Landwhaleonline ago

Where is the fun in blocking?

drstrangegov ago

This has been a fascinating study on the sliding scale of tolerance. What I've come up with is that voat has done everything properly. It's not for those in power (puttitout) to censor because "obscene" is subjective, and censoring ideas is a bad precedent. I've blocked zyklon and his crew and problem solved. Now those under my Protection (my family) is not exposed to that shot through me. Censorship is a personal preference, just like everything.

Landwhaleonline ago

Exactly. It's all subjective. There is no universal 'good' or 'bad.'

drstrangegov ago

you know that's bullshit.

Landwhaleonline ago

Not at all

drstrangegov ago

Yes. Definitely. History has shown the ethical and moral baseline of the west is conducive to advanced civilization, which we have never achieved previously. That baseline is set by the morality and ethics Christianity has standardized.

Landwhaleonline ago

History has shown the ethical and moral baseline of the west is conducive to advanced civilization, which we have never achieved previously.

Please elaborate on how you know this has never been achieved previously?

drstrangegov ago

no bias involved. look around you. mass rapid global travel. modern medicine. electricity. etc. you think this could have been achieved under islam? Christianity promotes the idea of helping others.

Landwhaleonline ago

mass rapid global travel. modern medicine. electricity

you think this could have been achieved under islam?

I had no idea all of these inventions were "Christian" inventions. Where did I meantion Islam?

Normie-Vision ago

Hey @cresch, aint you that power mode from /v/GreatAwakening ?

oooh deleting is a no no.......... Reddit tier censorship!



@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

He even ask for quote in his own words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.



and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.

such a "builder"

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 19 hours ago

It's Dial. I block all his accounts now. He adds nothing to this place.

NotHereForPizza ago

tfw normies take forum sites for retards too seriously

zyklon_b ago

i found a couple boiz n cali that are edible

HollaKost ago

I don't blame you for being turned off women after seeing this beast

zyklon_b ago

dead kids to eat

Nadeshda ago

Good Morning,

You know I have been watching this unfold and I still do not not have all the boxes ticked but I do see that holding people accountable for their actions to be a good thing.

My mind struggles to understand how this can be done without creating a safe space. If say I block users that are annoying and aggressive then in effect I am living in bubble world. ( Not where I want to be)

Keeping sub related content though to their actual subs is rather important but shitposters constantly toe-the-line on this, under the banner of muh-free-speech!

I think you are trying to bring order to chaos by instilling an attitude of; keep your crap in your own room, I am tired of it spilling over into mine.

I can appreciate this as this is common decency and would be expected IRL.

I may be wrong on my thoughts here but it sounds sensible enough.

The fear is the powermod syndrome that will kick in and we will have gods running around abusing their power. If you run a subverse, then banning or deleting someone for comments, associations or posts elsewhere is clearly in my mind, overstepping the line.

SBBH as a shitposting sub does do this on the regular for the lulz and perhaps this too should be clearly understood in their subverse overview guidelines.

Anyhow, for some reason I felt like speaking to you about this and sharing some thoughts. I guess I am trying to understand your motive as I have always seen you as rather sensible, level headed type person.

Crensch ago

You know I have been watching this unfold and I still do not not have all the boxes ticked but I do see that holding people accountable for their actions to be a good thing.

Thank you! So do I. I think it's important for a healthy society to have certain behaviours that are acceptable, and penalties for taking part in unacceptable behaviour.

My mind struggles to understand how this can be done without creating a safe space. If say I block users that are annoying and aggressive then in effect I am living in bubble world. ( Not where I want to be)

It is a difficult conundrum.

Keeping sub related content though to their actual subs is rather important but shitposters constantly toe-the-line on this, under the banner of muh-free-speech!

I believe that is a combination of an organizational issue (not a speech one) and a Freedom of Association issue.

I think you are trying to bring order to chaos by instilling an attitude of; keep your crap in your own room, I am tired of it spilling over into mine.

You are very right. That is one huge facet of what I'm doing here.

I can appreciate this as this is common decency and would be expected IRL.

An armed society is a polite society.

I may be wrong on my thoughts here but it sounds sensible enough.

Why, thank you. I, too, may be wrong; I do not think I am, though.

The fear is the powermod syndrome that will kick in and we will have gods running around abusing their power.

And that is what kept me in my absurd reverie of PV for so long. Those that do not deserve power always seek it.

If you run a subverse, then banning or deleting someone for comments, associations or posts elsewhere is clearly in my mind, overstepping the line.

I wonder if such things can be held as leverage to encourage good behaviour of those within subverses like SBBH. If many mods of many subverses demanded they keep their lies and inconsistencies in their own subverse, but carried a consistent character outside of that, I do believe a lot of our problems would not happen.

Part of the issue right now is the seeming license of any shitposter to say or do whatever without consequence anywhere on this website. Maybe useful, maybe not. Usernames with lots of time and effort put into them are going to feel pain when they cannot participate.

Food for thought.

SBBH as a shitposting sub does do this on the regular for the lulz and perhaps this too should be clearly understood in their subverse overview guidelines.

It would be nice.

Anyhow, for some reason I felt like speaking to you about this and sharing some thoughts. I guess I am trying to understand your motive as I have always seen you as rather sensible, level headed type person.

I appreciate that. Did I answer your questions to your satisfaction?

Nadeshda ago

I am smiling and thinking more about your satisfactory reply there... lol. :)

There is definitely food for thought as many who seek freedom do not realize that self restraint, discipline and accountability are often the path to enjoying such things.

No one appreciates nigger culture crapping up the place and a good sense of tidy mindedness goes a long way.

Can you remember the good ol’ fashioned word Prudence? I do not think many even recognize this virtue these days, shocking times we live in.

I will speak to you again so far it has been pleasant and appreciated. Have a good evening!

Crensch ago

Can you remember the good ol’ fashioned word Prudence? I do not think many even recognize this virtue these days, shocking times we live in.

I'll say that I have seen the word in books, and never used either in meatspace or digitally by anyone not using it as a proper noun for someone.

The pleasure was all mine. I look forward to our next correspondence.

Crensch ago

I do appreciate your comment. I am not in a position to respond in a way that does it justice.

If you see me active elsewhere, I am responding to things that do not deserve as much thought. Please be patient, I will respond when I can.

gabara ago

Voat was better before QRV came here.

