silly_potato ago

I trust the plan. Patience, patience.

themoreyouknow ago

Patience is a virtue. Trump is patient. Trust the plan.

defcon_alpha_zebra ago

Excellent narrative Patriot. Well composed. I totally TRUST the PLAN. What many seem to misunderstand about speed in prosecutions is that ALL the Kings Men and Women have to be in place before the take down happens. If not then the bad actors will escape full prosecution and accountability. WWG1WGA! MAGA!

votinginvegasforREP ago

I definitely trust the plan and recently I have been getting bombarded with Democrat volunteers on my phone.

Hi,, , I'm Chris, a volunteer with Aaron Ford, the Democrat running for Attorney General of Nevada. He'll put NV families first and take on Drug Companies. May we add you to our list of supporters to receive occasional updates about the Campaign? Me: I will never ever Vote for a Democrat ever again. I will never forget Kavanaugh! Chris:Attorney Generals are such important positions. Aaron will put politics aside and take on polluters who poison our water, and drug dealers who prey on our communities. He'll also fight the opioid epidemic and support mental health programs that work. Would you be able to keep an open mind on this race.

If he is a Democrat he will never ever get my vote again. I will never forget what they did to Kavanaugh. Democrats did that. I use to be a Democrat, no more. No liberals they suck

Chris: Thanks for letting me know. Have a Great Day! Me: Chris you are on the wrong side!

KaySmith ago

This is a very good post! Thank you. I also have thought it was a sting from the beginning but was not sure Mueller was in on it, due to his friendship with Comey.

Rabbit_Runs_Deep ago

THIS Is What This Platform Was Intended For. We Need More Of THIS And Less Bullshit Posts.

Anon13 ago

@Gorillion you are spot on. We need a happening soon. The declassification will bring the story to the forefront. Inspire normies to know more. This can’t be eased into. There has to be a shock factor. An awakening for all. DECLASSIFY MR PRESIDENT.

UK2USA_patriot ago

brilliant analysis, patriot, thank you!

brentvsmaxivms ago

I remember last year when Q stared posting there was somer about HRC being arrested and she started wearing that boot. Nothing was said about that afterwards but in later posts Q talks about things being like a mirror. I think that it’s all been move up to this year starting at the end of this month. Plus Q talks about 11/11/18. Is that the day we start seeing arrests?

redlegleader ago

Very nice summation; however, I'm calling B.S. on your #4. To buy this, one would have believe that Patriot Officers currently serving [either in or out of uniform] (including Q?) would abandon their oath. They would not do that.

fuckmyreddit ago

I think there's something in the oath or in the Constitution that gives someone an obligation to fight enemies within the state in certain situations. I'm not military and I don't know the exact wording or where you would find it, but if I ever see it again, I'll try to post it. This thing I remember (somewhat vaguely) would give a member of the military an obligation to disobey orders. Anyone know what I'm trying to say? No one in my family has ever been military, so I don't know it.

Eradicatemall ago

Good post. I would add the massive arrests of Pedos/Human Traffickers - unprecedented numbers. One of Trumps first moves was to create a task force specifically for this purpose. ICE has been re-purposed to spearhead the attack on sex slavery and CP/pedos. No wonder the Dems want to "abolish ICE" - has nothing to do with immigrants as the Dems themselves supported strong immigration laws just a few years ago.

I think the low-level/non-famous trafficking/pedo-ring arrests are the public half, the sealed indictments are the public figures that have been implicated by these "civilian level" arrests. You can't arrest that many pedos and not have at least some famous people (politicians) implicated. Just look at the Saville scandal in the UK.

Saufsoldat ago

When? Name a date so I can laugh at you when nothing happens.

Sirnotabot ago

Fantastic Post. It sums everything up perfectly.

Other proofs for me .....

Withdrawal from the ICC ... The International Criminal Court is a self-appointed bunch of un-elected Elites who have given themselves power over Governments and the Rule of Law.

Withdrawal from the ICJ ... The International Court of Justice is a self-appointed bunch of un-elected Elites who have given themselves power over Governments and the Rule of Law who are supposed to be impartial and non-political, but are completely political, ruling against countries that go against the plans of the NWO.

Forcing NATO and Allies to pay their share of the costs for military protection.

Forcing the nations of the U.N. to pay their fair share of the costs and for the U.S. to stop subsidising them.

The huge number of human trafficking arrests and rescue of children ... constantly ignored by the MSM.

Wiping out ISIS in less than a year in partnership with Russia. ISIS grew under the eight years of Obama "fighting" them.

Russia, and North Korean, relations have improved to impossible levels compared to the pre-Trump era.

Pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord ... one of the biggest scams ever created.

Making appointments to the board of the Federal Reserve, which over the next few years, will eventually give the board a pro-Trump majority. It's already happening and there are enough spaces on the board to do it. The only problem is the delay between appointments. Off the top of my head, it's one appointment a year allowed.

There are probably more, but thanks again for the post.

fuckmyreddit ago

The Proofs that matter to me:

  1. McCain died after 30.
  2. Lindsey Graham is a new man. Look at the difference.

Miss_Nett ago

You must to have missed McCains execution, an GHW Bush his trial finished the end of Sept.I know he was fined 6 Billion dollars, There was chatter they would arrest Hillary 17th, and also that when that happened that ANTIFA would arise Armed. martial Law will happen if that's the case. Bloodshed once again on American soil many sealed indictments opened.

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

Thanks for the "Personal Proofs this is Happening". That said, I do not get how on earth we can control the outcome of the midterm elections to make sure we have the majority vote. The left has winning elections down pat, maybe not state by state, but certainly the results of a local election can be rigged and if you add enough of them together...well, there goes the majority to the wrong side. I have ZERO confidence in the outcome of an election in the United States of America. And the left has to be as pumped up as we are to make sure they don't lose the midterms...and they have a heck of a lot to lose. How can anyone be 100 % certain of the outcome of an election. "They" are mobilizing just like we are, and "they" have far fewer morals and scruples than we do.

If this is a multi century war, well I hope the heck not. If all the sick and perverted acts of our enemies aren't clearly proved and made aware to the entire nation and world, who besides us is going to believe "they" are THAT sick and demented? The wicked aren't going to give up their sick activities, AND fortunes without a fight. What happens to the banking system, will it still be in the hands of international financiers who control everything now? They are supposed to be sick and demented too. And what will happen to our national debt, totally out of control because of O. Will we be able to confiscate enough ill gotten gain to make a BIG dent in our national debt, or maybe wipe it out entirely. Who know how much that scum has squirreled away, but if its international, can we get it? I'm sorry I asked so many questions, but then I have a lot of questions, and have no idea where to get answers, so I'll try here. I trust the plan will work if we can take care of and fix snags quickly. Anyway, I'd appreciate some answers. .

Deplorable_Yooper ago

Why the big deal with Super Micro and the Chinese planting spy chips in servers? What are these servers connected to that's so important? VOTING MACHINES? Is this how they're doing it? It would require a massive network to process all this data and change votes in real time. A massive network like Apple and Amazon operate? Their servers had similar chips implanted, despite their denials.Where does Feinstein fit in?

kraftykat ago

Here ya go, I up voted you

007forGod ago

Important to know that not only the US, but the WORLD will benefit from this OP. In my country we have been seeing resignations, suicide, visits from Obama and Theresa May, increase in human trafficking, our President meeting with George Soros and also taking money from China... I truly believe what is happening here is linked to what POTUS, Q and the team and the ANONS are doing. Love being alive in this time!!

BTMomma ago

How do I copy the whole thing w links attached! Good stuff here!

patriothenry69 ago

Fine post. I believe you are spot on!! God Bless!! WWG1WGA!!

