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fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

Can someone type his actual words? Some of us can't watch it.

TrishaUK ago

Great suggestion! At least give the option of video or script. Flip, I had to stop a minute into it, too much for me. Maybe it should have a 'porn' warning instead of just a NSFW? For grannies, as I am, and not used to this, it just feels wrong to share here on voat. Sorry @gamepwn I an not criticising your research, its an excellent find, and I hope these disgusting animals are arrested and imprisoned!! They are just filthy SCUM. @Vindicator @srayzie @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall what do you think?

Vindicator ago

I feel ya, Trisha. I can make a separate flair for "Porn warning", but only Eric and I will be able to deploy it, so there will be a lag in the time it takes to get the label on.

After all this time here, given everything we've seen, folks who can't take this horrible crap really need to slow roll the clicking of links until their fellow goats have a chance to comment and describe.

TrishaUK ago

I think a "Porn warning" for this kind of CP Material would be great. To be fair, 'folks who can't take this horrible crap' do not expect full on disgusting porn to be on a vote submission, because after all we, ..... well I thought we, were against CP and the sharing of it? ----- @Vindicator no offence intended but please see it from another angle, not a prudish person as you sorta indicate those of us who do not want to see this kind of video are. Please hear me out - From @gamepwn write up, **" They admitted it on video.

"GROUPIE CONFESSIONS" "** you would have expected an interview conversation with these degenerates! NOT visual exploitation of children and actual Child Porn - @Vindicator I don't want to get on the wrong side of you, as criticism of a mod brings wrath on an average voater, but I don't appreciate how a few times you talk down to me as though I am a prude, when in reality I am not, I just do not like the idea that we are doing the same as these people we despise, by sharing Porn without warning, it just exploits the victims all over again. - At this point after 2 years I am beginning to feel discouraged because I think people are getting desensitised and defending stuff like this by putting it down as 'if you can't take this crap, you shouldn't watch' That is what 'their' stance. Its not helpful.

@gamepwn this is NOT against you, I am glad you found this, just there should be a flair for Porn especially Child Porn :)

Vindicator ago

Thank you for elucidating your position, Trisha. I did not realize you were considering this video child porn. I did not see any children in @gamepwn's video and it did not occur to me that that is what is visually depicted (though clearly that is what they are all talking about).

I don't appreciate how a few times you talk down to me as though I am a prude

That was not my intention, nor do I think you are a prude. I was trying to point out (modding by phone while on vacation over New Year's) that Voat has the sitewide NSFW flair for a reason (as @PuttItOut explains here), and use of that flair is incorporated into our sub's policy on researching dangerous material, which is found in the sidebar.

I think you make a very valid point about desensitization. However, while shocking and disgusting, this video is not something that is going to get anyone arrested for possessing CP ("dangerous research"). Voat is first and foremost an anti-censorship platform that aims to allow the maximum free speech possible within the law. The v/pizzagate moderator rules require me to uphold that standard.

We can only have one mod-applied flair on a post, which means we would have to remove the Share! flair, which helps draw attention to a very powerful redpill. I would rather not do that.

I can't make a flair for Child Porn, because Voat does not allow illegal content. It must be deleted and reported to Putt for permanent removal from the servers.

All that said, and having reviewed our policy and the way gamepwn made this thread, I would like to ask him to edit his post to incorporate a more explicit description of the content and a better warning, in accord with these best practice elements from the dangerous research policy:

  • Precede dangerous urls or those that lead to them with a clear warning in bolded ALL CAPS of what lies beyond and that researchers proceed at their own risk and take proper security precautions.
  • Verbally describe the content you have found in enough detail to let other researchers decide how to proceed
  • Break the links to the video by adding spaces into the url so that users must copy and paste it into their browser

I would also like to reiterate to all users that the NSFW flair should ALWAYS be taken seriously. Please leave a request for additional detail from the OP in the Comments before clicking through.


TrishaUK ago

Thank you for your reply Vindicator, and for your understanding. I did feel bad after replying to you in case you took it the wrong way. I think the 3 points you make are a great suggestion, especially no.2 because you know whats on the video then and do not have to physically watch it, some things cannot be wiped from your mind once seen. (wish it had worked like that for me when I took my exams! lol) '1. Precede dangerous urls or those that lead to them with a clear warning in bolded ALL CAPS of what lies beyond and that researchers proceed at their own risk and take proper security precautions. 2. Verbally describe the content you have found in enough detail to let other researchers decide how to proceed 3. Break the links to the video by adding spaces into the url so that users must copy and paste it into their browser' - I think the only other video I have felt so shocked and disturbed by was the 'worldcorp' video with the abuse of the little boy in the shower with the man calling himself Skippy' on. I actually reported tat one to Childline, the Childrens Abuse Help Centre here and the police here in the UK. This "Sugar Ray" video, to me was worse, because it was more visible, and, though I could not watch it to the end, the girls looked under age to me. I did not want to report it to the police because it needed to be archived so they cannot delete it from the internet - it is one sick piece of footage that can be used against these sick PIGS.

Vindicator ago

@gamepwn, please see parent and edit the body of your post to make the content more clear. Thank you.