ExpertShitposter ago

Both users can be blocked.

Why do you even mention that? I wrote that your bans cant be stopped, not that you cant be blocked.

They won't be BTFO'd at all. I'll create a subverse for them and run roughshod all over anyone still stuck in the bubble of (((free speech))) as you know it.

Well congratulations, you have become the biggest redditor faggot on voat. Next thing i expect from you is a conversion to national socialist wahhabi islam.

define this "voat"

Simply voat in the state that it's now. Also: Only 50 votes, but users overwhelmingly thing that you are a worse than zyklon. Now that's an achievement!

Not gonna comment on the triggs stuff.

Consistency of faggotry.

Crensch ago

Not gonna comment on the triggs stuff.

Oh, maybe @rotteuxx would like to have a crack at it, since he's SO proud of his badge of honor for dogpiling an overemotional woman when he had one right there beside him the whole time!

Rotteuxx ago

Replying to a day old comment by @expertshitposter because a retarded thought sprouted in your mind ?

What can I say about @Trigglypuff :

  • She didn't create drama all by her lonesome self.

  • She never sent tit pics by PM to gain anyone's loyalty. She's gained the respect of her friends by being herself and helping others with her talents throughout the years.

  • She didn't come at me with alts she stupidly forgot I knew were hers by her own admission.

  • She tried to help by giving her opinion but got shit on and had PMs publicly displayed by a blubbery jewess as an attack.

  • She didn't just do back to back sperg outs fed by emotionally irrational thoughts. She got pissed off and retaliated once because she got fucked with.

  • She doesn't claim one thing while doing the other :

"We haven't been feeding the trolls"

"I don't use alts to do bad, mmmmkay ?

So what about her ?

Crensch ago

She didn't create drama all by her lonesome self.

Neither did srayzie.

She never sent tit pics by PM to gain anyone's loyalty.

Your deeds happened before any of that came out - and to my knowledge they were originally sent to someone that did not have any power anyway.

She's gained the respect of her friends by being herself and helping others with her talents throughout the years.

Yeah, then she wrote this which showed to more than one person that she was likely part of the overall problem. Look at that thing. It's like an admission of being one of them.

She didn't come at me with alts she stupidly forgot I knew were hers by her own admission.

Sounds like you're taking the internet too srsly, shitposter.

She tried to help by giving her opinion but got shit on and had PMs publicly displayed by a blubbery jewess as an attack.

That's not help. What she wrote was damage control. Ask @kevdude if he knows what "wedge" she's talking about, because neither srayzie nor I did. In fact, here's what I wrote to him:

That PM is what ultimately caused me to start questioning everything. Look at this thing. It throws up red flags all over the goddamned place. What the fuck kind of rambling horseshit is that? Some super secret agent man who is dangerous and mean, who you should be FRIENDS with, and she posts a convo with me that is pretty much irrelevant to show she's 'in' and 'connected' to us. LOTS of claims without a shred of evidence. Her second PM trying to explain was equally absurd.

And what was that wedge between HER and PV she referenced that they were trying to push? Neither srayzie nor I saw anything LIKE that. How convenient some unknown "wedge" was being pushed to make it seem like she was trying to keep the peace... or something?

Fuck, man. It's like she read a nigger's guide to Jewing a forum and followed the misnumbered ebonics through from top to bottom.

She didn't just do back to back sperg outs fed by emotionally irrational thoughts.

Oh, right, because HER kids weren't being attacked, and it wasn't HER problem that there was somebody around her that was threatening kids and doxxing them to pedophiles.

She got pissed off and retaliated once because she got fucked with.

HAHAHAHA. She made an entire subverse about it. What a fucking pussy pass you're giving her! This is so funny.

She doesn't claim one thing while doing the other :

She sure as hell mocks a woman for doing exactly what she's doing - only the other woman had a better reason for it.

Imagine what must have been in that PM that caused her SUCH emotional distress that she would make subverse altar to a woman being attacked by zyklon.

Top kek, white knight. Top kek.

So what about her ?

Your hormone slit knew her previous PM made her sound like a nutcase, and both of you have thinner skins than the Q people you consistently attack.

"Muh she attacked me with alts"

"Muh she showed a PM to others!"

Did it even occur to you that the usernames in that PM didn't once attack her for lying about them? Zero damage control was done. Why do you think that is?

Rotteuxx ago

Sounds like you're taking the internet too srsly, shitposter.

Top KeK, nice diatribe. Stopped reading right there.

Keep on sperging out faggot, by all means write another 100 lines.

Crensch ago

Keep giving out those pussy passes to Triggly in order to keep a firm image of a 'real man' in your mind.

Crensch ago

Why do you even mention that? I wrote that your bans cant be stopped, not that you cant be blocked. What a shit comment.

Why do I mention that I can be blocked? LOOK at how much you guys are sperging out over me. If you can block HIS antics, you can block mine, too, right?

Well congratulations, you have become the biggest redditor faggot on voat. Next thing i expect from you is a conversion to national socialist wahhabi islam.

What a fantastic argument. Oh, wait...

Oh and pleas cut it out with the triple parenthesis, you are a leader of a movement specifically designed to keep peoples head down in the dem/rep rat race, failing to see what is really killing them. Fucking (((Q))).

You dumbfucks ran off the quickest path for most of these Q folks to get redpilled on the JQ. You only have yourselves to blame if they, en masse, wiggawagga to the wailing wall. I know for a fact that one of them with pull would have been a better vector of changing their trajectory than literally anything else you can come up with.

Simply voat in the state that it's now.

The dirty underbelly in uproar over what they can't control anymore?

Also: Only 50 votes, but users overwhelmingly thing that you are a worse than zyklon. Now that's an achievement!

I'm a threat to your narrative. Every last one of you could have done something about this, but what did you do? I'll take the wiggawaggas over you whishywashy pansy fucks any day.

Not gonna comment on the triggs stuff.

Neither is she, apparently. Couldn't handle being held accountable for acting exactly like srayzie and shizy.

Consistency of faggotry is what it has become.

Opinions -> assholes.

Let me know when you want to try and defend your position. I'm always here for you, buddy.

