SearchVoatBot ago

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thewebofslime ago

You are being tracked, but not by me. The people who track you share your information with each other and this information is available all over the Internet. I merely looked at what other entities stored regarding the attacks on my site. The rest of this is all complete misrepresentation and what you are doing is slander and if I monetized my site in any way (which I don't) I would havea civil case against you.

You are dishonest and terrified that GreatAwakening and Pizzagate might become system subs, which would be the best move for them. You really, really, have a strong desire for control over these subjects and I have no desire for control of anything and I just don't want people to fuck with me... which you are doing right now.

Ultimately, this wastes my time, so I am not going to do much more with this... I've just responded to most of these comments, proving that your narrative is fake.

The government holds your court records, not me. I am allowed to access them, just like everyone is allowed to check on the Megan's Law site. What I do is legal and ethical and I am not a bad person for looking into the people who attacked my site and falsely labeled me a shill.

My actions are a result of your actions. You, specifically, started it. Plain and simple. I am allowed to defend myself. That is a basic human right and everyone should be suspicious of those who try to censor me because I do post good and original information regarding high level corruption and you do not. Not only do you not do any kind of worthwhile research, you and your friends go after people who do good research, making you an enemy of truth and a friend of corrupt politicians and elite pedophiles.

Gothamgirl ago

The other day your crew said @webofslime was me šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚

Shizie ago

If you and zyklon broke up, why haven't you resigned from his troll army?

fuspezza ago

How about we talk about @jem777

Shizie ago

Let's do it!

NeoGoat ago

I had great respect and friendship for the old Crensch. How do I know if this is the old Crensch of some nutty power mod?

SandHog ago

Wait. I thought you were were on your way to California to fuck @Katharzso with @zyklon_b?

How many times do we have to see this fucking rerun?

argosciv ago

Hahahahahaha!!! The timing of this manufactured crisis:

@Vindicator @Shizie @MadWorld @Srayz @SandHog

SandHog ago

I'm shocked I tell ya, shocked!

virge ago

@thewebofslime, a line of inquiry:

I have all of the Collections.

How? I asked you this question once and you never responded. These aren't just public, you can't go to their site and get the database. That's valuable data, worth money on various open markets. How did you obtain it?


So, you accused me of being a shill, but I have a little mini RICO database of shills that I will "thot audit." I have a couple of lawyers going over what I've got and a computer science professor from the UC system to provide expert insight.

  1. Please elaborate on the term "mini RICO database of shills that I will "thot autit."
  2. Why are you hiring attorneys to investigate data you've collected? What is the purpose of spending money on this?


My thesis, which I required the help of two non-pizzagaters to uncover (they do not believe in it, at all), is that a person used a CACI company device to visit the pizzagate thread, then came to the site and started low level attacks from their own device, before moving onto a series of more sophisticated atrtacks.

Please clarify the involvement and assessment of CACI. Is CACI a NGO, or just a CIA front? It smells about as legitimate as USAID. Of course, I could be wrong. Just curious.


@Crensch referral tag is rudimentary website child's play. From a technical perspective I see nothing that merits objection about this. Please illuminate me as to your complaint.

Same observation for "he probably made his own website". I don't see anything malign.

The Vindicator section is not enough corroboration. Unless I missed something, he's making an educated guess on 2 minutes. That's about as accurate as flipping a coin, @webofslime?


indirectly admits to using stolen credentials to send emails, in addition to email spamming

I don't see this at all. He never says he uses stolen credentials. He admits to e-mail spamming, yes, but he's e-mail spamming a list of CNN and Government e-mail addresses. He's waging a war against CNN. What's not to like?


using alts in same conversation

@thewebofslime, what is the purpose of @followthemoney, and why separate the accounts?

The vernacular used by the accounts matches.


claims usernames/passwords are public info

IF @thewebofslime is @followthemoney, then this has the appearance of a albeit somewhat arrogant over-exaggeration for the aggregate. From a technical perspective, he's right - most peoples passwords have leaked by now and most people use a lot of repeat passwords. A staggering, disgustingly amount of people. It's common modern OpSec to never re-use passwords and to have cypher's or variants because of this.

@crensch, if anything this is sound technical observation and my only complaint is he's not even bothering to educate directly and seems mostly indignant he'd have to. Frankly, I would, too.


claims doxxing material deleted by kevdude (, when it was done by Voat (

@thewebofslime, can you explain the discrepancy? Was this a mistake, assumption, or is something not readily apparent by the logs?


holds criminal/doxxing material of Voat users

@crensch I see what @thewebofslime is saying here, and calling it "holds criminal/doxxing material" is a large stretch of the imagination.

The guy basically said she doxxed first, so he retaliated. Help me see why this isn't equalization of force to combat a threat.

thewebofslime ago

The AntiPublic collections are on every torrent site, along with many other database leaks. Anyone can download them. You have to come up with your own solution to search the binaries.

Please elaborate on the term "mini RICO database of shills that I will "thot autit."

There exists people who are getting paid to cover up pedophilia on the Internet. This is forensic interruption and is illegal. They are liable to the IRS for getting paid under the table to do this. I have a particular dislike of people who are taking money to make sure pedophiles are allowed to operate in the open.

Why are you hiring attorneys to investigate data you've collected? What is the purpose of spending money on this?

II don't spend money on attorneys, but I have to be judicial in my use of them as it is a quid pro quo situation. Think of it as a consult. My question is, "Is there a case?" The answer is yes, provided I have enough solid evidence.

The purpose is that there are legal implications for people who use dox on me to do things like make fake dating profiles all over the country to mess with my marriage. Additionally, I have a website that is being slandered which also has legal implications. I hope to expose to the authorities shill farms that are being used to cover up corruption and the easiest trail in which to start looking for them is to follow the trail they left on my site, which was subjected to a variety of amateurish attacks.

