AR47 ago

You don’t want your mind changed. You want to show everyone just how well researched and up to date you are on this shit because it makes you feel superior.

Honestly does it matter if Q is real or not? What has changed other than more blind worshipping fucks to the president that puts Israel first.

Nothing will change because it isn’t how the story is supposed to be written. Never was and never will.

Our government within USA is made up in a way that promotes separation and struggle.

These days being an American just means that you can eat stress and shit out motivation.

Crensch ago

You don’t want your mind changed. You want to show everyone just how well researched and up to date you are on this shit because it makes you feel superior.

I'm always open to my mind being changed. Don't mistake me for being low IQ like you. I don't need to cling to false beliefs if shown evidence to the contrary.

I am superior. That's pretty well known by nearly everyone. Nobody wants to say those things, though, just like they didn't want to about races. Turns out, some people are just smarter than others, ferret.

The rest of your comment is lovely blackpilling. @VicariousJambi has a decent retort.

SearchVoatBot ago

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AR47 ago

No what you are better at is subdivision and you always have been. Your ability to skew a narrative far surpasses anyone I have ever seen, but you rarely use it for anything save your own gain.

I don’t nor will I ever take a side with these pointless shit flinging fights on this or any other platform. None of you will ever impose your ideas in the real world because you are afraid of your personal image.

Your ideas are forever stuck within the walls of the internet. That doesn’t make you smart. It makes you a coward.

Before you say what about you? Well I don’t have any plans, because I want to see how things go. Don’t want to kill anyone or force them away. Just want to see how history unfolds myself so that I can plan accordingly.

Also what is with the red pill, black pill, and all these various pills you refer to all the time? Are you obsessed with pharmaceuticals and their influence? If so why not just call things what they are?

I don’t get the need for slang as if it makes you seem smarter when it just generalizes shit so you can be trendy. That what you want? To be trendy so you can appeal to more people.

One more thing you seem to always take a side. I don’t because used to I cared about this site and it’s continued endeavor. Now I just don’t because I can pick and choose my battles. Seems to keep that “full of zealous retards” all on its own without any interference from me.

Crensch ago

Your ability to skew a narrative far surpasses anyone I have ever seen

I provide sources for my narrative.

But somehow I skew them and am not called out on it in any convincing way.


AR47 ago

All I said and that is all you address?

Seriously you are becoming a lazy troll.

Crensch ago

And you still won't admit you're wrong on that point.

Why read the rest? You lied about me in such an obvious way, the rest of what you said kinda doesn't matter.

AR47 ago keep seeking that validation from complete strangers and proving just how goddamn better you are to people that will never have any bearing on your life.

Just like a woman.

Crensch ago

I bet that lack of accountability translates at a one-to-one ratio with your real life. I can't imagine how much it must suck to have you around IRL. Never wrong, Never Back Down, and entirely too stupid to make good decisions, which is probably why you needed so much help a while back.

AR47 ago

Also I wanted to add to this now that I have had a moment to actually think about it.

I am wrong at times, but I have the personal accountability to admit it and learn from my mistakes. I am human and I do fuck up, but this place isn’t about any of that. This place is about opinion and self image. You know those things that make YOU a narcissist.

I don’t nor have I ever cared what you or anyone else here actually thought of me or I would have taken a side. I always went with what I felt was right.....see opinions being the motivation.

I also knew when to just say fuck it.

Now how people actually thought of me....well it has been shown that some did think highly of me when I asked for help and oddly enough many did.

I was actually humbled by that. Even cried a few times.

AR47 ago

Lol I would tell you to go to hell, but with as negative and horrible you are to just about everyone that calls you on your shit.....I think you are already there.

I really hope you have a day in your life someday soon where you don’t step in dog shit and get it all in between your toes. Just a good day where you don’t have one negative thought or action.

Really I do.

Crensch ago

Is this one of those, "Don't have Hate in Your Heart" moments?

That's Jewish, you know. It is not only healthy, but necessary to hate those that would do you harm if you want to survive in a non dysgenic Society.

AR47 ago

Soooo that is a “fuck you” to me?

Either way I actually want you to have a day of pure happiness before you die. Judging from your response it will be a near life experience I promise.

Crensch ago

Soooo that is a “fuck you” to me?

Pretty sure it's exactly what I said it was. Ponder it or not, that attitude is the roll-over-and-die attitude Jews want us to have.

Either way I actually want you to have a day of pure happiness before you die. Judging from your response it will be a near life experience I promise.

Nearly every day of mine is a happy one. What happens here is fully compartmentalized from what happens out there, but it doesn't matter, because I enjoy myself doing what I do here, too.

AR47 ago

because I enjoy myself doing what I do here, too.

You speak of murder and that is what you like to do? Yeah that shit isn’t compartmented no matter what you think.

Your random musings are right out of a FBI confession tape on lifetime network.

Whatever because one day it may come to it and you will be a talker.....just talk and bleed others dry of resources. Hopefully you change and learn how to use all that pent up shit you have within you for something good before it is too late.

Crensch ago

You speak of murder and that is what you like to do?


You mean of the subhuman invaders? Yeah. I want to snag a white posse and cause a bloodbath.

Yeah that shit isn’t compartmented no matter what you think.

Thanks for telling me how my mind works. Also, even if not, it's not an unhealthy thought.

Your random musings are right out of a FBI confession tape on lifetime network.

(((FBI))) kek. "Don't be like THIS guy that fought back, goy!"

Whatever because one day it may come to it and you will be a talker.....just talk and bleed others dry of resources.

Oh, I would never miss the chance to kill invaders. Never.

Hopefully you change and learn how to use all that pent up shit you have within you for something good before it is too late.

I am already. That you don't see it is really not my problem.

AR47 ago

Glad you have it all figured out.

The rebirth will surely be in good hands with you.

I wonder if you realize that within the upcoming decade there will be more Americans over the age of 62 to 65 than there will be 15 to 18.

Our economy will likely collapse within that time, and I hope that you figure out your place.

Crensch ago

Glad you have it all figured out.

Chaps your ass that you're not getting through to me, I see.

The rebirth will surely be in good hands with you.

Snark confirming the above.

I wonder if you realize that within the upcoming decade there will be more Americans over the age of 62 to 65 than there will be 15 to 18.

So, what? We import niggers to keep the population up?

Our economy will likely collapse within that time, and I hope that you figure out your place.

For different reasons. The difference in population age would not cause anything to collapse. Another Jewish lie you're parroting.

AR47 ago

You think your passive aggressiveness is angering me?

Lol no it doesn’t. No matter how much you throw I honestly just hope you can find actual happiness and in a way that doesn’t involve the hurt of others.

You may not like it, but currently and for the foreseeable future Jews, niggers, Mexicans, and what the law considers a human isn’t ok to kill.

Plus if you claim self defense I am sure with the amount of technology and such the cops have they will find this shit you type out, and they will use it to show premeditation, or motive.

Just try and make the best with what you got.

You can take this with a grain of salt, but life is waaaaaay to short to give anyone your time by hating them.

Crensch ago

You think your passive aggressiveness is angering me?

Your passive-aggressiveness suggests that is the case.

Lol no it doesn’t. No matter how much you throw I honestly just hope you can find actual happiness and in a way that doesn’t involve the hurt of others.

I don't consider mud and shitskins to be human. I consider their demise to be the saving of both human and animal lives, and the ultimate reduction of suffering across the planet. Filthy fucking rape apes.

You may not like it, but currently and for the foreseeable future Jews, niggers, Mexicans, and what the law considers a human isn’t ok to kill.


Plus if you claim self defense I am sure with the amount of technology and such the cops have they will find this shit you type out, and they will use it to show premeditation, or motive.