ExpertShitposter ago

You are the only one sperging out. Our only complaint were your bans. Have you noticed anyone of us talking shit about you BEFORE you started banning people.

ran off the quickest path for most of these Q folks to get redpilled on the JQ

Boomers are worthless people. The don't matter. ONLY genZ matter in this fight. And to a smaller degree, millennials. Saw any boomers rioting with the yellow jackets in paris? Didn't think so. Boomers destroyed the world, generation revenge will fix it. Boomers need not apply. They cant and they won't.

The dirty underbelly in uproar over what they can't control anymore?

Control is still fine. You and GA are nothing.

Neither is she, apparently.

People see you as lost to the kikery. They aren't interested in talking to you anymore as it feels similar to trying to convince some communist to like Hitler. I didn't comment on the triggs sutff not because i have nothing to say about it, but because i couldn't be bothered to read it.

I wake up to a bunch of crensch rage....dude, i'm barely responding to you now. You are no longer worth my time, and will only have me responding to you less and less no mater what the accusations are.

Let me know when you want to try and defend your position.

I did. You have aligned your self with fans of Israel, and ban dissident like a reddit power mod. All under the excuse of "soft pilling people on Holocaust". As if that is what will convince people onto white separatism. The onyl thing that can save the white race. I 100% oppose your actions and thoughts, and that is all the defense i need in the eyes of those who are on ther right path, and on to you.

Crensch ago

You are the only one sperging out.

Kek. I figured it was nicer than saying you all are spitballing some of the weakest arguments I've ever seen towards me to see what sticks, and nothing is.

Our only complaint were your bans.

Yes. I know. I love how amazingly active you all are when someone does something you don't like, but how you yawn at the antics of Zyklon in comparison.

Have you noticed anyone of us talking shit about you BEFORE you started banning people.

Maybe I should have tried to doxx someone's kids to pedophiles to keep off your radar!

Boomers are worthless people.

Have been up to now, I agree. Could be useful, and are slowly redpilling? Also true.

The don't matter. ONLY genZ matter in this fight.

That's quite the claim. They're the ones with money and time and votes... and yes, even guns.

And to a smaller degree, millennials.

These past two quoted claims seem like they'd be difficult to support. Happy to see what you have to support them.

Saw any boomers rioting with the yellow jackets in paris?

Was I supposed to notice the generation of them? I didn't.

Boomers destroyed the world, generation revenge will fix it. Boomers need not apply. They cant and they won't.

Generations long before the boomers destroyed the world. "The greatest generation" destroyed the world. So did those that voted in those that let Jews in. Or women vote. Or any number of things.

Boomers are ousted by virtue of the time period of their births? No opportunity for learning that their lives were a lie and finally feeling the crushing weight of all they've done in their lives to contribute to this problem? No chance to have that shame galvanize them into marching with the younger generations to effect change?

That's a pretty specific hatred for the blame being on nearly every generation leading up to them.

Control is still fine. You and GA are nothing.

It's not. And it won't be. I already told you I'd make a welcome-mat for T_D folks this time.

But it's not, right now. Any mod that wants to get rid of you niggers can fly their subverse under my flag. You think they're not watching?

People see you as lost to the kikery.

Some people can't help but get emotional and unreasonable.

They aren't interested in talking to you anymore as it feels similar to trying to convince some communist to like Hitler.

They can't engage, because they have no logos to fight back with, and they know it. Trigglypuff is a prime example of this. She knows she acted like an emotional fronthole, but doesn't want to have any accountability for it. She just wants to march around with her badge of destroying a woman whose only crime was attacking the guy threatening kids; she does this as she continues to ignore zyklon, or "warn" others via PM of going against him.

I explained to kevdude what ultimately caused me to re-examine the axioms I had of this place. Oh, and he didn't know about any wedge issue betewen us and triggly, either. So what was she talking about? WHY was she SO angry at those going public that she'd make an altar to a woman better than her? SO angry she'd bring up pics that were no longer on srayzie's social media, due to previous doxxing attemps, and spread them around?

I didn't comment on the triggs sutff not because i have nothing to say about it, but because i couldn't be bothered to read it.

Because I was being too reasonable as it was, and you didn't want to have to face some uncomfortable facts.

I wake up to a bunch of crensch rage....dude, i'm barely responding to you now.

All of you are barely responding to me. You're all avoiding doing so, because you read something I was right about and you don't want to think I'm still sane.

You are no longer worth my time, and will only have me responding to you less and less no mater what the accusations are.

If this was simply about my break from your ideals, I doubt you'd react this way. It's something more, isn't it?

Or are you so attached to your ideals that you don't have any useful way of dealing with someone that breaks from them? That must be uncomfortable.

You're not alone, kevdude tried to stop talking to me, too. His defense mechanisms broke in that nest. It's fascinating to watch.

I did.

No. You did the equivalent of a boomer telling you "Q is real" and walking off like he won an argument.

You have aligned your self with fans of Israel

Many of them aren't, and many of them are learning that Israel is not their friend. Your claim doesn't hold water.

and ban dissident like a reddit power mod.

I had reasons for that outside of acting like a powermod and flexing my epeen. I know you all don't want to see it, but it's there. The motivation to do those things is very clear for all to see.

All under the excuse of "soft pilling people on Holocaust".

How would you do it? Go in guns blazing and cause them to shut their minds off like... oh wait... like all of you did when I snubbed your ideals into your faces! You literally want to do to them what I did to you, and you just admitted you don't want to engage with me.

Why is that, Expert? Why don't you want to talk to me? Because you think I'm... what? Don't you think they'd think the same?

I do. I know they would.

As if that is what will convince people onto white separatism.

You don't see that very obvious progression for the people that can mentally handle it? I do. I see it a lot. They read my words on the holocaust, then they read my words on racism, then they read my words on purity spiraling, then they PM me thanking me for waking them up.

The onyl thing that can save the white race.

Might help to have a bunch of people AT LEAST see the Jews as liars for that, no? Not like you can really effectively delineate the redpilled whites from non-redpilled if SHTF.

I 100% oppose your actions and thoughts, and that is all the defense i need in the eyes of those who are on ther right path, and on to you.

They would act that way towards you, too. You don't see that it's a defense mechanism in your mind keeping you from wanting to talk to me, because you know I'd shatter some axiom you hold dear, same as them.

It's understandable, but people with thick skin power through and learn how they're wrong. I had to do it on my own two weeks ago, but you have someone right here telling you how you're wrong.

MolochHunter ago

Interesting sub.

My hands up if ur looking for mods

VeryOffended ago

Do you have a paying job?

