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followthemoney ago

Only after she is mad about her criminal history showing up. Nothing was being done before that.

SandHog ago

Oh you mean the full name and criminal history that you posted and didn't get banned for? That criminal history? I also find it interesting that you chose to comment with two different accounts on this thread webofslime. Now why did you do that?

followthemoney ago

I use different devices. Shoot me.

Everyone thought it was cool when @srayzie was doxxing. Didn't see you complain then. I was highlighting the double standard of treatment.

I'm not the scumbag. I dont get DUIs, do drugs, trespass and skip pit on court dates.

Why should I not be allowed to doxx srayzie when srayzie is allowed to dox everyone else??

Also, technically, everything srayzie has done would earn a restraining order if it went to court.

In the eyes of the law and of Voat, I did nothing wrong. Criminal records are public information.

You are wrong.

SandHog ago

Everything srayzie did was in response to a line they crossed first. Zyklon doxed gothamgirl like a year ago because he was mad at her and posted her address. You clearly don't care about any of the facts though.

Gothamgirl ago

Probably doesn't matter but I no longer lived at that address when he did it and she has doxxed the new one using an alt.