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virge ago

@thewebofslime I wouldn't even grace this bullshit with a reply. I did it for you, let your silence speak volumes.

thewebofslime ago

I guess I've been too subtle when I repeatedly said, for months, that everyone's information is public. I asked if I should share the information I had when my site was attacked and nobody bothered to say yes or no... it was just a carnival of insults. Maybe everyone is ready to listen because I'd rather get back to posting good research and help solve some really glaring problems in government that merely need some exposure.

How many more criminal records would you wager it would take to finally get them to stop haunting me?

virge ago

How many more criminal records would you wager it would take to finally get them to stop haunting me?

If I were you, I'd unload it all. The reason they're stalking you is because you have the information that can destroy them and they're just getting ahead of the game of slander in an attempt to both dissuade you and make more people question you if/when you finally do.

Full transparency. Dump it all. Fuck all of them. Just my two cents.

And yes, I'm saying that from someone who currently has an excel spreadsheet on posts for 5 years that accidentally DDoS'd Voat at one point because it checks about twice a second on every post it's indexed. (I apologized to Putt, it was years ago)

Imagine if we combined our data together.

SandHog ago

Heh. Noone is stalking him is the the thing. Ho got a couple downvoats a while back (literally one or two) because he was rapid spamming submissions to his pizzagatenews sub or whatever it is. Of course he imediately blamed Vindicator or those who are friends with him for it.

I don't think you understand the nature of the person you are talking to. I've tried to reason with him time and time again. Take a position contrary to his and you'll find yourself on a list too. That's been my experience anyway.

thewebofslime ago

You keep being dishonest. Also, you have a wicked double standard because you supported @srazyie 's behavior and only now that she got doxxed are you having this conversation when I tried to have the same conversation months ago.

thewebofslime ago

I am not opposed to the idea. Like Wikileaks, you can see how just a little bit of leaked information can send them into a tailspin. Their group dynamic suffered to the utmost extreme and they exposed themselves because dishonest people cannot escape honesty traps, whereas honest people cannot be trapped by an honesty trap. You can see 3 months ago where I already knew @srayzie was not being entirely truthful with us.

At that time I explained clearly that I was going to set a number of honesty traps to people I felt were being dishonest. Not all of those honesty traps have triggered, yet. So, sharing everything would still be premature. But sharing something? Probably an okay idea. I've had a lot of help on the way by a few smart people, and I'll start by asking them.

My time frame is paced to the election and given the rate of their self destructing credibility, I haven't really had a need to do anything other than show up and state my opinion once a week, or so. They made so many enemies that they are experiencing death by 1000 cuts.

One issue I have is I need to be sure about a few more things. I haven't really spent much time on this, but I'll take a closer look because shill farms are worth a look at. I have more data than I have time to sift through. Jeffrey Epstein's arrest might slow me down, because I have to do my due diligence, there, again. Sharing is also a logistical issue for me because of the volume of data. I can't just upload a single spreadsheet or a zip file until I've narrowed it all down. I should probably make a torrent or something. I've got so many leaked databases saved that I could probably start my own private intelligence company.

I'll think about what you said and try to have some ideas for you, soon. I'm thinking some type of solution to merge databases and just start by cross referencing usernames in an automated fashion, as opposed to one at a timing it. This idea, of course, will terrify everyone. It can also help identify ways for people to better protect themselves, as well.

I was recently presented with a few interesting samples of how to sift using a comparative analysis across a lot of users... like but in bulk. I haven't tried it, yet, but it looks like you can type keywords that can help find users using alts. If you picked srayzie's most typical insults, like "faggot" then did a search, you can find other possible alts to look at. Insults are good indicators because people have a personal style to the way they insult others.

Either way, I'll think about it. Something public that everyone could use would be nice to keep the playing field level.

SearchVoatBot ago

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virge ago

Please respond to my line of inquiry in the ProtectGoats thread before we continue any further. I no longer stand by my previous posts until you do.

virge ago

@sguevar @sandhog @Corpse_washer @crensch @argosciv

This is a transparency ping. My post has remained unchanged since I edited it for a typo, and it should be clear to everyone it was made before various objections were made.

To be very clear, my offer is no longer on the table.

SandHog ago

To be very clear, my offer is no longer on the table.

What changed, virge?

virge ago

What changed, virge?

It should be clear. I asked some questions about his collection habits and he ignored all of them.

I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt he's taking his time to respond, but at this point it appears he's going to abstain.

Designation would be immediately resolved as hostile given my questions.

@sguevar @adeshda @Corpse_washer @crensch @argosciv

SandHog ago

He'll probably write some long-winded reply that dances around your questions without really answering them. At least that has been my experience with that user. I wouldn't have a problem with him if he just did what he says he is here to do: research. I don't know if he's just butthurt because we got pissed off and took a shit on him because he was saying he was gonna dox @Vindicator a few months back or if there is something else going on with him. Either way he has entirely exhausted any goodwill from me.

thewebofslime ago

Stop making stuff up. Why do you keep lying about me? None of what you are saying is true.

I do research. I am not posting it on Voat, atm, with any kind of requency because of people like you who keep making false accusations. What is your real agenda?

Nadeshda ago

I think he is busy researching the Epstein case and just sporadically looking in, he alluded to that in his comment to you.

Jeffrey Epstein's arrest might slow me down, because I have to do my due diligence, there, again -TWOS

virge ago

I think he is busy researching the Epstein case and just sporadically looking in, he alluded to that in his comment to you.

That's the reason I said I'm waiting for a reply.

virge ago

@Nadeshda this is a signal flare.

Nadeshda ago

Beauseant is a war-cry of the ancient Templars.

Chaotic good is an option dear Sir, in my understanding Chaotic Neutral lies for its own benefit regardless of the price to others and may be viewed as hypocritical in nature.

virge ago

in my understanding Chaotic Neutral lies for its own benefit regardless of the price to others and may be viewed as hypocritical in nature.

We find ourselves at a point where we disagree.

There are times when the tactic of the enemy is necessary to determine your enemy in the first place.

Nadeshda ago

We don’t disagree, like I said the definition of it could be miss leading.

Showing the cards of your enemies is very tactful in nature and if you are concerned for the greater good at the end of it; then in essence you may actually be more aligned to Chaotic Good at the end of the day, just saying. :)

virge ago

you may actually be more aligned to Chaotic Good at the end of the day, just saying. :)

This is the end state of any Crusade. It's iteritive.