Crensch ago

Two, and I own a business.

Do you?

VeryOffended ago

Damn that's impressive. 2 jobs aside from owning your own business?

I'm just an employee at a small company. Don't much like it there.

Now, if that's true, any advice on juggling it all? I have ideas for businesses based on what holds the small shitty company back in terms of time and labor.

Crensch ago

I don't do 9-5s. My work is different and prioritized just right. I have a decent amount of time off but when I clock in it's insane.

Sounds like you have a good plan there. People that can improve and help companies while within them often leave and become consultants for higher pay and less time on the job. If you do those things for the shitty company they don't want to do or don't know to do, the inertia of you doing that will cause them to want to just pay you to make it easy for them.

Never stop planning. I do what I do here while my mind processes what moves I can make IRL to increase my leverage over everyone around me.

Leverage and inertia are powerful things that most people don't even consider when they clock in at 9am.

VeryOffended ago

Thanks. To be honest, I've been keeping up with what's been going on here too much in the last few days. Soley because I noticed it a while ago and can't believe what it's grown into lately. Seeing the dynamic truly pissed me off and fascinates me at the same time. Almost like reading/watching murder mysteries or watching forencic files.

I criticized and I'm still confused. I'm sorry if I'll never get it. However, thank you for your last comment! I mean it. Thank you very much.

Crensch ago

Cheers, bud.

What's been going on around here is a massacre. I wouldn't expect anyone to keep up with it. If it's not current I can't even go through and piece shit together without a great deal of problems.

I DO hope some are thoroughly entertained by it. I certainly am.

You're welcome. Good luck.

VeryOffended ago

Eh, I'm not necessarily entertained. Just watching it play out and trying to figure out the good and bad players live. Confusing beacuse of the type of website voat is. I was against you because I had/still might have the leave it alone attitude.

Like you said, it goes back a while. I didn't pay attention every step of the way. Only when there was hype that anyone in a specific subverse couldn't ignore.

Regardless of anything, I think we both started out this conversation somewhat skeptical. I can only say thank you now for the push.

Crensch ago

You're welcome.

I wanted to be lazy and not have to do any of this. Oh well.

Crensch ago

She just wanted you to see them? Just like that?

I don't really understand the significance of this.

Anyway at this point I don't think we have anything more to say to each other.

Oh, but we do.

You think the worst of me

Do I, now?

and while I don't hate you

I don't hate you.

I sure as shit don't respect how you have handled this.

I know. And I know why. Let me know when you wake up.

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh my god... Best day on Voat ever.

The faggot twins are breaking up...

Poor guys.

Just let me grab more popcorn real quick and we can keep going.

SmockingGunn ago

I am miking some popcorn now watching these faggots eat themselves!

Bravo! Bravo! Encore! ENCORE!

Vindicator ago

What's amazing to me in this whole debate is the keen allergic reaction to the questioning of the status quo. The smear campaign against srayzie has only intensified over the past 24 hours, as if people who want to hold onto the system that allowed all the bad behavior think that by destroying her they can silence dissent.

Crensch ago

Yeah. Srayzie and Shizy's real sin was to question that, not all the other crap they keep weakly spewing. Rather funny how rabid they're getting over their biggest sacred goat. Their idea of (((Voat))).

Crensch ago


Crensch ago

Why don't you just ask them to stop? Better yet have her ask them.

Ask who to stop? Who ask who? Stop what? Antecedents and context matters in clear communication.

This has been quite the piece of theater.

Ambiguous as well.

Crensch ago

How are you defining a "win"?

How I always define it.

What do you think the goal is?

Your goal? The preservation of the status quo that allows shitposters and trolls to run roughshod over mods and subverses.

Crensch ago

You still don't understand. Operating in that bubble of internal logic that is rock solid.

None of you can win, and some part of you already knows it.

sguevar ago

Since you have asked me so many things today. Let me rephrase the question I did to you earlier.

Are you willing to have the conversation to be able to create a new "letter of the law" as @Sandhog put it so we can accommodate the tools we need to fight against future harassment, so we can provide the tools to mods to defend themselves or are you just willing to create hit pieces that will disrupt the community further to proof how powerful you are?

Please man, we can't have the dialogue without you. Not because of we desperatly need you but you are an important part of Voat and you currently manage 2 subs that are quite big. Not having your insight wouldn't be faire to your two subs. This is why I am saying we need you. Not at PV perse, I know you don't want to be back there. But for the sake of Voat.

Crensch ago

Are you willing to have the conversation to be able to create a new "letter of the law" as @Sandhog put it so we can accommodate the tools we need to fight against future harassment, so we can provide the tools to mods to defend themselves or are you just willing to create hit pieces that will disrupt the community further to proof how powerful you are?

Why don't you all put together something, and I'll decide if I want to destroy it or not?

Not having your insight wouldn't be faire to your two subs.

What are you going to do about it? They don't seem to be having any issues so far.

Not because of we desperatly need you

Yeah, you do. I'm tearing you all apart, piece by piece, and I will continue to do so until I am satisfied.

sguevar ago

Why don't you all put together something, and I'll decide if I want to destroy it or not?

Fair enough you can consult it then if you want, I honestly wanted you to be a more active party so it accomodates your subs also. But one last attempt, why don't you consult it with them? Don't you think they would find it beneficiary if their owner participates in this conversation. Just a thought.

What are you going to do about it? They don't seem to be having any issues so far.

My interest is that your subscribers don't become the type that is daddy mod do this or that and that they know they have to actively engage on the sub. Is not just about making posts or commenting but also to spot the shills and to downvote their unproductive comments and denounce the posts that break the rules. Right now many are complaining about the shitposters this and that to which your solution was to ban hammer left and right and you know that is not the right call.

Yeah, you do. I'm tearing you all apart, piece by piece, and I will continue to do so until I am satisfied.

Me personally? Not really, for as I said I have nothing to hide. As I have said many times, he that doesn't owe nothing, doesn't fear anything. I don't know about the others but your actions are sure putting in check Voat man.

This is why I am trying, the hardest I can to ask you to please stop with this approach and lets start working together. In the end my interest is that most of Voat if not all of it's current users vote on the new "letter of the law" for the sake of the future ones and the platform itself.

Vindicator ago

I honestly wanted you to be a more active party so it accomodates your subs also. But one last attempt, why don't you consult it with them? Don't you think they would find it beneficiary if their owner participates in this conversation.

