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YoHomie ago

Go fuck yourself. If you don't like loli, block the sub like the rest of us, perv.

bdmthrfkr ago

I can't believe that I just read through this whole thing... normally I would have just done this

Do you guys worry so much that there are massive bot farms running around passing out DVs like candy? What the actual fuck? If you guys want to see actual shilling head over to half chan, voat is relatively shill free.

the_sharpest_knife ago

I've been downvoating everything theoldones posts I see since he's started obsessing over me and pinging me daily over this post:

Almost immediately he banned me from his super secret sub that somehow made it to the front page and I chimed in on.

Him banning me:

He calls me a pedophile bot even though I've never posted porn or even in any nsfw subs. I really think he's just a bit too senile for his own good.

I wouldn't care about this guy if he didn't make every effort to annoy me. He pings my username multiple times daily and even after blocking him he started doing it from anonymous subs so I had to turn off anonymous pings. He's the absolute worst kind of retarded boomer.

Obrez ago

The thing is from the info I've seen he's living with his parents who up until a recent work accident both worked and he is being pressured to get some work to help the household.

So he probably doesn't fit the model of senile spastic boomer we've inherited from QRV, it's more like he's a spastic NEET millennial trying really hard to establish rapport and get modded all over the place.

the_sharpest_knife ago

Sounds redditish.

sguevar ago

I don't know why you would turn as a pedo. If you post loli content I would think you are one but that doesn't mean I would pursue the censorship of your content because of the fact that is legal. This because my feelings towards the content and it's posters should not cloud my judgement on the situation.

My main concern here is that the testing used by the user is not objective and is really easy to manipulate by third parties.

So as far as the report of this post goes, he needs to stop his endeavour of harassing other users because he doesn't like their content.

the_sharpest_knife ago

I agree 100%.

Also. I could care less if people want to post drawings of kids fucking. If it's not illegal then the rules allow it. It's very easy to block subs that you don't like.

theoldones ago

sorry. i havent been having a good day. input on this topic would be helpful to me:

MadWorld ago

Since he was requesting subverse transfer, I may as well put it out there for others to make their own judgement:

[–] theoldones [S] 1 points (+2|-1) 22 minutes ago

what i'm about is i have very little patience for your bullshit.

speak plainly or shut up.

[–] CarpenterforChrist 0 points (+1|-1) 19 minutes ago

Your short term memory is astounding.

[–] theoldones [S] -1 points (+0|-1) 17 minutes ago (edited 16 minutes ago)

oh look at this, the faggot doesnt even have the balls to say what he means plainly.

say it now, or i aint letting you talk in this place.

being cryptic and unclear is my job damnit.

Le_Squish ago

My suspicion is it's a combination of competing botters/forum sliders with a few real users getting caught up.

They want to try to get voaters to pick sides when both sides need the oven. @theoldones seems to think he can memory hole his suspicious activity by starting a witch hunt against loli-posting weebs.

NotHereForPizza ago

What's most suspicious about this shit is that any of you condone SBBH having any hand in objective "investigation" considering just how divisive and childish they tend to be.

They make all of us look bad and they do it consistently. I'm far from thinking they should be banned or not allowed to come here, but we certainly shouldn't give them much, if any, attention and even less often should we be listening to them when they try to pit us against each other. I mean, it's not like they don't do it with each successive iteration of Reddit migration. For instance, we seem them shun new people and tell them to fuck off endlessly despite having just mentioned that we should gas the Jews and redpill the normies.

Le_Squish ago

Look, one of the shill nigger factions.

NotHereForPizza ago

You must be incredibly dense. A one man faction? How does that work?

Maybe you see other people say something similar. Does that truly mean to you that I'm now "on the same team" as anyone who share such a sentiment? What a shallow and unsubstantiated assertion.

The stupid liberals love Palestine and Muslims. This typically means they aren't fond of Jews. Are you a liberal now? Huh? Do you take orders from Soros just because you don't like Jews? See how stupid that shit is?

I'm surprised it hasn't occurred to you that they may just be exactly what I describe?

YoHomie ago

Oh yes, call someone a shill... real original.

sguevar ago

That may be the case, but as I said, any report has to be done objectively and with verifiable evidence otherwise we compromise our purpose here.

sguevar ago

Agreed but we have a duty to defend the law as well.

Our personal feelings are not to cloud our actions here.

Obrez ago

As I was trimming my post on the problem user I noticed I got a ping and low and behold here I am, I'm still reading but here is my post on the issue:

sguevar ago

I was obligated to call for objectivity on this whole thing. Hopefully the waters will calm now.

Obrez ago

He seems to be asking for pity considering he's had a "mental break" over his parents asking him to find work now that his dad is injured.

Frankly if this isn't an act and he's this deranged IRL his parents should consider committing him so they can get him in group therapy.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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