Please clarify the involvement and assessment of CACI. Is CACI a NGO, or just a CIA front? It smells about as legitimate as USAID. Of course, I could be wrong. Just curious.

CACI is a Defense Intelligence Agency contractor.

@thewebofslime, what is the purpose of @followthemoney, and why separate the accounts?

My cousin, who helped on my site, made the account and originally helped me on Voat, though doesn't really use the account much. The accounts are logged on with different devices. I usually only do WoS work from one device, which has an impossible password to remember. Peripheral devices are easier to use as @followthemoney, particularly when I am at my cousin's houses who also follow the subject matter. I have been transparent about this.

@thewebofslime, can you explain the discrepancy? Was this a mistake, assumption, or is something not readily apparent by the logs?

The original @srayzie criminal records were immediately deleted on @protectvoat. They were screenshots of the Fresno and Kern County court databases.

@crensch I see what @thewebofslime is saying here, and calling it "holds criminal/doxxing material" is a large stretch of the imagination.

I hold doxx on billions of people. I am not targeting anyone when I download publicly available databases, of which there are many and are plentiful on sites like, among others.

On a philosophical level, I am not opposed to doxx because there are hundreds of thousands of people who have access to doxx on everyone in the world via government and private intelligence. They have private information and they regularly sell and trade it. It levels the playing field is we, as the general public, are also allowed to check up on those who are potentially bad actors in the background.

@srayzie doxxed repeatedly over the course of a year and made many multiple accounts to do this over and over again. Here's the thing...

I have no way of knowing if @srazyie is really who we are lead to believe. I ran the picture through facial recognition. That doesn't mean someone couldn't use her pictures to make a fake profile. There is relatively little proof that it is really the same person. The same goes for @gothamgirl. Sure, we can make an educated guess about what is going on, but is there any way to rule out that it is all an act? The drama manufactured?

All of my social media uses someone else's pictures from photobucket/recent. You can easily make multiple accounts that appear to be someone else. So, in fact, we cannot be 100% certain that anyone is who they say they are, short of a video with a timestamp, etc, and EVEN THEN, if you haven't tried making DeepFakes with FakeApp (also available on torrents) then you should give it a try because it is scary what you can do.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @Shizie.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakeningMeta comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#62333) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@thewebofslime: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

virge ago

Anyone can download them. You have to come up with your own solution to search the binaries.

So you're a programmer?


They are liable to the IRS for getting paid under the table to do this.

What is the nature of your interest? Revenge? Or profit?


II don't spend money on attorneys, but I have to be judicial in my use of them as it is a quid pro quo situation. Think of it as a consult. My question is, "Is there a case?" The answer is yes, provided I have enough solid evidence.

Employed as a consultant? Having judicial use of quid pro quo attorneys falls into a few very specific niches of individual. I'm sure you can see the conundrum with this elaboration. This is the kind of thing most folks around here will declare a Special Agent, given the relationships. Are you?


The purpose is that there are legal implications for people who use dox on me to do things like make fake dating profiles all over the country to mess with my marriage.

Who did this, when, and why?

thewebofslime ago

I am not a programmer... but I know enough to cut and paste and make scripts works.

I've made a good profit pursuing legitimate causes.

I work with law firms for times when they have a difficult process service, among other things.

I was on a rant about how over the top racism was being inserted into Internet forums to run off "normies" when I ran afoul of Colin Flaherty shills. They took extra time to pick on me in a variety of ways. At that stage, digging up police reports related to him solved the problem.

virge ago

Sounds to me like the only adult in the room.

Carry on.

Corpse_washer ago

He is on a crusade, justifying it with a good cause.

database everything, query on anyone:

Dont see a problem with that as in my understanding he is using public data to do it, and bloating about having things that is available too if you know where to look is not nice, but understandable. I would never tell anyone what i have. Ever. This suggests emotion, a wanting to be validated without giving actual proof.

use of referral to log visitor ip

I dont see any indication that that has something to do with ip adresses.

ip/twitter-geolocation/thot-audit vindicator (and others):

I had to look up what thot audit is. Nothing wrong with that. I dont think he can actually connect ip adresses to twatter geolocation. That would suggest government support, as ip adresses change all the time and you cant really point at someone and say "Its you, and i know that because your current ip is the same as that post made 6 months ago!", especially if its a mobile device that changes ip's with every new tower or something like that. Im not technically adept to say its fake, i just deem it unlikely because professionals use other means of identifications than ip.

probably created his own attack on website

No proof provided, cant be decided without it.

spreads lies that vindicator hacked his site |

A crusade, justifying it with a good cause. Again, without proof provided, cant be decided.

indirectly admits to using stolen credentials to send emails, in addition to email spamming

Crusade, justifying it with a good cause. Spamming is a grey area that is sometimes legal, sometimes illegal, have to be decided case by case.

using alts in same conversation

Says the crensch, who probably has some dozens of alts.

claims usernames/passwords are public info

Well, he is not wrong.

claims doxxing material deleted by kevdude (, when it was done by Voat (

Both archives say deleted by Voat, i dont really know what i am looking at.

holds criminal/doxxing material of Voat users

Its probably based on freely available data, like a sexoffender list or something, but again, no proof so cant be decided.

Conclusion: drama from both sides.

SandHog ago

IF @thewebofslime is @followthemoney, then this has the appearance of a albeit somewhat arrogant over-exaggeration for the aggregate.

It is. Definitely is. The whole kerfuffle with this guy started because he didn't want to follow the submission guidelines to v/pizzagate and proceeded to flip out and accuse Vindicator of being a shill and then proceeded to ask if it was ok to dox him. Of course the response to that was much like what you see here. It appears that only reinforced his preconcieved notion that pizzagate was comped and he proceeded to spread that bullshit (before his 'investigation' was even completed mind you) all over reddit and the chans. And he has no idea why those of us involved with pizzagate and saw all this shit first-hand don't trust him.

