please implement something. I don't want to see porn, but have no restrictions on language.

Cannibalguy ago

Off the top of my head I have two ideas: 1. An additional tag marked "explicit" that is next to the NFSW tag and a different color 2. Instead of another tag, NSFW content that also includes nudity could simply have a different tag/color that says "NSFW/Explicit"

Explicit could also include images like gore, shit, etc.

kneo24 ago

The problem with different NSFW tags, or whatever the delineation will be is getting people to follow them. One NSFW tag works as a catch all. More than one will create some trolling opportunities.

"Look at me posting gore and just marking it as standard NSFW" or "Look at me posting porn and marking it as standard NSFW". Trolls aren't going to care about the downvoats. If you were to argue that it's NSFW and you are taking chances anyway, then why create multiple tags if one should be aware of the fact they're taking chances? It seems like an unnecessary thing to put effort into.

think- ago

What really concerns me, @PuttItOut, is that some subverses who allegedly feature 'skinny women' etc. really seem to have a lot of child porn = clearly underage girl content.

Child porn can be reported to the mods and Os, who subsequently will (hopefully) remove it, and send a report to you. (Like we've been doing on v/pizzagate.) But when the mods and Os of NSFW-porn subs are the ones who post this stuff, or condone posting it, nothing ever will be done, right?

We had at least one v/pizzagate researcher who recently deleted their account, because they stumbled upon some nasty underage stuff on a NSFW sub. Other users saw similar content, and were really upset.

It would be great to have a clear, known-to-all policy here on Voat that posting pics (rl pics) of underage girls will lead to content removal, banning of the user in question, and reporting him to US authorities.

Also maybe a special Voat email address where users can complain about cp content, and someone who takes care of this.

Thanks. :-)

(And just to add this here, as an advocate against sexual exploitation of children, I'm not happy with hentai posts either.)

On a side note, the lolli subs and the 'skinny' subs etc. really ruin the reputation of Voat imo. Yes, I know Voat is all about free speech. Still.

@MolochHunter @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @srayzie

Plavonica ago

Thank you.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I can confirm that personally I would like that differentiation. I have nsfw disabled all the time on my account, which is helpful because I don't want to see porn. I am however alright with offensive speech when I'm at home. What I find interesting is that the nsfw posts from QRV show up anyway all the time, even though I have nsfw disabled. Is there already a silent distinction in place?

Hand_of_Node ago

Not that I'm wanting it, but how do you see porn on voat? Is it on v/all if you go down far enough? I've been here for 3.4 years and have not seen any porn yet.

Vindicator ago

if you go down far enough

That's pretty funny :-)

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

It's very uncommon though present. Though other than browsing without being logged into an account I don't come across it. In fact this is in the top five reasons why I like voat. Most other forums are saturated with porn.

TheCompanionCube ago

If you check incoming at the right time

ShineShooter ago

Eh, just ban the subs

gabara ago

I think some issues for some users could be resolved (and many complaints eliminated) by having it so if someone who does not have NSFW content enabled in their profile settings, they won't see posts flagged NSFW in the unfiltered Incoming feed.

I know there are a few users that insist on downvoting any NSFW content they see since they can't filter it, mainly out of frustration. They have something of a point. Might lead to some peace between some users.

WispOtheWill ago

Thank you for trying so hard to keep Voat an honest place.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Bout time something was done about qrv. Fucking gamooks.

varialus ago

Would you please add an option to the Report Content feature to flag NSFW content that's not correctly tagged?

LisaScienceQueen ago

I second this!

thisistotallynotme ago

So, are there any vote caps on users above 10CCP? Do we get a notice if it's hit, or does it just quietly accept the upvoat and not register it?

PuttItOut ago

Yes, you will get a pop-up

Carlosone ago

Run for office Sir, we have your six.

thisistotallynotme ago

Good enough for me, thanks.

baneofretail ago

Thanks putt.

obsecro-morietur ago

Appreciate you acknowledging your mistake. I’m going to assume this is the first time changes have been made without you letting people know?

deadalus ago

Display the donation address in a more prominent position. Make it so that you can buy ads with bitcoin.

Gracyfunnel ago

Bank Account Number Routing Number Type 7041299608 125008547 Checking Here’s a free bank account enjoy

pcdude ago

We <3 putt too much to yell at you when you are looking.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Thanks Putt, we all love you.

