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hojuruku ago

@zyklon_b hey did you see that A Jewish Ex-Washington Times reporter is going to do a post about how Vindicator is a pro-pedophile kikeshill - a story on the (((Disney))) Man Boy Love Cam Dating Site "OurSpace" Fierce Inter-generational Love page. What an evil anti-Semitic jew eh for him to do that?


Vindicator banned my only alt @death2millenialfags for posting a link to a MSM reporter promising to do a pizzagate story (on how he's a pedo) and he says it's not related to Pizzagate.

(I had to use to get back into pizzagate after Millennial' falcon's ban when he said a US prosecutors document exposing OTO pedophiles was "spam" - said Wasington Times Reporters doing a story on pro-pedophile censorship from the Pizzagate moderators and the story they censored -. WAIT FOR IT -- ISN'T RELATED TO PIZZAGATE!

Do you agree with Millennial_Falcon lame excuses for bans and pro-satanic-pedophile censorship? /v/pizzagatemods/2083998

Do you agree with Vindicator's love of man boy dating sites and demanding a man not mention the name of a gay pedophile Christopher Kent Bowersox that took his first born because it might offending his penis-in-shit-rubbing highness?


zyklon_b ago

You are right.

That is same reason I took PG down when they first got here. I told kingkongwaswrong I was gonna hit him with thors hammer and he deleted and banned me for making a "credible threat"

You must be very very vocal and loud and when PG realizes they are losing credibility will you and many others be vindicated amd force change of policies.

hojuruku ago

They are pissed that I have suggested a fix to the problem and it's getting massive upvotes on /v/pizzagatemods/2504513

It's a policy to stop Mr moderator I love fucking baby pedo cults - I am @Vindicator - shut it down pedo mod trolling and to let the democracy over-rule the moderator if the original poster doesn't agree to their pro-pedophle edits.. It would fix everything wrong with Pizzagate - but instead they want their kikeshillpedomod dictatorship. /v/AnonTalk/2504915

I suggest you all read it. By the fact they won't even acknowledge this request for a policy change to prevent moderator pro-pedophile thread hijacking - they want to have a cerklejerk of paying homage to the pedophile moderators on /v/pizzagate instead of fighting pedophiles. They say you need to follow the rules of the road and suck their dicks to stay there. I say fuck them, and so does the majority of people on voat.


Even @srayzie the meme posting shitposter on anti-pedophilia threads support @Vindicators right to say you can't name the pedophile Cop who took your first Born child in the /v/pizzagate/2500972 Disney Man Boy Love Dating Site thread - because you know it's wrong to compare two law enforcement homosexual pedophile cops playing the system to get a lesser sentence to show it's a regular occurrence.

If I was bad as that scrag, like I said I'd pay a gay call boy to rape her son and tell her to love gays and not complain about it on here. It's personal when the /v/pizzagatepedomods openly support censorship of convicted LGBTI+ gay pedophiles paid to hunt down young boys all day for that messed up my life in America and stopped me seeing my first born. I got all charges dismissed in the furtherance of justice the homopedocop charged me for (delay resist own murder + no other charges aka "contempt of cop" as the LA lawyers call it) it may what be an American legal first.

I remember they banned me a few time. I told people to go dox the homo boylover peds: /v/pizzagate/1586429 as I was trying to do and I got banned for that. Can't be against pedophiles who identify as gay. More on Bowersox: /v/pizzagate/2017479/9952007

And I got banned for criticizing queer hero cop who testified in Fresno supreme court dog boy anal isn't depraved by another failed child pimp moderator @Kwijibo: /v/PizzagateMemes/1588657 Lot's of her pro-pedophile comments were deleted and I may have to rehost the pdf of that because she's come back As Strayzie. 2 years ago I was exposing Pizzagate moderators as pedophiles. And they keep rebranding themselves with new alts but I can just feel it's the same pedophiles still running the show.

zyklon_b ago

That psycho srayzie banned me from a sub for no legit reason too. I had not even posted in the sub he banned me from.

srayzie ago

I’ve never banned you. I don’t even know you.

zyklon_b ago

@hojuruku @crensch @kevdude @heygeorge looky.

v/PatriotsSoapbox (srayzie) > zyklon_b | Sent: 12 days ago on 4/10/2018 2:54:30 PM You've been banned from v/PatriotsSoapbox :( @srayzie has banned you from v/PatriotsSoapbox for the following reason: Rule Violation: Spam; Description: Bye Felicia!

reply source delete

srayzie ago

You can check it. If you have any problems, dm me

srayzie ago

Oh wait... LOL @Vindicator and @Think- both know about this...

I got mixed up There is PatriotsSoapbox AND I mixed those 2 up a couple of weeks ago. So my bad for banning you. Honestly, I thought I was on the joke sub. I just looked at that sub. Yikes. I think I’m done being a mod there.

I can add you back!

MadWorld ago

A note here, I can confirm that srayzie did mix up by mistake and submit to the wrong subverse at one point. It was an honest mistake and she fixed it as soon as she realized it!

srayzie ago

And oh was I so embarrassed! 😂

zyklon_b ago

Oh okay problem solved.

srayzie ago

Good. Thank you

zyklon_b ago

Now the issue at hand is lets solve this peacefully with @hojuruku and all yall involved come to a civil agreement and get back to helping the kids and draining swamp.

srayzie ago

He won’t. He does this daily. Today he said he would pay to have my son raped.

hojuruku ago

Are you going to say sorry for supporting Vindicator's ORDER to ban me for refusing to remove the name of the convicted gay pedophile that took my first born child out of my life?