JCsgirl ago

This is my first comment. I’ve been following Q for a couple of months, and “lurking” on voat, trying to learn and understand for a few weeks. Thank you for this invaluable post. It’s obvious you put a lot of work into it, and it’s much appreciated. For me it’s as if you’ve turned the lights up and I’ve awakened to realize I’m an extra in the most evil, twisted, convoluted, real-life murder psycho-thriller ever devised! I thank God for the work of Q+ and all anons who research and post. I will definitely direct people to this. Blessings to you!

Aces8 ago

You're reaching far with this post. A month away from election night I told everyone I knew Trump was going to win and the way I knew was so fucking simple. The rallies. My first Trump rally was insane. I left there fully aware this was much more than an election. It was like a mass awakening had occurred. People were beyond enthusiastic. You could literally feel it in the air. As the months wore on the media did everything they could to hide the fact Trump was pulling record rally numbers. Meanwhile Hillary's rallies literally sucked ass. It's just common sense.
So whenever I see someone make the statement, "we really have no idea how he won" I call 100% bullshit. This mantra of "they never thought she would lose" was total bullshit too. You know how I know that? Fucking Russia Gate, that's how. Those leftists cucks in DC set that shit up way before the 2016 election as their insurance policy because they could see the writing on the wall. That fucking cunt Hillary had already lost the election before it even occurred and they fucking knew it. So I call total 100% bullshit on anyone who says "we don't know how Trump won" or "They never thought she would lose" At this point I really don't care if Q is a fucking LARP or not because the bottom line is Q has red pilled a shit load of people and that is ultimately a good thing. What I don't like is the constantly moving goal posts on results like when the fuck some high level arrests are going to occur. All these promises about PAIN COMING have turned out to be 100% bullshit. Call me a shill or whatever I don't give a shit. Show me a single high level arrest and I will concede this part of my argument. BTW...many of you do not understand what those sealed indictments necessarily represent. It's a common misconception they correlate to Deep State arrests. They don't. Some may but most of them are the standard shit people are being indicted for. Human trafficking, drug trafficking, guns, etc. None of the stuff many of us truly hope for. Someone on GA posted an excellent graphic a few months back before the cock sucking leftists at Reddit closed down GA and he drew a direct correlation to where the highest number of sealed indictments were to the highest level of crime percentages in the US. There was a direct correlation between the numbers. Ultimately unless people at high levels go to prison then the fucking dirty sell out America machine will never stop working. Another name for being red pilled is called critical thinking. And everyone reading this has the ability to critically think for themselves and use common sense. We don't need to place faith in a false messiah anon poster claiming to be an insider with a direct connection to POTUS.

VioletStorms ago

Agree we shouldn’t be blindly following false messiahs, but the genius of the whole Q thing was how to get people interested in politics. Politics (I think for most) is about as exciting as watching grass grow. It’s dry, it’s dull, it’s boring. I know for me, for my entire adult life, I've never been interested in it. But without the people being interested in what was happening in their own government (which is where we've been for the last 50 years, and why things became such a mess) there was no hope for either change or enthusiasm and the grassroots support needed to maintain it. Q not only has thrown out food for thought and dots to connect but the way it's been done by a) crafting a message in a forum where the message itself can't be adulterated by the MSM and b) offering almost daily updates (the instant gratification thing) - reels people in and keeps curiosity and, more importantly, enthusiasm high. In this age of blanket Mockingbird media the plan itself was brilliant. In not even 12 months it’s ignited a renewed and intense interest in government and politics like nothing else could. Reading an article or watching a political news program would never have organically grown and sustained public interest in the subject like this has. So the plan itself, of how to engage the Public (to redpill them along the way) was genius. This new massive public groundswell of support (and the increasingly-insane antics of the other side) guarantees a red wave coming. You're right that prior to the election of Trump many in the HRC camp would've had their doubts about her winning. Her tainted past record of criminality, her husband's tainted past record of criminality and sexual assaults, her obvious failing health, the favours owed and the graft and the cronyism were all going against her and they knew it. But despite knowing it, they were secure in the knowledge that they'd rigged the election process, they'd bought off and bribed who they needed to and leveraged any others. So even though they KNEW she wouldn't win honestly, they were sure she'd still win regardless. I think that's the real message of “they never thought she would lose”. It was sheer arrogance. They were so completely corrupt that they believed they'd covered all bases. Well, as history has since shown, they didn't cover quite enough. Even fully stacking the deck wasn't enough to negate her poor support (or overcome Trump's titanic support). In hindsight it's now to our advantage that they WERE so arrogant and believed she'd never lose. It made them complacent and sloppy. And their evidence is now everywhere ready to be used against them.

Aces8 ago

Well I am genuinely happy for you but let me say this with some tough love. The entire concept of the Deep State has been ongoing since before the US became its own country. The Deep State inside the US government is nothing but a very, very small arm of the global cabal at work. Politics are their means to enact their subversive legislation. You need to expand past "politics" and get woke at a very deep level. There is information out there to keep you educated for a lifetime.

Start with "The Committee of 300" by John Coleman. Start there and use it as a manual. Don't read it like a book. It will open your eyes at a deeper level than you can imagine.

VioletStorms ago

Always appreciate a good recommendation and was able to download a pdf of this book. I think most here are invested more deeply than just surface politics (because the roots of what we're seeing today go so far back in history) but I was really just making the point that the Q plan’s success was in motivating people who might otherwise have never been interested, to really start questioning why and how we got to this point. Its value was in fostering a desire to fully understand how the past has contributed to the present. And I agree, its a lifelong course in self education. It won't have an end but we'll be a whole lot wiser for the effort.

Blessed_Revolution78 ago

Blessed to Teach is going over your post right now live on his YouTube channel! Check it out!!

ButtersThatsMe ago

Unleash Justice Kavanaugh

Lynnwiod ago

No kidding.

KBinWV ago

Blessed2Teach is going over your post! Spread the Word! WWG1WGA!

ButtersThatsMe ago

Blessed 2 Teach should check his gab ai I send memes to his wall I don’t have shitter or FB anymore

Kastemato77 ago

Juicy. Gonna hang onto this one. Awesome.

mustang10 ago

Good thought process and analysis.

Grandmavickie ago

Thank you very good read. I think you are dead on.

Qanology ago


Qanology ago

Oh, so that is not a fact? Ok, sorry I thought it was stated as a fact, thought I missed that drop! Thank you.

bodelist ago

Excellent read I agree wholeheartedly.

UKD ago

The "Obama's Secret Pardons" image you linked isn't readable, but this one is:

Lynnwiod ago

Thank you I swapped it out! (in all 3 places)

UKD ago

Kudos, you're on it dude. Happy to be in the fight with you. :)

Labreu ago

Excellent post. Thanks for sharing!

mlsaw94 ago

Is there a place that I could have seen all the funds confiscated? Thought I saw it on but can't find it anywhere and you didn't I guess!!!! I dreamed it. Glad I didn't bet any money on it haha. I'm still just sure I saw it. Oh well. Again, great read. You did a wonderful job!

Lynnwiod ago

There is this doc in #3 in my post...

That only tells you WHO, maybe if you follow links in the names it will give more info.

mlsaw94 ago

thank you

mlsaw94 ago


Tallest_Skil ago


Irrelevant to any claims made. Equally usable to house white nationalists.


Irrelevant to any claims made. Equally usable to charge white nationalists.

confiscation of assets re human trafficking

We’ve seen that in use already via the child trafficking arrests. They have to wind down their operations in advance of the legalization of pedophilia. If the public were to learn about a hidden child trafficking ring, that would look bad. Without the existence of said trafficking, it becomes easier to normalize the idea that having sex with children is sane and normal.