That is a pretty damn elitist thing to say, sguevar. Are you saying I am not welcome to participate in my own right as the moderator of v/pizzagate who knows the subscribers far better than Crensch ever will? I have to be represented by a titled member of the Voat Elite?

sguevar ago

That is a pretty damn elitist thing to say, sguevar. Are you saying I am not welcome to participate in my own right as the moderator of v/pizzagate who knows the subscribers far better than Crensch ever will? I have to be represented by a titled member of the Voat Elite?

I didn't say that at all I said that his insight is also important and I would hope he would work with us on this also. But he already stated that he will see what we prepare and decide to whether he "destroys it or not" like a ZB response....

kestrel9 ago

I have to be represented by a titled member of the Voat Elite?

That's what came to my mind too.

Crensch ago

Fair enough you can consult it then if you want, I honestly wanted you to be a more active party so it accomodates your subs also.

I guess you'll all have to fawn over each other to try and appease me before I stomp your ideals into the mud like I'm currently doing.

But one last attempt, why don't you consult it with them? Don't you think they would find it beneficiary if their owner participates in this conversation. Just a thought.

Nah, I'll take it like a bidding war.

My interest is that your subscribers don't become the type that is daddy mod do this or that and that they know they have to actively engage on the sub. Is not just about making posts or commenting but also to spot the shills and to downvote their unproductive comments and denounce the posts that break the rules.

I'll do what is necessary to make their experience here a good one.

Right now many are complaining about the shitposters this and that to which your solution was to ban hammer left and right and you know that is not the right call.

I know it was.

Me personally? Not really, for as I said I have nothing to hide. As I have said many times, he that doesn't owe nothing, doesn't fear anything. I don't know about the others but your actions are sure putting in check Voat man.

Glad you managed to keep yourself from the fallout. I must not owe anything, as well.

This is why I am trying, the hardest I can to ask you to please stop with this approach and lets start working together. In the end my interest is that most of Voat if not all of it's current users vote on the new "letter of the law" for the sake of the future ones and the platform itself.

I don't know if you've noticed, but the platform itself is humming along nicely. The only people affected by this are those in the dirty underbelly of this place. It was time for a purge.

Dismember ago

I'll do what is necessary to make their experience here a good one.

I like what I'm seeing there especially but I do have my doubts about your motivations, given it's a pretty big turnaround from the Crensch of last year who confronted some of the migrations to Voat. You proved your yourself once before on PizzaGate when I doubted you though, so what do I know..

kestrel9 ago

I don't know if you've noticed, but the platform itself is humming along nicely. The only people affected by this are those in the dirty underbelly of this place. It was time for a purge.

Yes, no thanks to the hand wringers on protect voat. Thanks @crensch, it's about time regular users had an advocate with some clarity on the more difficult choices. The spirit of the law can't be realized as long as those who malignantly corrupt both letter and spirit of the law are given priority over everyone else.

@sguevar mentions trying to provide the tools for mods to defend themselves. As far as working with srayzie and GA, seems quite a wretched track record on that with no acknowledgment of judgement error on their part.

sguevar ago

This has to come from all Mods. Is not just PV. What I am trying to do is rally people that can work on this process. I know you find Crensch as the one with clarity here, but I am in no interest of fighting him. And his insight is valuable as he was one of the users that assisted on the creation of the first rules that help Voat more than 3 years ago. If he doesn't want to participate on the new process... would you? You seem to be quite rational and logical. I think you can definitely bring value to this.

Crensch ago

The (((Chosen ones))) are never wrong, goyim!

heygeorge ago

To summarize:

  • If someone is sperging and you don’t care for it, you can block them.

  • If a mod banned you from a subverse for whatever reason, you can block yourself from seeing the posts you are not allowed to participate in.

  • These unequal ideas are presented as equivalent.

  • Triggly did not like that srayz shared a private conversation. This means she is an emotional woman.

  • You, Crensch, are no longer an iconoclast [n. A person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions]

  • Some Qtards are good people.

Am I close? I think I’m close.

ExpertShitposter ago

Crensch has basically become an emotionally retarded faggot. We have seen this kind of switch before with 9-11, and a few others. Its always like this. So this is something one has to keep in mind when talking to him in the future.

The biggest extremists always turn out to be the biggest kikes. Kind of like when the original owner of v/niggers turned out to be a self admitted jew.

Crensch ago

It's easier to tone fallacy and dismiss my words as 'emotional'.

It's laughable to suggest retardation or Jewry, though. Do you notice any pilpul in my words? Loxism? Anti-white anything? Hell, I pointed out that so many of you are fucking mix-breeds or race-traitors already, but I don't see you calling out those users.

All I'm doing is defending a group of people capable of learning that the Holocaust might be a lie from the kind of people that want to run them off. What the fuck kind of people do you want here, anyway? Goat-On-Arrival types? Where do you find those, I wonder?

You really should try better to define the Voat you think you are defending; it's kind of central to the tenets of this particular crusade.

ExpertShitposter ago

By far the most important thing for survival of the white race is separation from blacks and jews. Everything else is less important. Because all other factors will determine will whites prosper more or less. But separatism will determine will they even survive or just die out in the next 300 years.

So any speech or actions that go against white separatism is evidence of lunacy or deliberate jewery. One look at the sidebar in QRV is all one need to know about (((Q))) and its followers. Its designed to keep people in the rat race, hoping for a simple political solution. Hey hey.....don't rock the boat now......wouldn't wanna risk losing my comforts now.....

You ban people who would speak out against Q and Trump kikery.

Crensch ago

By far the most important thing for survival of the white race is separation from blacks and jews.

The kinds of people that zyklon acts exactly like, 100% of the time? Got it.

Everything else is less important.

I agree.

Because all other factors will determine will whites prosper more or less. But separatism will determine will they even survive or just die out in the next 300 years.

I agree.

So any speech or actions that go against white separatism is evidence of lunacy or deliberate jewery.

How would you go about recruiting people to your side? Do you have the numbers to be the obvious, ubiquitous social in-group that everyone wants to join? Or are you still outside the Overton Window and you have to slowly redpill your recruits?

One look at the sidebar in QRV is all one need to know about (((Q))) and its followers.

QRV is an abortion and always has been. The mods there aren't even legit by Q/boomer standards. Did you miss that?