You wont you filthy scrag. You are not sorry you filthy pedo lover whore who is going to hell.

Are you going to say sorry for FIRST supporting the actions of gay pedophiles done for child porn stopping people seeing their first born?

You filthy scrag. You are not sorry. You were the one that supported a pedophiles actions first by saying he must not be named or insulted. That's worse than threatening to rape a hypothetical son only give a hypothetical situation to try and let you understand some empathy for the anger your pro-pedophile censorship and trolling caused supporting the gay kiddy fucker who attempted to murder me twice by saying he must not be named.


srayzie ago

I’ve never said any of that to you. But I support @Vindicator because he’s nothing like you describe. You are doing a great job showing everyone how crazy you are.

hojuruku ago

I'm still waiting for you to say Vindicator did the wrong thing with his pro-mass-rape of boys and women censorship rather to say you support him and HA HA HA you got banned for not following his pedo rules.

srayzie ago

This is an example of how I’m treated @Carmencita. The day after he tells me he would pay someone to rape my son.

carmencita ago

I think there is no end to this for he cannot see the light. I have tried to get through, it has not worked. Don't know what can be done at this point.

hojuruku ago

We all know you don't have a son tranny. cc @auralsects You can't play victim after all your pro-pedophile trolling and openly supporting Vindicator's pro-pedophile censorship first. We are onto you. You admit trolling my gab and 8chan and there is clearly a pedophile on there trolling me saying CP isn't pictures of child's genitals and it's wrong to be against a child labor / abuse camp the OP exposed. Was that you pedo scrag?

You support the rape of women you sicko - by trolling me on a thread critising vindicator gay pedophlie judge who supports muslim gang rape thread he deleted. /v/ProtectVoat/2511063/12556215

And I never said I WILL RAPE YOUR SON (that doesn't really exist). We explained this strawman like 100 times already. It's a hypoethetical construct to expose to you how evil you are supporting Vindicator's order as you said "requested edits" that I must not name the gay pedophile that stopped me seeing my first born child Christopher Kent Bowersox.

I tried you to understand how much I hate a whore who could do such a thing as you did to me first. Imagine if you had a son and he got raped or taken away from you by a gay pedophile cop lets say like Bowersox of paid by the state to hunt down young boys all day. Then I said to you - you can't share that on /v/pizzagate - the feelings of gay pedophiles matter and your's don't as a mother. If you werre a decent person you would want to kill me for being as bad as you have been you filthy whore if I was to do the same as what you did to me first.

I think @auralsects did a job of explaining it to you but you never listened.

/v/ProtectVoat/2511063/12548638 Look at that thread :)

Oh and right on time, his friend DONKEY/Equineluvr, which is my stalker, shows up. Predictable.

[–] auralsects 10 points (+12|-2) 18 hours ago

I was never equine and your 'proof' that I was was that we both used the expression "non sequitur" XD what a fucking illiterate uneducated whore.

equine dropped disinfo like saying every mayor in America is a crypto jew and that david duke is a shill. now that I have actually corresponded with the good Dr. Duke I know he was bullshitting.

[–] auralsects 10 points (+12|-2) 19 hours ago sees I got pinged "predicts" I will arrive in thread thank god youre here. a real credit to the force. I just cant understand why you've never made a research post, named a new person or place of interest, etc.

[–] srayzie -4 points (+3|-7) 19 hours ago

Yes I know. That guy who wants to pay to have a pizzagate mods son raped always pings you. Anyone friends with someone like you has got issues.

[–] auralsects 8 points (+12|-4) 19 hours ago it's called rhetoric, cunt. he was saying 'I bet she would take this more seriously if it happened to her own family'

but keep trying to gain sympathy like a whiny little cunt, lol, it's the only weapon women have.

half the PG mods are women and the other half are unapologetic kikeshills like @Vindicator and @blacksmith21 "i bet PG is 25% jewish at most, hardly a conspiracy"

LMAO and youre totally oblivious to how shitty you all are XDDDD

How is supporting Muslim Gang rape of women working out for you or more to the point trolling me on threads complaining about Vindicator censoring posts about Gay jew pedophile judges who support mass muslim gang rape, whilst you say how psycho and evil I am for being upset about the pro-pedophile censorship. I should calmly love Puplick support of all those mass rapists he's linked too right like you do? /v/ProtectVoat/2511063/12556215

DianaKeyhote ago

Leave donkey out of this faggot, he is someone I have been following here for a long time, I made this alt so I could bond with him, he is gay but I'm not worried about that. Fuck off back to your dunghill fag boy. And I'm not going to give you a second warning, BACK OFF bringing donkey into this!!

hojuruku ago

an alt with -26 ccp

haha you pedomods are funny.

DianaKeyhote ago

not a mod asshat, only came here for donkey, he has several alts and hard to keep up, but anywho, FUCK YOU.

hojuruku ago

only if my policy change is adopted that's trending in /v/pizzagatemods to prevent pro-pedophile mod thread hijacking and thread deletion.

We need a safety so it doesn't happen again or I'm not coming back to be fucked around again. I will WAIT until that policy is adopted.