2016 election military coup

Nothing that has ever happened would lead you to believe this. The military works exclusively for Israel and the promotion of white genocide. No actions taken by the military have been in opposition to Israel’s plans.

Obama pardoned

Nice evidence there.


Irrelevant to any claims made. Equally usable to charge white nationalists. You don’t seem to understand what they are.


Which happen every year.

trust sessions

Who has proven to be a traitor to the republic. Great job, dipshit.


Oh, the zionist puppet who actively promotes white genocide, you mean?

record appointments

So? You realize when these people started taking their positions, right? Go back 30 years.

fuckmyreddit ago

Hey, how you doing, Tallest Shill? Haven't seen you on voat in days. You must have been busy.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for continuing to be wrong.

Lynnwiod ago

A bit of a Negative Nancy, but I upvoted you anyway. Thanks for the pause...

Tallest_Skil ago

Why can’t you account for any of your beliefs?

Lynnwiod ago

Huh? What comment of mine are you referring to. I will explain. I own my beliefs so nit sure what you mean..

Tallest_Skil ago

The OP of the thread. There’s nothing in reality that points to any of the claims being true.

Lynnwiod ago

Sure there is, so sad you don't see it. Thanks ok, have a nice life.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong. Go fuck yourself, you literal traitor. How is this difficult for you to understand? MAKE A CLAIM, PROVIDE PROOF. You have nothing.

fuckmyreddit ago

@Lynnwiod Most of voat ignores Are_we_sure and Tallest_Skil (who has been nicknamed Tallest Shill) so I just thought I'd let you know if you're new. I don't know if they're actually shills for sure. I haven't been here forever like most of the goats.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for paid shilling and libel.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

The United States military is the undisputed leader in teaching both insurgency and counter insurgency doctrine. There is exactly zero chance that they have not seen very clearly what is going on. The only real question was whether or not they were going to do something about it.

The overthrow of Ukraine, and Putin's return to full nuclear defense mode, are the events I see which forced the US military's hand in finally deciding to act. It was do this or WWIII. Putin got on the phone to the Pentagon and said, if it's WWIII you want, that is what you will get. Do something or else. That was back in 2014. Then the military backed Trump.

The Dems will not be allowed to return to power in their current format. The globalists of both parties are being systematically purged.

fuckmyreddit ago

@CrustyBeaver52, that makes sense. I've never heard it said exactly that way, but it's consistent with the things I've read. Thanks for that.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Also watch carefully - there are signs the same thing is developing in England.

Tommy Robinson standing with the troops.

That's not an accident.

Lynnwiod ago

I agree completely. The conservative PTB will do whatever it takes to keep them out of power. Period.

NoRoyalty ago

We hear Trump with a new narrative this past week. "The D's are too dangerous to be allowed to govern." I was ecstatic when he turned that corner.

mslibertyrider ago

Thank you for your extensive and thoughtful theory of events. Those who pass negative judgement are just that, 'negative'. It is far easier to criticize then stepping out and proposing something new ! If it had not been for "Q" we all would not be here at this time and in this forum. Give credit for credit due. I appreciate your passion and dedication, and look forward to more theories. All the best. God Bless.

R2077R ago



A lot of us have known about the cabal for years. Before Q I wondered how we were going to fight this war. We were scattered, wasn't aware of each other, didn't trust anyone, and had limited resources. I knew that when the fighting broke out that I would join in and do what I could. I also knew we would probably be beaten down. There are more of us but as I said, limited resources, scattered, trust.....= failure against the deep state. Q has given us a better way. Heck Q has said they are going to do pretty much all of it for us. They need us to understand what is happening and spread the word to those around us. We also need to vote and get others to vote!!! I thank you for this post and all that you put into it. With Q or without Q we now have a better chance of winning this battle because of Q.

Lynnwiod ago

Yes! That's why when people say "Q is "FAKE" a "LARP" -- my reply is, it doesn't matter. The phenomenon has brought us together with a common goal, and a plan. Plus, WE HAVE A LEADER. Whoever it is, what is is, is of no consequence.

fuckmyreddit ago

@Lynnwiod, I say the same thing. It does not matter.

I actually believe Q is the real deal most of the time, but then I have to wonder how much faith to put into a phantom of the internet. But, it doesn't matter if Q is some 12 year old boy or if Q is POTUS. Q has brought us together into a community and a force for good.

Onetime1 ago

Great post. Thanks. Q is most certainly NOT a Larp.

52949819 ago

This is what I said. I personally no longer believe Q is real, but I damn sure know this movement is real and I can see progress. I really wish Q would resurface to keep everyone at ease. He is disappearing at the worst of times.

fuckmyreddit ago

Maybe Q really is John John and he had to hide in China. Maybe Q is Flynn and they need him for strategy. Maybe Q is Ivanka and her baby is sick. Maybe everyone in the White House is trying to defuse a nuclear bomb in the building. I doubt it's any of that, but who would have thought the cabal would shoot missiles at Trump?

We have no clue what's going on. Maybe they're breaking Schumer ' kneecaps. I don't think they're getting drunk and watching MTV.


That breaking Shumers kneecaps thing sounds like a lot of fun! If that's it I hope they at least tape it so we can watch later!

Blessed_Revolution78 ago

Damn dude!! Well put to say the least. Twitter is absolutely evil. I find myself losing patience with the pace of this whole thing, especially now with the midterms so close, but always come back to “trust the plan”. I tell my friends and family that have been red pilled to trust the damn plan almost daily when they see shit like that SCOTUS circus. It’s hard to keep them all in it for the long game. I am the one running around dropping little red pill seeds that have grown quite well, but it requires me to water it like a plant or they tend to fall back into the MSM narrative. I am going to show them your post as it hits all the nails right on the head! Thanks for taking the time to put this together for us. Very well done!!!

fuckmyreddit ago

Hey Blessed, you are lucky to have fam that even listens to you. My bio family thinks the NAZI's and Trump are trying to take over everything and Trump is evil. My husband is a lifelong Republican and I have to keep telling him to calm down almost daily and explain why it's taking so long.

Blessed_Revolution78 ago

Also, I have found that the lifelong Republicans can be more stubborn about Trump than even the moderate Dems that mostly surround me. Selling them on the Great Awakening has been an even bigger challenge. They are even more skeptical of our movement than anyone. The Dems aren’t our only obstacles, which is why this is truly taking so long. There’s a lot of resistance from our own side!

Blessed_Revolution78 ago

I’m from deep blue MA and it took some serious work to get where we are now. Stay calm and make your points clear and concise. They simply were worn down over time. Logic is our friend in this, the greatest debate of not just our age, but any since the fall of Rome! WWG1WGA!! Keep calm and Qanon! (I need one of those t shirts!). Best wishes!!

Lynnwiod ago

Don't lose patience. If you have to, push away from the computer for a couple days. It helps, really does. You come back and there's CHANGES!!! We sit here day after day, hour after hour, it's like waiting for the pot of water to boil... but much worse. I really do understand, but think of the SCOPE.

Blessed_Revolution78 ago

Thanks friend. I will never lose faith. What we have here is a movement unlike anything that the world has ever seen. We are truly legion and even if Q disappeared today, it wouldn’t matter. This is a movement for positive change and the eradication of corruption at the highest levels for the sake of saving our dear Republic. We must win for the sake of our children, so they can know that true liberty is not only possible, but our God given right!! My frustrations are compounded with a constant barrage of MSM on my phone, laptop, and iPad. I will take your advice and step back. I’m always afraid that I will miss the subtle clues of The Storm if I stop watching it night and day. Thanks for the advice Patriot! WWG1WGA!!