I've gone around and around with the guy in an attempt to resolve this issue and he simply ignores everything and continues on with whatever game he is playing.

virge ago

And your candid opinion on the rest of my line of inquiry?

argosciv ago

You want candid do ya? How about this...

I was, for a long time and still to an extent, suspicious of the shit being flung at you by malicious users, but, seeing you bend over fucking backwards to defend this cunt, makes me severely suspicious of you.

So to address your "line of inquiry":

Same observation for "he probably made his own website". I don't see anything malign.

How about you open your fucking eyes and learn to read.

The post says "probably created his own attack on website", not "he probably made his own website"

@Crensch referral tag is rudimentary website child's play. From a technical perspective I see nothing that merits objection about this. Please illuminate me as to your complaint.

Are you fucking daft?

Let me spell it the fuck out for you:

  • He post his shitty site all over voat.
  • His site's google analytics tracks all visitors referred from any website, but, we are talking about Voat and its users/visitors.
  • He admits to actively checking and noting all of these ip addresses.
  • Most notably, he is recording and personally looking at the ip addresses of QAnons and pizzagaters who visit his site from the links he posts here. Then has the fucking nerve to justify this by saying that Voat has our IP addresses as well. No fucking shit it does, but we trust @PuttItOut enough to be here and have no reason to suspect that he is actively noting IP addresses for malicious reasons.
  • TWOS on the other hand, has concocted a narrative which he uses to smear @Vindicator and others, based on an almost-certainly faked "attack" on his website. He clearly knows enough about how to do such a thing and I can tell you from personal knowledge that it would be easy as piss to do.
  • Combine that with his claims to have actively doxed multiple Voat users and be sitting on a compendium of data which he will happily weaponize and post around Voat -- as seen by his doxing of srayzie, which was then shared by a 22 hour old burner account after his comment was deleted, which was then further disseminated across Voat by WhiteRonin.

So, yes, referral tagging is "rudimentary", but what TWOS uses that for is absolutely malicious and proves he has absolutely no fucking regard for the privacy, safety or well being of any Voat user.

Just think, this is all based on what we know he does with Google Analytics services provided by his webhost... whaddya think he has knocked up in the actual website code itself? Do you have any idea what kind of malicious tracking can be performed by someone who has basic understanding of php and who clearly has no ethics on the matter of privacy and safety of others?

calling it "holds criminal/doxxing material" is a large stretch of the imagination.

Bull.fucking.shit. You dishonest motherfucker. Read what the cunt said again:

I have a lot of doxx on a lot of people. I have more criminal histories, as well. (Of Voat users)

The only one stretching their imagination here, is you.

You are bending over fucking backwards to defend the prick, and for what, because you don't lie @theoldones?

I sure hope that's the only reason you are doing it...

I was willing to call it bullshit the way malicious users were treating you, but agian, in light of your defense of TWOS, you are suspicious as fuck.

Now, kindly go fuck yourself.

cc: @SandHog

thewebofslime ago

He post his shitty site all over voat.

False. Find me one example outside of the 5 or 6 links I've posted to my own subverse. This type of dishonesty, right off the bat, makes me feel like I don't need to address the rest.

His site's google analytics tracks all visitors referred from any website, but, we are talking about Voat and its users/visitors.

You clearly don't know how tracking works. It starts at your own device and anyone with an Amazon subscription can see site visitor stats.

Notice it can tell you where the traffic is coming from. It doesn't need Voat to install tracking, it is using everyone else's devices and is trading with other data conglomerates. A lot of people just don't understand how the Internet works, so I don't blame you... just stop pretending to be an expert and stating your opinion as fact.

He admits to actively checking and noting all of these ip addresses.

This was my main problem with @Vindicator who, supposedly, knows nothing about technology but insists my site is a "security risk." Voat tracks you way more than I do and I only look at my logs when attacked. I'm not trying to farm the information as I already have plenty of that.

So, your statement is wildly dishonest. I haven't checked my logs since the attack stopped. In fact, I haven't touched my site since April. So, please stop lying. At this stage, your credibility is already gone.

Most notably, he is recording and personally looking at the ip addresses of QAnons and pizzagaters who visit his site from the links he posts here. Then has the fucking nerve to justify this by saying that Voat has our IP addresses as well. No fucking shit it does, but we trust @PuttItOut enough to be here and have no reason to suspect that he is actively noting IP addresses for malicious reasons.

Someone broke the law. I looked into it for the legal implications. This means I was attacked and I, as the victim, have a right to investigate. You are proposing that I accept being attacked and do nothing. That is quite literally insane.

TWOS on the other hand, has concocted a narrative which he uses to smear @Vindicator and others, based on an almost-certainly faked "attack" on his website. He clearly knows enough about how to do such a thing and I can tell you from personal knowledge that it would be easy as piss to do.

I shared the logs. I asked politely how to deal with the situation. Sorry, but you are really, really, far off from representing the truth of the matter.

Combine that with his claims to have actively doxed multiple Voat users and be sitting on a compendium of data which he will happily weaponize and post around Voat -- as seen by his doxing of srayzie, which was then shared by a 22 hour old burner account after his comment was deleted, which was then further disseminated across Voat by WhiteRonin.

I get that not everyone is able to read in between the lines, but I look through police reports all the time. When this all went down, I pointed to all the reports I dug up on Colin Flaherty because, even though I didn't share those reports, I made it pretty clear that I knew the information in them. This was in response to being attacked by pro- Colin Flaherty shills who had, seemingly, made fake dating profiles around the country to get at me. This was because I said that the over the top racism distracts from the discussions about high level corruption and works to discredit the movement and keep "normies" away.

This was when I implied that I had other police reports and other criminal records, which I do. Every time I am attacked by shills, I look into it because there is legal malfeasance that can be remedied in civil court.