Good for them. SHTF and power goes out. Nobody will see anything.

Just try and make the best with what you got.

I always do, and I never stop planning.

You can take this with a grain of salt, but life is waaaaaay to short to give anyone your time by hating them.


AR47 ago

Wish you well.

Gothamgirl ago

Nope not me that's my soon to be husband.

HollaKost ago

50 years old and finally getting married! Hooray!

I know it's been said that all brides look beautiful on their wedding day, but I really don't believe that.

Feel free to send pictures though! Gotta keep those lulz flowin'

Gothamgirl ago

50 years old lol no.

HollaKost ago

Close enough. Sad to be granny age and getting married for the first time. No wonder you feel like such a "winner" with your prize.

At least the story goes......

Gothamgirl ago

Granny age nowadays is like 30, and I do feel like a winner always I was blessed with the luck of the Irish .

Gothamgirl ago

It certainly looks like @srayzie to everyone else . Why do you think I care what someone on the internet thinks of me?

Gothamgirl ago

Well I think I am going to be ok cause nothing they can do or say will bother me in anyway🤭

Plus we have more pics of Srayzie 😆😆

HollaKost ago

And I have zyklon by my side 💖

Only till dat money runs out.

This man don't love you hoe!

Gothamgirl ago

Money runs out? Lol that will not happen in my lifetime and yes he does love me, and he proves it everyday.

Hellary_Clinton ago

According to this, you don’t seem happy at all

Gothamgirl ago

According to this you ate happiness.

Hellary_Clinton ago

According to this, you eat EVERYTHING

Gothamgirl ago

That isn't me moron.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I understand your stance on it. He uses it as a torch to swing around and ward off people. Its his weapon as a performance artist. I don't think he would ever hurt anybody.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I was referring to zyklon.

My bad. Sorry.

Even in "jest" it is awfully telling that his mind goes there.

Because he knows how to destroy idiots who are well connected. I've watched him work. He is the greatest troll/shitposter I've ever encountered, and that's saying something. He got results. Zyklon is an immune system response. No way do I believe he is anything other than a performance artist unless you can prove to me, without emotion, otherwise.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I've never targeted children nor have I ever doxxed anybody. That's against my rules and I am not responsible for what others do. Zyklon is a performance artist. At this time, I don't think he's serious about any of it.

Crensch ago

Zyklon is a performance artist.

Nigger. There's nothing artistic about niggers.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Nigger. There's nothing artistic about niggers.

This is against everything the Q movement and President Trump is about.

You're emotional like a nigger. I know. You are the other side of the coin and don't even realize it!! As I said, Zyklon is an immune system response. Stop thinking about Srayzie's tits and vagine for a moment and get it together, man.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You didn't just delete comments and ban the shitposters. You deleted any dissenting comments.

When a thot sends tit and pussy pics to an incel this is what happens. She then holds power of that incel to the end. Its clear what has happened here. The "biggest Nazi on Voat" fell for a jewess thots tricks and now he is trying to save face, and that means powermodding to control his and hers narrative.

Dismember ago

@Crensch @kevdude if you remember that big PV thread made back in the day when Pizzagate first came here, you'll see(if you can find it) its the same users attacking GA as were attacking that sub when it was new. Of course they had different names then like beatleJuice and mick but it's the same crowd. It's almost like someone has been busy manufacturing drama behind the scenes deliberately for a long time hoping something would come to fruition so they could exploit it.

heygeorge ago

member that big PV thread made back in the day when Pizzagate first came here,

Would you mind linking this thread?

Dismember ago

Yes, I would mind because I can't find it.

heygeorge ago

Mind your.......


Dismember ago

I wonder if I was right to have Mick there as "the same users attacking" because although he was there attacking Pizzagate, I'm not so sure he has another name now attacking GA. Because that made it sound like I was lumping him in with the BeatleJuice/Zyklon account.

heygeorge ago

I’m sure Mick was talking junk about pizzagate. I can imagine him referring to the place as being full of cunts and twits. I don’t recall him being malicious. But that was some time ago now.

Dismember ago

I'm not even sure if you'd see it because I think his comments were all deleted. If they weren't I'd love to link his thread he made on PV about the @she war that was something along the lines of "I know you guys lost but leave my SBBH guys alone". About a week later @she deleted her account and the victory was kind of short-lived ;). I know that's kind of petty after 3 or 4 years, but we all have our shortcomings.

Anyway I've edited my original comment above.

Crensch ago

I recall you being half-right about what you told me when you were fading out. I still think the specific user innocent, but the group I would very much like to smash.

Dismember ago

I don't think I'm wrong about them at all, in fact I'm even more sure they are bad actor of some description. Either way they don't really matter. Just on the off chance I'm right, keep an eye out.

As far as your deletions go, I think most people are concerned about you deleting the comments of genuine users who might have given an opinion that at the time seemed like it was part of the larger attack but was only in the heat of the moment(as it might have been for you). If you could clarify that your stance is against those people in bad faith and them alone, then maybe you remove the last leg your position has to stand on. I think I was one of the only ones that cared when Amalek was banned from system subs for example. You might even win @kevdude back to your side if you addressed how you would handle that going forward.

Crensch ago

As far as your deletions go, I think most people are concerned about you deleting the comments of genuine users who might have given an opinion that at the time seemed like it was part of the larger attack but was only in the heat of the moment(as it might have been for you).

Not sure I'm concerned by that, to be quite honest. An unjustly maligned user that created something amazing was just run off - the least we could do would be to have some nice words on a single submission she could go to and see nice things said about her.

If you could clarify that your stance is against those people in bad faith and them alone, then maybe you remove the last leg your opposition has to stand on.

My opposition has no legs to stand on either way; many of them are starting to realize that.

My intent is, indeed, to remove those posting in bad faith from the conversation.

I think I was one of the only ones that cared when Amalek was banned from system subs for example.

I have no memory of that time whatsoever. I'm sure I was in the wrong, somehow, though.

You might even win @kevdude back to your side if you addressed how you would handle that going forward.

Check my comment history; I've no need to give any concessions. I could continue deleting comments and every one of them would eventually break.

What I do will not ever be based on what support I can get from it.

Dismember ago

No, you don't need to and that might be the message you want to send. Thats up to you.

PV has never had any power to compel any mods to do anything but we achieved a lot of what we set out to do anyway. Why is that? Because we convinced people with words and when that didn't work we convinced the admins to remove them. Personally as far as I'm concerned your sub is not a system sub, so unless you go against the GA community I have no dog in the fight.

My intent is, indeed, to remove those posting in bad faith from the conversation.

If you can clarify that then I believe that's the right thing for you to do. Maybe you already have done it in the sidebar, I've been to busy to look. Anyway I'm over my time limit for today by a long shot, I'll check back in tomorrow in case of any replies.

Crensch ago

No, you don't need to and that might be the message you want to send. Thats up to you.

Right now it's both more fun, and, as my last three sentences above illustrate, more honorable.

PV has never had any power to compel any mods to do anything but we achieved a lot of what we set out to do anyway.


Why is that?

Because we had better arguments.

Because we convinced people with words


and when that didn't work we convinced the admins to remove them.

Is that really all there is to it?

Personally as far as I'm concerned your sub is not a system sub, so unless you go against the GA community I have no dog in the fight.

Cheers to that.

If you can clarify that then I believe that's the right thing for you to do.

It's not really time for reconciliation, yet.

Maybe you already have done it in the sidebar, I've been to busy to look.

That sidebar is for @MolochHunter to change for the Q people. That's not my playground.

Anyway I'm over my time limit for today by a long shot, I'll check back in tomorrow in case of any replies.