Lynnwiod ago

You are so welcome. I am so honored to be part of this movement. Be sure to buy a Q shirt to pass onto your grandkids!!

Blessed_Revolution78 ago

I already have 2 friend! I get some funny looks at work but I don’t care. One day when the rubes wake up they will know that I was standing on the right side of history, with the true Patriots. I’m in this with you all and it’s the greatest honor of my life. I am surprised that I haven’t been at least verbally attacked here in super liberal MA. I truly believe that our elections here are completely rigged. I can’t name one person in my life that was a Hillary supporter. I run a large company and meet a lot of people every day and never encountered anyone that thought she was right for US. Trump signs and support were everywhere in 2016. I know that’s not what you were talking about here, just an interesting perspective on my local citizenry.

Lynnwiod ago

Hey, I'm in Seattle, I feel your pain. My friend was wearing MY MAGA HAT, and he got is knocked off his head in a bar. So we just put it away for a bit.... I wear my Q shirt though!!! Waiting for someone to point and smile!

fuckmyreddit ago

Hi, I was raised in Seattle. I can't handle those people and we've moved out of the area. It was once a great place to live. Obama's Visa changes, the influx of immigrants, the politicians going full retard. It's changed so much, but I saw it decades and decades ago when people in Europe thought we said we lived in DC and no one in the states knew where Seattle even was.

Blessed_Revolution78 ago

No one says anything. I have had a few funny looks but other than my misguided father in law, no one has said a word. It may be because I’m a fairly imposing looking dude! Lol. I have enlisted 42 friends and family members to go out and vote against Pocahontas! I’m trying to get more! May a giant red wave crash upon the shores of WA and MA on November the 6th!! God bless friend!!

TrulyISayToThee ago

I have found that a few doses of bourbon every night helps.

Lynnwiod ago

hehe, --Bourbon makes me angry, but I do nip on the Vodka!!

TrulyISayToThee ago

Whatever it takes, Patriot!

GweninKC ago

Great post. Many of us are grateful for this reminder. A boost to the spirits for sure. Thx.

rwg587 ago

ok, saw answer, thanks

rwg587 ago

outstanding, do you mind if used elsewhere?

Lynnwiod ago

PLEASE DO! I have had so many requests that I put PERMISSION at the top!!

Lynnwiod ago

Please do. Let's counter the naysayers and concern-trolls!!

l0ng_time_lurker ago

Very good point "4) The way I see it -- The 2016 election was a soft Military Coup--face it, most republicans never expected Trump to win. We really have no idea how that came about. No other President EVER has had so many military people in their cabinet. Mostly Marines. It is my belief that we have an undeclared Junta. Trump is the front man, the token civilian--for optics--but really just a small part in this mammoth operation." - > Trump serves as the focal point, and all his military cabinet members as well as chief of staff can work outside the spot light.

NaplesTennisDiva ago

Outstanding ! Thank you for this.
I'm ready to fight for this great land. God bless the president and God bless the United States !

Churlish_Rogue ago

I'll believe it when I see the Israeli Synagogue of Satan parasite finally cut off of America's underbelly and cast aside to shrivel and die. Rothschild vampires and all. So far Q continues to look like divide and conquer tactics.

Q = civic nationalism pied piper operation

There is no shortage of fools in this movement ironically calling themselves and each other 'patriots' ad nauseum, as if the incessant repitition somehow makes it true, while simultaneously pushing a pro-diversity viewpoint that is completely antithetical to the explicit intentions for America laid out by the actual founders.

I wouldn't consider those who make the founders spin in their graves to be 'patriots'. More like 'comrades', since civic nationalism has Marxist roots.

fuckmyreddit ago

Hey Churlish Rogue:

He's a patriot,

She's a patriot,

We're a patriot,

They're a patriot,

Wouldn't you like to be a patriot, too!


This is the land of free speech faggot. Piss off and roll in your own shite PatriotFag. Or should I say ComradeFag?

Churlish_Rogue ago

Your cult-like repitition doesn't make it true, little comrade. But we both know that won't stop you true believers. The action is part and parcel of keeping the faith, after all. If you don't reinforce it constantly, the sheep may begin to realize it isn't true.

You can tantrum and project your incontinence onto me all you want, all you're really doing is proving my point. You don't have anything even remotely close to an intelligent response to refute what I have said. Your petulant head balking, however, speaks volumes in and of itself.

fuckmyreddit ago

I've been a goat for a couple of years, so I'm not a refugee. I was singing an old ad jingle in one part of my comment but you're too young to remember it.

I agree with you about the repetitive mind-numbing behavior, but these are the people who will go out and get normies ready for the tribunals... if all this Q is real. If Q is not real we may end up in a house to house civil war, so I hope these Q followers will March around explaining what they know.

I hope they go 2x2 in suits and ties like mormon missionaries to spread the good word of Q.

I personally would have voted for a hard coup with lots of blood and tanks and bombs if I had been in the military, but I'm just me. I would have taken a giant swat team to visit soros and there would not have been time for tribunals.

I don't wish incontinence on you. I just don't want you discouraging my cohorts. So let's kiss and make up. I won't do it again.

Churlish_Rogue ago

I agree with you about the repetitive mind-numbing behavior, but these are the people who will go out and get normies ready for the tribunals...

Or they are people who will follow the piper right off the cliff, taking as many normies with them as possible. It's like the dawn of the household television set all over again, except the talking head telling people what to believe doesn't even have a name or face this time. Yet the zombie-like obedience is the same. There is an alarming lack of healthy skepticism..... Or historical literacy for that matter, among the Q cults true believers.

That's not to say I don't hope for the best. But it's important to also be prepared for the worst and I see little beyond absolute mental abandonment of such rationality among Q followers. That's something I refuse to turn a blind eye to just because they MIGHT be useful IF the Q stuff turns out to have merit. And maybe it will, and that's great if so, but the odds of such a reality are not in our favor.

What irks me the most is watching them all espouse cultural Marxist civic nationalism. Portraying it as patriotic when nothing could be further from the truth. Demography is destiny. This is history. This is reality. This is what Q followers reject with the same vehemence as the democrats they demonize. They don't even know the origins of their own beliefs, yet they push them around here with all the fanaticism of a pre-enlightenment church zealot. This is the behavior of Marxism's quintessential useful idiots. This is dangerous. You don't wait or hesitate to mitigate this. You force feed them red pills until they wake up or choke.

If all this is a pied piper operation. It's all of us who get dragged over the cliff with the Q cult. Not a risk I am willing to take. So If the Cult of Q wants to operate here, then so be it. But I choose to align with the thinking goats that I see as being on the right side of history. Not the true believers. The ethnonationalists. Those who reject and oppose the cultural Marxism that Q followers blindly espouse. That's nothing personal against you or anyone else.

Red pills are made of concentrated hard truths. They're not easy to swallow. Especially for the older dogs who struggle with learning new tricks. But obectively speaking, there is little difference between Q followers and Democrats. Both are paving the road to hell for us all with their would-be good intentions. Both are being led by an invisible hand operating behind a curtain. Both are Marxist in origin. Thus, both are to be given no quarter. Controlled opposition doesn't always know it's controlled.

If you agree with any of this, you should be promoting historically proven-effective ethnonationalism and a healthy anti-groupthink sense of skepticism in these Q circles yourself, rather than attacking those who do. Like I said before, demography is destiny. If we let them flourish on voat as they are, then they will colonize and in doing so come to define voat. So it's assimilate or die. I may be relatively new to this place, but I am rather fond of it. I am going to defend it from all perceived threats and ensure that it remains a bastion for the politically incorrect and socially taboo values that I believe will one day reawaken my people's sense of pride and self preservation to bring my children to a golden age of true peace and prosperity the likes of which I have never known.

