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GhostSkin ago

Hi puttputt ;)

PuttItOut ago

Oh hi! How's the fam?

Bushpilot ago

Just a ? New here a week. How many here actually know who the fuck they are talking to?

weredawg ago

We all know each other. Hell, I know who you are now.

Bushpilot ago

3+ years eh? That's awhile. Glad to know you as well. Big learning curve here. Picking it up as I go.

Hand_of_Node ago

Search for Amateur Voat Enhancement and install it for 'more functionality'. I think github is a good source. I forget what all it does, and what's basic voat, but user tagging is a useful function. Looks like this:

[–] Bushpilot "New here a week. How many here actually know who the fuck they are talking to?" - [ +2 ] 3 points (+3|-0) 3.2 hours ago

Everything between your name and my vote score for you is the tag. This tag can appear in a number of colors for high visibility. I think it can contain up to 10,000 characters. Useful if you're the creepy stalker type, or if you just have a memory like a steel sieve.

weredawg ago

Jews did 9/11, keep that in mind and the rest will fall into place.

Bushpilot ago

Appears everybody who is anybody has barked on this thread.

Bushpilot ago

I had picked up on that early on.