It just keeps drawing you back in, doesn't it? Cheers, bud. Good to see you around and active again.

Dismember ago

Is that really all there is to it?

No, there was some more to it, but sometimes it's necessary to jump down to the bottom of the barrel if you wan't to get something out.

I'm never going to be as active as I was before because circumstances are what they are for me but I'm proud to see someone is willing to grab the shovel and clean up the shit as well.

MolochHunter ago


Our sidebar Rule #2 is 'No forum sliding disruptive shilling'

Srayzie had a sticky post for a while which fleshed out what that meant

Dismember ago

Yea, I actually took some time to read that after I said I was leaving last night because that's only fair if I'm going to comment on things I should know about . I was more trying to see where @Crensch's head was at concerning his new(to me) attitude which he's now answered as well. Thanks. All I ask of you guys as mods as a group is to give consideration to genuine users and their intent when applying those rules. Most of remember going onto reddit and having to walk around on eggshells because each sub had different rules and different interpretations of those rules and because maybe the mod was having a bad day. Anyway good luck.

Crensch ago

I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss #2.

Delivered after #1 it, at the very least, did nothing to assuage our concerns.

I think the first one stretches credibility.

Destroyed it for 2 of 3 people I've consulted on it.

But the psyop on srayzie with zyklon and gothamgirl?

Either extremely well executed, or just some degenerate tweakers paid to disrupt Pizzagate and later Q.

When the fuck have we seen people on this site who have IRL relationships?

Was bound to be some at some point - I'd have wagered for a different reason than being degenerate tweakers, but I consider it plausible.

And MYG and Dial all of a sudden being best friends with zyklon once the shit was getting crazy? I am not saying I buy it. I am saying that some of the stuff we are seeing fits.

WebofSlime, ESOTERICshade, freshmeat, and others all crawled out from their shitholes to join in the fun. I'd be surprised if a good number of them don't communicate offsite.

The only "wedge" I could see with PV did wind up happening.

No. The wedge between triggly and PV. She specifically said a wedge between HER and PV. When she CCd the PM to you, me, and sray.

So that means 3 of the 4 people in that loop had no idea about any "wedge".

They provoked her into preemptive bans and stating an intent to delete comments.

Must have sucked to be the only one fighting against that kind of cancer and watching everyone else not give a shit. Why should she give a shit if nobody else does? Threaten kids and everyone is asleep. Pre-emptive ban and delete comments and it's a world-ending shitshow. Honk honk.

And now in order to get at them you engaged in the mod behaviors that they have been quietly working to bring back to Voat all along.

Know your enemies.

Little has changed since srayzie started banning and intended to delete comments. (((Chosen ones))) still gallivanting around without a care in the world, tacitly supporting the doxxing of kids while celebrating the "gassing" of a user whose only crimes were fighting back, and chucking the Voat Moderator Rulebook out the window when nobody would support a response to a child-threatening sicko.

Who were we protecting again? What were we protecting?

You do you on this. But thanks for that 2nd PM.

I will, and you're referring to trigg's second pm?

Crensch ago

Edited the middle paragraph of my previous comment. Please re-read it.

Crensch ago

I didn't say it was a good PM and my "srayzie took it how she took it" was a statement of fact.

Saying that triggly tried to help there just didn't sit right.

I just looked at it as an attempt to help on trighly's part, but I mostly skimmed it. "Advice to stop engaging so much, careful of anyone popping up to be "friends"" checked some boxes.

Understandable. Everyone kept telling srayzie that.

I should have read it closer.

Yeah. It's almost as if srayzie had a reason to turn on trigglypuff and bring it up when she did. Did it cross your mind that those PMs might just be more important to triggly to keep private than just some "friendly advice"? I don't think many saw that.

If you think anything could have been done to prevent the outcome once srayzie and zyklon locked horns you have a different opinion.

Oh, no. That was inevitable. The people around zyklon are who I hold responsible. The ones piling on srayzie when I had just shown what a fucking scumbag zyklon was.

Justice is retribution. I am waiting to see if Putt comes back soon.

Justice is what I'm doing.

I'll watch your approach and see what comes of it.

Feel free to join the team if your eyes get tired of watching.

Crensch ago

And triggly did try to help her with that PM she sent

That PM is what ultimately caused me to start questioning everything. Look at this thing. It throws up red flags all over the goddamned place. What the fuck kind of rambling horseshit is that? Some super secret agent man who is dangerous and mean, who you should be FRIENDS with, and she posts a convo with me that is pretty much irrelevant to show she's 'in' and 'connected' to us. LOTS of claims without a shred of evidence. Her second PM trying to explain was equally absurd.

And what was that wedge between HER and PV she referenced that they were trying to push? Neither srayzie nor I saw anything LIKE that. How convenient some unknown "wedge" was being pushed to make it seem like she was trying to keep the peace... or something?

Fuck, man. It's like she read a nigger's guide to Jewing a forum and followed the misnumbered ebonics through from top to bottom.

nd then srayzie took it how she took it and those two got into it because estrogen and then triggly said fuck it.

Neither of us believed her. And neither of us even remotely suspected her before that.

The dogpile was bullshit.

Yeah, it fucking was.

And I plan on doing something. It depends on Putt right now.

Yeah, I am doing something. Breaking everyone I hold responsible for the miscarriage of justice.

Gothamgirl ago

You would be the 1st to go if Putt ever looked into all the Voat manipulation created by you, and your dick sucking skank, whore of a friend..

HollaKost ago

dick sucking skank

Says the cock sucking skank who uses her mouth to persuade men to do her fighting for her! Oh damn, this is just too funny.

Crensch ago

Go cry over your fat, ugly, worn-out face being plastered all over. Nobody ever really cared about you - you were a wet hole to your nigger baby's daddy, and you're a wet hole to zyklon.

Everyone on this website is a winner compared to you.

Gothamgirl ago

Why do you constantly lie? I am a winner, or at least I feel like it, as I relax this evening at one of the top resorts in this country 😂🤣

I survived your shitty book reports, and drama and I get to keep my original screen name.

Hellary_Clinton ago

as I relax this evening at one of the top resorts in this country

You must be having a blast. You’re spending your time posting in Voat!

Gothamgirl ago

Haha no winners don't take these kind of pics.

Gothamgirl ago

Yeah like 2 minutes before I went to bed I am so exhausted.

HollaKost ago

I am a winner

Winners don't say that.

Winners also don't look like you

Crensch ago

Some people aren't fat, ugly, and only useful as a wet hole.

Gothamgirl ago

Is that what you are? I wasn't interested in knowing any of that.

Your best friend is a floppy titty, cock sucker, who looks like a Jew, that let Ronald McDonald color on her face. Cuck.

HollaKost ago

Crensch ago

Look at your picture.

Look at hers.

Ask any man that has an ounce of self-esteem which he would prefer.

Everyone can see your fatroll and neck-cleavage. Everyone. You are undesirable in the most flattering pics you can find to post online.

HollaKost ago

Quick GothamGirl, deflect so they stop calling you fat!

Gothamgirl ago

Na according to everyone who knows me in real life, they would say I am thick, and I have nice curves

Everyone who I showed Srayzie pic thinks she looks like a busted mexican tranny, with a hooked nose, that sucked it's way into the country, and looks like she never worked out a day in her life, excluding her jaw.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Hellary_Clinton ago

You sound so jealous. Kek.

Gothamgirl ago

Of what exactly? Some fat loser incel who no one likes. Did you see that poll the other day?

Crensch ago

Kek. Nobody said that. You're talking out of your ass.

"Thick" just means fat, and everyone knows it.