Its designed to keep people in the rat race, hoping for a simple political solution.

A subverse of 13,000 had its mod question the Holocaust, and because it wasn't a purity-spiraling white supremacy rant, it's not enough for you.

You SBBH faggots are like spoiled children that want everything RIGHT NOW and don't want to work or wait for it, even when it is very obviously heading towards the reward you want.

Hey hey.....don't rock the boat now......wouldn't wanna risk losing my comforts now.....

Yeah, because you convince people to toss away their comforts and prepare to kill niggers by shouting at them from your soap box. This, too, is a defense mechanism in your mind against Q. It's unreasonable. Irrational. There's nothing to recommend your position on it whatsoever.

You ban people who would speak out against Q and Trump kikery.

I ban people who would shit on the carpet.

I have a subverse specifically for people like you that want to argue against Q. I haven't seen it today, but as of last night, nobody had anything but personal attacks on Q and the followers, and the same bad arguments.

It's not convincing when you tell people you'd act like a spoiled dictator if you became POTUS, and that you'd kick the rule of law and all the other shit you'd need to do to the wayside while jailing and hanging people that hadn't even been tried in a court of law yet.

That's what your arguments look like from the outside, whether you like it or not.

ExpertShitposter ago


These problems internal to the race will be dealt with afterwards. Same as always throughout history.

recruiting people to your side

Certainly not by banning radicals for being too radical.

QRV is an abortion

Same shit in all Q subs. Same crowd.

I have a subverse specifically for people like you that want to argue against Q

Your 13,000 dont go to that subverse.

Cant find my favorite infographics on lemmings. But in any case, you should read siege if you haven't already. Tho its ideas might be outdated by now due to the internet.

Crensch ago

These problems internal to the race will be dealt with afterwards. Same as always throughout history.

Oh, I agree.

Certainly not by banning radicals for being too radical.

That's a loss prevention strategy. Did you have one of those?

Same shit in all Q subs. Same crowd.

Nah. Some overlap but mostly very different kind of people.

Your 13,000 dont go to that subverse.

They don't need to. I'm enough to ask the right questions to get you all to realize you don't have a leg to stand on when you pull out your megaphone and soapbox.

Cant find my favorite infographics on lemmings. But in any case, you should read siege if you haven't already. Tho its ideas might be outdated by now due to the internet.

Analog ideas are usually fairly easy to translate to digital mediums. I don't know when I'll have time, but if I think about it, I'll definitely do that.

ExpertShitposter ago

different kind of people.

or maybe they just speak differently when not covered by the veil of 100% true anonymity?

I don't know when I'll have time

We should probably set aside 1h per day for reading old literature. Its interesting to see things from the perspective of a person who was actually a part of American Nazi party.

Crensch ago

or maybe they just speak differently when not covered by the veil of 100% true anonymity?

That's a lot of credit you're giving to boomers.

We should probably set aside 1h per day for reading old literature. Its interesting to see things from the perspective of a person who was actually part of the American Nazi party.

I usually have plenty of time and mind to do so - when things are calm here. It would be interesting. GLR is one of my favourites.

heygeorge ago

the original owner of v/niggers turned out to be a self admitted jew.


RockmanRaiden ago

I think 1 and 2 are equal presented with the context of the platform itself. At the discretion of proper modship, they should be able to ban anyone who's a disturbance to the public space. Like a pervert exposing himself in public. They would be removed from wherever they are.

heygeorge ago

They are objectively not the same. 1 puts the power in the hands of the individual. 2 puts the power in the hands of a gatekeeper.

They (1&2) also serve different purposes, though there is overlap.

How did you land at Voat? I am not here because I was banned from elsewhere. But I wager the case majority are.

RockmanRaiden ago

I wandered here from the r/conspiracy subreddit as McBitches.

heygeorge ago

So you weren’t censored. I have to imagine OP was censored elsewhere. But I forget his origin story after all this time.

Crensch ago

If someone is sperging and you don’t care for it, you can block them.

That's what everyone keeps telling me!

If a mod banned you from a subverse for whatever reason, you can block yourself from seeing the posts you are not allowed to participate in.


These unequal ideas are presented as equivalent.

I wasn't going to go there, but you're right!

If the sperg is threatening and spamming and going too far, you can block them, but they can make alts, and ping you, and ping your buddies, and clutter up your posts, and stalk your comments, and ping his buddies to you, and doxx you or spread your self-doxxed photos around trying to REALLY doxx you, or pretending to, but it's OK because it's a joke.

If a subverse bans you, you can remove it from your experience and...??? what happens? Nothing.

You did yourself no favors bringing that up.

Triggly did not like that srayz shared a private conversation. This means she is an emotional woman.

Oh, her retaliation wasn't exactly like srayzie not letting go of when someone attacked her? Right. (((Chosen one))). Oh, wait, do I get to mock you for being cucked by her? Did she send you tit pics to try and hide the fact that she's an overemotional fronthole? Le white knight, heygeorge?

Srayzie made posts. Trigglypuff made a fucking subverse with a CSS altar to someone she was hypocritically attacking for... what?


Kek. <---



You, Crensch, are no longer an iconoclast [n. A person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions]

That you think that shows that you still don't understand what I'm doing.

Some Qtards are good people.

Does this surprise you, or something? They've put up with the mockery like fucking champs, when YOU couldn't handle when an overemotional girl accidentally grouped all of SBBH together as possibly going to attack GA. You whined like a little bitch over that, yet look at what happened? Not only did you prove her right, but you took her mistake like an emotional woman.

How do you square that circle?

Am I close? I think I’m close.

I think you're close to something, but you don't even realize what it is, and the realization of it won't be fun. What you thought you were close to? Nope.

heygeorge ago

subverse bans you, you can remove it from your experience and...??? what happens? Nothing.

Yes. Nothing! Precisely this. The user is then banned from participating based on the whims of a gatekeeper.
Conflation of this concept with the inherent sitewide limitations of user blocking doesn’t change the above.

As for the rest of it, I wasn’t arguing with you (although you seem to want to argue). I was summarizing what I had taken the time to read. You’re not known for being succinct, after all.

I did notice you refer to srayz as ‘an overemotional girl’. Did srayz send you nudes?

Crensch ago

Yes. Nothing! Precisely this. The user is then banned from participating based on the whims of a gatekeeper.