Gorillion ago

Nice work. But I fear the whole "easing the normies into it" will remove the much needed "shock to the system" effect we need to truly reset our society back onto the correct path. Too soft, too gradual, and it will just usher in a new establishment, with new deals, but with the same mindset to "not bother the normies with things they can't understand".

We NEED to see Hillary and her co-conspirators hang. Or it will be business as usual going forward, just with a different set of power players and a more palette friendly presentation (conservative traditionalism sweet-talking the normies to gain consent rather than "progressive" socialism guilt tripping them into compliance).

Sometimes you need a "happening" to mark important historical turning points in the public psyche. Too slow and most people won't even notice important transitional moments (the central mechanism of the boiling frog concept). That's why (((they))) pull shit like 9-11 to shift the zeitgeist hard into their corner. If 50 thousand faceless assholes that nobody never even knew existed are quietly fired, maybe a few jailed, the average person isn't going to register that anything "real" happened. Just that everything went conservative as part of some natural cycle. Not that a truly dangerous and subversive force was pushed back at the 11th hour.

We won't kill the Marxist plague, or really shift our society out of it's sleepwalking/slow-boiling frog state without a paradigm shifting public cleansing to wake people up on the cellular level. To give them a clear cut-off point i8n the timeline that can be pointed to as a warning for when things may start going off the rails again in future, and to make them hyper-aware and ready to respond to early signs that a subversive attack on the West is starting all over again. Something that has to be stage managed in such a way that it becomes an important educational tool in all future schooling of our children, like The French Revolution or the Civil War. Otherwise, nothing will be learned and noting will change.

Sometimes, you gotta freak the normies the fuck out.

fuckmyreddit ago

@Gorillion I agree 1000%.

If we leave the really evil stuff in the shadows, no one will understand what it's all about.

Oh Hillary just sold some uranium and technology. Maybe she had a good reason. Blah blah.

Oh Bush couldn't really have helped in 9-11. I voted for him. He's ok. They're making this up.

The normies need to faint and cry by seeing what hillary and huma did in that video. They need to see people swinging from gallows.

If people don't see it they won't believe it.

You have to make Anderson Cooper explain everything on cnn.

You have to let Hannity explain it on fox.

You have to make the celebrity news readers explain the truth on each channel. No one will believe it without that.

They should explain what child trafficking is really about. I want to see Anderson Cooper explain the word pedovore.

GolfinGirl ago

On target! Gotta make the normie see their sychophantic criminals be prosecuted to the hilt either execution for treason or life in GITMO! Otherwise normies dont get it! Yup, freak em out!

fuckmyreddit ago

Thanks for agreeing. People are so isolated. People are afraid to speak. People have been conditioned to feel nothing.

I really believe it has to come down hard. If nothing else, it will get people talking to each other more. Maybe it will develop into communities again like it was decades ago.

Having active and aware communities will be how we stop child abductions in the future.

PGLiterati ago

I'm really against the death penalty--always have been--mostly because not every person accused of a crime has equal access to justice. But, in this instance, I have to say I agree. I REALLY AGREE. It has been my belief since Trump won the election that we need to see this mafioso cast of characters tried and convicted in order for our country to heal. In fact, I would argue that it is critical. Because the children have been so poorly educated and also indoctrinated, they have no idea of civil rights, civics, a government's job, the threat of tyranny etc. I also believe it is time that the real truth behind the Sept. 11th attacks is dealt with. That event and the subsequent Patriot Act has destroyed our country. We need to get rid of Bill and Hillary, of all political Foundations, all NGOs, super pacs and all the other crap that is stealing our country out from under us. Treason must be a crime that we try in the courts. Period.

fuckmyreddit ago

If you don't have the death penalty, more people will die. The murderers go free to kill again. The answer is having good public defenders for all, but nothing is perfect. Freedom for killers will kill a country.

GolfinGirl ago

I was iffy on the death penalty too till I did a bible study this summer which correlated it. I was shocked it was in the Bible. Anyway, these pedos and treasonous people are not worthy to keep on living and ruining our country and the world.

PGLiterati ago

I know, but then think what happened during the French Revolution. The death penalty could totally derail the cleansing of Washington. Gitmo is probably the best option.

Rheumdoc7 ago

Genesis 9:6

Lynnwiod ago

I agree totally. I'd say high-level arrests are going to shock everyone. Even me. That said I will rec over quickly and MEME THE FUCK EVERYWHERE !!

spaceman84 ago

Sealed indictments number might be horseshit

Lynnwiod ago

I agree, I think some of the naysayers concerns need to be addressed, but for right now, I'm going with it.

SackGasse ago

Good job (and good news), very well done!

Iron_Patriot ago

A major concern is what IF the Republicans do not win the majority in the House and lose the majority in the Senate. Factors to consider:

  1. Record number of tide pod eating basement dwelling millennials who normally don't give a shit about elections/politics will be out in force because of the programmed intense hatred towards Trump and Kavanaugh and big pushes by MTV and other media outlets for young people.

  2. Illegal immigrant fraudulent voting via lack of voter ID enforcement by corrupted/bribed election workers

  3. Dead citizens voting for Democrats via fraudulent voting

  4. George Soros owned voting machines that duplicate votes for Democrat candidates

Waiting until after midterms or until the EO for Military Tribunals after 1/1/2019 is taking a HUGE RISK....

Why take that risk? The logical and safe path is Declass and arrests before midterms. Then Tribunals after 1/1/2019 when they are already in full custody.

fuckmyreddit ago

I agree with the others. We basically have a Junta in control. We know that military intelligence took away the last election from Hillary when she tried to steal it. It's 1000 times better if the people just vote for Republicans to help MAGA, but I don't think the military will let the voters destroy the country out of sheer stupidity.

The military considered a hard coup in 2015 or sometime before the last election, but decided it would be better for the country to take back the USA through legal means and the court system. It takes longer, but fewer American citizens will die. (I think that's the logic behind it. I'm not privy to anything other than innuendo by sources being interviewed.)

The best course of action for us is to get everyone we know off their ass to vote. Vote vote vote.

NoRoyalty ago

What about giving the Dems enough rope to hang themselves with illegal votes or vote tally manipulations and then declare the election invalid? Also the big tech entities are heavily involved in election interference. It could go that way.

TrulyISayToThee ago

Are you a bot? Seriously.

Q has already addressed illegals, dead, and Soros when it come to the mid-terms. And millennials at this point don't give two shits about this election. They're more concerned about whatever game their playing on their phones with their friends. DON'T BELIEVE THE MSM. TRUST Q.

Iron_Patriot ago

Dude, I'm not a bot. Been redpilling coworkers at happy hours and these are their main concerns.

Thank you for addressing those concerns.

TrulyISayToThee ago

Aight, homey. I feel ya.

Stay the course. Keep your chin up. We live in an instant gratification society. We're always fighting that. The best things in life take time. Good bourbon, good steak, good BBQ, good cheese. When this is all over it's gonna be GOOOOOOOOOOD.

Badaboom ago

If elections go south and Donald Trump loses majority, I’m sure the original plan would kick in, but that would get ugly. Military Coup.

NoRoyalty ago


Lynnwiod ago

I am concerned about that to. But, we really have no idea HOW Trump won. Perhaps some Military Intelligence types did a little chicanery of their own. Perhaps they will do so again at the mid-terms. Remember, IF they did "help" then it was only to offset the Dems dead people, busing people from county to county and state to state, illegal immigrants voting, etc --- THEY SURE COULD NOT ADMIT IT

NoRoyalty ago

It's been reported that HRC tried to steal 11 states but white hats prevented 5 of them. Vote machines probably. If true the win was even bigger than we thought.