Carlosone ago


VicariousJambi ago

Thanks for all you do Putt, we're all real people that all make mistakes.

hangry ago

Putt, we appreciate all of your hard work. Voat keeps me sane, thanks!

watts2db ago

I second this

Morbo ago

If you're the sane one, then what the fuck are the rest of us then?

hangry ago


Carlosone ago

Me too

thantik ago


/s :P

think- ago

gabara ago

I'm Canadian but @hangry is Australian. That's worse!

hangry ago

Didn't you see earlier today? The Flat Earther saying Australia doesn't exist? What more evidence do you need that I'm not Australian?

gabara ago

No! Australia is on the bottom of the flat earth, next to mexico and egg salad sandwiches

TheTrigger ago

Man, I'm eating an egg salad sandwich right now. 2spoopy4me

gabara ago

Egg Salad is poison!

kneo24 ago

Delicious poison, you philistine!

hangry ago

That does explain the smell...

gabara ago

Abo farts

hangry ago

Ha, I should have not been so definite about my sanity.

TheBuddha ago

This is voat. We don't admit mistakes. What are you, some kind of n00b?

TheKobold ago

You must be new here...

think- ago

You must be new here...



Thisismyvoatusername ago

That remains one of the best comments ever made on Voat.

TheBuddha ago

I just signed up yesterday!

I should do an introduction thread!

Carlosone ago

Welcome fag kike

TheBuddha ago

Thanks! Think I'll fit in well?

weredawg ago

That depends. Did the jews do 9/11?

TheBuddha ago

All of them. Every single Jew did it!

Err... I'm the wrong person to ask. Voat has made me love the Jews even more! They tell me that Jews are responsible for rock and roll, perverted sex acts, vulgarity, higher education, and media! Shit yeah, those are some of my favorite things! WOOHOO! I fucking love Jews!

weredawg ago

Shit, bro. You might not be cut out for that Voat life :(

TheBuddha ago

That's terrible!

Carlosone ago

Nigger fag Islam cock sucker..... You may be welcome

Carlosone ago

This place is soecial

lord_nougat ago

Fucking socialists!

OhRutherfordBehave ago

What community is responsible for building an army of accounts and manipulating visibility of content? I am not seeing that from my end, maybe that's because I usually don't move out of "front" which is tailored to my subscriptions.

gabara ago

You have been visited by the
@Womb_Raider of Miscegenation
You can be free of his cuckolding and misery
but only if you reply to this comment with:
FUCK YOU @Womb_Raider! []( " " )

Goys-R-Us ago

SBBH is big on brigading. Wouldn't be surprised if they manipulate content as well.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Says the new account i have never seen before....

Goys-R-Us ago

Your user name is pure cringe.

Carlosone ago

Let them come Jew fag nigger. Let them me

Syndicalism ago

Sounds good, thanks PuttItOut

Spud4ever ago

Forgive my ignorance, but what is NSFW ?

Hand_of_Node ago

Now Show Friendly Workmates

gabara ago

North-South Fraternity War. Google E-THUGING, 1990, and The Lord God @Zyklon_B (aka Enlil)

Demonsweat2 ago

Niggers Steal Fucking Welfare

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Not safe for work

TheKobold ago

Not safe for work

NoTrueScotsman ago

Not Safe For Work.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Not safe for work.

Spud4ever ago

Ah , thank you !

VicariousJambi ago

Not Safe For Work

Usually used to note if a post has porn / gore - that type of thing that might not be appropriate to look at at work.

SaveTheChildren ago

Youre a tranny

OriginalRealityCheck ago

Not Suitable For Work.

kneo24 ago

You're just a niggerfaggot like everyone else here.

gabara ago

You have been visited by the
Great freedom and lulz can be yours
but only if you reply to this comment with:

kneo24 ago


Am I doing it right?

UnknownAlias365 ago


70times7 ago

The entire world is nsfw/l

WispOtheWill ago

Yeah but that Voat post title could get you fired. Most of us need our jobs.

Carlosone ago

Fuck our jobs.We can survive

PuttItOut ago

Truth often is, that is for sure.

Vindicator ago

Truth often is, that is for sure.

That should be the Voat tagline, Putt:

Why Voat? Because Truth often isn't SFW