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ExpertShitposter ago


You are taking internet business, too much as serious business. Consider that you made a hit peace on zyklon, and despite your threads success, nothing really changed. He still does what he does, and despite people disagreeing with his actions, they aren't refusing to speak with with him.

If i recall correctly, you made a hard core "jew naming" post about @middle_path , and despite many upvotes, no one who previously liked him, instantly started hating him. On a side note, if i recall correctly, and i could be mistaking, most of your accusations were based on his centrist, rather than right wing political stance. That is funny because that's exactly what your new Q friends are. Centrists. And jew lovers too. Liking trump and republicans does not make one right wing.

So if you make another "exposed" posts against various shitposters, even if you dig up enough "dirt" and find inconsistencies in claims/statements, in the end......nothing will change. You will get xx amount of upvotes, and 3 days later, no one will care.

People just aren't as hard core about e-relationships as they are about IRL relationships. Something that is enough to make you cut off all connections with a friend IRL is not enough of a crime to do the same online. Its easier to talk hard shit and hate, but its also easier to forgive and make peace.

Had triggly remained banned, she would have used an alt and voat would have chugged along.

Now that sryzi chose to delete, she's probably gonna come back under some secret pseudonym and continue her q stuff (whats an old housewife gonna do, knit sweaters?). And voat will chug along.

So cap-log-archive away, our neo sanegoat. I don't hate you, but I eint scared ether. But you are probably harming your self more than your supposed targets by making it so serious.

Crensch ago

Just giving you all the opportunity to revisit your words. Something might have changed. Maybe not. Serious? You took things pretty seriously when you made that long comment that I have yet to respond to.

Anyway, I figured it was the polite thing to do. If you don't appreciate it, that's on you.

ExpertShitposter ago

Well i take it serious to a point, but there is only XX amount of time i'm willing to invest. You basically accused me as being a significant, if not the main culprit for srzy's account deletion. So i took, probably two hours of my time to state my "defense".

If your reply shows that i didn't change you opinion at all, then i won't debate it much further as it will prove pointless. Second, i have stated my case to other observers as well. If after reading both our claims they "side" with you, and kick me to the curb....well....i'm just gonna live with it. I'm not gonna forcefully chase e-friendship with people who thought my post, that i see as true and logical, is actually untrue and illogical. Instead i'm just gonna let go. I only ever care about my "image" in the eyes of people who i respect myself. Randoms can suck my dick.

So yeah, i give some fuck, but not too much of a fuck. A balanced amount of fuck. Probably too much of a fuck even as it is. Voat is still anonymous social media, and i've dabbled in it too much considering how much work there is to be done IRL. I was more productive before voat because i was not a member of any forum/soc media of any kind.

So thanks for the "heads up", but i probably wrote 8 hours worth of text in the last 5 days. There is zero chance i'm gonna go revisit all that shit just to prevent some randoms on the internet from thinking less of my internet presence. My core group of people who like me will remain.

Crensch ago

Again, you seem to miss my main motive. Almost to the man oh, you all do.

This is tough for me because I still like a lot of you guys.

ExpertShitposter ago

What is your main motive?

Crensch ago


I know this sounds cryptic in the most cringey way possible, but I guess we'll just have to see how well this comment ages.

So many of you think I have a screw loose and you have no idea what to think about me.

Am I solid, am I compromised, am I even the same person?

I'm going to attack some of you, and you're not going to like it.

ExpertShitposter ago

Well considering your mod actions in GA today, you have just recently developed the consistency of diarrhea.

Just your "exposed" posts, or are you gonna go full zyklon_b :) ?

Crensch ago

You mean I can't just use his profile blurb and get out of this?

I will be happy to eat whatever consequences come from my actions. I hope you all feel the same.

ExpertShitposter ago

Nah, you gotta earn the Andy Kaufman.

Knock your self out m8!

zyklon_b ago

1990 m8. kilt da kike