Otherwise that's it sorry. I've got the moral high ground when you see what is on /v/pizzagatemods - my policy change.

i'm trying to find where strayzie said I wasn't banned a second time when i was and I copied and pasted her the ban notice just like you did. We both copped the same lie from the same scrag. Did you see that?

why are you playing good cop now. Unless they allow some kind of real direct democracy I'm not for it. I'll develop the voat bot that tabulates the vote and makes sure all voters aren't alts - or at least contribute threads to /v/pizzagagate that get over >20 in the last 6 months in order to vote.

srayzie ago

Oh don’t you know what that is? If not, go look genius. It’s a joke sub that has like tons of mods where we play and ban each other and talk shit. Some people get banned and it shows up as if it’s someone else. That sub is for playing around. I don’t even know you.

zyklon_b ago

my name is @lordbeatlejuicethe1 and you just been trolled!!!! lmao

zyklon_b ago

@gabara @expertshitposter @peaceseeker @trigglypuff check out this srayzie just caught her in a fuckin lie as she benned me for zero reason.

hojuruku ago

I caught the same filthy whore @srayzie telling the same lie before TOO! CC @gabara @expertshitposter @peaceseeker @trigglypuff

The whore said Vindicator didn't ban me a second time from Pizzagate for saying a Jewish Journalist was going to do a story on how vindicator did pro-pedophile censorship and what he did the censorship on. He said journalists writing news stories about Pizzagate posts and their pro pedophile censorship "doesn't relate to pizzagate". Do you follow their #pedologic?

I swear somewhere she said Vindicator never banned me, then I copypasted that response also onto the /v/conspiracy thread against her too. Looking for it now to prove the pedo scrag keeps telling the same lies covering for pro-pedophile censorship of anti-pedophilia activists all over the place.

Here's here admitting she's trolling me on 8chan. /v/Conspiracy/2504276/12520076

Maybe she admits she is the troll that saying pictures of child's genitals are not child porn on 8chan mentioned in the OP.

srayzie ago

Why do you dox yourself so much? Mommy didn’t give you enough attention? From everything you’ve posted, it’s easy for anyone to know your name and location because you have them on your gab and YouTube account. Going from that alone, its easy for anyone to go read about your insane history. Looks like you’ve made yourself famous. Famous for being a psycho.

Seeing that and how you said you would hire someone to rape my son today, should show anyone that you are a dangerous sick human being.

Why are you pinging your fellow shills? Grow some fucking balls!

hojuruku ago

Look at a filthy whore saying "just an edit" to tell you shut up and don't talk about the GAY PEDOPHILE COP CHRISTOPHER KENT BOWERSOX THAT TOOK MY FIRST BORN CHILD

Good job already offending the people on Gab for your racial slurs. You’re getting a lot of complaints. Looking thru your profile speaks for itself. You have been posting like a madman on 8chan as well, instead of making an effort to follow the rules like everyone else.

The pedo admits she/it/zhe whatever trolling me on 8chan - probably the same poster saying pictures of child genatils isn't child porn and attacking me for exposing child abuse camp Jeju International English Village who blackmails foreign school principals in brothels (as confirmed on tape ) to work Australian children for profit - and then put pedophiles all around them in their love motel English camp. The boss of the camp is in Jail but the filthy pedo 8chan troll believed to be Strayzie supports said jailed pedo camp boss on the 8chan thread liked to in the op.

Here's the response I gave to Crench the coward isn't replying to on how you and him support Vindicator's "SHUT UP AND DON'T SPEAK ABOUT THE GAY PEDOPHILE WHO TOOK YOUR FIRST BORN IM A PEDO CENSORSHIP"

You filthy whore came attacked me saying I support Vindicator's right to tell you not to talk about the gay pedophile who took your first born first. And still you have no empathy for horrible pro-pedophlie position you took saying I must not mention the name of the pedophile who took your first born. I stand by my claims. You need to do that thought experiment and think - what happened if my son was taken away from me or abused by a gay pedophile cop - then a filthy whore Strazyie told me you have no right to speak about it because it triggers homosexuals or support someone else who did say that like Vindicator.

Copypaste it a 3rd time - until someone can respond. YOU SUPPORTED THIS PRO PEDO BOWERSOX CENSORSHIP. And still you have no empathy you open pro pedophile censor.

Wow and you know what my response from your crosspost with broken links is?

You support the FAGGOT PEDOPHILE @VINDICATOR saying don't talk about the gay pedophile that took your first born when it's clearly relevant you piece of shit.

How many other

  1. Homosexual

  2. Law Enforcement Officers

  3. Found guilty of Child porn

  4. Got a small sentence - time served

  5. Who testified in court boyloving / child porning or child grooming isn't wrong in their trial

Can you think of - to support Vinny's claim it wasn't a good tie in you fuck. Do tell us you fucken shitlord @Crensh - I say it was a pretty good tie in to show that multiple LGBTI Law Enforcement Officers have testified in court that CP is good and grooming boys in Disney Big Brother Big Sisters make me a better man [boylover].

Tell me why Vinny is right - I must not speak of christopher Kent bowersox the dog on boy child porn loving gay pedo cop that took away my first born? Tell me how that triggers you that I oppose such filth and how you support Vinny's pro pedo cop / crown prosecutor censorship.

Come on Crensch. Say I support Vinny's man boy love censorship. And tell us WHY you do.

So I try and teach your meme posting shitlord anti-pedophilia thread hijacker some empathy for my situtation of having pedophile moderators saying don't critize gay child raping pedo cops that took your first born with a hypothetical sittuation of child abuse happeing in her family and then hypothetical censorship.

I get it for real but you have no empathy for me. Poor pedo troll mod - got a taste of Vinny's medicine on me. Oh poor her. Fuck you Crench.

