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15167520? ago

PuttItOut explains the NSFW usage in this post:

15167585? ago

I see the reason. I may not agree with it but, I understand.

15167705? ago

This subverse was created one hour before Q formally endorsed it.

I suspect the mods here were under instructions.

Please don't pretend a NSFW tag censors you.

The CCP rules are designed to prevent bots from automatically creating more bots and then destroying Voat.

Gaining some CCP is hardly going to kill you. It took me 30 mins when I first arrived.

Don't be a useless, whiny little nigger.

15167849? ago

Although, I would like to point out that there is a legitimate fear of “disappearing” this group. “Destroying” Voat. How would that happen?

15168137? ago

What a concern-troll question.

If Voat was banned from it's host servers then it would do what gab did.

15167975? ago

You glow in the dark.

15167760? ago

Thanks for the insight. The conclusion to your comment was hardly necessary as I am neither a nigger nor a bitch-fag.