DJB ago

Damn. Excellent presentation! Thank you op

cbramwel ago

I hope you won't mind if I spread your summary to other platforms. IMO, it is a very concise synopsis of where we are today.

Lynnwiod ago

Please do. That's the point, to offset some of the Concern-Trolling -- I just updated it with a lot of links so it you copy/pasted instead of linked, you might wanna update. THANKS!

Lynnwiod ago

Thank you! I fleshed it out with lots of links for those who like sauce...

Are_we__sure ago

What this actually shows you being convinced this is happening and the dangers of groupthink. Many of the things you cite are commonly referenced, but just wrong.

These are not proofs. These are things you hope are true the narrative surrounding them in the Q world is false.


Trump quietly started the half BILLION expansion to GitmoYouTube. It includes a hospital and courthouse.

Guatanamo Bay has been an active naval base for over 100 years. The hospital has been there since the 1940's. If expansion happened early in Trump's term that means it had been planned for years.

2016 article on planned expansions

This is not proof.

2 Trumps Executive Order March 2018--

This has to do with a law passed before Trump took office, this has to do with the implementation of the The Military Justice Act of 2016, which was signed in December 2016. This executive order was about issuing the new regulations, they were supposed by ready by December 2017 but were delayed. I'm guessing the reason for the delay to 2019 is so that new manuals can be printed up. You can buy a paperback edition of the UNIFORM CODE OF MILITARY JUSTICE 2018 EDITION on Amazon for about $20.

The Executive Branch issued draft implanting regulations on July 11, 2017, with a goal of issuing the regulations by the statutory deadline of December 23, 2017. The Act will then take effect when directed by the President, but no later than January 1, 2019.

This is not proof.

3 Trumps Executive Order Dec 20, 2017

allowing confiscation of assets etc re human trafficking and CORRUPTION.

This is also about the implementation of a law passed before Trump was President. This about the Global Magnitsky act passed in Dec 2016 as part of the defense authorization bill. The press releases make this quite clear.

December 21, 2017 New Executive Order Implements Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, Provides for Treasury Sanctions Against Malign Actors Worldwide

Washington – Today, the Trump Administration launched a new sanctions regime targeting human rights abusers and corrupt actors around the world. Building on the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act passed by Congress last year, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order (Order) today declaring a national emergency with respect to serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world and providing for the imposition of sanctions on actors engaged in these malign activities. ....

About 120 days after that E.O. the Treasury released a 1,172 page Report detailing the first list of "Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List ". He is removing their ability to fight back. That same E.O also made it a federal crime for any US citizen to give aid to any of those with confiscations. This E.O granted the Treasury the power to confiscate money internationally. investigations are still underway, these people know how to hide assets.

This is false. These are not people sanctioned under the Global Magntisky Act/December 21, 2017 executive order. The executive order sanctioned 13 people and 39 companies/people related to the big 13.

In an Annex to the Order, the President imposed sanctions on 13 serious human rights abusers and corrupt actors. In addition, the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), acting on behalf of the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General, imposed sanctions on an additional 39 affiliated individuals and entities under the newly-issued Order.

The 1,172 page report is not the first list. There are many ways to become a Designated National and Blocked Person List. This report is ALL people sanctioned for ALL reasons. Some of the people on that list go back decades. The REAL IRA terrorist group in Northern Ireland is on that list. People who work in real estate or financial services know this list very well, there are anti-money laundering laws where they are required to KYC or Know Your Customer, they need to check this list to see if the person they are dealing with is sanctioned.

This is not proof.

4 The way I see it -- The 2016 election was a soft Military Coup


5) Obama pardoned everyone for all their crimes during his administration.

Uh, huh.

6 The 55,000 indictments.

There are not 55,000 indictments. When you use PACER, and see a document marked SEALED, there's no way of knowing what kind of document it is. And all kinds of things are sealed. Requests for wiretaps are sealed. Requests for pen registers are sealed, juvenile criminal cases are sealed. Requests for tax records are sealed. There may be 55,000 sealed documents in PACER but I can assure you there's not any where close to 5,000 sealed indictments.

In fact, here is the report that the Q folks used to claim this number is way above normal and it makes clear all the various different things that SEALED in federal courts.

Your own comment shows a sense a reality of how far this number is off

The number is staggering and unprecedented. I don't believe all will be unsealed, our country does not have the resources to handle that many indictments, arraignments, trials, etc.

You don't need one indictment per person. Mueller indictment against the GRU spies who hacked the DNC was a single document with 12 defendants. In 2011, the DOJ indictment 127 mob members across several mob families and several states in just 21 indictments. 55,000 is a joke. This is not proof.

7 -Sealed Indictment blackmail forced retirements

This is not happening. A ridiculous and illegal on its face idea.......why would you go through a grand jury and get an indictment only to throw all that out the window by committing illegal blackmail? Makes no sense.



9 LASTLY - General Flynn



IF arrest happen before midterms, it will be about 7-10 days before the mid-terms for maximum effect.

Interesting. So we'll know soon.

fuckmyreddit ago

Are_we_sure (poster above) is considered a well-known disinfo agent by the larger community of Voat.

I'm not sure if I agree with that analysis, because I haven't had that much interaction with him/her.

I'm just letting you know what others are saying. Are_we_sure may be telling the truth in some or all of his statements, but I just want you to be aware of potential disinfo or swerving you onto a different subject.

If I'm wrong, let me know.

Lynnwiod ago

I didn't state they are Proof ---- I stated they are "MY PERSONAL PROOFS" Thanks though... I upvoted you regardless!

fuckmyreddit ago

Many people in the wider areas of Voat are saying that Are_we_sure could be a disinfo agent. I have not had enough interaction to know if AWS is a shill or not, but many others have been saying this for a long time.

If AWS turns out to be giving good info, please let us know. I would not take ANYONE'S posts as fact without verification. Just letting you know what I've read.

Are_we__sure ago

Look into the ones where I have the actual context. You've been misled by someone.

mrsjay26 ago

Thank you for this!! You are a great patriot!

jaybee333 ago

Good post Patriot. Thank you

MeepJeep ago

It's all happening!

bulrush ago

Information is now the critical asset. Whoever has the high ground here will keep winning. That means hacking computers and getting information before the other guys get your information. Not only that but news (a form of information) can be used against a population as we are seeing now with the MSM. Control of the news means control of the people, and the ability to turn at least some of them into a mob, as we've seen many times in the past 2 years.

Lynnwiod ago

I agree completely.

Trfsrfr ago

That pretty much nails it!

jeepwheeler ago

Pray to God everyday, what an amazing time to be alive!! im almost 60 and this is the biggest political thing in American history. WOW!!! I have followed President Trump for about 3 years, even before he announced his run for Presidency knowing he had been tossing clues out about running. I have followed Qanon, The Great Awakening from day one, and what a adventure, experience a total mind blowing MOVIE. President Trump is the most intelligent master mind and best actor EVER!! the hell with those chumps in HOLLYWEIRD. Everyday is a new political high, waiting for Q drops and the daily updates. My wife thinks I'm crazy, out talking to everybody to register to vote, making $$$$$$$$ bets that Hillary will be in prison before Trumps first term. NO PROBLEM! Just an awesome time in our lives right now, get your kids, grand kids, friends involved, there is so much people do not know what is going on, WAKE UP!! God Bless!! WWG1WGA

fuckmyreddit ago

My husband thinks I'm crazy. I'm not obsessed, but I do follow things as much as I can without my husband having me committed. LOL. I'm a few years older than you. This makes Watergate look like a jaywalking ticket!