Begin copypaste of what you already read:

Nope not Vindicator's son. Her son I don't even know exists - just trying to give her a hypothetical situation so we can all see how evil Vindicator the gay pedophile is telling me not to have this in my OP on his deleted thread

From: /v/pizzagate/2500972

I haven't seen anything more disgusting than this since Christopher Kent Bowersox - Gay cop who attempted to murder me testified that boy on dog sex wasn't depraved to get a lesser sentence, after the Bakersfield police chief Williamson said he was still professional because he was only trying to sodomize boys off duty, which was a lie.

Why not link to it you fuck: /v/Conspiracy/2504276/12520076

I was trying to teach her empahy - with my problem of Vindicator the pedophile saying how dare you talk about the REAL pedophile Christopher Kent Bowersox who stopped me seeing my first born child and then the REAL PRO CHRISTOPHER KENT BOWEROX BOY RAPIST CENSORSHIP from Vinny.

She only got hit with a clear hypothetical situation - not a real threat you fucknut - to expose what you pedophiles are really doing to VOAT users right now your pro-pedophilie censorship and interference tactics exposed here: /v/ProtectVoat/2499289


You support Vindicator saying I have no right to talk about the pedo who took away my first born you fucken faggot. and that was a response to strayzie saying "it's just an edit" asking you not to talk about the pedo who took your first born.

What a lame excuse for pro-pedophile censorship in such a clear and well sourced OP:

I was a bit confused about the different people you've mentioned: McCool, Hall, Power and Bowersox. It became very difficult to follow. At first I thought you were saying they were the same person, and then I thought you were saying there were numerous different pedos connected to BBBS as part of your argument that BBBS is being run as a man/boy hookup service. Who's who and why they are in your thread needs to be very clear, so that it's possible to understand what you are asserting and assess the linked support you provide for it. (ProTip: If you have a piece of research you haven't yet gotten the evidence for, drop that down into the comment section as a "P.S. I am still investigating my suspician that...." Comments are free range).

Why not link to the actual posts you fuck rather than cropping and screencapping. I'm not editing shit.

I said IF i was bad as Vindicator - this hypothetical would happen (what triggers Crench - only the REAL THING HAPPENED TO ME) - THEN I WOULD TELL YOU STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR CHILD BEING ABUSED / REMOVED FOR THE SAKE OF GAY PRIDE.

SO IF TRY AND TEACH A SCRAG EMPATHY RATHER THAN CONTINUE TOP LET HER SHITPOST MEMES ALL OVER ANTI-PEDOPHILIA THREADS CRENCH will come down on you for trying to teach someone to have empathy for the anger I hold against gay pedophiles.

And Who supports this pro-pedophile censorship. YOU DO you motherfucker.


You’ve been given multiple chances to follow the rules. It is not that difficult! You forgot to ping the one you are talking crap about on Gab. I said If I was bad as you - and this happened (hypothetically) and I did this (hypothetically) you would feel just as I bad as I do right now about you the filthy whore Strayzie Telling me I HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK ABOUT MY FIRST BORN CHILD BEING TAKEN BY A GAY COP BECAUSE IT TRIGGERS GAY PEDOPHILES THAT CONTROL /v/pizzagate/

srayzie ago

I’ve never said anything of the sort. You continue to lie and call me names. Now you say...

I'd pay a gay call boy to rape her son and tell her to love gays and not complain about it on here.

FUCK YOU. I am saving this to discredit your ass and let everyone know how you spread lies, call us names, and say you would have our kids RAPED! I even told you I’m new. The only thing I’ve done was send you a meme before I was a mod. That’s because you were ranting like a schizophrenic as usual.

Saying shit like this will show your true colors and show why you should be discredited. You can’t even have a normal discussion. You claim to be this famous person and how you were on Alex Jones. Take your meds you fucking lunatic!

I hope your mom gets fucked in the ass by 5 black dudes and dick slapped across the face with the 6th!

It’s not our fault that you can’t make a post like a normal person. Your attacks and problems following a few rules is your problem, not ours.

This is going too far. This maniac mother fucker now says he would hire a call boy to come rape my son. @Vindicator @think- @Crensch @Kevdude

hojuruku ago

What is this - Vindicator announced your postition as a moderator before kevdude? Who's really running the show? Let's repost this stella comment


It only happened because the scrag trolled me in support of pro-pedophile censorship. So if you want to be a mod - you gotta do what it takes... It wasn't @kevdude that invited here - it was @vindicator and it happened on my thread. Think-: So are you saying Kevdude is Vindicator aka Millennial_Falcon now?

Must see How I heard it first - not from kevdude but from Vindicator the pedo who really runs the show : /v/pizzagate/2500972/12508158


[–] Vindicator [M] 2 points (+3|-1) 2 days ago

@hojuruku Since when is that shitposting meme lord @srayzie a mod....

Srayzie was invited to mod v/pizzagate the day Falcon was demodded. She was busy building her v/GreatAwakening subverse at the time. She accepted the invite yesterday.

So this post is a LIE. Vindicator accepted her and announced it first. Clearly there is only one big fat pedo as a mod and a whole bunch of alts except for those who prove their loyalty to the dark side of kike-shilling and nambla.

