SearchVoatBot ago

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Cooking_with_Alf ago

1) The system is too far gone to be corrected civilly in short order. The US as a whole will have to renounce communism, the Fed, end immigration, and Israel influence in our politics, right fucking now. Followed by decades of Americanism and rejection of foreign manipulation. I see no way to promote this in the current Jewish owned MSM. We are in the Weimar, dangerous times are ahead.

2) If you want to run off with your little militias or go on shooting sprees. You will fail. If you organize, become politically involved, and remain armed, there is hope. The key is demonstrating your power by showing you are armed and organized, but do not engage in violence. Then find political allies, namely rich people that would support your cause with money. Use money to get people elected and spread the American message. Communication, numbers, money, and having weapons is key.

BlackManOnVoat ago

I see where op is coming from, especially with gab being deplatformed but. Then again, maybe that needs to happen. So that a better version can rise eventually.

RacistJew ago

Says the shill

RustyEquipment ago

Only when you submit are you truly a set

qwertyanon ago

If folks were violent that would be an actual threat rather than sitting idly on the internet firing off up and down votes ... yes, yes, just keep pacified goys

Justwhiteofcenter ago

Who needs armed insurrection?

Voat broadly supports populism.

The populists hold power.

Only the left needs violence, they can't win elections.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/Voat comment by @hafen.

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fightknightHERO ago

Shill post

(((they))) will try to shut us down regardless, didn't all the Jewish School shooters used Twitter Faceberg and the like? and i don't see FaceBerg getting shoah'ed anytime soon

so fuck off with your CUCKED optics

HoubovyTomas ago

Voat will be shut down at some point, and nothing we do or don't say is going to change that.

It's already in motion.

Get over yourself.

Violentlight ago

I read this one most recently. So this is the opinion I'm going to listen to now.

xenoPsychologist ago

just find those insurrectionist shills and shoot them!

HillaryClintonsShoe ago



He's a pussy Redditor who wouldn't last a day in the fight club! And a day among true conservatives!

FuckshitMcDickTits ago

Fuck sitting on your hands.

Arm yourselves, be prepared.

2_scoops_vanilla ago

They are fishing for some real crazies, ones on the medicated edge who just might be pushed over. Then they can make a media extravaganza about it and say "Extreme right wing hate group voat user commits hate speech inspired murder"

hafen ago

Voat is absolutely overrun with these shills.

Justsomeone ago

Yeah, goyim!

Don't bite the (((hand))) that is (((feeding))) you.

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Anger is bad. Nobody ever accomplished anything by being angry. ( : ^ | )

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Found the faggot

Merchant_Menace ago

Explicit fedposting is for retard virgins. High IQ Chads fedpost implicitly.

TrueMask ago

That is the great thing about Voat. You can talk about any subject. If you feel the need to talk about insurrection or Pokemon, you can do it here.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Hey dumb nigger im going to think for myself and continue to advocate violence against jews in israel and support of Hamas in that endeavor.

Hows that for free think you bitch?

Do you want (patriots have no skin color) to just sit and hold hands smoking weed all day? Wow real great idea i wonder how the enemies of the jew have done when they decide to suck the dick instead.

GhostSkin ago

I've never seen anyone try to incite violence on voat?

hang_em_high ago

When is it time for guns and violence then? When it is too late? I would say it’s past time by about 100 years.

Derpfroot ago

I saw some queer on twitter posting screenshots of shit like that. My money is on: he posted it here, screenshot then posted to twitter. That's the shill way.

qwertyanon ago

Fuck off you queer OP

lissencarak ago

be dissident-oppressing organization

want to suppress dissent, but usually creates a backlash

create fake violence narrative of opposition, shut them down

do not shut down actual violence from approved entities

wasn't that hard, was it

They did the same in the USSR, except when most Jews got purged the Russians remained didn't have the stomach to be insanely totalitarian to the other Russians. So the USSR fell.

heretolearn ago

we are the enemy. it's time to fight back. we won't be destroyed. who will the govt and corporations rule over if there is a desolate wasteland left from their retaliation. tree of liberty...

Jameson_In_A_Glass ago

you sound like a concern troll... fuck off.

BadGoy1488 ago

Do not fall for this shit.
Think for yourselves.

