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sguevar ago

I prefer not engaging u/theoldones on this because he has a limited view on the matter. He conveniently ignores the fact that u/srayzie doxxed herself and then omitted that due to convenience to accuse u/trigglypuff of doxxing her. Which got u/trigglypuff unjustly banned.

When I showed proof that it was a unjust ban then in that regard the ban was reversed and she then decided to "leave" the site because of the reversal of the ban.

When u/theoldones thinks he is in the right side of the argument he will basically go ahead and ignore facts to conveniently fit his narrative. For example he will defend and justify the doxx on u/GothamGirl with the argument "they did it first" instead of taking an objective position and state both behaviors are disgusting.

He even witnessed doxxing done by the party that he joined and never said anything about it. Why? Because again, he needs the argument to be on his side. This is why I prefer to ignore his denunciations in many cases. For example: you will see on his reply to that comment he states "I don't care what you saw nigger"

If you check his history you will see that he had run a "test bot" - (according to him) to detect bots on Voat that were harassing him and brigading him. So he pinged constantly multiple users asking them "not to downvote if you are not a bot", forgetting completely that the users annoyed by his questionable campaigned will automatically downvote anything he pinged them on. So he considered that a positive on his test.

He attacked another user, u/Obrez, regarding that and after him and I interacted I started to see an objective and reasonable character reacting to u/theoldones harassment. Reason why I made a post on PV about that:

When u/MadWorld made a post with verifiable evidence that suspicious links were being shared on Voat and u/theoldones name showed up he completely freaked out and started harassing u/MadWorld, even after my interactions with him I showed him that he did posted suspicious links but did it without knowing so that he didn't have intent in doing so. But that was quite an episode.

u/theoldones has applied power moderation also and complained of it being applied to him. u/thebuddah can attest for that if you ask him because u/theoldones started making posts about u/thebuddah questioning his hypocrisy.

The only campaign I support of his, is his constant hunt for pedophiles and honestly I think he should stick with that instead of playing a moral high ground person of reference because he ignored the defense that v/ProtectVoat gave to u/srayzie (after all he came late to the issue) and then united with u/Crensch on his campaign to attack v/ProtectVoat because we didn't supported his power moderation and then his alleged coordinated attempts with the users recently that got banned from which one of them u/hollacost was an alt of u/shizy (u/shizie).

At this moment the only party that has defended users from being doxxed has been v/ProtectVoat. Which is one of the reasons why I stick with it and returned to being a mod/owner of it.

theoldones ago

He conveniently ignores the fact that u/srayzie doxxed herself

she didnt post that shit so you could all ruin her life with it.

you all used information for evil intent.

sguevar ago

I didn't ruin anyone's life.

I agree that personal information should not be posted by third parties without the authorization of the owner. However she engaged in behaving in the same way u/zyklon_b did with her and I have a much bigger problem with her on that because she lower herself to his level.

So the difference between you and I, is that I do not justify a wrong with another wrong. I take them in the same way. Both behaviors were despicable from both parties involved there and the only party that defended users from doxxing attemps was v/ProtectVoat.

Your "righteous" indignation will not control the discussion and you know perfectly well that you won't win a debate against me if you tried specially on this subject. Why? Because your vision is limited.

theoldones ago

Why? Because your vision is limited.

zyklon_b and gothamgirl started up a doxxing campaign in front of me and tried to get away with it.

there's past backstory before that point, i don't give a fuck.

sguevar ago

zyklon_b and gothamgirl started up a doxxing campaign in front of me and tried to get away with it. there's past backstory before that point? i don't give a fuck.

I believe u/GothamGirl can attest that I have criticised her for supporting u/zyklon_b and that I don't like her. However that doesn't affect me defending a user when the user is being doxxed. So you can keep turning things the way you like to. If you want I can dig up the comment I made about me not liking her and about the fact of me stating that despite that I would defend her against the doxx he was suffering from the other parties just as I did with u/srayzie.

I don't apply convenience in my actions. Don't compare me to you.

theoldones ago

gothamgirl is guilty and i will treat her as such.

Don-Keyhote ago

Bitch, if she blabs about "my son this or that" then someone she picks a fight with says an empty threat abt her kids, it is not only her fault but she knows it and didn't even care except when she could brandish it for sympathy and get people banned

That literally happened with u/hojuruku one of the best anti-Pedo activists who's been on InfoWhores etc

theoldones ago

hold up.

you're a pedo account.

we've busted you over v/antipedosquad

Don-Keyhote ago

Lmfao, your GAY LITTLE "SQUAD" is nothing compared to my nigga hojuruku, a political exile.

I own v/pizzagate. If you care so much abt fighting pedos you'd be there, faggot poseur

theoldones ago

(sigh) you don't own pizzagate.

here's the evidence about you being a pedo.

Don-Keyhote ago

None of that is "evidence" you tard.

There's something called natalist policy where you make women birth enough in time to sustain the transfer payments for social programs.