CC @auralsects @dfens

If you want to be a MOD. Here's your first steps

1) Troll anti-pedophilia activists like @strayzie has with memes and never submit anything useful


[–] srayzie 2 points (+3|-1) 2 days ago GAY JPG


[–] srayzie 4 points (+5|-1) 2 days ago

Poor Donkey 😂🤣🤣☺️😂 Don’t be jelly. I’m a woman that can not only vote, but mod as well. 🤓

[–] auralsects 2 points (+7|-5) 2 days ago

I just looked to see if after 1.3 yrs u had managed to contribute a single byte of research and I noticed your second highest voted comment is saying Q "revealed" something -- but in fact it was me half a year prior. LOL AND U HAVE MADE THRICE THE SUBMISSIONS ON PG ON Q, idk why they bothered with this psyop when a ball of yarn would have distracted you post menstrual cunts just as easily.

1.5) Shill for NAMBLA and suppor Pedo @Vindicator demand threads be censored about a big pedophilia scandal (Disney's dating site for gay men and boys getting a look into now by Robert Stacy McCain /v/pizzagayte/2505855) and support Vinny the boylover's demands that pedophiles names must be removed from the post even though they have been convicted: v/pizzagatewhatever/2506220/12523389 (homopedo cop Christopher Kent Bowersox and homopedo Crown Prosecutor Patrick [Gay] Power)

2) Be really nasty when you do it - so everyone knows for sure you are on team child rape.

3) Team pedophilia is the same as team /v/PIZZAGATEMODS so by admission to one group you get a free pass into the other.

srayzie ago

You will become very popular here on voat. But not in the way you were hoping for. Keep it up. Soon you will be exposed for who you really are.

hojuruku ago

oh any publicity for my anti-pedophilia activism is good publicity. Do your worst with your pedo q-tards who shut down the truth and are Moderated by Twinks for Trump

This will be great. I will so own you in the video arena. I'm a bit of a dark horse in that regard I've been studying video editing as a hobby and I want to piss off a whole bunch of pedos - get them to make the first move and nail them back.

Please do your worse you fucken cowards.

I'm coming for you OTO child fuckers and you know it bitch.

hojuruku ago

Oh I'm exposing you live on Video tomorrow and your pro-pedophile censorship. Did you just delete my comment eh?

Oooh exposing you.

I'm exposing you invading anti-pedophilia threads with memes like a concern troll. You are going down bitch and tens of 1000s will watch it.

srayzie ago

Oh on Alex Jones again? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 You’re a fool!

BRING. IT. ON! Make it rain mother fucker!

You don’t scare me BITCH! Expose us! I now know your YouTube and your gab accounts because you have been posting your retarted shit there too. I will have fun exposing your ass as well. Especially how you would pay to have my son RAPED. It won’t be doxing either. Because you have posted the links here yourself. People should know what kind of sick pervert you are.

hojuruku ago

HAHAH Vindicator is praising srayzie for being an Alex Jones infowhore! HAHAHAH

Back at you bitch or should I say queen bitch Sir Faggot Pedo Censor Lord! auralsects said:

"She has contributed lots of interesting and important research posts to v/pizzagate, "

LMAO if u can link to a SINGLE ONE I'll legitimately leave forever.

[–] Vindicator [M] 1 points (+2|-1) 4 days ago

I'll take you up on that offer, auralsects. Here's a great thread from srayzie:

[–] auralsects 0 points (+1|-1) 1.5 days ago

a link to an alex jones broadcast. that just might approach the absolute opposite of research. its UNformation. LOL

And this isn't the only PRICELESS post from Vindicator /v/pizzagate/2500972/12496091 When we exposed him deleting comments on pizzagate suggesting if a pedo was a kike that turned out to be a kike!

CC @gabara @expertshitposter @peaceseeker @trigglypuff @zyklon_b

zyklon_b ago

Well lets try to find a resolution that all partiea can agree to and end this fighting.

hojuruku ago

The solution is here. Make stop the child fucking pedo moderators doing thread hijacking and destorying v/pizzagate

see this amazing post upvoted lots on /v/pizzagatemods

how to prevent it happening again. They won't even acknowledge it exists on v/pizzagatemods because they admit they are pedo gatekeepers that want to run a pedo dictatorship rather than a democracy.


Vote it up to end the madness!

zyklon_b ago


hojuruku ago

Oh where have I seen this bitch using the same failed arguments?


Yeah sure. You were on Alex Jones lol. Well good, you started your own sub. Go rant over there.

The reply:

Nice try bitch.

AIPAC Alex Jones Shecklestien I exposed in this video half way through... Lee Anne McaDoo is a good jewess. I love her work.

If all the Jewesses like you running off with 21blackdicks did what she did - all our problems would be solved.

I proved she was AIPAC through her linked in profile and some investigation but you ban linkedin links on pizzagate.

You see I've had some experience doing with child sex loving anti-pedophilia activist trolls like you before.

That video is HILARIOUS.

And here's another leftist idiot I got to stay on the same network as GCN Alex Jones that sex with 12 year old boys should be legal if the boy wants it - after being arrested by the FBI in the PlayPen child porn ring and getting off as part of project Mockingbird (see video description

All my video descriptions have sources / research. Enjoy. GCN linked to a faggot pedophile who was let off the playpen sting by the FBI. Project Mockingbird agents can rape kids now?

Expose this stuff and you get banned by the pedo /v/pizzagatemods LIKE YOU

hojuruku ago

Oh the fucken pedo shill brings up an old argument that she knows is full of shit because it was replied to before......

Wow you are clearly being a disinfo pedo troll using all the pedophile tactics these woman predicted the disney man boy dating site jewishcare big brothers big sisters namba trolls would do back in 2002 before those 10000s of gay child rape cases then happened proving them right...