As said by every Jewish shill ever, right after telling people to not think for themselves.

An uprising against the kikes is the only thing that will ever stop them.

hillaryisabitch ago

OP is a shill.

ComtesLafon ago

Where are people going to go when Voat gets shutdown? serious question

JustLurkinOrWhatever ago

Probably to Poal or the Chans.

Beta_Ray_Bill ago


Maximus83 ago

I think your a schill. Organize and be ready. Be peaceful while doing so. But prepare for war pray for peace.

Dont trust the plan till your in chains. That would be schillingfully pitiful.

irelandLost ago

Si vis pacem, parra bellum. Same as it ever was.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Go back to reddit you fucking ballless shill faggot.

Astupidname69 ago

That's right goyim, sit back and be genocided, wouldn't want to get shut down now would we?

DeadFox ago

We can't lose our favourite Reddit clone site!!!

HappyMealBullshit ago

You can tell OP is a giant betamale cuck faggot who would rather give up freedom than lose his favorite social media site. These people are fucking cancer to western society.

AinzOown ago

They'll be mad if we say we should defend ourselves. Better shut up, play by their rules and do nothing.

LostandFound ago

Smells like pizzagate about 2 days before we were introduced to Edgar Madison Welch

LampshadeMaker ago

Some are more equal than others.

mf2525 ago

There’s been a lot of “forum sliding” lately as well with v/aww on the front page

Rotteuxx ago

It ain't forum sliding because you can block subs

Crackrocknigga ago

What? We have a right to discuss citizens militia and arming ourselves. It's in the second amendment. Sure, if someone says "go shoot a synagogue!" it's obvious something's up. However, discussing organizing paramilitary groups and armaments should be encouraged, and it is our right.

illuminalto2 ago

We have a right

These things are being legislated and propagandized away. Remember Obama talking about the 2nd amendment was "written way back when they were using muskets"? How about DJT warning about "unregulated militas" going to defend the border?

All they need is a left swing and presidential/SCOTUS placement and with the teary eyed approval of the social media addled youth and overgrown children we will be in cages.

Sorry if black pill and negativity, but they can use the words and sign magic ink on pieces of paper to redefine you and I at any moment.

Yes we have a right leaning man in office, yes we have right leaning SCOTUS appointment atm, but who do they truly serve?

Only opinions here, let me know if I'm off base.

Crackrocknigga ago

You are correct, which is why organizing and securing armaments is so vital right now

Soundguy21 ago

Your right the organization of a militia is not only a right but the duty of every military aged male in the United States, if the (((FBI))) or the (((NSA))) or the (((ATF))) comes and try’s to shut it down then you have a duty to use your natural rights.

Monkeybean ago

Thank you for your post OP. We need more sensible voices in here. If they are planning any kind of FF to make us look bad, the posts from the last few days that have been incendiary in nature are going to support that image.
They shut Gab down. For a few days anyways. So yes, it can happen.
A time ago there was a poster that warned of a plot to shut boat down. Let's not make it so easy for them to succeed, if this is true.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

And in my opinion people who claim that anyone discussing possible revolutionary measures are shills are cowardly faggots. Or also shills.

Crackrocknigga ago

No revolution necessary, trust ((the plan)) goyim!

BlueDanube ago

Oy vey Session is my HERO. he SACRIFICED himself for the good of our COUNTRY. WWWG1AOUGOWWHA.

Mittermeyer ago

Don't worry about the polls they are safe. Losing Arizona was all part of the plan. We are losing on purpose that way we can round the dems up for their crimes. WWG1RAHOWA

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

none that call for such ever seem willing to start their revolution themselves

aCuriousYahnz ago

I agree, but at the same time, I don't see how you can think things will ever go back to what they were 10-20 years ago without it. If we have someone like Trump and still have 4 million new legal brown folks a year along with really not doing that much about illegals(who apparently came through in record numbers in October), how do you expect things to turn around without it? **This is not a call for violence...

Hey_Sunshine ago

It is entirely possible to have a bloodless revolution, but not if the revolutionaries are unarmed

KinkRaven ago

The glorious revolution being a good example.

go1dfish ago

Violence, even well intentioned always rebounds upon itself.