Gothamgirl ago

Why do you think I care what you think? You would never post a pic of your body incel. You most likely are the least liked on Voat and probably the fatest person here.

Crensch ago

Because you know I'm right.

Gothamgirl ago

Your never right, and you're the least liked around here according that poll posted the other day.

Crensch ago

I'm almost always right.

And you have neck tits

Gothamgirl ago

Using half conversations doesn't make you right in anyway 🤣 it makes you look stupid. Everytime.

Crensch ago

Kek. You did. The ones you yhink are of your face.

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't post any pics of face.

Gothamgirl ago

Yeah scrayzie glad you admitted it, and your nails are fucking gross.

HollaKost ago

Not scrazie, and all of you is gross!

Crensch ago

As if anyone believes that.

Gothamgirl ago

Crensch you have really slowed down your nasty comebacks, almost like zyklon stole the wind from your sails 🤣 I almost feel sympathy you at this point.

Crensch ago

Everyone believes you are that fat crack whore in the images floating around. Whether you are or aren't, you're still a fat pig based on your own "curves" description and images.

Put down the fork, fatass. Maybe you'll gain a few IQ points and be able to see how nobody thinks you're a winner. At anything.

Gothamgirl ago

Coming from an incel white knight for a jewess pretending all along to be a white nationalist, and socialist. You have zero credibility left here at Voat. You're an uppity reddit troll who thinks he is a genius and everybody else is stupid. Typical jew fat fuck, go back to reddit . Your floppy titty, pussy pics have dried up and you wasn't the only one getting them which makes it that much more hilarious.

DianaKeyhote ago

Can you send me the pics that people say you posted?

Crensch ago

You say that as if it'll ever hurt my feelings coming from a fat, emotional, walking hormone slit.

Everyone thinks you're a fat druggie. Everyone.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't use drugs and I could careless about anyone's opinions of me. Doesnt bother me a bit. You are wrong more then right anyways. Your the one who is over emotional, you began to write books about it for free. . Instead of being super nosey, get a life.

Crensch ago

I don't use drugs and I could careless about anyone's opinions of me.

Says the fat slut that put pictures of herself online to prove she wasn't a fat slut, right after calling herself "thick".

Hellary_Clinton ago

Are your parents proud that your fat slutty ass has been being used by a junkie that couldn’t even keep custody of his half breed daughter?

Gothamgirl ago

Slutty ass was found in Srayzie's outbox 🤣😂

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InSaneGoatPosse ago

@Srayzie do you realize how horrible you look when you drag 👀 in people's kids to your childish arguments?

And in the same comment you post a filthy picture of a stretched out asshole?! You're a dirty bitch!

Gothamgirl ago

At least I am honest by saying thick unlike you. I bet you lie and say your 10 inches when your 2.

You probably disappointed your boyfriend so bad, he is now stuck looking at Srayzies whorish pics. Every incel on Voat recieved them 😏🤣😂

DianaKeyhote ago

@Gothamgirl you see the pic that says "I'm a slut" ?

Is that you for real or not, cause the srayzie pics I don't think are the real deal.

Gothamgirl ago

Why do you want to know?

Crensch ago

Even that disgusting dicksucking slut that is clearly not the same woman looks better than that face and necktits of yours circling around.

Gothamgirl ago

You don't know what I look like at all lulzz.

HollaKost ago

Heres what you look like lulzzzzzz

Crensch ago

Everyone knows what you look like, fatty.

Gothamgirl ago

HollaKost ago

Gothamgirl ago

No one needs to know what you look like to know your a npc faggot kike incel with no job.

Crensch ago

and least dated on Voat.

Confirmed slut.


Gothamgirl ago

Well all the men on here talk about the women they've been with but not you.

Confirmed fag.

HollaKost ago

Well all the men on here talk about the women they've been with but not you.

Oh honey, only trashy men talk about their sexual conquests. Men who respect woman don't do that and they sure as hell don't talk about their "fiancé" like this:

You a desperate fool.

Crensch ago

Coming from a confirmed slut.

And a really stupid one at that.

HollaKost ago

Filthy cock sucker!

DianaKeyhote ago

@Gothamgirl also looks Jewish which I think may be worse just sayin.

Is she available to git wit ?

Gothamgirl ago

You don't know what I look like. I am 3/4 Irish 1/4 polish. My polish last name comes from Cyrus the 2nd.

HollaKost ago

This how you look. Like a barfily who smokes 5 packs a day.


Gothamgirl ago

Hi Scrazy you have nerve, we have your whole out box. Sound familiar...

Hellary_Clinton ago

Scrayzie has your whole out box too skank

Gothamgirl ago

So what 😁

HollaKost ago

That person as a really disgusting face. Lay off the Marlboro lights whore.

And the cocksucking to manipulate men!

Gothamgirl ago

You're wasting a whole bunch of energy I am enjoying this so much more then you will ever know.

Rent Free

HollaKost ago

Whereas you conserve all your energy. Ain't that right fatass?

Gothamgirl ago

Youre a fatass Jew pushing altered pics.

HollaKost ago

Gothamgirl ago

I use my energy for more constructive things and won't be wasting it talking to jealous kike, who already had their livelihood taken away.

HollaKost ago

I use my energy for more constructive things

Yeah, ok.

jealous like

Yes you are

HollaKost ago

they would say I am thick

Thick means FAT you fat ass!

Nice pics to prove it too. The one with your gunt protruding is especially disgusting.

Got any more? I didn't throw up all my dinner yet.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

Hello, fine friend. I thank you for your contributions to our whaling expedition! Shall we man the harpoons together, and inspire the next Herman Melville to write a book called GuntPiggy?

I hear we will have to embark to Japan to find laws lax enough to go whaling, these days.

HollaKost ago


Sounds riveting! Count me in ole pal!

HollaKost ago

fat, ugly, worn-out face being plastered all over.

Like this?

What a nasty bitch you are @gothamgirl. And to think these are the "good" pictures that you were proud to share.

Gothamgirl ago

I am a nasty bitch lulzzz we have more of you..

Crensch ago

Yeah... you can see the fat rolls on her face on the left pic, and the chest-yank of a fat belly/udders in the one on the right.

HollaKost ago

Notice the closed mouth smile? Hiding her rotting teeth.

Crensch ago

Oh yeah, that's meth-damaged skin for sure.

HollaKost ago

So your teeth are nasty from the years of smoking and sucking random cock?

Gothamgirl ago

I do don't use drugs or alcohol.

Crensch ago

Then maybe you should. You look like it anyway.

Gothamgirl ago

What I shouldn't do is take advice from a basement dwelling incel.

Crensch ago

Good thing you have advice from a drugged out tweaker that humps whatever fat roll of yours happens to be facing him.

Gothamgirl ago

So you believe everything you read on the internet? 😂🤣

Crensch ago

As far as I see they are users like me. They don't have mod powers in big subs. I go all out on mods because they bring the delete and ban buttons to an argument and that's bullshit.

Like you went all out on shizy for turning the tables on zyklon?

I'm not trying to hide anything. You've given me something to think about.

Happy to help.

It was actually responding to them calling both of us cucks. @srayzie fought with a lot of people. I didn't catch that this was different until it was too late.

I saw it from the beginning but between IRL things keeping me away/exhausted/personalthingnotmentionedhere and having to process the shock of having many axioms shattered, I really couldn't calculate a way for me to be an asset to her. The only things I could think of to say would have made it more difficult.

The chosen ones just kept escalating everything. That dogpile, man. Everyone that participated in it. Just picking on that low-hanging fruit instead of doing something worthwhile for the sake of Voat. Even if the rest of SBBH is also cancer, they could have cannibalized the one of them that was spiraling out of control.