Lynnwiod ago

I agree with you 100% I am 61, and this is the most incredible political time in my entire lifetime!!

Stopmotionhistory ago

DIGITAL SOLDIERS refers to highly trained military intel officers NOT nerd making MEMEs.

Lynnwiod ago

I like to think I am a digital soldier helping save America. Please don't mind me if I continue to amuse myself.

Stopmotionhistory ago

That is what these boards are, amusement. I like to try and figure out the Q puzzles, but you do realize Q is 3 steps ahead, we are not really helping.

Lynnwiod ago

I don't think so, but if I'm wrong, that's okay, I feel better thinking I AM a digital soldier HELPING SAVE AMERICA, don't you?

Stopmotionhistory ago

I do what I can but these boards are just an echo chamber filled with self indulgence and wrong ifo about things we have no clue about, we think we are right then the real " answer" comes out and we move on to the next MSM topic of the day.

Duende_Cat ago

Excellent work Madam, excellent work. I've added this post to my "saved" posts.

Lynnwiod ago



I hope Q reads & confirms your post. Regardless well done and I believe you're correct.

Lynnwiod ago

That would be SWEET!!

Qanology ago

Wait,What? #5: Obama pardoned everyone for all their crimes during his administration. Wait, I didn't hear this, Who said it, and where??? Also if he did do this, then did it include treason, cause pretty sure treason can not be pardoned, nor can a illegitimate president pardon, appoint anyone???

Lynnwiod ago

That is a theory, albeit a great one. Read the graphic carefully it explains the theory in detail.

Lynnwiod ago

It's a theory. If it's treason, then we can just add it to his other counts of treason!

HawkEye328 ago

Thank you so much for taking the time to put this out. We get the facts at random and when you see it like this it makes a world of difference! Look forward to more of your views, thoughts, and posts.

NapaLdy ago

Great work Anon!

Apollonious ago

I've been with the movement since nearly the beginning, and with how drawn out it has been, my hope and interest have been wavering. This is exactly what I needed to read to draw me back to what is important

Cav1stSGT ago

My respects for a great article you wrote, Now if the Impatient will be Patient, it will come.

anglojibwe ago

It's up and running. Already sending link via texts out. Thank you.

Patranon ago

Excellent work patriot. Human trafficking arrests are way up as well. Trump is calling out Soros and his PAID protesters. Also calling out Ford and the Dems for an obvious sham. Those are also signs it's really going down.

MetalThatMatters ago

Excellent post ...

Quickdraw08 ago

I agree with most of what you're saying but I don't like the way build up the Q base and then a big nothing happens. I know they need to string this out until the mid terms but they are loosing a few more or discouraging more every time they do it. Play it straight with us.

fuckmyreddit ago

My personal feeling is that they are setting up the dominoes --- thousands of them. Are you old enough to have done that when you were a kid? It takes forever to set them up even if you just have about 50 dominoes. You have to be careful not to bump anything every time you set one down.

cbramwel ago

Just because it doesn't appear in the MSM, doesn't mean nothing is happening. In normal times, the numerous assignation attempts on POTUS, the machinations necessary to bring NK to the table, the events in Syria/Iran, etc., would receive extensive coverage. Now all we have is deflection and fake news. If you are looking for Q to give you a straight line, you simply do not understand what is happening.

Quickdraw08 ago

I don't watch the MSM because it's all lies and I do see everything that is happening around the world but I don't see anything happening in America. The only thing I see is being strung along by promises that haven't been kept. I am very discouraged but I still am keeping the faith. I am not alone in my frustrations.

NoRoyalty ago

You are missing Tucker Carlson fighting like a tiger.

cbramwel ago

Remember, Q makes NO promises and disinformation is necessary. The QAnon op is to awaken as many people as possible to the evil that has been going on for centuries. The evil can't be undone immediately or as fast as we all want. The FBI, DOJ, and legal system need to be cleansed before arrests begin. Otherwise, the criminals will walk. Consider all that has happened in the past 11 months and how much more we know. Retribution will come, but it must happen at such time that it can't be undone. Keep your chin up Patriot.

Quickdraw08 ago

The one sentence in your reply that helps the most and brings me back from poor me land is "Consider all that has happened in the past 11 months and how much more we know". We know more now than we ever have about all the corruption in the government and we also know something is finally being done about it. WWG1WGA

Lynnwiod ago

The QArmy has a very special job. We are countering an Army of Computer BOTS. Remember the beginning? Q had us creating and organizing Memes by category. WE ARE READY FOR THE WAR. Our "OP" starts when the public begins to panic over events which scare them, like arrests. Here, this link will help: Q will tell us which Memes to drop. We are ready, that's what counts. We are a BATTALION of DIGITAL SOLDIERS!!!

Witsend ago

And non-digital. We probably have more bullets than the U.S. army.

bamadeplorable420 ago

thank you for all of your research.

maga1234 ago

Excellent summary. I agree, trust Sessions! I suggest we ignore the concern trolls and keep on moving forward.

Fadia23 ago

Excellent post!!!! Trust the plan!!! With everything we saw with Judge K nomination and hearings, it would get real ugly really quick if any arrests would happen now without any safe fails. I am hoping that they will have this traitors admit their crimes on TV. Just to make sure that there is no room for any doubts from the liberals/lefties.

NoRoyalty ago

Re the safe fails - what will be done about the ISIS training camps /sleeper cells??

MuhBeans ago

An excellent excellent review. It is good for us to be reminded so that we don't get lost or stressed in things like the SC confirmation hearings. Damn General Flynn is really really good at what he does! It gives me goosebumps! This country owes him a lot of thank along with the military who are watching out for us all.

Your item "5) Obama pardoned everyone for all their crimes during his administration. The bad actors had to be given rope and allowed to commit new crimes after Trump took office.. Federal crimes. Capital crimes. RICO, etc." is something I had not considered enough and can see now how the new crimes works.

Thanks for your hard work writing this up!

Momerath ago

Watergate was cover up for real crimes connected directly to the JFK assassination/operation. Mae Brussel covered this on radio and cassette week by week at the time. The archives are available and worth a listen.

fuckmyreddit ago

I have heard a rumour that Watergate had elements of child trafficking and/or kiddie diddling as well. Don't remember the source. It's a possibility. Nothing seems out of bounds these days.

Bowayne ago

Wow! You did a great job! Thanks for spending so much time and detail!

KBinWV ago

I needed to read this today! Just read Grassley has 49 judges on the floor to confirm. Things are moving along. Your hardwork paid off. Nice outline of events. Thanks for "putting" legs on it. WWG1WGA! Together WE will weather this storm!

GolfinGirl ago

Your statement here is very good too, especially the judges!!!

skidder ago

A week or so ago the number 26 was bantered about as to how many federal circuit court judges have been appointed under Trump. No idea as to it's accuracy.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thank you for the quality post. You might want to cite each of your bullet points - adds impact. One question is - if Hussein is illegitimate, then wouldn't his pardons be illegitimate/invalidated instead?

fuckmyreddit ago

Hi Blacksmith, that's an interesting idea. I had heard people say that Hussein's SCOTUS appointments would be invalid, but I had never thought about the pardons. I would speculate that the pardons would be invalid as well. I guess we will find out at some point. There are so many variables with this mess. It's hard for me to keep up with concepts like that without reading forums. I'm sure you are correct.

2ThirdsNerd ago

Truth. Take heed.