That said, the standard for "inciting violence" in a way to become unprotected speech in the US is a hell of a lot harder to reach than the policies of mainstream social media would lead you to believe.

These later decisions have fashioned the principle that the constitutional guarantees of free speech and free press do not permit a State to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of force or of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.

As Aaron Swartz said:

Attorney General's Warning: This page advocates advocacy of the violent overthrow of the United States Government.

If someone is calling for specific/targeted violence that's a different matter; and it's why forbidding dox is a good idea.

vladtep ago

Violence, even well intentioned always rebounds upon itself.

Tell that to George Washington. lol

go1dfish ago

Perhaps Washington was making that point clear to King George.

vladtep ago

They tried reasoning with him for a few decades, didn't work.

Kicking his ass worked very well.

lexsird ago

OP is a fag.

Don't worry none of you have the balls to do anything anyway.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Voting is supposed to be a way to peacefully change the government in place of armed insurrection. If voting doesn't work, then we go back to the old ways.

Soundguy21 ago

Voting is the use of force, and the use of Force is the use of violence.

fellowwhiteperson ago

If you wanna get ultra technical, breathing is violence.

tendiesonfloor ago

The only faggot I want to see killed is OP.

KryptoKoins ago

Definitely a tactic to use against us all it takes a few dumbasses to fall into the trap

Wargasm ago

What do you think the process for shutting down voat would be?

What would the warrant look like?

There are actual terrorist websites that haven't been shutdown.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

All good questions for another post.

quit trying to bump and forum slide

Wargasm ago

I'm just pointing out an obvious flaw in your logic.

You are worrying about something that can't actually be done.

But, in case I was mistaken, I gave you a way to explain how you could be right; namely, explain the process for taking down a website.

However, I suspect that such a process does not exist, since there are actual terrorist websites on the internet.

Still though, if I am mistaken, please show me how I am mistaken--explain the process for shutting down voat.

obsecro-morietur ago

Violence isn’t going to get us anywhere but dirt.

LampshadeMaker ago

Don't know about that. Seems to have worked just fine for the kike.

vladtep ago

And the founding

LampshadeMaker ago

If you want to be genocided like 20th Century Soviet Slavs do nothing.

elitch2 ago

Exactly. There is a point at which we will start shooting commies.

The sooner the better, in my opinion.

HoubovyTomas ago

Violent problems require violent solutions.

hafen ago

Not the argument. "Something" doesn't inherently prevent genocide, and in fact may facilitate it. Measured thought and action. is what's being dissuaded.

"Don't you just hate what's happening? Just act fellow white man."

LampshadeMaker ago

Doing nothing literally guarantees our demise, (((fellow white man))). Doing nothing has been the response thus far for almost a century. I argue that it's time for 'something'.

hafen ago

What part of

Not the argument

is it that you don't understand? Are you incapable of not misrepresent what's what's said to make a point? /u/HillaryClintonsShoe didn't say 'do nothing', nor did he say he wants to be genocided. Neither did I. What I'm saying, is that there exists behavior which is counter to white people's interests.

Technically a way to tell people to act:

"Face to bloodshed, so that the consent to persecute is manufactured, and everyone in the sphere of ideas immidiately hurries over to the bluepill, and sooner faces their ultimate extinction/slavery goy."

LampshadeMaker ago

Read between the lines. What you would consider to be doing something I consider to be nothing. The enemy survives on the shedding of our blood. They have shed the blood of hundreds of millions and will continue to do so. They cannot be reasoned with. They are mad dogs that need to be put to sleep.

hafen ago

What you would consider to be doing something I consider to be nothing

Is that some sort of subtle admittance that you can't be reasoned with? Great, so now you've admitted that that you're a bit disheveled upstairs. Something equals nothing, only if it's that way to you... Lost on you is how being in this state makes you're the perfect Jewish golem.

Or... is that exactly the sort of foolhardy example you were trying to imprint on Voat?

They have shed the blood of hundreds of millions and will continue to do so. They cannot be reasoned with.

They aren't everyone. Lots of people are in the middle, and their sway matters. Who's to say people will agree, sympathize, or fall in line with you? As limited beings, it's seldom very clear how to reach a goal. What we thinks helps whites may hurt whites and what think hurts whites may help whites. One has to even look into themselves, as they may be feeding into some sort of detrimental unconscious desire.