My site is bare bones, so if you would please view the source and walk back your statements about my site, we won't have a problem.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakeningMeta comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#62360) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@thewebofslime: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Shizie.

Posted automatically (#58222) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@thewebofslime: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Shizie)

virge ago

I was, for a long time and still to an extent, suspicious of the shit being flung at you by malicious users, but, seeing you bend over fucking backwards to defend this cunt, makes me severely suspicious of you.

If you call me asking those questions bending over backwards, you've legitimately taken me by surprise. Until recently I've avoided all the GA behavior and related individuals. Every interaction I've had with @thewebofslime was one where he seemed to show things such as Government corruption This is the first time I've seen any of the conversations listed and I read them. Based on your response below, perhaps not carefully enough and I'm open to criticism but I thought I was being pretty non-partition on the issue. I have no beef or allegiance to either party involved, but I read what @crensch wrote and made clear that he had legitimate points by asking @thewebofslime to offer an explanation.

Every story has two sides, and I want to see what they are. If you choose to object to that, so be it, I didn't ask for nor do I need your permission.

The post says "probably created his own attack on website", not "he probably made his own website"

So your objection is a freehand paraphrase instead of a quote to try and reduce the size of an already overly long post? The nerve of me, taking into consideration your time. Yes, that's me being patronizing because you're doing it to me.

So, yes, referral tagging is "rudimentary", but what TWOS uses that for is absolutely malicious and proves he has absolutely no fucking regard for the privacy, safety or well being of any Voat user.

This is my beef with this. (@madworld to keep me honest, at @sandhogs request)

What he is doing is no different than anytime someone clicks on a Youtube link, or a Facebook link, or a Twitter link, or a CNN link, or a Breitbart link, and so on. His ability to correlate the data is rough approximations and algorithmic assumptions based on timing at best, and while this may be somewhat reliable data it's far from an accurate sample size.

Where the differences end are what he does with the data. In that we both agree, but it's method of capture is negligible in "threat" to be of note. I think I made that pretty clear with my pointed questions. They weren't softballs, but I don't know enough to employ a hard ball in this situation.

The only one stretching their imagination here, is you.

You are bending over fucking backwards to defend the prick, and for what, because you don't like* @theoldones?

What? @theoldones and I have dialogues all the time. I give him shit all the time. I thought it was friendly, and I like what he does. @theoldones are we suddenly enemies?

I was willing to call it bullshit the way malicious users were treating you, but agian, in light of your defense of TWOS, you are suspicious as fuck.

I never asked for your sympathy or support. Frankly, seeing how you've treated this situation without even bothering to ask me any questions I'm not so sure it wouldn't be a poison pill in the first place just waiting to explode on me for some perceived slight. I'm a solo act entirely because I can't trust the emotional volitility of others, and while I'd like to think I've made quite a few friends along the way. I don't play nice with others and I've been very open with my objectives from day one being for Freedom of Speech.

I see some of the actions of @thewebofslime needing an explanation. If they're not given then I can only switch from neutral to hostile and consider him a State or other paid actor. Until then I'm giving him the same opportunity I give everyone else because you and other Voat members have demonstrated time and time again that you have the brainpower but seem to lack the stamina for appropriate follow-through. This is where I excel where I perceive others to fail.

I do not consider you an enemy of my objective. Hell, I don't even consider WhiteRonin an enemy of my objective - he's actually an ideological mercenary, and that's a totally different matter to deal with that just involves keeping his attention focused on me so it's not aimed at others who aren't as equipped to deal with it.

Now, kindly go fuck yourself.

Feel better, now that you got that off your chest? Was it necessary?

argosciv ago

So your objection is a freehand paraphrase instead of a quote to try and reduce the size of an already overly long post? The nerve of me, taking into consideration your time. Yes, that's me being patronizing because you're doing it to me.

You completely misrepresented what was said, or, didn't even fucking read properly.

You had plenty of room to quote properly, but instead gave a "freehand paraphrase", which, no, it wasn't a paraphrase, because you completely changed the core concept of what was said.

What he is doing is no different than anytime someone clicks on a Youtube link, or a Facebook link, or a Twitter link, or a CNN link, or a Breitbart link, and so on.

Bull.fucking.shit. Again you are being completely fucking dishonest and ignoring what I just laid out for you.

What? @theoldones and I have dialogues all the time. I give him shit all the time. I thought it was friendly, and I like what he does. @theoldones are we suddenly enemies?

Yep, and you jumped on board with fuckwits in defense of TWOS, when you saw he and TOO arguing.

Suspicious or just plain dumb.

As for the diatribe at the end there, again, kindly go fuck yourself.

Feel better, now that you got that off your chest? Was it necessary?

No, I don't because you're still a dishonest fuck. No, it's not necessary, but I'll say it anyway until you stop being completely fucking ignorant of what others are saying. You wanna wait for some more fucking spin from TWOS? Go for it.

In the meantime, several of us already know what that prick is doing -- what is yet to be determined is whether he's doing it for his own perverse kicks or if he's doing it for someone else or maybe even selling the data onwards, who knows. I don't particularly care, I just know he's a piece of shit and a danger to all Voat users.

virge ago

I think @corpse_washer gave a much more informed and mature reply.

If this is your crusade, you can have it. @thewebofslime currently just appears to me to be a NGO collecting data, either for-profit, or for Government. Either is not ideal, but you also won't be able to really do anything to stop it - so now what?

@sguevar @sandhog @madworld @mrpim @puttitoutisgone Keep me honest if I've misread this, but it smells off all-around to me either way.

sguevar ago

Honestly I can't read this post objectively enough for two reasons:

  • I used to trust in u/Crensch before and got quite disappointed with his behavior these past couple of months that he doesn't even see that he hurt the integrity of the site with his actions.
  • As my suspicions of him coordinating a doxx group against u/GothamGirl remain because of already expressed reasons: probable cause/motive, previous interactions and pings he had with those users and because of his defense of one of those users' doxx attempt; I honestly can't put any trust on this exposĆ© of his on this matter.

