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SteaksUSA ago

I don't know why everyone is sucking @PuttItOut's dick so much, adding an NSFW flair to every post just because it has 'nigger' or 'kike' in it is absurd and the first step to the SJWfication of this site. It's censorship and unnecessary, only porn and gore should get NSFW'd. Browsing Voat at work or in public is done at your own risk, submissions shouldn't get shadow censored because of the few dumbasses who do browse Voat in those situations. Fuck you Putt.

Hand_of_Node ago

Some might contend that adding an NSFW flair to every post just because it has 'porn' or 'gore' in it is absurd and the first step to the SJWfication of this site.

shawnfromnh69 ago

He's protecting Voaters jobs by doing this not being an ass or a prude. Hell if you were in a job where they can look up your net history at work and they find this and add it to the list to can you then you'd be grateful that work won't fire you for being a suspected racist or having all of work start treating you bad because someone said secretly that you were seen reading racist articles at work for the people keeping a low profile at work to not rock the boat.

SteaksUSA ago

The vast majority who isn't dumb enough to browse Voat at work or in public shouldn't suffer because of those who do.

shawnfromnh69 ago

Or we could stop saying this stuff on the open board and just in messages. We don't want them to use the GAB excuse again and you can say jew or black or muslim just don't have to use those words he stated and we'll get the message. Hell just say I hate jews and it's not a problem for anyone. Sorry but I like to take the safest path if it is the better one in the long run.