submitted 5.7 years ago by [deleted]
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Arrvee 5.7 years ago
How do we know that these people are guilty, and this is not another attempt to cause fighting between boards?
shit_alt_lmao 5.7 years ago
@Crensch: /v/SBBHTantrums
Follow your leader.
@Crensch: almost every action made by those in SBBH was an escalation to absurdity. I'll have nothing to do with a system that rewards such a thing while fettering mods that just want to remove that kind of shit.
@Crensch: SBBH certainly supported, if not participated in, those attacks on srayzie while giving Triggly a pussy pass.
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Arrvee ago
How do we know that these people are guilty, and this is not another attempt to cause fighting between boards?
shit_alt_lmao ago
Follow your leader.
Follow your leader.
Follow your leader.