MeetingHimInTheAir2 ago

Does a Presidential Pardon (BHO) also excuse treason and sedition?

fuckmyreddit ago

I have read that we don't know if treason can be pardoned. I have also read that treason cannot be pardoned. Does anyone know if there is a precedent concerning treason?

  • Hopefully, if treason can be pardoned, some Navy Seal will overturn that extrajudicially.

TrulyISayToThee ago

The President can pardon someone charged with, or convicted of, any federal crime.

LostandFound ago

Love your post 2 points of note.

The Flynn video is from 2016 so is out of context iirc.

The sealed indictments are probably not all arrests a sealed indictment can be applied to a witness that holds no criminal liability. So the hammer may go down on them all and they all get a speedy trial dont lose hope. I estimate that its about a ratio of 7 witnesses per arrest, leaving about 7k actual arrests which could be staggered over weeks / months I'm sure they will take pleas or rat each other out so only a few might make it to trial.

All is well

NoRoyalty ago

Great info. Thanks.

whohat ago

Sealed indictments are not applied to a witness. An indictment is a formal accusation of a felony. The 55,000 indictments are for Felony charges which may or may not be presented to a court.

LostandFound ago

If you look at some of the comparible cases such as large tax fraud / evasion cases witnesses were served via sealed indictment. I could still be wrong here but we spent a decent portion of time on cbts back when it was first noticed comparing cases.

whohat ago

Witnesses, including the target, are issued Subpoena to testify before a Grand Jury. The GJ simply listens to the testimony and if they feel that there is Probable Cause that the target committed a felony or felonies then they issue an indictment for those felonies. An Indictment is actually a Probable cause findings of the Grand Jury.

LostandFound ago

Very interesting, I was mistaken thanks for sharing & good to know. Plus your position sounds far more interesting haha

whohat ago

Not a problem. Will be interesting to see how it all breaks down. Some will be Juveniles, which will remain Sealed. Then there will be the normal indictments that happen every year. I would imagine there will be a higher then normal amount of gang related ones since MS13 is a big target. It is definitely going to be a show.

Qanology ago

in the same thinking, do all sealed indictments only include One person????

LostandFound ago

If you mean is it 1 criminal and 54999 witnesses, I have pointed to this before when people have pondered the logistics of all the prosecutions.

If you mean has one person been issued with multiple sealed indictments, I dont think this is possible but I could be wrong, they have been issued in multiple states so I think that might rule out this option.

Qanology ago

well, i had heard that one person could have more than one indictment....but was curious if One Indictment could have more than one person listed on that indictment. I honestly have no idea? But that would be something if they did!

Witsend ago

It's my understanding that yes, one indictment can include multiple people. I was wrong on a couple of occasions in the past so . . .

quantum23 ago

Great post Patriot! Pres. Trump keeps bashing Sessions, all smoke and mirrors.... he knows what he is up to.

Dailytacs ago

Fantastic, thank you for this! Sharing this with others.

adlver ago

Thank you for sharing this. It is very similar to what I have been thinking and makes perfect sense. Is it possible that the congressmen/Senators that are resigning/not running took deals (sing and announce not running/resign) and the ones that refused to sing/announce are in the sealed indictments? One of the reasons they are fighting so hard to resist/sabotage DJT? If they win back House/Senate, they can bury everything and life goes on. Taking an all or nothing approach? They are absolutely evil and ruthless at this point.

brentvsmaxivms ago

I think there will be an October surprise of some sort to bring down a few of the dem candidates

Iron_Patriot ago

It is unconscionable that after winning the Midterms, they simply sweep all of the child trafficking, organ harvest and abuse under the rug. If Q/Potus is reading this...Why take the risk of losing in the Midterms?

1-Dan ago

Remember there was also a plan to use Force had Trump lost. They won't take the chance, I think the redactions will start things rolling before that. I think the stuff that will hit first will shut everyone up. Or at least very few will be caring about what they have to say.

Paladin_Diver ago

I don't think losing the Mid-terms is a risk anymore. Kavanaugh debacle took care of that.

I know they'll make more desperate attempts with FF's or trying to crash the markets, but I think we've got this covered.

fuckmyreddit ago

I assume that if the Dems try to steal the elections, the military will step in one way or another, either militarily or digitally. That's pretty much what happened last election from what I've read. I hope the military steps in even if the Dems or any enemy who is not a Patriot wins through "legal" means. We have had enough playing by the rules. We are ready for a real america without a fake currency and a military industrial educational complex.

Lynnwiod ago

I think the ones that have been offered a deal, and refused had to decide which they feared most. The Deep State reaction to them flipping, or rolling the dice in court... (killing one's family is a lot worse than Gitmo, if you have any conscience at all)

adlver ago

Makes perfect sense

Blacksmith21 ago

They have no consciences. Their ego and quest for power and control overrides all else.

Awake2Truth ago

Thoughtful analysis, and great to be reminded of how far we have come. Thank you Patriot!

Lemonjello ago

This is what pedes do. Thanks patriot

mlsaw94 ago

I totally agree. I am so glad you wrote this. You did an excellent job. Now just if all the ones complaining about no rest and nothing happening, will be able to see this. Thank you so much.

SGM11Z ago

That's a good summary. I would add to your list the record number of federal judicial appointments by Trump. You can't take a case, no matter how good, to a corrupt judge and expect to win.

EchoWhiskey3 ago

Thank you Patriot! The video of General Flynn was very interesting.

BadMonk ago

The 55,000 number is incorrect and inflated. You need to do more research.

cbramwel ago

Please share your research. I think the 55k (or 56+ k) has been substantiated.

NapaLdy ago The sealed indictments are on there and the numbers are not inflated.

derram ago :

Michael Flynn talking about army of digital soldiers - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

WeGoAll ago

This. Thank you for your well thought out post.

Tastemyrainbow ago

Good connections and analysis. I hope he puts gitmo to good use

BigBadSal ago

Id say Hannity knows about as much as we do. that was a great read thank you.

Qanology ago

I would say Hannity is a little more informed than us, and the difference is, he has confirmation from Trump if it is real or by him always having the knowledge, you know he aint reporting BS, he is already on the edge of loosing his platform.....

BigBadSal ago

thank you nice to know

Patriot74 ago

Hannity was on the frontlines in 2007 -08 exposing the magic negro and no one would listen. God protect him and his family he is a true patriot

fuckmyreddit ago

It didn't matter what Hannity said. The Dems stole the election for Obama's 2nd term to stay in power. Most people understood what Hannity was saying.

HISdaughter ago

Heard a prophetic voice say the same, 2nd term stolen by O

RCMike_CHS ago

Rush quoted the term from a LA Times column in 2007 and turned it into the "Barack the Magic Negro" parody tune that was popular on his show. I don't think Hannity used the term, but he did constantly report on all the facts he could find out about Hussein.

forFreedom ago

I trust the plan. We're fighting a multi-century war. What's new is we know we're in a multi-century war.

fuckmyreddit ago

Everything you said sounds correct, but I JUST WANT TO KNOW 2 things.

  1. Who or what is KANSAS and why are we are we supposed to trust him/it?

  2. Is John-John alive?

Everything else seems to make perfect sense. Lol.

GritD2 ago

My voat got you to 17 points up for this. No coincidences.

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

POTUS using 17 literally all the time is really all the proof you need. McCain death announcement to the literal MINUTE is one of, if not the, biggest Q proof to date.

llabmik37 ago

This ^

Phantom42 ago

Q said we're in the Army now.

Lynnwiod ago

Thank you so much, I'm going to edit tit in. Should Ibgrab other videos and flesh it out?

Dudley_Doright ago

Thank you, patriot! Agreed on all counts!