You're a damn mouth-breathing golem if you only think in terms of 'acting', or worse a shill.

LampshadeMaker ago

You either leave or you're dead, Shlomo.

hafen ago

No arguments huh /u/LampshadeMaker? Can't take being exposed for your sheer idiocy/potential Jewish shilling? That 'acting' before thinking is a especially indefensible considering the stakes.

y-you're t-the Jewish s-shill

And yet all you're doing is falling into their hands. Worse yet, you're potentially pushing others in. Begone.

LampshadeMaker ago

You seem scared, kike. I would be too.

hafen ago

You really can't take being exposed.

LampshadeMaker ago

Unless this site is 99% kike shills I would say that the tribe has spoken regarding what they think about you and the OP's opinion opposing armed insurrection.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

point taken

ThoseFeels ago

You came in swinging hard, calling any of us who now see armed revolt as the only option outside of the ubiquitous ZOG crazy or a shil, and all it took was one popular one sentence comment for you to drop your brash position.

Pretty weak and gay.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

I did say that it was my own opinion.

I only posted this to get people talking .. and so they are.

This is not an Anti-gun post.

The right to self protection is inalienable, whether it is written in law or not. You have the right to protect yourself.

Just wanted to get people talking.

ThoseFeels ago

I consider it to be an anti-gun post because you're calling me a shill for using the 1st to talk about the 2nd.

You listed 3 opinions of where a person talking about insurrection is posturing from, none of which include righteous hunger for justice and sincere mettle in the face of a definable enemy who is culling us from this world.

It's time to fight the government or create another one. Every other option is certain death.

You are bubbled off somewhere in your 'trouble adulting' land if you don't see and feel the truth. There will be blood and there should be.

Guns will be a part of this story.

And it's better to let this feeling be known now, amongst each of us gathered here now, while we still have the tools to communicate as a rebel union/white race.

Voat will be shut down no matter how much we self censor. The march of progressivism is not being reversed, only slowed, as always, under every republican, adnoseum, forever, until the cattle are culled

If Voat is not shutdown it's because we self censored, because the truth is shutting down, lights are going out for humanity, and social/information platforms of the near future and now will not be ours. They will be cattle feeders.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

So then. .. what you're saying is you fall into the loonie catagory?

ThoseFeels ago

I'll let the upvoat/downvoat ratio carry this conversation from here.

Have a fine day.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

I could care less about upvoat/downvoat the intent was to get people talking.

Have a fine day as well.

LampshadeMaker ago

Good, because that's what (((they))) are counting on.

CaucasianSlavery ago

Both opinions are correct.

First of all only a moron projects it’s attacks and there’s no good reason to incite violence anyway. The true power is in controlling the narrative. Learn from our shepherds.

Every single war is begun with a false flag, all violence is justified by “he hit me first” so at some point a serious narrative of collective attack (by white supremacists) will appear and then it’s time to pucker up and hope you made good and slightly cranky friends already.

protect yourself at all times.

HoubovyTomas ago

The most important part of controlling the narrative is to control the fucking narrative.

Next time a Robert Bowers, or Anders Breivik, or Alexander Bissonnette, or Luca Traini graces this planet, don't be a fuxking faggot and start 'disavowing' as loudly as possible.

Throwing warriors under the bus is the biggest weakness of the right. Hands down.

CaucasianSlavery ago

They aren’t warriors and are useless in narrative control. Random killings are supposed to do what? Because all they do is strengthen the opponent.

If killing is what you need (and it’s not) you better learn and pit two of the groups you don’t like against each other. Read the damn playbook

HoubovyTomas ago

There is absolutely nothing random about what they did, you gutless fucking pansy.

Violent problems require violent solutions.

CaucasianSlavery ago

so you are suggesting a guerrila war against what?

Is the plan just to acquire an army and chip away at society until it buckles to your will so you can reign over the ashes?

Now you tell me you are going to institute a currency, something that is legal and impervious to usury. I’m in.

Tell me you are going to hit someone with a wrench because you got nice and fired up with rhetoric? No thanks

HoubovyTomas ago

I'm suggesting that violence is a fact of life, and your feeble denunciations and disavowels have no impact on it's inevitablility.