I think maybe gabara said that he was going too far once or twice. Maybe. i can't even remember for sure.

Crensch ago

The fact that you think that me pointing out similarities in behavior means I am siding with anyone shows how emotion is distorting your thought process.

Your behaviour means you are siding with them. Your response to any of them is, at best, token anger/frustration/objection. You'll go all out on someone that isn't one of them.

It's called favoritism, and everyone notices it.

I was on her side until she started attacking me and accusing me of being other people. At that point I just stepped back.

No, you really weren't. I watched her fly almost solo for a week as the realization of what a scumbag I'd been set in.

You acted against them when they started calling you a cuck, and that's about as animated as I've ever seen you against one of them.

But man, oh man, do you turn up the juice for those outside of the group.

People notice the difference in responses. I don't know if you think you're hiding it, or are ridiculously unaware, but it's there.

Crensch ago

The submission rules you enforce wouldn't fly in v/news.

Sure they would.

There are different sub types.

Not anymore.

I see no double standards.

"Keep quiet" "Don't mess with the trolls" but roll out the fucking red carpet for those trolls being obnoxious blowhards.

Any sbbh faggot can whine about being attacked, then gang up on two women that did absolutely no more than they, themselves did. Somehow those women are the bad guys.

Zyklon never backs down from a fight. Anyone going to crucify him like y'all did to srayzie? Nah. (((chosen ones)))

@Trigglypuff acted like an overemotional fronthole, y'all gonna gang up on her and mock her for it? *crickets~

@Expertshitposter whines about how much of a threat I am to voat, and makes a strawpoll. I wonder what would have happened if shizy had done that?

@KatHarzso dogpiled both shizy and srayzie, but let's keep to the pattern of (((chosen ones))) where Trigglypuff is concerned.

@Expertshitposter whines about not having proof that it's someone from SBBH when this group of everyone and no one gives him just another form of Zyklon's License to Jew™.

How Jewish is that, honestly? "YOU CAN'T ACCUSE SBBH" when attacked. "WE ARE NO ONE" when excusing the behaviours of the group.

Look at who's being attacked. Still. After they've deleted and gone. Look who's not being attacked. For anything.

One group, kevdude. One group of obnoxious faggots that formed a nepotistic clique of Jews. And your policies pave the way for them.

KatHarzso ago

@KatHarzso dogpiled both shizy and srayzie, but let's keep to the pattern of (((chosen ones))) where Trigglypuff is concerned.

I have never interacted with Shizy before. However, I did tell Srayzie to take a day off or so and a breather cuz there is more to life than this beloved shithole on the Internet. Nah, that makes me a bad goy!

Don't ping me anymore or use me to spread your rhetoric. However, it is fun to watch your freak out like an autistic child. So yeah, keep pinging me! So I can keep watching you, taking precious psychological notes to pass off to my superiors so they can take down (((Q)))!

Crensch ago

Still refusing to acknowledge the hypocrisy of your SBBH buddies.

Somehow I'm compromised because you say so.


KatHarzso ago

Get some help.

Crensch ago

Right. Thanks for the logos. I'll be sure to change my mind and find the nearest shrink. You're SO convincing!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Everybody is jews amirite, even though YOU are the one who aligned with a Zionist group who was harassing and brigading users. We now know why you white knighted Srayzie the way you did and continue doing. You got tricked a jewess. Its sad. Now you are powermodding to try & keep her narrative alive. If there's a jew group it isn't SBBH.

Crensch ago

You haven't been relevant since right before you got your chain tucked and you left the website.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

LOL For one, I don't try and be "relevant". I'm just an anti-zionist user of Voat and THAT triggers you. I'm not an attention whore or uppity idiot. I left for IRL reasons and didn't come back for many months. Many knew I was leaving before I exposed you as a jew shill. Keep hanging onto that, incel, if it makes you feel better. You like spinning the truth because you are a manipulator. I called it day one. You were tricked by a jewess. Those tit pics really did a number on you, man. This is how she had a legion of incel warriors at her brigading command. I figured such. Or maybe you and she work for the same (((group))) and have been lying in wait? I could be running thread after thread kicking the fuck outta you, destroying you, and haven't. I sat back and watched you destroy yourself. Now you're a reddit libtard power mod. Zyklon is Voats immune response to you


Crensch ago

I'm just an anti-zionist user

That argues and acts like a Jew. Which is why nobody likes you.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

That argues and acts like a Jew.

No. That would be YOU! All anyone has to do is read your comment history and they will see a jew boy.

Which is why nobody likes you.

ah ah ah rent free. You are a very emotional incel warrior.


Crensch ago

No. That would be YOU! All anyone has to do is read your comment history and they will see a jew boy.

TIL Jews use logos and logic to argue their points. Yes, go see what I've been writing, anyone that isn't a Jew. Well, you Jews can, too, but you won't understand how evidence works when faking something like the Holocaust.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You can tout all the Nazi shit you want to, Ben Shapiro. The jig is up.


RockmanRaiden ago

Assange is my canary, and it ain't looking good. Executive orders don't lie. There is alot to this.

Crensch ago

Cheers to that. We all have our lines.

The info from Q, imo, is more accurate than any MSM outlet, and most alternative ones. I can handle being lied to 50% less for real information some of the time.

As for assange, as time goes on I'm less and less sure of anything I think I might know about him. Body double? The weird eye video? Wikileaks?

Bleh. I'll wait it out for a while still. And I'll defend those still in the fold either way.

RockmanRaiden ago

What troubles me is what he was saying while getting arrested. Though it was obvious he was making a show so they can load whatever they did into the van.

"UK must resist the tyranny of the Trump Administration."

Crensch ago

I can't imagine that wasn't some elaborate troll. One with a purpose, but damn that's hilarious given what he's done and knows.

Crensch ago

I think you overestimate your importance here.

I think you underestimate it.

Your feelings were more important than the other users. You didn't just delete comments and ban the shitposters. You deleted any dissenting comments. That post was showing up in people's feeds.

Good. Glad I got everyone's attention. Two birds and al that.

Whatever dude. Tell yourself whatever you need to.

Is that what you're doing for yourself? That wind in your sails just doesn't seem to be there lately.

Pussy is a hell of a drug I guess.

I guess you have to tell yourself that, since your position is so obviously self-evident as the only possible one worth having.

Zyklon was fucked up. But she wanted to get in the trenches and fight with people.

What's wrong with fighting faggots like that? Everyone should - like the users did with @she. Or was it the users, kev?

She had no problem doxxing hojuruku.

She linked his accounts - he had that info online. She didn't pull any images he didn't have currently up. She certainly didn't plaster them all over a subverse when others were threatening his kids. Somehow you're keen to point out when something is unequal for your pet shitposters, but not when it's for a legitimate user.

Or threatening to dox zyklon for shitposting (after she successfully stopped him from shitposting GA by banning him).

She threatened to dox him? After he threatened to kill her kid? OH NOOOO

But she wanted to be a girl when it came to hitting her back.

Yeah, keep telling yourself it's all ok because she was a girl, and that she was TOTALLY the aggressor in all of this. As if she wasn't told to just shut up and take it like all whites are told by Jews constantly IRL.

Pointing out her flaws is not defending them.

What is this referencing?

You are not being logical.


And PV seems to be doing ok. The new guys have the energy we used to have.

New guys? I've seen sguevar around writing Wailing Walls of text with some truths and a lot of dishonesty. The rest of your guys? I had to look up the list.

@PuttItOut should engage with them.

Did he ever even engage with us back then? What would he say? "It's the Wild West"?

You're just another wannabe reddit powermod dude.