So I recuse myself from the subject. As stated before, I don't trust many here at Voat and though u/thewebofslim aka u/followthemoney appears to be somewhat reasonable in his comments, I don't trust in the use of alts nor in the works done from the shadows. I have expressed this many times, even if it is found to be naive from my part to do so. I stand where my faith leaads me to stand.

Additionally I do not support nor will I ever support the sharing of personal information of a certain user without that user's expressed public authorization and that goes for more sensitive data as to public record data. I value the right of Voat's user base to have privacy and to deal with Voat matters within Voat.

Is basically the same position I stood regarding your push for transparence. Had it been pushed by someone I trusted then I would probable be more opened to it, but I can't. So at this point I stand out of this. Thanks for the ping.


followthemoney ago

He just mad because he is a shill and has to do damage control before he gets exposed. He thinks that discrediting me, specifically, will help protect the narrative. It wont.

thewebofslime acct has an impossible password to remember. So on any other device I use this one. Nothing sinister about it.

This group of users is annoyed enough with me that they were ddosing poal over it, too. When Colin Flaherty shills gave me a hard time, I went through police reports to see what kind of person I was dealing with. That info stopped them from bothering me. Same goes for the last round. I sat on the info for months but crensch said I was all talk. Turns out I'm not all talk.

Notice they are all terrified of doxxing but had no problem doing it to other people. I didn't doxx anyone who hadn't already doxxed someone else.

Either way, the threat to voat are the shills. 4 teams with 2 in competition and 2 who made an alliance. 1 team doesn't do drama, just posts their shtick. Angel investor not aligned with shill teams. Admin uses alts, pushes for peace between teams. Watch close.

Shizie ago

As my suspicions of him coordinating a doxx group against u/GothamGirl remain because of already expressed reasons

Either you're being dishonest or you're just not aware that zyklon_b is the one who doxed GothamGirl approximately 9 months ago. There was no coordination or group run by @crensch. If there was any group or coordination in that endeavor look to zyklon_b

sguevar ago

Either you're being dishonest or you're just not aware that zyklon_b is the one who doxed GothamGirl approximately 9 months ago.

The address of the post that u/Crensch defended on his post to try to attack me was never posted on Voat before. So you can claim what you want u/Shizie but you have not moral ground to stand on here as your alt u/hollakost was banned for doxxing. I strongly believe that he did coordinate the effort of that group that you formed part of. And I haven't seen any other proof that says other wise.

Stop with the hypocrisy as you behaved in the same way that u/zyklon_b did. Both behaviors were despicable and I have no further interest in engaging you as you have shown what you are capable of with alt creation and doxx attempts. Have a good day.

SandHog ago

Well you ignored the repeated threats of doxing and actual doxing. Not to mention everything I said in this thread so apparently you are cool with all of that. I'm not. And no legitimate user on Voat should be so...what the fuck over?

MrPim ago

Did he actually dox anyone besides Srazie? I think I saw somewhere in here a dox of Vindicator mentioned but I just went through a bunch of stuff and I dont know if that actually happened.

SandHog ago

Not yet. Go through his comments and it's clear that he has a list of people he plans on doing it to. I think the only reason he didn't dox @Vindicator is because he couldn't. He clearly has no ethical barrier to doing so.

virge ago


Was he the originator of the doxx against Srayzie? Or did he parrot someone else?

The way I look at it, I could probably doxx a bunch of people, too, if I set my mind to it and went back through the data available just on I've never considered it, because I don't see the value in doing so and doxxing is against Voat's rules so it's against my rules.

It's extremely important to also understand that if wtos is a State actor, then he's making an open threat.

@argosciv your post made me become alert and pay more attention to the situation. I'm still not convinced this is a state actor, but frankly given the ability for a NGO to bypass and circumvent laws to sell data for money I consider the issue to be even worse if it's in the hands of a NGO for-profit.

Ya'll are being Palantir'd by the looks of it. I'd bet money on it.

@heygeorge There is a reason I'm chaotic neutral, it keeps the attention of certain bad actors on me. It may be time to shed that act and do something more productive if it's gotten this bad.

SandHog ago

He was the first one to post her full name.

virge ago

He was the first one to post her full name.

Could anyone else have done so given readily available information and he was the first to pull the proverbial trigger? Or did the information originate through his data collection?

SandHog ago

I do not know.

virge ago

I do not know.

Who would be the best person to ask? This task seems large and I'm still fighting fronts on other ends.

SandHog ago

Lots of fronts on Voat these days it seems. You could ask webofslime how he found the info. You should probably ask him what his intention in posting it was while you are at it. I doubt you'll get an acceptable answer but you could ask.

virge ago

I'm pretty sure I already did.

SandHog ago

He's awfully proud of his ability to use hacked email/password lists to tie people to their online accounts and their real identity. He talks about it quite a lot, anyway. I assume that's what he did with the aid of what others had already posted about her. The most interesting thing, to me, is how he attempted to paint her as some master criminal because she got a dui 10 years ago and a trespassing charge even farther back. Like she is some deep state agent or some shit. She is a housewife with kids. That's it. Anyone with half a brain looking at any of that info would quickly realize that. Odd how that very same information is shoehorned into the narrative and used to try and justify what he is doing when it simply does not fit, isn't it?

virge ago

He's awfully proud of his ability to use hacked email/password lists to tie people to their online accounts and their real identity

That might be a forest for the trees situation when a bigger question is how he got the database in the first place. It's not public info and you can't just download it.

You either buy it or are given access to it. You don't just stumble upon it like a shekel on the ground.