Family Concerns “Bridging the Information Gap” A Publication of Concerned Women for America of Kansas 2002-26 September 19, 2002 BIG BROTHERS-BIG SISTERS CAVE IN TO THE HOMOSEXUAL LOBBY New guidelines allow active homosexuals as mentors for kids The Big Brothers-Big Sisters of America (BBBSA), a highly respected mentoring group for children, has recently changed its guidelines on a national level (500 affiliates) to allow active homosexuals to be volunteers and mentors to children who are mostly from single-parent homes or need a role model in their lives. Parents will not even be told that their child could be partnered with an active homosexual unless they ask. Gay activists insist that their lifestyle does not equate with potential abuse of children, yet the statistics show that there is significant abuse by gay men of adolescent males and boys. A study in Archives of Sexual Behavior found that homosexual men are attracted to young males, including those as young a s age 15. Gay researchers Karla Jay and Allen Young once reported that 73 percent of the gay men they surveyed had engaged in sex with boys 16-19 years of age or younger. A study of 229 convicted child molesters found that 86 percent of offenders who molested boys described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.
[“Gay Big Brothers? By William J. Maier, Psy.D ., 07-17n_bbbsa.shtml] Themes of adult-child sex are common in gay publications

And when I prove all these REAL WOMEN RIGHT - ALONG COMES THE PEDO WHORE supporting the censorship of the thread proving them all right.

I don't know you have a son And I didn't say I WOULD RAPE YOUR SON - I SAID "IF I WAS BAD AS YOU" something would happen to your family THEN "I WOULD BE BAD AS YOU AND SAY DON'T CRITIZE THE PEDO FOR GAY PRIDE".

So quit your stawman arguments. You are clearly a pro-pedophile shill roleplaying the victim as you first attacked me saying I SUPPORT VINDICATOR SAYING YOU MUST NOT SPEAK OF THE GAY PEDOPHLIE COP THAT REALLY TOOK YOUR FIRST BORN - MR CHRISTOPHER KENT BOWERSOX.

YOU ARE ON TEAM KIDDY RAPE - AND I EXPOSED YOU FIRST. AND I'm glad I trigged you - becauzse you are showing everyone you don't have any empathy for your pro-pedophile censorship of my thread and you support Vindicator saying I have no right to talk of Christopher Kent Bowersox the gay pedo that took away my first born.

You are lucky I'm not as bad as you you fifthly pro-pedophile whore.

In 2002 the real american women go on to talk about the pro-pedophile tactics you butch dykes do to shut down the truth (as you did about big brothers big sisters here: /v/Conspiracy/2504276/12520076 They got everything right. What would happen if Disney ran gay men and boy dating sites - and the tactics the pro-pedophle censors like you would take

Harvard-trained social scientists in the late ‘80s issued a call for gay activists to adopt”...carefully calculated public relations propaganda.” Their plan came through marketing lingo: “Desensitize, Jam and Convert.” Authors Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen in their book ‘After the Ball: How America will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90’s” described a plan to ‘turn the tables’ on America and switch the bigotry aimed at homosexuals--- to those who would oppose them. [“The Gay Spin Zone”, Stephen Bennett, August, 20, 2002] o Desensitization: Subjecting the public to a ‘continuous flood of gay-related advertising, presented in the least offensive way possible. “ about gayness until the issue becomes thoroughly tiresome...if you can get [straights] to think homosexuality is just another th ing---meriting nor more than a shrug of the shoulders ---then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won.” o Jamming: smearing anyone who disagrees with your agenda and link it to Nazi horror...opposing homosexuality is like what Hitler did in Europe. Undermining “gay-hating” churches by casting themselves as victims. A recent Kansas City Star article posted August 17, 2002 states: “Because the agency’s (BBBSA) record is excellent, there is no reason to think that opening volunteer opportunities to gays and lesbians will put anyone at risk. Critics of the new policy, such as the American Family Association and Focus on the Family, are misguided. In fact the new BBBSA policy could be a good model for the Boy Scouts, which has resisted allowing openly gay men to serve as scoutmasters.” o Conversion: conversion of the average Americans emotions, mind and will through psychological attack in the form of propaganda metered out by media, advertisement, trusted organizations and schools.

hojuruku ago Wow look at this^^^

@Crensch is saying it's wrong for me to teach the shitposting meme lord onto anti-pedophilia threads miss @srayzie Q gatekeeper some empathy.

Nope not Vindicator's son. Her son I don't even know exists - just trying to give her a hypothetical situation so we can all see how evil Vindicator the gay pedophile is telling me not to have this in my OP on his deleted thread

From: /v/pizzagate/2500972

I haven't seen anything more disgusting than this since Christopher Kent Bowersox - Gay cop who attempted to murder me testified that boy on dog sex wasn't depraved to get a lesser sentence, after the Bakersfield police chief Williamson said he was still professional because he was only trying to sodomize boys off duty, which was a lie.

Why not link to it you fuck: /v/Conspiracy/2504276/12520076

I was trying to teach her empahy - with my problem of Vindicator the pedophile saying how dare you talk about the REAL pedophile Christopher Kent Bowersox who stopped me seeing my first born child.


You support Vindicator saying I have no right to talk about the pedo who took away my first born you fucken faggot. and that was a response to strayzie saying "it's just an edit" asking you not to talk about the pedo who took your first born.

What a lame excuse for pro-pedophile censorship in such a clear and well sourced OP:

I was a bit confused about the different people you've mentioned: McCool, Hall, Power and Bowersox. It became very difficult to follow. At first I thought you were saying they were the same person, and then I thought you were saying there were numerous different pedos connected to BBBS as part of your argument that BBBS is being run as a man/boy hookup service. Who's who and why they are in your thread needs to be very clear, so that it's possible to understand what you are asserting and assess the linked support you provide for it. (ProTip: If you have a piece of research you haven't yet gotten the evidence for, drop that down into the comment section as a "P.S. I am still investigating my suspician that...." Comments are free range).