Oh, no! I'm removing negative comments from a farewell post! I'm banning people for NO REASON WHATSOEVER... as if you couldn't just look at their comment history and figure it out.

Quick I think I saw a comment asking why her dramatic exit is still stickied.

I actually unstickied it earlier today. Someone else re-stickied it. Is that the best you've got?

Better hop over there and ban someone for having a different opinion about your girl.

Kek. Keep telling yourself that I'm emotional if it makes it easier on you to accept the fact that you cannot argue your position with anything but attacks on my character and statements about how I'm not logical.

BTW she's still running around doxxing gothamgirl. It's funny as shit, but reinforces the point that she needs to keep this going.

And that's not her, but who would believe me if I told them that? Same with any of the rest of this horseshit that is swirling around about her, or me, or shizy, or whatever. It's not even worth addressing because nobody will believe the truth anyway.

Maggotbait88 ago

tl;dr version: no u

Crensch ago

I'm saying the different rules for the subverses are horseshit. So are the double standards for the users.

Crensch ago

I thought it worth mentioning. Glad it's a non-issue.

Crensch ago

Downvote wasn't me, btw. Useless gesture in civil disagreements; only acceptable for spectators, IMO.

Crensch ago

While you're pondering that, ask yourself why there was zero uproar over this apparent travesty of justice.

Rules for thee... no?

Crensch ago

The uproar was necessary.

The earthshattering shift on Voat was necessary.

I needed to see who was still sleeping, and who would wake up. I needed to confront everyone and get in their stupid faces. I needed all hands on deck so I knew exactly the magnitude of users I was dealing with, and I needed them to understand that their comfortable narrative was being attacked.

I kept a farewell post of someone that built something amazing here free of the faggots that caused it, and free of the faggots that caused the misery of so many before and since. I'll not apologize for that - ever.

Crensch ago

I'm actually sick of this.

Welcome to my state of mind 2 weeks ago.

I just checked and you're right. I apologize.


Not really. If I want to see you feed trolls and powermod I'll just check the v/greatawakening modlog.

Feed trolls? I shut Trigglyslit right up when I called her out for being a 2-bit emotional whore just like the women she was after. Take a look at these trolls that couldn't be arsed to go after zyklon with even a rubberband/paperclip gun, but went after srayzie and shizy as if their lives depended on it. Do you see anything different? I do.

They're seeing that they don't matter, and that they cannot justify their positions. I can almost see the cognitive dissonance stabbing their minds. Some have already awakened to the truth of the narrative of PV and the moderator guidelines; that they were always destined to fail when a zyklon rolled in and shit on everyone's carpet.

That's what happens all the time to free speech, which is why the speech was free, but voting and citizenship was heavily restricted.

And we always seemed to dismiss the freedom of association, which has, up until now, pretty much been something that was forced on us, like desegregation, affirmative action, section-ape housing, and other shit that forces us to associate with those we have no intention of associating with.

And, of course, the immature, low-quality citizen/user will ALWAYS vote for gibs and rights, but no responsibilities or consequences, which is why you've had so much support from them this whole time.

Sick of this? I became sickened when I realized I was defending digitally exactly what I hated IRL.


I don't really care about q and I don't really care to change anyone's mind.

My reason for thinking q is a larp is entirely because of qfags. They read whatever they want into q posts but disregard that when those things don't happen. Others go back and try to find a way to construe q posts to match what actually happened. The pattern is very reminiscent of people who get into nostradamus shit, where people obsess over it convinced that there is some special hidden knowledge there to find because it makes them feel special. Even if q actually is DJT or his son or some top level insider, the larp is that they continue to make those cryptic posts knowing that qfags are going to imagine that the posts are far more significant than they actually are. The larp is qfags own imaginations running away with them.

My reason for SAYING that q is a larp is entirely to trigger qoomers who leave their subs and because it's a fun meme.

Now, can you explain why you feel it is appropriate to engage in rampant censorship banning of users on a sub on a free speech website? What is it about q shit that you feel makes it too much of a risk to allow people to engage in a free and open discussion on v/greatawakening? After your past campaigns patrolling voat in search of jew shills, don't you agree that it is hypocritical for you to now use jewish tactics to ensure that the conversation on that sub meets with your approval?

Intrixina ago

Not Crensch, but from what I've seen of the Q stuff, a lot of the people who predict shit do it purely to attention whore. It's kind of the same shit that happens on the chans where people namefag - it's for attention whoring purposes or to make themselves seem "special" despite it being an anonymous board.

Crensch ago

Well said. Sorry I've been remiss - have had my hands full with some other affairs that took priority. Really appreciate your responses here.

Intrixina ago

You're good. Thank you for the response!

Crensch ago

You're welcome.

Looks like they've given up. Guess I'll kick the hornet's nest.

Intrixina ago

Haha. Sounds like fun. If they are hornets, they are hornets missing two legs and having imbibed something which makes them fly half drunk, because those are some of the most low-effort trolls I have seen in some time.

Intrixina ago

Haha. I see that you wrote "afternoon" - could you perchance be another Australian shitposter?

Crensch ago

Would you be terribly offended if I travel a lot?

Intrixina ago

I say "good on you" if you do - it's a great thing to do!

Crensch ago

Cheers to that.

Crensch ago

In other areas they most definitely are. The main anti-Q folks are part of the group that ran off the GA mods, so yes, drunk, but flying.

BraunF14 ago

Oh wow @crensch you really pinged me for your new fail-forum? That's awesome I feel honored. Hey @trigglypuff good seeing you here too. ES great to have you too.

Now to the point. I'm going to make it short because there's no convincing you guys. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME.

Q followers are tin foil hat wearing, fat scooty puffin, rascal riding boomers that wear MAGA hats around town and proudly boast that they voted for a Jew puppet like Trump. You bed with the likes of flat earthers, chem trail pussies, and yeti believers. You are all scared, weak fucks. Everything triggers your paranoia and you don't have a single leg without beetus to stand on and be strong in the face of adversity and/or conflicting viewpoints. You've been led down a constant "bombshell" blasted path that leads to lies and deception. Nothing has come true. Nothing has changed. Q doesn't make a single damn difference in this world. You'd all be better off a pile of ashes unless you can finally come to your senses and open your eyes to the real truth of our current world predicaments.

Crensch ago

Oh wow @crensch you really pinged me for your new fail-forum?

Seemed like you wanted to talk.

Looks like all you can do is bloviate pathos and ethos while leaving out logos entirely.

BraunF14 ago

Dude fuck off. You are so reddit-tier. I still am trying to pick up my jaw after your comment chain from my post calling out your power Trip where you said "internal consistency of the free speech paradigm". You try to act like you know shit when you're getting your ass handed to you. You try to act educated in the face of overwhelming scrutiny in an attempt to dazzle. I don't need to attempt to reason with you or provide you with any traditional rhetoric because I already made that attempt. I tried to reach out to you privately after I put your shit on blast to the community and all you could say to me was "Who are you?" As if you didn't already know for the past day and a half after that. I gave up on you after that. The community has turned it's back on you and for good reason. You're either not who used to own the Crensch account anymore or you've fully succumb to liberal brain disorder and white knighting politics like the neck beard you are. Grow up and act like a man. Don't create a new subverse and call out the people who have humiliated you in an attempt to save your brand. YOUR NAME IS TARNISHED. We will keep trashing you. We will keep trashing Q followers because it's all too easy.

Grow the fuck up @crensch . Your cringe is painful to watch.

Crensch ago

Are arguments where you're from won with angst currency? The more emotional, frothing at the mouth, and wall-of-text-like the better?

BraunF14 ago

Did you have a stroke? I don't think arguments are won. I like big blocks of text. I have a lot to say.