Grow a pair of balls, you goddamned spineless mouthbreather.

Welcome to adulting.

Chad88 ago

In general I've seen you guys fall for some dumb shit. Just because you're here doesn't mean you can turn off your critical thinking.

Atomized_Individual ago

No one is doing that

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

just look through voat posts from after Nov 6.

There is actually a lot of " That ".

I could provide links to the posts and comments but maybe later , because I have a life.

Atomized_Individual ago

I think they would be voted down. I've seen appeals to do more than shitpost, but the "gas the kikes" type nonsense has always been here.

TheBuddha ago

Even though you provide zero evidence to support your claim, something you're obligated to do if you value reason, I can stand as a witness and agree that I have seen exactly what you speak of. I've personally seen a surprising number of people calling for violence.

I'm not sure I'd say they are shills, as I have zero substantive evidence to support that. But, I have seen calls to violence.



TheBuddha ago

Alas, I don't recollect the names. One of them was a keyboard warrior who posted at night for a couple of nights in a row.

I figure voat is much more ineffectual than folks think, so comments/submissions like that are rather pointless. Which means I don't really pay attention to the names or even much care. Voat thinks rather highly of themselves and is convinced the site worries people enough to plant adversarial 'shills' (paid, at that) here. That seems really, really unlikely.

VoatsNewfag ago

Voat thinks rather highly of themselves and is convinced the site worries people enough to plant adversarial 'shills' (paid, at that) here.

I don't know about people being on a payroll but there certainly had been people going at great lengths to manipulate voat.

I also had a screencap of someone who most likely sold his account, but I can't find it any longer. He made a submission about wanting to sell his account, shorty thereafter posted a lot of anti-trump stuff (before that submission he posted mostly very right leaning stuff) and when publicly called out on it the account was deleted shortly after.

If people buy accounts or use bots I think this does qualify as shilling. Even if it's just in a small scale. I don't think that there are paid shills by a government on voat and I think it's mostly used in a ironic or insulting manner. Though the Qultists seem genuinely convinced that everyone but them is a deep state agent.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago


I have to get to work... but if you are too lazy even to use Search Voat ------------>

I will have to give you proof later.

TheBuddha ago

Did you completely not read my post?

LOL I said that I too have witnessed it.

HenryCabotLodge ago

I agree. Keep the Free Speech Free in here. No calls for Militia Violence. /// Let them do that on their own Bundy website out west.

obsecro-morietur ago

Unsure as to why people are saying violence is the only solution... I don’t see it that way at all

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Yeah. Think about that for a second.

KryptoKoins ago

They want civil war and instability

vladtep ago

No they don't, they'd lose bad and they know it.

illuminalto2 ago

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand drone strike!


Secret technology strike that we've been funding through taxes going to black ops/darpa projects.

I don't know man. Not knocking you, just trying to factor in all the knowns and unknowns.

vladtep ago

Technology cannot win wars for many reasons.

For starters, technology depends on electricity.

Rule#2 - don't shit where you eat, this isn't Afghanistan where you fly home when you're done. lol

KryptoKoins ago

Lose to who and who is the good guys who is the bad guys war is just a game that the elites play with the sheep

vladtep ago

People who do not exist are unable to play games.

Soundguy21 ago

The sooner it happens the better the odds are in our favor, this conflict will be resolved by force one way or another. Since the use of force is inevitable I’d rather blitzkrieg these commies back to the stone age

illuminalto2 ago

Yeah I just have a bad feeling that the sooner it happens the sooner conservatives will be painted with a broad brush and gun rights stripped.

DJT warned against "unregulated militias" going to the border... The double speak is thick there. What a bunch of fucking bullshit. IMO he's not looking out for us, rather, just keeping us complacent.

No flame.

Don't tar and feather me. If you feel differently - just come back with something I can chew on.

Or call me names - this is voat and I'm ok with all outcomes because freedom of speech.

fr33europe ago

That's the problem. Armed insurrection is exactly what they want. Problem is the longer it waits the better the odds are for them

KryptoKoins ago

That will be how they take the 2nd Amendment

illuminalto2 ago

That's my opinion as well.