Why not link to the actual posts you fuck rather than cropping and screencapping. I'm not editing shit.

I said IF i was bad as Vindicator - this hypothetical would happen (what triggers Crench - only the REAL THING HAPPENED TO ME) - THEN I WOULD TELL YOU STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR CHILD BEING ABUSED / REMOVED FOR THE SAKE OF GAY PRIDE.

SO IF TRY AND TEACH A SCRAG EMPATHY RATHER THAN CONTINUE TOP LET HER SHITPOST MEMES ALL OVER ANTI-PEDOPHILIA THREADS CRENCH will come down on you for trying to teach someone to have empathy for the anger I hold against gay pedophiles.

And Who supports this pro-pedophile censorship. YOU DO you motherfucker.

srayzie ago

It’s too late to clean it up now. You showed your sick twisted perverted thought process. The first time I spoke to you, I tried having empathy. You immediately attacked me, called me names and accused me of things I hadn’t done. So I don’t need you to teach me any lessons. You will never have my empathy. Your words will haunt you bitch.

Now everywhere you post talking shit about us pizzagate mods, because you don’t have the capability of communicating like a normal adult, I will use this SICK TWISTED PEDOPHILE RAPE comment against you. I will blow your cover and show who you REALLY ARE!

I will gather the sick things you say about every one of us here so that every time you want to talk shit about us pizzagate mods, they will also see how you have harassed us over and over. Not only here, but on other platforms. Especially @Vindicator who you know nothing about. Pizzagate is his passion.

If people ever think we aren’t playing fair, I’ll show them how you would have my son RAPED! You don’t deserve fair you sick twisted son of a bitch. You are DONE!

hojuruku ago

you probably

1) Don't have a son

2) Are a man

And I told you IF I WAS BAD AS YOU - SOMETHING WOULD HAPPEN TO YOU FAMILY (AS IT HAPPENED TO MINE with Bowersox gay pedo cop) - THEN A fucken evil pedophile mod (like YOU and Vindicator) would say DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT THAT PEDOPHLIE DID ON v/pizzagate for gay pride.

You are the fucken cunts that support pedophile abusing my family first and everyone knows it.

For trying to teach you some empathy for how evil you are saying pro-bowersox-pedo-censorship is just "an edit" you are trying to roleplay the victim. That's rich you filthy pro-pedophile whore...

Why not read what really went down:

And you said it's wrong to be against JewishCare Disney Man Boy dating sites - that's racial slurs..

I bet to be against "Oral [baby dick] suction Jerusalem Post" activities or this is really racist right?

slurp slurp baby dick sucker lover too - you filthy pedo scrag

Most popular video on JewsOnTelevision 500k views. Enjoy

If Disney Runs a Man Boy Dating Site it's racist to be against it. You heard it from the pedo @srayzie

Good job already offending the people on Gab for your racial slurs. You’re getting a lot of complaints. Looking thru your profile speaks for itself. You have been posting like a madman on 8chan as well, instead of making an effort to follow the rules like everyone else.

You’ve been given multiple chances to follow the rules. It is not that difficult! You forgot to ping the one you are talking crap about on Gab.

Haha maybe she was me referring to trolling some log cabin republicans. Lot's of funny stuff on - which post did you refer to was so racist? You mean the disney man boy lover dating site I exposed is racist to opposed? All All those goyim children - fucked by gay men using disney's man boy love dating site (my next post) and you say it's racist to oppose all the boy anal sex.

You filthy pedophile. You are will be exposed.

hojuruku ago





copy and paste what I gave to Crench again... This is the pedo censorship you supported aka "following the rules". Don't be against pedo rules!

Wow and you know what my response from your crosspost with broken links is?

You support the FAGGOT PEDOPHILE @VINDICATOR saying don't talk about the gay pedophile that took your first born when it's clearly relevant you piece of shit.


You say it's "just an edit" when someone says don't talk about the pedo that fucked your life up in America and stopped you seeing your first born. Just an edit - to say shut up and don't name a gay pedophile it triggers me - you can' attack pedophiles as long as they are only white males. Well fuck you scrag.

How many other

  1. Homosexual

  2. Law Enforcement Officers

  3. Found guilty of Child porn

  4. Got a small sentence - time served

  5. Who testified in court boyloving / child porning or child grooming isn't wrong in their trial

Can you think of - to support Vinny's claim it wasn't a good tie in you fuck. Do tell us you fucken shitlord @Crensh - I say it was a pretty good tie in to show that multiple LGBTI Law Enforcement Officers have testified in court that CP is good and grooming boys in Disney Big Brother Big Sisters make me a better man [boylover].

Tell me why Vinny is right - I must not speak of christopher Kent bowersox the dog on boy child porn loving gay pedo cop that took away my first born? Tell me how that triggers you that I oppose such filth and how you support Vinny's pro pedo cop / crown prosecutor censorship.

Come on Crensch. Say I support Vinny's man boy love censorship. And tell us WHY you do.

So I try and teach your meme posting shitlord anti-pedophilia thread hijacker some empathy for my situtation of having pedophile moderators saying don't critize gay child raping pedo cops that took your first born with a hypothetical sittuation of child abuse happeing in her family and then hypothetical censorship.