Crensch ago

I don't think arguments are won.

In some places, and with some genetics you don't have, arguments can and are won. Cultural Marxism doesn't permeate cultures of beings better than you.

I like big blocks of text. I have a lot to say.

You're either lazy, or stupid. Formatting and spacing keeps people paying attention. I might read through that, but most won't.

bopper ago

You sure the earth is not flat?

BraunF14 ago

I swear to God dude

Crensch ago

You're not interested in the arguments that are to be had here?

I never said you didn't think Q was legit.

bambou1991 ago

Q is so real we have to make a new subverse every two weeks to seem legit.

Crensch ago

Is that really your argument?

RockmanRaiden ago

"God is so real we have to make a new church every two weeks to seem legit."

Words put together to sound logical usually are pretty empty.

Crikes ago

I have been barely paying attention, so maybe take what I'm saying with a grain of salt.

One issue I have with what Q supposedly is, is this..

If you are for US society.. if you're for freedom. if you supposedly want to "drain the swamp", and end corruption..

You would never say "pass the buck. Sit back and watch the show."

You'd say that each of us has the ability to improve things by improving ourselves. By learning real skills. Becoming as independent, and resourceful, as possible. You'd say the most American of things, in support of the most American of principles; to arm yourself today! You'd suggest eliminating debt. Diversifying investments. Stocking up on whatever you need. It's a simple matter to build a few months food/water storage. If there's any chance for grid down, or martial law, why wouldn't you tell people the best ways to prepare for this?

Decentralization! Liberty! Anyone who wanted to improve things would speak to these things. They'd point out the need to eliminate Patriot Act. To stop policing the world. To eliminate the surveilance society.. etc..

Is there anything like this, or is it just take not responsibility for anything, sit back, and enjoy the show?

Because if that's it, a reasonable, responsible, person would warn others to prepare for the likelihood of this being a shift in power which can still be abused. That we're being disarmed, distracted, and played.

Q, if you're reading this, and not just jockeying for your brand of tyranny over another, then tell people to clean their room! Tell them to be their best! Tell them to arm themselves, and prepare for the possibility of unavailable necessities... that's the LEAST uncorruptible, individual empowering, thing you could do.

It's not the abuse of power that is the problem, but the power to abuse.

Everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted.

Crensch ago

You would never say "pass the buck. Sit back and watch the show."

I literally would.

You'd say that each of us has the ability to improve things by improving ourselves. By learning real skills. Becoming as independent, and resourceful, as possible. You'd say the most American of things, in support of the most American of principles; to arm yourself today!

Have you not noticed that sort of thing happening anyway? How has the narrative changed so much in such a short time? SO many people losing weight, working out, prepping, talking about guns that never have before. Was this organic? Does it even need to be said right now?

How is this a litmus test of what is legit?

You'd suggest eliminating debt. Diversifying investments.

Hinting that we're switching to a gold-backed currency already, and Trump hinting at not paying back our debts. What would you recommend, if you were in Q's shoes, that wouldn't let the cat out of the bag for the bad guys?

Stocking up on whatever you need. It's a simple matter to build a few months food/water storage.

Given the political climate, why would anyone not think of this?

If there's any chance for grid down, or martial law, why wouldn't you tell people the best ways to prepare for this?

Myriad reasons this wouldn't happen, but since it's your idea, write out just a few things you'd suggest MIGHT go on that list.

Decentralization! Liberty! Anyone who wanted to improve things would speak to these things. They'd point out the need to eliminate Patriot Act. To stop policing the world. To eliminate the surveilance society.. etc..

It's not possible that there are more important things on the priority list right now?

Is there anything like this, or is it just take not responsibility for anything, sit back, and enjoy the show?

Get out and vote. Plenty about preparing yourself mentally. What the hell are the normies going to do that won't possibly get in the way of the moves they're making? I wouldn't want normies doing shit if I were running this kind of OP. Hell, the one I'm running right now on the dirty underbelly of Voat is unstable enough as it is; I don't need more variables to deal with.

Because if that's it, a reasonable, responsible, person would warn others to prepare for the likelihood of this being a shift in power which can still be abused. That we're being disarmed, distracted, and played.

Is that why everyone's preparing? People are lazy, and some are stupid, but many can read between the lines and while believing and hoping Q is 100% for them, they'll start preparing anyway. Hell, things go wrong even if Q really is 100% on their side, right?

Q, if you're reading this, and not just jockeying for your brand of tyranny over another, then tell people to clean their room! Tell them to be their best! Tell them to arm themselves, and prepare for the possibility of unavailable necessities... that's the LEAST uncorruptible, individual empowering, thing you could do.

Mass panic? "Q SAID THE SKY IS FALLING GET PREPARED". Or maybe they have shit so locked up tight that the risk isn't worth the message?

It's not the abuse of power that is the problem, but the power to abuse.

I see those who surely abused power getting the spotlight put on them. I see tons of "resignations" and convenient deaths/undeaths.

Everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted.

Maybe so. But it'd be nice to have a reset to, if not 1776, at least 1875.

BraunF14 ago

Dear lord this is sad.

Crensch ago

Low-effort posting. Top notch.

con77 ago

I don't follow the larp. Can you tell me anything that this enemy psyop has gotten right?

Crensch ago

It's been a while, but I asked CBG to debunk these.

Also, Q followers knew of the North Korea peace long before MSM and the rest of Voat picked it up. I was there and fully involved and understanding it for that one. Been remiss lately, but that's pretty huge.

con77 ago

that ones like predicting the fucking Berlin Wall would come down!

Crensch ago

Except nobody else did. Peace was impossible, according to damn near everyone.

bopper ago

What sealed it for me finally was the night that Q was asking everyone to do memes, then POTUS tweeted and spelled the word members as "memembers."

It was stunning.

People who follow, who have the time, who take the time, know without a doubt that POTUS is Q and vice versa.

Been a lot of other fun times like that, esp North Korea.

POTUS has always refused to denounce this so-called LARP, on the contrary.

avgwhtguy1 ago

Pres uses Q, but there is no evidence Pres and Q are taking down the Deep State as they have said.

bopper ago

Pres uses Q

At least you admit this much, some won't, in spite of the undeniable and overwhelming evidence.

sinclair ago

If it's an open forum, why are you specifically pinging users?

Crensch ago

Users that specifically might be interested. Is there a problem with that?

sinclair ago

No. Does it not look like a mixed message when the title says, "open forum", but then it's followed with spotlighting user accounts? Do you think a regular person would take that to mean you are only interested in those responses? Then when more comments have other spotlights, you want those ones now? Kinda like you're Q'ing up the responses? It didn't seem like an open forum, but a controlled one. That's why I asked.

Crensch ago

Does it not look like a mixed message when the title says, "open forum", but then it's followed with spotlighting user accounts?

Does that make it any less of an open forum?

Do you think a regular person would take that to mean you are only interested in those responses?

No. I think it would suggest to a 3rd party that I knew those users in particular might be interested.

Then when more comments have other spotlights, you want those ones now?


Kinda like you're Q'ing up the responses?

What does this mean?

It didn't seem like an open forum, but a controlled one. That's why I asked.

Controlled how, or by whom?

sinclair ago

Well, let's start with description, 4 user spotlights. Then your first comment. 4 spotlights. Next comment, more spotlights. Then some more. That's called, queuing. you know, like priming.

To me, it implied that you wanted to hear from each set, in an orderly fashion. I can't be the only person that sees that. lol

Crensch ago

Well, let's start with description, 4 user spotlights. Then your first comment. 4 spotlights. Next comment, more spotlights. Then some more. That's called, queuing. you know, like priming.