Aww, gee! Look at what it takes to overcome that! You know, versus overcoming the other.

Conflation of this concept with the inherent sitewide limitations of user blocking doesn’t change the above.

You're going to have to be more clear.

As for the rest of it, I wasn’t arguing with you (although you seem to want to argue). I was summarizing what I had taken the time to read. You’re not known for being succinct, after all.

Your summary was pretty much horseshit. Seemed more like a gauntlet thrown down that you're now trying to backpedal on.

I did notice you refer to srayz as ‘an overemotional girl’. Did srayz send you nudes?

Isn't that what you've all been hammering on her for? Triggly, in particular, harping on how srayzie is just a fronthole that couldn't handle the internet because vagina and emotions. But SBBH certainly supported, if not participated in, those attacks on srayzie while giving Triggly a pussy pass.

You were the first pussy with your response about srayzie's SBBH post. Then Triggly had to go and rub her hormone-slit all over a new subverse with hand-crafted CSS of another woman she was hurt by.

Did you guys call her out? Even once?

Nah. (((chosen ones)))

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @shit_alt_lmao.

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heygeorge ago

Overcoming a ban? What does it take to overcome a ban?

User blocking and subverse moderation are not the same thing. See my reply elsewhere in thread to whatshisname.

Ok, I can tell you want to argue. I have no interest in that ATM.

I don’t recall ‘hammering on srayz for being an overemotional girl’. I did notice you refer to her in precisely that way, as I already said.

I don’t know why you expect me to be personally responsible for the behavior of others.

If this fighting keeps up I’m going to leave the site.

Crensch ago

Overcoming a ban? What does it take to overcome a ban?


User blocking and subverse moderation are not the same thing. See my reply elsewhere in thread to whatshisname.

I might stumble upon it. Not going to search it out.

Ok, I can tell you want to argue. I have no interest in that ATM.

Given what you know about me, how could you think your comment wasn't an invitation to engage in fisticuffs?

I don’t recall ‘hammering on srayz for being an overemotional girl’. I did notice you refer to her in precisely that way, as I already said.

I still don't understand the significance of me paraphrasing a lot of what you guys have been saying.

I don’t know why you expect me to be personally responsible for the behavior of others.

I don't know why you expect others to not hold your group responsible for the actions of its members. Even as a Freudian Slip. Because you define your group as "not a group"? You have shitposters that are held to zero rules, and everyone is supposed to just play along that everything you say is a joke when so many don't keep their "art" of dishonestly and lying within the confines of the subverse.

What method are we to use to determine when someone is being serious or not?

If this fighting keeps up I’m going to leave the site.

It's going to. I do think you're one of the good ones, but what you stand for currently allowed zyklon to progress unfettered, and almost every action made by those in SBBH was an escalation to absurdity. I'll have nothing to do with a system that rewards such a thing while fettering mods that just want to remove that kind of shit.

Either way, it was a good run.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @shit_alt_lmao.

Posted automatically (#44583) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

heygeorge ago

What do you think of the subverse I’m intending to create?

I’ve actually been meaning to get your input on it, but it didn’t seem like the right time. Now does. The only thing I’ve started so far is the sidebar.


Crensch ago

Fucking love it.

Crensch ago

Oh, and @Expertshitposter REEEEEEEEEEEEEEd, too. "Muh SBBH attack we must defend!" "SRAYZIE NO DEFEND IS EMOTIONAL GIRL"


Here you go, @heygeorge.

Why u guize taking innernetz so srsly?

And why are you such massive hypocrites?

ExpertShitposter ago

There's noting reeeee about that post. Its a calm and thruthful explanation of things to a retarded q boomer with one too many layers of tin foil on her head.

Rotteuxx ago

You are trying hard to make people look as emotionally deformed as you, and its becoming quite cringey as its obvious.

I read his convo with @Sguevar in this thread and imo anyone can tell that @Crensch is in an obsessive "me vs the world" mind set.

Sguevar is trying to come at it from a 3rd person point of view but Crensch keeps lobbing him into the only camp he recognizes besides his own. His replies are combative and no concessions are made in the spirit of reasonable dialogue with someone uninvolved in the axe grinding.

Aw well, waiting to find out how horrifyingly inconsistent I am and all that bad stuff. It's free !

ExpertShitposter ago

Watch him just simply attach a "reeeeeeeeeeeeee" to anything you say. Its easier than looking in the mirror.

CerealBrain ago

Nobody gives a fuck what you think. You suck Zyklon cock.

Crensch ago

reveals salt.



Pick one.

Maggotbait88 ago

I heard that you were getting sexts from srayzie is this true? How would they have found out?

Crensch ago

I heard the lot of you can't even fight back against a single user that keeps wrecking your shit; claiming territory none of you ever thought an outsider would ever tread upon.

Maggotbait88 ago

What are you saying? Please explain

lord_nougat ago

I think he's asking you for dick pics.

THOTshot ago

I want to hear what you're saying!

PM me and let's hook it up!

Crensch ago

Offending people is fun. If these weak-minded people weren't around, it wouldn't be as fun.

Edit: Just imagine getting upset or even pissed off because of words on a screen. How do these people survive to adulthood?

Hey, @Landwhaleonline, are you going to apply that equally? Now that @Trigglypuff is everything you commented against?

You're not, are you? (((Protected class))) must defend (((protected class))).

Hey, @Trigglypuff, when you responded to:

You used your last pussy pass.


Na, I had nine. Think I’m down to eight.

What was the real count?

Hey, @sguevar, when you said:

And when they are unable to argue that they result into tantrums, ad hominems, virtue signalling and character assassination to put themselves above those of us that defend still the principle of Freedom of Speech.

Who, exactly, were you talking about? I know it wasn't those above. Seems a bit hypocritical to me.

Crensch is more dangerous

-Trigglypuff .

crensch is more dangerous



Crensch is more dangerous in a strawpoll, too.


Landwhaleonline ago

Finding offense in mere words is weak-minded regardless.

Crensch ago

So are you going to apply it to trigglypuff and sbbh in general? They sure got their panties in a wad over quite a few "mere words".

sguevar ago

Well yesterday I had a discussion with a couple of users including yout Mod molochhunter that starting saying that i was enabling what happen to srayzie and that i was basically an accomplice. So I was refering to them. I can look examples if you like. Do you have any other doubts about my intentions?

