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ExpertShitposter ago

Both users can be blocked.

Why do you even mention that? I wrote that your bans cant be stopped, not that you cant be blocked.

They won't be BTFO'd at all. I'll create a subverse for them and run roughshod all over anyone still stuck in the bubble of (((free speech))) as you know it.

Well congratulations, you have become the biggest redditor faggot on voat. Next thing i expect from you is a conversion to national socialist wahhabi islam.

define this "voat"

Simply voat in the state that it's now. Also: Only 50 votes, but users overwhelmingly thing that you are a worse than zyklon. Now that's an achievement!

Not gonna comment on the triggs stuff.

Consistency of faggotry.

Crensch ago

Not gonna comment on the triggs stuff.

Oh, maybe @rotteuxx would like to have a crack at it, since he's SO proud of his badge of honor for dogpiling an overemotional woman when he had one right there beside him the whole time!

Rotteuxx ago

Replying to a day old comment by @expertshitposter because a retarded thought sprouted in your mind ?

What can I say about @Trigglypuff :

  • She didn't create drama all by her lonesome self.

  • She never sent tit pics by PM to gain anyone's loyalty. She's gained the respect of her friends by being herself and helping others with her talents throughout the years.

  • She didn't come at me with alts she stupidly forgot I knew were hers by her own admission.

  • She tried to help by giving her opinion but got shit on and had PMs publicly displayed by a blubbery jewess as an attack.

  • She didn't just do back to back sperg outs fed by emotionally irrational thoughts. She got pissed off and retaliated once because she got fucked with.

  • She doesn't claim one thing while doing the other :

"We haven't been feeding the trolls"

"I don't use alts to do bad, mmmmkay ?

So what about her ?

Crensch ago

She didn't create drama all by her lonesome self.

Neither did srayzie.

She never sent tit pics by PM to gain anyone's loyalty.

Your deeds happened before any of that came out - and to my knowledge they were originally sent to someone that did not have any power anyway.

She's gained the respect of her friends by being herself and helping others with her talents throughout the years.

Yeah, then she wrote this which showed to more than one person that she was likely part of the overall problem. Look at that thing. It's like an admission of being one of them.

She didn't come at me with alts she stupidly forgot I knew were hers by her own admission.

Sounds like you're taking the internet too srsly, shitposter.

She tried to help by giving her opinion but got shit on and had PMs publicly displayed by a blubbery jewess as an attack.

That's not help. What she wrote was damage control. Ask @kevdude if he knows what "wedge" she's talking about, because neither srayzie nor I did. In fact, here's what I wrote to him:

That PM is what ultimately caused me to start questioning everything. Look at this thing. It throws up red flags all over the goddamned place. What the fuck kind of rambling horseshit is that? Some super secret agent man who is dangerous and mean, who you should be FRIENDS with, and she posts a convo with me that is pretty much irrelevant to show she's 'in' and 'connected' to us. LOTS of claims without a shred of evidence. Her second PM trying to explain was equally absurd.

And what was that wedge between HER and PV she referenced that they were trying to push? Neither srayzie nor I saw anything LIKE that. How convenient some unknown "wedge" was being pushed to make it seem like she was trying to keep the peace... or something?

Fuck, man. It's like she read a nigger's guide to Jewing a forum and followed the misnumbered ebonics through from top to bottom.

She didn't just do back to back sperg outs fed by emotionally irrational thoughts.

Oh, right, because HER kids weren't being attacked, and it wasn't HER problem that there was somebody around her that was threatening kids and doxxing them to pedophiles.

She got pissed off and retaliated once because she got fucked with.

HAHAHAHA. She made an entire subverse about it. What a fucking pussy pass you're giving her! This is so funny.

She doesn't claim one thing while doing the other :

She sure as hell mocks a woman for doing exactly what she's doing - only the other woman had a better reason for it.

Imagine what must have been in that PM that caused her SUCH emotional distress that she would make subverse altar to a woman being attacked by zyklon.

Top kek, white knight. Top kek.

So what about her ?

Your hormone slit knew her previous PM made her sound like a nutcase, and both of you have thinner skins than the Q people you consistently attack.

"Muh she attacked me with alts"

"Muh she showed a PM to others!"

Did it even occur to you that the usernames in that PM didn't once attack her for lying about them? Zero damage control was done. Why do you think that is?

Rotteuxx ago

Sounds like you're taking the internet too srsly, shitposter.

Top KeK, nice diatribe. Stopped reading right there.

Keep on sperging out faggot, by all means write another 100 lines.

Crensch ago

Keep giving out those pussy passes to Triggly in order to keep a firm image of a 'real man' in your mind.