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Obrez ago

It's because when I'm awake and online and I see this guys name I downvote whatever he posts, specifically the dozens of spam "tests" in my messages.

This is why he's decided to target me:

I called him a liar in his own sub.

Then corrected him again here about the legality of drawn pornography when he wanted v/gaming to change it's rules read the replies in the comment chain it's enlightening as to how this guy behaves

Check my post history if you still think I'm a bot.

the_sharpest_knife ago

This guy is a nigger(theoldones). I told him to "mind his own business this is a free speech site" when he was bitching about people posting loli now he's obsessed with me. I've blocked him and blocked anonymous pings. He's a real creep.

Obrez ago

I just made a post on him and another user seems to have done the same at essentially the same time; If you have any grievances to air this would be the time and place.



the_sharpest_knife ago

Thanks. Will do.