I get it for real but you have no empathy for me. Poor pedo troll mod - got a taste of Vinny's medicine on me. Oh poor her. Fuck you Crench.

Begin copypaste of what you already read:

Nope not Vindicator's son. Her son I don't even know exists - just trying to give her a hypothetical situation so we can all see how evil Vindicator the gay pedophile is telling me not to have this in my OP on his deleted thread

From: /v/pizzagate/2500972

I haven't seen anything more disgusting than this since Christopher Kent Bowersox - Gay cop who attempted to murder me testified that boy on dog sex wasn't depraved to get a lesser sentence, after the Bakersfield police chief Williamson said he was still professional because he was only trying to sodomize boys off duty, which was a lie.

Why not link to it you fuck: /v/Conspiracy/2504276/12520076

I was trying to teach her empahy - with my problem of Vindicator the pedophile saying how dare you talk about the REAL pedophile Christopher Kent Bowersox who stopped me seeing my first born child and then the REAL PRO CHRISTOPHER KENT BOWEROX BOY RAPIST CENSORSHIP from Vinny.

She only got hit with a clear hypothetical situation - not a real threat you fucknut - to expose what you pedophiles are really doing to VOAT users right now your pro-pedophilie censorship and interference tactics exposed here: /v/ProtectVoat/2499289


You support Vindicator saying I have no right to talk about the pedo who took away my first born you fucken faggot. and that was a response to strayzie saying "it's just an edit" asking you not to talk about the pedo who took your first born.

What a lame excuse for pro-pedophile censorship in such a clear and well sourced OP:

I was a bit confused about the different people you've mentioned: McCool, Hall, Power and Bowersox. It became very difficult to follow. At first I thought you were saying they were the same person, and then I thought you were saying there were numerous different pedos connected to BBBS as part of your argument that BBBS is being run as a man/boy hookup service. Who's who and why they are in your thread needs to be very clear, so that it's possible to understand what you are asserting and assess the linked support you provide for it. (ProTip: If you have a piece of research you haven't yet gotten the evidence for, drop that down into the comment section as a "P.S. I am still investigating my suspician that...." Comments are free range).

Why not link to the actual posts you fuck rather than cropping and screencapping. I'm not editing shit.

I said IF i was bad as Vindicator - this hypothetical would happen (what triggers Crench - only the REAL THING HAPPENED TO ME) - THEN I WOULD TELL YOU STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR CHILD BEING ABUSED / REMOVED FOR THE SAKE OF GAY PRIDE.

SO IF TRY AND TEACH A SCRAG EMPATHY RATHER THAN CONTINUE TOP LET HER SHITPOST MEMES ALL OVER ANTI-PEDOPHILIA THREADS CRENCH will come down on you for trying to teach someone to have empathy for the anger I hold against gay pedophiles.

And Who supports this pro-pedophile censorship. YOU DO you motherfucker.


Crensch ago

Post the above and to any comment he makes. You've effectively got a neutering agent to use against him now.

srayzie ago

Thanks. Archived too...

auralsects ago

^giving silencing tools to uppity cunt women who cant be trusted to moderate their day-drinking let alone a serious sub.

conditional statements aren't threats by definition.

you're a white knight and a faggot, @crensch. who could love you?

zyklon_b ago

@crensch will you ask to get me unbanned for /v/patriotsoapbox

srayzie ago

Oh and right on time, his friend DONKEY/Equineluvr, which is my stalker, shows up. Predictable.

auralsects ago

I was never equine and your 'proof' that I was was that we both used the expression "non sequitur" XD what a fucking illiterate uneducated whore.

equine dropped disinfo like saying every mayor in America is a crypto jew and that david duke is a shill. now that I have actually corresponded with the good Dr. Duke I know he was bullshitting.

auralsects ago

sees I got pinged

"predicts" I will arrive in thread

thank god youre here. a real credit to the force. I just cant understand why you've never made a research post, named a new person or place of interest, etc.

srayzie ago

Yes I know. That guy who wants to pay to have a pizzagate mods son raped always pings you. Anyone friends with someone like you has got issues.

auralsects ago

it's called rhetoric, cunt. he was saying 'I bet she would take this more seriously if it happened to her own family'

but keep trying to gain sympathy like a whiny little cunt, lol, it's the only weapon women have.

half the PG mods are women and the other half are unapologetic kikeshills like @Vindicator and @blacksmith21 "i bet PG is 25% jewish at most, hardly a conspiracy"

LMAO and youre totally oblivious to how shitty you all are XDDDD

hojuruku ago

@Blacksmith21 blackdicks and crazy @strayzie are still at it with their copypaste spam on /v/pizzagate with baseless lies that don't talk the truth about their pro-pedophile censorship saying HA HA HA YOU GOT BANNED FOR TRYING TO NAME THE PEDOPHILE THAT STOPPED YOU SEEING YOUR FRIST BORN CHILD.

Now it's time to make /v/pizzagayte great and get back to research and trying to get users to copyaste the bbcode onto /v/pizzagate to make the filthy pro-pedophilia whore ban everyone against jewish LGBTI+ pedophilia.


Q PEDOMOD get's the "boom" I love it. I take it you also saw that: /v/ProtectVoat/2511063/12551226

Blacksmith21 ago

Fuck you butthole. Why don't you do your research before calling someone a "kikeshill mod"? You obviously aren't very up-to-date. Which in turn, invalidates anything else you spew from your orifice.

Crensch ago

Well, you now have the perfect ammunition to respond to every one of his posts with.