It's called inviting. It's called advertising.

To me, it implied that you wanted to hear from each set, in an orderly fashion. I can't be the only person that sees that. lol

I think you literally are.

heygeorge ago

sinclair ago

To me, Q is basically jerking everyone off. "Oh, it's coming... it's coming..." Sure. It's coming. When Q feels like it. Q serves itself, not the American public.

Isn't this just another form of information control? Why not DECLAS and let the American public decide? Why not let the public be in control at their level? Why does the omnipotent Q decide when and where, if it serves the public? Control. It's about control. Is this any different from the Left in this regard? Does Q not trust the public, unless Q can shape the narrative they hear and see, and protect Q's interests? Does Q really care about "truth"? Or does Q cares about making sure the American public doesn't see Q as an enemy, when we all know the military industrial complex is just as guilty of crimes as the elites? Does Q see it as their duty to parent the American public? Do you know why suicide rates among vets is at an all time high? Is it the overwhelming shame and guilt of what they were made to do for the countrymen? Ask yourself.

So, doesn't Q amount to public grooming? Are we children to Q? Can the adults in the room not handle the truth? Can the public not meet in the square and work itself out? Do we deserve transparency from our government? Or is Q pretty much the same bullshit, just the other side of the coin? Is this a revenge game, and nothing more? Doesn't a patriot believe that the truth doesn't fear the light, even if it's blinding, because it is also cleansing?

Decide for yourself. In any case, whether Q is a larp or real (I presume it's MI, cause that's the narrative), it's controlled. Very controlled, and will fit whatever narrative suits it's constituency. If Obama were in office, it would just be a different tone. Control. Your mind is controlled when you follow Q.

heygeorge ago

Thank you for the thoughtful reply. I’ll add that 98% if Voat is an ‘open forum’, so OP seems a touch redundant.

Crensch ago

Is it really redundant when I oversee the other 2%?

heygeorge ago

Lol, I didn’t even think of the 2% meme.

OrdinaryFaggot ago

What are the top 3 best accurate predictions Q has made? I honestly don't know.

My understanding is that it's a meme that can fool people kind of like any other prognosticator scam artist would. Like a fortune teller or a horoscope.

Crensch ago

Pick some. Some are odd coincidences, some are pretty solid. Look 'em up for yourself.

avgwhtguy1 ago

HRC is not in jail/trial. NBC/Google is still opertating a legal cartel. What else was Q supposed to do? Save the world? Timelines and storylines seem to have more to do with reelection than justice

Intrixina ago

To be fair, if you're dealing with those fuckers you only get one chance to take a swing, and if you miss, they get away with their shit scot free, or they otherwise manage to cover up their shit, or cover for others. Combine that with lots of members engaging in their shenanigans, as well as many shitty things which have been done, and you're essentially playing with a 500,000 piece Jenga tower that one wrong move brings a whole heap of shit crashing down, all of which spells disaster for people like you and me.

Blacksmith21 ago

This: "you're essentially playing with a 500,000 piece Jenga tower that one wrong move brings a whole heap of shit crashing down"

avgwhtguy1 ago

Nope, this is just fear-mongering, typical of the political power narratives used by the DNC and the Deep State.

Intrixina ago

Okay, so what's your solution then?

You offer a lot of demands, but no solutions.

avgwhtguy1 ago

Yea let me post to the Internet my plans to take down the cabal.

Trump easily has the resources to no-fly, arrest, and try 1000s of criminals.

Intrixina ago

So you have no plans, then.

avgwhtguy1 ago

Dude, no fly list, arrest, trial, and antitrust law. Its not nearly as complicated and you and Q pretend.

Intrixina ago

Those are fair demands. Are you intending on arresting every single last one in the so-called cabal at the exact same time, though?

avgwhtguy1 ago

Do you think that is difficult with the millions of law enforcement officers that exist in the USA? If theyre also on a nofly list, how long do you think itd take? Theyre going to hide in a cave in Afghanistan for 10 years while simultaneously running a worldwide terror network while on dialysis?

Intrixina ago

Just bear in mind, the more people involved, the more chance of corruption there is.

Crensch ago

What else was Q supposed to do?

Where did you come by all those expectations?

Timelines and storylines seem to have more to do with reelection than justice

Arresting Hillary and going after google/nbc wouldn't be a better path to re-election, to your mind?

avgwhtguy1 ago

Q said HRC would be arrested in 2018, and hinted at breaking up / holding accountable the MSM for colluding with the Dems.

Crensch ago

Detained. In 2017.

Quite a few resignations of the MSM. Does the fact that some of it still limps along mean they're not being held accountable?

BraunF14 ago

See a user makes a good point about one of Qs "bombshell" predictions and you try to fucking bat for some person(s) who haven't even come out as to who there are to I still trust. You just follow them blindly and defend them to death if you had to.

Crensch ago

Why is it you seem incapable of making a good point?

avgwhtguy1 ago

Yes. Only public sentencing and guilt can cure those who see HRC as a heroin. Msm, hrc, etc are still going strong.

Crensch ago

Only public sentencing and guilt can cure those who see HRC as a heroin.

You think that wouldn't be taken as "muh orange man rigged it with putin REVOLT"?

IMO, the normies that aren't insane need to shove the faggots back in the closet before that kind of thing happens.

Also, and even more plausibly, there was no court or agency that could/would have done so and made it stick. It's entirely possible that they're still cleaning house.

avgwhtguy1 ago

Very small percentage of the country believes the orange man bad, russia whatever stuff. The only protest would be paid for by America's enemies. Trump as president has the ability to appoint judges, prosectors, and agency heads. I see Trump synch with Q, I dont see Trump and Q synch with the justice they said theyd serve.

Crensch ago

Kinda difficult to argue with the number of resignations of executives across the world. Would you really take the power of POTUS and just bull-in-a-china shop to do something like that, or would you, if you knew you could, finesse it and really fuck the bad guys over?

avgwhtguy1 ago

Resignations arent justice. Seems more like a cushy retirement or a clean exit.

Crensch ago

The point is the exit. People in power are losing their power. How would you go after so many bad actors? Just waltz in there and hang them from the rafters?

I never really understand how it is you guys think you would operate.

avgwhtguy1 ago

Trump is appointing swamp creatures to positions of power. Having thousands of criminals resign to go spend their ill gotten millions on a foreign island is hardly a solution, especially when theyre being replaced with people of the same ilk. Im looking for and end to Iraq, Afghanistan, a breakup of the media monopolies, etc. and all we're getting is drama and maybe a new war, right up to the next election.

Crensch ago

Trump is appointing swamp creatures to positions of power.

Maybe so. And if he is, he's burning through them at a pretty insane rate.

Having thousands of criminals resign to go spend their ill gotten millions on a foreign island is hardly a solution, especially when theyre being replaced with people of the same ilk.

Do you know where they're going?

Are you sure the replacements are the same ilk?

Im looking for and end to Iraq, Afghanistan, a breakup of the media monopolies, etc. and all we're getting is drama and maybe a new war, right up to the next election.

Yeah, we're all wanting those things. The question is how to do it.

How would you do it, if you were POTUS?

Themooninthesky ago

Holy shit!!! What wit all da name makers?

Let’s get a slice and a cold beer.

Vindicator ago


Diggernicks ago

Special olympic dream team assemble!

fluhthreeex ago

OP already posted. TeamSize = 1;

Crensch ago

They really aren't capable of doing much more than mocking others, are they? Or in CBG's case, linking to youtube faggots that just want to hear themselves speak.

fluhthreeex ago


get a life, faggot. it's saturday night. clock out and go do something.

Crensch ago

I guess we know how you calculate your self-worth.