Crensch ago

I don't really care about your intentions. I care about consistency. Will you apply your words to those above that did literally everything you mentioned?

sguevar ago

You can dig me up. You van check about my consistency man. You are one of the 3 people here at Voat that have my info. I have nothing to hide to you.

I stay true to what I want. And that is that we work together. I honestly believe we need you here.

Crensch ago

You are one of the 3 people here at Voat that have my info.

I don't have any of your info. If you sent it to me, it's lost to some page of my PMs I'll not be accessing anytime soon.

I stay true to what I want. And that is that we work together. I honestly believe we need you here.

You do, because I'm the only one that can beat me.

So since my question seemed to evade you, I'll re-ask it. You said:

And when they are unable to argue that they result into tantrums, ad hominems, virtue signalling and character assassination to put themselves above those of us that defend still the principle of Freedom of Speech.

Who is "us" that is supposedly aside from all those non-virtues you listed? Are the users above not part of "us" because of their use of those things?

sguevar ago

Us that argue that there was no doxxing. I wans't referring to any specific user perse. It was a generic us.

It also includes everyone that will not compromise on the idea of free speech out of convenience.

Crensch ago

Us that argue that there was no doxxing. I wans't referring to any specific user perse. It was a generic us.

Generic. Us.

So when your own side does those things, but you attack the other side for doing those things, does that make you a hypocrite?

sguevar ago

So when your own side does those things, but you attack the other side for doing those things, does that make you a hypocrite?

Not really. It just shows what I think of resorting into such statements to attack the character of a person instead of actually attacking the argument. But I am not about censoring those comments. They have a right to say them.

I was called an accomplice yesterday and I call the accuser full of shit because he wasn't addressing what I said and he wasn't doing anything to proof that he was denouncing the situation. While myself I stood against ZB all the way and am trying to initiate a conversation so we can prevent this from happening again.

Before when I said we need you it wasn't to feed your pride as it seems you have taken it. I am not about trying to defeat you. i am trying to make you see that I am not against you and that we all at PV want to fix this. Even if to you that is not the case.

What would make me a hypocrite is saying that they are full of shit without justifying why. Not because I felt offended. But because they couldn't proof with concrete evidence what they wanted to denounce and then proceeded to attacking me conflating my defense of Voat with me defending ZB.

Crensch ago

Not really. It just shows what I think of resorting into such statements to attack the character of a person instead of actually attacking the argument.

Your language barrier is becoming burdensome. It actually does EXACTLY that.

I was called an accomplice yesterday and I call the accuser full of shit because he wasn't addressing what I said and he wasn't doing anything to proof that he was denouncing the situation. While myself I stood against ZB all the way and am trying to initiate a conversation so we can prevent this from happening again.

You're plugged in to a narrative that is crumbling under the weight of reality.

Before when I said we need you it wasn't to feed your pride as it seems you have taken it.

I know how you meant it. And I know what you all aren't admitting to yourselves. Feed my pride? I pointed it out because you seemed to not have noticed.

I am not about trying to defeat you. i am trying to make you see that I am not against you and that we all at PV want to fix this. Even if to you that is not the case.

You can't fix this. I can.

What would make me a hypocrite is saying that they are full of shit without justifying why. Not because I felt offended. But because they couldn't proof with concrete evidence what they wanted to denounce and then proceeded to attacking me conflating my defense of Voat with me defending ZB.

You claimed the group that engaged in those tactics you intended to paint others with. It does, in fact, make you a hypocrite. "us"

sguevar ago

Your language barrier is becoming burdensome. It actually does EXACTLY that.

Well you will have to be patient with me.

You're plugged in to a narrative that is crumbling under the weight of reality.

No, that is your perspective of things because you have become quite cynical about the whole situation as in the first place it didn't go like you wanted. But I will put all my effort in this after, only time can really show us the results of it. But I admit I can't do this alone and the insight if all is quite needed.

I know how you meant it. And I know what you all aren't admitting to yourselves. Feed my pride? I pointed it out because you seemed to not have noticed.

Good then you will see more of my consistency. As you requested before.

You can't fix this. I can.

No, Voat is not a 1 person deal. The insight of all is needed in this conversation. I already expressed why I wanted yours but you decided to be out of it. You are quite good at making analysis on people and I am certain, that you can't find something that makes you doubt of what I have said before. You want to for the sake of your hit pieces. But as stated man I will stand in the meddle. Whether you care or not is besides the point. The conversation needs to happen, with our without you. That is your choice.

You claimed the group that engaged in those tactics you intended to paint others with. It does, in fact, make you a hypocrite. "us"

No it doesn't. I wasn't about to post all of the examples of the people that attacked me on my comment. You are trying to use that out the context that it was meant so it fits your narrative but again, you are certainly not taking me a part. You can try as hard as you want. You won't achieve it. If you want to look at it as a challenge so be it, I am simply stating a fact: you can't defeat what isn't fighting against you. And I am not fighting against you.

So I leave it to you.

However as promised I will find the users that want to work on it and hopefully after you read it you would like to put your thoughts on it.

Have a good night man going to go to my wife now. Take it easy and try to sleep over what i have said.

Crensch ago

But as stated man I will stand in the meddle.

The eternal absurdity of the centrist. False middle ground fallacy. The middle moves constantly, and one side can actually be right.

No it doesn't. I wasn't about to post all of the examples of the people that attacked me on my comment.

You don't even see how your syntax does, in fact, make your vices an attack on others while 'us' includes those that participate in those vices.

I am simply stating a fact: you can't defeat what isn't fighting against you. And I am not fighting against you.

Said every pacifist ever.

RockmanRaiden ago

That was pretty savage. Wraps everything up so far in a neat little package. We all knew this wasn't gonna end. Voat is a delicate little flower that needs to be protected. The user base is against that protection out of stubbornness and a fundamental misunderstanding of Freedom of Speech.

RockmanRaiden ago

My faith in Q is questionable, but I still find Qtard to be a term of endearment.

8_billion_eaters ago

And to rub salt into the wound, include a box on their profile page that says: You are being blocked by [#] users.

heygeorge ago

Implementing this makes blocks another form of internet points for trolls to earn.

Crensch ago

I actually like this.

BillyLuath ago

I've got a user blacked, I still see his moronic post in /v/all/new.

Crensch ago

Which, oddly enough, is also an argument against the user above complaining about it