SandHog ago

Good point. I do not know the specifics on that.

virge ago

Try to get the database yourself from the very sites he links (minus the Government one, which is public for obvious reasons). Let me know how it goes.

He's ignored any questions about how he got it, which is my biggest issue so far.

MrPim ago

TBH im uncertain who originated the dox against Srazie. It looks like she posted her own img. From which someone did a reverse img search and found more information. But Im not certain who exacrly did that originally.

I honestly wouldnt care except I want my own opinion informed.

virge ago

I honestly wouldnt care except I want my own opinion informed.

We are in the same place here. CIA and NSA operate on Voat with impunity on a daily basis. They have rules, for the most part.

NGO's do not. That is an extremely big problem. A NGO is just some guy (or group) that applied a creative use of some random Government grant (meaning your taxdollars pay them) to do whatever purpose they want. In this case, I have suspect this is a NGO data collection operation openly on Voat.

A NGO data collection operation on Voat is a legitimate threat and should be considered hostile.

@crensch @Nadeshda @argosciv @sandhog @peaceseeker

SandHog ago


virge ago

Uhh.. @mrpim @puttitoutisgone since I forgot about the whole 5 ping thing and I re-used two.

virge ago

Thanks. Done.

SandHog ago

Pretty much.

SandHog ago

I have no idea when it comes to what he says about the activity on his website. I strongly suspect that I am one of the names on his little 'thot audit' list because I challenged his conclusions as they amounted to nothing more than Vindicator posting a reply to his thread around the same time the alleged 'CACI intrusion' occurred. The only evidence we have of the 'CACI' attack occuring was some copy pasted logs that could have easily been faked. I do not know if that was the case or not but the evidence essentially hinged on a timing coincidence.

I started out defending the guy in this whole thing. I waited for him to present his evidence but that was the sum total of it implicating Vindicator. Vindicator posting a comment around the same time someone allegedly tried to run a clumsy injection attack on his website. Maybe someone did. Maybe they didn't. I don't know. What I do know is that my efforts to smooth things over and get to the bottom of things have been for naught and consequently I am left to believe he has not been dealing in good faith.

As for all the technical stuff @MadWorld would be much more suited to answer that than I am.

thewebofslime ago

Why make false accusations and lie?

I strongly suspect that I am one of the names on his little 'thot audit' list because I challenged his conclusions

You misstated my evidence and conclusions. My primary evidence was a list of IamQ email addresses with the same exact passwords as a vindicator email address that coincided with the user that probed my site form a CACI device. The timing was immediately after @vindicator insulted me repeatedly and called me a shill, first. The attack happened within minutes, resulting me researching what happened, which turned up a shill farm of IamQ email addresses. @Vindicator also dug up an ancient @IamQ post.

as they amounted to nothing more than Vindicator posting a reply to his thread around the same time the alleged 'CACI intrusion' occurred.

This statement is patently false. "Around the same time" misrepresents all of the other evidence and the logs as well as "within a couple of minutes." That is not "around the same time" it was exactly the same time.

The only evidence we have of the 'CACI' attack occuring was some copy pasted logs that could have easily been faked.

Accept there is a tie to IamQ email addresses. Also, publicly available information regarding the email and passwords confirms this. I specifically presented evidence that nobody had to take my word for... that they could look up themselves. "Goatblower" on an email tied to a Voat account is more than circumstantial.

I do not know if that was the case or not but the evidence essentially hinged on a timing coincidence.

Super, super false. Why are you lying?

SandHog ago

He sees absolutely nothing wrong with posting people's personal information and linking it their Voat account.

He thinks people are confused by what a dox really is.

Admits to doxing here.

Threatens to dox more Voat users here.

It wasn't right when anyone in the zyklon/gg/srayzie saga did it and it isn't right now. People come here to say things that they are not allowed to say in other places and now this jerkoff wants to identify people?

Fuck that.

thewebofslime ago

I did not link anyone's personal information to a Voat account. That had already been done. I merely posted a criminal record. In fact, I maintain that I have zero evidence @srazyie is real. It could easily have been someone who stole her pictures to make social media accounts.

There is a reason this website exists...

You are arguing with the State of California on this one. I have no way of knowing if @gothamgirl was even really doxxed, or if it was all part of an elaborate charade. The fact that you don't want me to investigate is troubling. However, I am within my rights and within good ethical boundaries by investigating people who are potentially playing games within the sphere of high level corruption and I should be able to find those answers, myself.

You are demanding censorship and it's not right.

thantik ago

lol - I haven't visited any of this idiots stuff just because I blocked all the garbage meta subs and brainwashed qtards. Just looked at all of his submissions and not even once has one come across my page, even though I only browse /v/all.

Shizie ago

He also sounds like a pedophile.

Damn the USA and their silly age of consent laws! Damn their laws that make viewing child porn illegal because if it were legal, we could all view it and use facial recognition software to identify the pedos. What?!! Only a pedophile thinks making CP legal will stop pedos!

@theoldones @vindicator @argosciv @sandhog

thewebofslime ago

The point I am making is that, as an Internet investigator, trying to prosecute people for thought crimes is a pointless endeavor. I am not promoting thought crimes. If you want to to prosecute people for thinking about bad stuff, then you aren't really intellectually capable of participating in the conversation about where to expend resources in investigations.

Solving the problem of government sanctioned pedophilia is the most reasonable place to start. After that, there is a question about what is going in within human nature, itself. You and I have no power to stop pedophilia world wide. Why play whack a mole with every potential pedophile? It wastes time.

Don-Keyhote ago



@shewhomustbeobeyed as a woman and v/pizzagate archivist can you please confirm this group has been pathetic and a nuisance?

And why oh why does @Crensch never engage me? Because he's a cowardly faggot apparently more than even @Vindickeater

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hey boo, you seem to be doing fine all on your own. Besides I would only be in the way.

