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Crensch ago

I'm actually sick of this.

Welcome to my state of mind 2 weeks ago.

I just checked and you're right. I apologize.


Not really. If I want to see you feed trolls and powermod I'll just check the v/greatawakening modlog.

Feed trolls? I shut Trigglyslit right up when I called her out for being a 2-bit emotional whore just like the women she was after. Take a look at these trolls that couldn't be arsed to go after zyklon with even a rubberband/paperclip gun, but went after srayzie and shizy as if their lives depended on it. Do you see anything different? I do.

They're seeing that they don't matter, and that they cannot justify their positions. I can almost see the cognitive dissonance stabbing their minds. Some have already awakened to the truth of the narrative of PV and the moderator guidelines; that they were always destined to fail when a zyklon rolled in and shit on everyone's carpet.

That's what happens all the time to free speech, which is why the speech was free, but voting and citizenship was heavily restricted.

And we always seemed to dismiss the freedom of association, which has, up until now, pretty much been something that was forced on us, like desegregation, affirmative action, section-ape housing, and other shit that forces us to associate with those we have no intention of associating with.

And, of course, the immature, low-quality citizen/user will ALWAYS vote for gibs and rights, but no responsibilities or consequences, which is why you've had so much support from them this whole time.

Sick of this? I became sickened when I realized I was defending digitally exactly what I hated IRL.