I could say I would personally impregnate every 13yo around and it still wouldn't make me a pedo if she's bled. Because that's the biological definition of female adulthood and your Jew laws and psychology can suck my balls.

That's how we get Good Goy dipshits like @darkknight111 claiming brain development stops at 25 and that's the real age of consent, as if any species is able to gestate before it's developed enough to care for offspring, LMFAO

thewebofslime ago

There is definitely a larger ethical picture that is easy to lose sight of and why I worried when a lot of random pedos were being wrapped up in Pizzagate because the real problem is the organized crime surrounding trafficking.

There is an aspect of human nature that Pizzagate will not be able to deal with.

Since this corruption ties to a lot of other corruption, Pizzagate is a good target for people interested in "truth movements" and dealing with high level corruption.

In Utah, the age of consent is low. Across the world, the age of consent is low. It is a weird thing that exists because legal acts are illegal when recorded in the eyes of the world's law because of the US. The same thing happened with drugs. US say drugs bad, everyone follows. Black markets are successfully controlled and prices of black market goods, including people, goes up.

In fact, the great hypocrisy exists within the US that people who HAVE child porn get longer sentences than those who are actually producing it. However, if viewing the material was legal, anyone, in this day and age, can use facial recognition to find the pedophiles. Censorship, in this case, protects pedophiles.

So, there are some weird paradoxes surrounding the issue but I have never claimed that I am trying to solve the problem of people attracted to children. I am trying to solve the problem of the corruption surrounding it so that it isn't an industry for corrupt politicians. It is an easy problem to solve. Just raise awareness. Constantly.

I don't really have an answer for the problem that exists within human nature... the will to harm others. And, let's face it, there are many types of pedophiles. A lot of them are incels who love children and would literally never hurt them. They will pleasure themselves to the images of children, but they would never go near one to do them harm because they actually love them. On the other end of the spectrum, there are pedovores. Again, most of them would never actually hurt a child, they just stick to the thought of it. I'm not condoning it, but I am not into the existence of thought police, either.

Point being, there are rabbit warrens of convoluted issues when you start going down the trail of trying to bring the beat down to every potential pedophile. At a certain point, there are a lot of issues that are not clear cut and is easy to rabble rouse with but is, ultimately, a futile exercise.

To simplify things, I look at the money trail and I consider someone to be prosecutable pedophile if they are taking pictures or are in pictures with naked children. I don't really see it as art, I see it as grooming and people who take a bunch of pictures of a bunch of naked children are waiting for the ones who exhibit personality traits/ social situations that show they can be molested without consequence.

As to your point about 13 year olds, the truth is that this has always been going on and the government is designed to support this behavior. If you import a dozen Romanian brides to the UAE, marry them, then bring them to the US, you are legally allowed to have sex with these girls without legal consequence. In fact, if you were clever enough, they can be your money stream. Buy a cheap apartment complex and a corner store and pump children into your fundamentalist Mormon girls/Muslim girls/whatever, where the state will pay them cash aid and EBT, where you collect the rent and sell them food from your corner store. Now, you are a millionaire with a hundred children and it was sponsored by tax payer dollars. This is legal. Many people do it. This is a family model that is tried and true in many places but the US is the only place that pays people to do it.

That is why the corruption surrounding it is the problem that we can realistically solve.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Don-Keyhote ago

It's all pretty intuitive.

Pedophilia is a paraphelia like foot fetishism: it's a mental thing affecting some small percentage of a given population and LE can use dragnets etc

In Latin America according to the leading NGO, 1/4 of all marriages would be considered "child brides.". Relatedly they have strong patriarchy (el machismo), high birth rates, and MORE insane cases like pregnant 8 year olds.

Pizzagate is abt pedophilia in politics and industry (power centers)

Politics and industry since 1970 are united in and succeeding in REPLACING WHITE PEOPLE with the higher birth rate browns

Thus they use a two-pronged simultaneous approach to lower white birth rates by:

  • brainwashing young girls into LGBT and promiscuity to assure above all STERILE SEX

  • DISCREDITING the patriarchies associated with ill-reputed browns, ie young brides because girls aren't massively subsidies by the state

Thus you get kikeshills like Tommy Robinstein deflecting attention from the Jew media degeneracy that led girls to prostitute themselves to "groomers" and onto a pointless abstraction like "Islam" (thereby also obscuring the racial question).

Obrez ago

Pedophelia is a slippery thing to pin down, because the language used is all over the place, this is how it's going to be pushed with linguistic tools and rhetoric because the antipedo crowd is largely composed of perpetually mad and aggressive/emotional people, who are absolutely willing to conflate all of the possible definitions; in reality that action is self defeating.

So when you say pedophile what specifically do you mean? The actual definition, the literal meaning or the catch-all that people use as a blunt instrument? it gets more confusing when you bring on existing research by the foremost experts in the field because if you've spent any time on 4chan and the other backwaters of the internet you'll see that their research is clearly rife with incomplete data sets likely for self protection.