FYI, you're arguing with a literal retard. Stop it.

theoldones ago

hey SWMBO, remember when you tried to ping in help but 3 other mods had to tell you that you were wrong, and that you should fucking apologize for falsely calling me a pedophile?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

An FYI is not ping for help. Never asked for help before, wasn't asking then.


How's it coming finding someone else who will say that you didn't post child porn?


@think- The retard is at it again. I told you he is unbelievable, but no-o-o.

Don-Keyhote ago

Some of these people have clear personality disorders, on @argosciv you can smell it a mile away

theoldones ago

shewhomustbeobeyed is a manipulative bitch working with think-

and you are a pedophile.

Don-Keyhote ago

Thanks for proving my point, a pair of women who never posted any research and merely tried to "administrate" and get in the way, as all women in any men's space.

My submission history is better than anyone's in that sub. No ones posted as many new names and addresses as I. Most posters there aren't even astute enough to target Jews, so it's almost like a handicap to my advantage, but then, arguing with you is the same feelinf.

theoldones ago

My submission history is better than anyone's in that sub.

oh so you mean when you

-defended muhamad diddling a 9 year old girl

-joked about raping your cousin in a thread about sexual abuse in boy scouts

-said violent rape was morally right

-ā€œfucking someoneā€™s pubescent daughterā€

-ā€œif it bleeds, it breedsā€ IE thinking the correct age of consent is 12-13

should i go on or do you get the idea of why you're a damn pedophile?

Shizie ago

You forgot about how he told his only friend in high school that she "owed" him sex because he was friends with her!

He's such a ladies man!

theoldones ago

someone made friends with him? no wonder that was his only one

Shizie ago

someone made friends with him?

I was shocked by that! And he chases her off by telling her she owed him sex!

Don-Keyhote ago

ā€œfucking someoneā€™s pubescent daughterā€


Jump to Definitions Ā· Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children

Here's the thing, bitch: very few men prefer fucking an UNDERDEVELOPED GIRLS BODY or do I have to explain how sexual attraction is mere indicators of fertility like curves or swollen breasts etc?

Whereas if you LET TEEN GIRLS RUN WILD there will DEFINITELY be a lot of sex we don't want them to have.

White Sharia SAVES the girls from their own stupidity.

YOU are the pro rape one.

Children of single mothers are at 900% more risk of sexual abuse: would you outlaw single motherhood tomorrow on this basis? No? Then shut the fuck up about preventing molestation cuz you don't know shit, faggot.

theoldones ago

it seems to me that instead of believing anything of what you just said, you're trying to perform a moral-flip where you get to pretend to be the right-wing person, while trying to force me into the left-wing position.

please stop manipulative like that, you fucking pedophile.

rape is wrong and evil.

Don-Keyhote ago

you get to pretend to be the right-wing person, while trying to force me into the left-wing position.

I am the right wing position - - literally millennia of history.

You are the left wing position because you support empowering girls which is the entire reason they are in any risk of being raped.

please stop manipulative like that, you fucking pedophile.

LOL plz don't point out the obvious, pedo!! You realize YOU'RE the one making light of pedophilia, it's practically like "jerk!" around here jfc

theoldones ago

you're a rapist pedophile. there's nothing to discuss with you.

you just deserve to die.

Don-Keyhote ago

You're only kosher right-wing, functionally a crypto-feminist gatekeeper and you don't even realize it. You are the one who deserves to die buddy, if The Handmaid's Tale happened you'd be an enemy of the state Cuck Mercenary and still never get any pussy XD

Don-Keyhote ago

Well if I trust anyone to make that determination its a guy who doesn't know what "pubescent" means XD

theoldones ago

are you currently arguing that any flesh and blood human who has hit puberty, is someone you are allowed to fuck?


that's pedophilia still you dumbass.

Don-Keyhote ago

someone you are allowed to fuck?

You're trying to mix issues. I don't think ANYONE should be allowed to fuck outside marriage, ever.

But since teenagers DO fuck, we should accommodate that reality by marrying girls off by 18.

Shizie ago

I don't think ANYONE should be allowed to fuck outside marriage, ever.

Yet you brag about all our sexual conquests, including fucking virgins and then calling them sluts afterwards.

Don-Keyhote ago

Oh so I'm no longer a fat incel who just "hates" women cuz he can't get any? Interesting, can't imagine what changed ur mind, LOL

Shizie ago

Interesting, can't imagine what changed ur mind, LOL

Haha! You slut!

theoldones ago

you just kicked out of the antipedosquad sub for expressing interest in 8 year olds

Don-Keyhote ago

Lmfao no one reading that will draw the same conclusion, you've just nuked whatever credibility you erroneously thought you had

theoldones ago

links, articles and posting images are quite explicitly being interested

Don-Keyhote ago

LMFAO you didn't even READ THE ARTICLES HEADLINE before assuming it was pro-pedo??

And you run the "anti Pedo Squad"? Why has your idiocy been tolerated this long XDDD

theoldones ago

if you think im clicking on links you fucking give me you're insane.

Don-Keyhote ago

Lmfao if you don't even know what the DAILY STORMER is wtf are you doing on this site? Jesus you need a severe ass-kicking dude

theoldones ago

i know exactly what the daily stormer is.

why are you trying to use it to talk about 8 year olds on dating apps after claiming to fuck children? even if they've hit puberty, before the right age its still pedophilia you utter dumbass

you're trying to hide behind right-wing icons to enable your evil habits.

Don-Keyhote ago

"before the right age" LMFAO according to whom, YOU? Not a legitimate basis to accuse someone of a federal crime, dipshit

theoldones ago

"before the right age" LMFAO according to whom, YOU?

before age 18, fucking someone is pedophilia. you're on record saying "if it bleeds it breeds" so in other words, you want that 18 number lowered to 13.

Don-Keyhote ago

before age 18, fucking someone is pedophilia


You know there's a patchwork of laws, and even grace periods like a 19+17yo, and even states where 13yo can get married w parents permission.

Cuz, get this, some people think women are best as mothers and homemakers.

If a 19yo impregnates a 13yo with her love and consent you don't want them to have the option to marry, you want the man in prison and the girl in therapy I guess. Because you're a weird antisocial fuck.

SearchVoatBot ago

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theoldones ago

If a 19yo impregnates a 13yo

this is pedophilia you just described.

Don-Keyhote ago

Oh my god you fucking absolute special case.

Every 13yo girl in America is attracted to 19yo boys. THEY ARE LARGER, HAVE JOBS AND CARS, ETC.

YOU want girls to be eternal victims until the day they're 18 no matter how slutty they behave. And you want MEN to go to PRISON to ACTUALLY be raped if the slut happened to lie about her age.

You are despicable

theoldones ago

Every 13yo girl in America is attracted to 19yo boys. THEY ARE LARGER, HAVE JOBS AND CARS, ETC.

reminder 55 fucking million how you are a pedophile

Don-Keyhote ago

Omfg how do you think females of any species find mates?? You are fkn clueless abt basic biology, not worth talking to

Did u think they should be attracted to their pimply weak useless peer males in junior high? Lmfao you'd like to think so, but sorry.

Don-Keyhote ago

Oh because it's proof that even some 8 year olds let alone 14 are DAMAGED AND SEXUALIZED and the only remedy is suppressing them, physically.

You are NOT RIGHT WING, FAGGOT. You dont believe in traditional gender roles.

theoldones ago

@thewebofslime if true you fucked up by crawling out your hole, m8.

shizie good catch

Nadeshda ago

Just a note here coming from someone who has been following pizzagate since it hit. Researchers into this field understand the principles of how it works. In my limited understanding and observation of that comment, @thewebofslime is merely pointing out that the government is providing the marketplace for this atrocious act and in many ways they are protecting it with their laws that pander to young girls being able to marry.

Child trafficking makes more money then dealing in firearms or drugs. The big wigs are generating a lot of money from this.

Secondly, the human nature aspect, why do people act like animals or have a need for degenerate behavior? How can we stop this?

Pizzagate has always been about going after those that are in positions of power and influence; to cut off supply, change laws and deter this industry as much as possible while bringing the information into the public eye while educating them on the evil world we presently live in.

This thread is pretty hostile and that is why I chose to reply to you.

thewebofslime ago

I realize that most people haven't actually made it to the court room to deal with this stuff, but nobody is going to go to jail for thinking bad things about kids. There is no way to even trace such a thing. It is a shill tactic to try to divide attention to random instances of pedophilia versus the important cases.

Additionally, people who have the child porn and not creating it aren't necessarily the problem in that, even if you catch them and throw them in jail, there are still those who are making it who are getting sentences that are lighter than those who merely possess it. I interpret this to mean that the system is designed to protect this black market and is not actually trying to stop it.

I see no point in the Pizzagate movement to spend inordinate amounts of time on random pedophiles.

Personally, I made /v/ArrestsWeb and similar feeds to catch a lot of the random cases and I do, indeed, run the relevant names and places through searches to see if there is a connection to a larger ring that is trying to be covered up. I especially pay close attention when a Pizza Shop or a Funeral Home is involved. If I find something, I usually attempt to report the lead as a discretionary reporter. If I find something that is a slam dunk, I put my name on it and submit it, usually stating that I would be willing to testify.

For this reason, i have been growing the tools that I use and I would love to share those tools with Voat, but, clearly, doxxing terrifies shills. Doxxing is fine, in my book, because I am not able to contribute original research without the ability to doxx.

My main criticism of the Pizzagate movement is that there is not enough effort to report crimes (though I am happy to report some of you have showed me that you started reporting) and there is not enough effort to get the information out to the rest of the world and out of the echo chamber. That effort is what would prove to me shills aren't trying to operate Voat as a containment board.

Additionally, imagine how much more trusting everyone would be if Pizzagate and GreatAwakening were system subs? How much controversy would evaporate? I think it is the smartest move and that is why @crensch is upset and being thoroughly dishonest.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakeningMeta comment by @Crensch.

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theoldones ago

its pretty damn hostile because pedos deserve bullets

Nadeshda ago

I understand where you are coming from and yes garbage needs to be taken out.

If you cut off the head, the whole body withers and being smart and able to protect yourself while doing this work of uncovering deep darkness is vitally important too, one of the reasons I never shared much research in pizzagate was the threat of those with powers coming after us. So all these programs that researchers use to uncover the lies and deception are but tools and obviously can be used for good or bad.

I want to encourage those with the smarts to protect themselves to continue unfolding the web of deceit by exposing those that are shoulders deep in this cesspit.

Obviously; you do you, call out the pedos on Voat, then people like TWOS can focus calling out kid smugglers in government agencies with all the tools he has at his disposal. Honestly, there is so much darkness around we all could work full time trying to call it out.

I do not want this drama to distract from sickos roaming freely, anywhere.

We need to look at how we can best work together to break this camels back (evil). Just my humble opinion here and not shared in malice or emotional investment in all the drama.

sguevar ago

Quite reasonable opinion you have there if you ask me.

Nadeshda ago

In my eyes, we all make part of the rich tapestry of life, now if the good guys can just start weaving in the same direction, weā€™ll actually get somewhere, lol.

SandHog ago

Wouldn't that be nice?

sguevar ago

Oh believe me, I hear what you are saying here... sadly in my attempts to get that exact thing I have been slandered, attacked and insulted. Plus I do not trust the author of the OP at this point.

So it is better for me to recuse myself.

DamnDan ago

Don't live in a shit hole country with out the freedom of speech.