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Shizie ago

He also sounds like a pedophile.

Damn the USA and their silly age of consent laws! Damn their laws that make viewing child porn illegal because if it were legal, we could all view it and use facial recognition software to identify the pedos. What?!! Only a pedophile thinks making CP legal will stop pedos!

@theoldones @vindicator @argosciv @sandhog

thewebofslime ago

The point I am making is that, as an Internet investigator, trying to prosecute people for thought crimes is a pointless endeavor. I am not promoting thought crimes. If you want to to prosecute people for thinking about bad stuff, then you aren't really intellectually capable of participating in the conversation about where to expend resources in investigations.

Solving the problem of government sanctioned pedophilia is the most reasonable place to start. After that, there is a question about what is going in within human nature, itself. You and I have no power to stop pedophilia world wide. Why play whack a mole with every potential pedophile? It wastes time.

Don-Keyhote ago



@shewhomustbeobeyed as a woman and v/pizzagate archivist can you please confirm this group has been pathetic and a nuisance?

And why oh why does @Crensch never engage me? Because he's a cowardly faggot apparently more than even @Vindickeater

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hey boo, you seem to be doing fine all on your own. Besides I would only be in the way.

FYI, you're arguing with a literal retard. Stop it.

theoldones ago

hey SWMBO, remember when you tried to ping in help but 3 other mods had to tell you that you were wrong, and that you should fucking apologize for falsely calling me a pedophile?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

An FYI is not ping for help. Never asked for help before, wasn't asking then.


How's it coming finding someone else who will say that you didn't post child porn?


@think- The retard is at it again. I told you he is unbelievable, but no-o-o.

Don-Keyhote ago

Some of these people have clear personality disorders, on @argosciv you can smell it a mile away

theoldones ago

shewhomustbeobeyed is a manipulative bitch working with think-

and you are a pedophile.

Don-Keyhote ago

Thanks for proving my point, a pair of women who never posted any research and merely tried to "administrate" and get in the way, as all women in any men's space.

My submission history is better than anyone's in that sub. No ones posted as many new names and addresses as I. Most posters there aren't even astute enough to target Jews, so it's almost like a handicap to my advantage, but then, arguing with you is the same feelinf.

theoldones ago

My submission history is better than anyone's in that sub.

oh so you mean when you

-defended muhamad diddling a 9 year old girl

-joked about raping your cousin in a thread about sexual abuse in boy scouts

-said violent rape was morally right

-“fucking someone’s pubescent daughter”

-“if it bleeds, it breeds” IE thinking the correct age of consent is 12-13

should i go on or do you get the idea of why you're a damn pedophile?

Shizie ago

You forgot about how he told his only friend in high school that she "owed" him sex because he was friends with her!

He's such a ladies man!

theoldones ago

someone made friends with him? no wonder that was his only one

Shizie ago

someone made friends with him?

I was shocked by that! And he chases her off by telling her she owed him sex!

Don-Keyhote ago

“fucking someone’s pubescent daughter”


Jump to Definitions · Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children

Here's the thing, bitch: very few men prefer fucking an UNDERDEVELOPED GIRLS BODY or do I have to explain how sexual attraction is mere indicators of fertility like curves or swollen breasts etc?

Whereas if you LET TEEN GIRLS RUN WILD there will DEFINITELY be a lot of sex we don't want them to have.

White Sharia SAVES the girls from their own stupidity.

YOU are the pro rape one.

Children of single mothers are at 900% more risk of sexual abuse: would you outlaw single motherhood tomorrow on this basis? No? Then shut the fuck up about preventing molestation cuz you don't know shit, faggot.

theoldones ago

it seems to me that instead of believing anything of what you just said, you're trying to perform a moral-flip where you get to pretend to be the right-wing person, while trying to force me into the left-wing position.

please stop manipulative like that, you fucking pedophile.

rape is wrong and evil.

Don-Keyhote ago

you get to pretend to be the right-wing person, while trying to force me into the left-wing position.

I am the right wing position - - literally millennia of history.

You are the left wing position because you support empowering girls which is the entire reason they are in any risk of being raped.

please stop manipulative like that, you fucking pedophile.

LOL plz don't point out the obvious, pedo!! You realize YOU'RE the one making light of pedophilia, it's practically like "jerk!" around here jfc

theoldones ago

you're a rapist pedophile. there's nothing to discuss with you.

you just deserve to die.

Don-Keyhote ago

You're only kosher right-wing, functionally a crypto-feminist gatekeeper and you don't even realize it. You are the one who deserves to die buddy, if The Handmaid's Tale happened you'd be an enemy of the state Cuck Mercenary and still never get any pussy XD

Don-Keyhote ago

Well if I trust anyone to make that determination its a guy who doesn't know what "pubescent" means XD

theoldones ago

are you currently arguing that any flesh and blood human who has hit puberty, is someone you are allowed to fuck?


that's pedophilia still you dumbass.

Don-Keyhote ago

someone you are allowed to fuck?

You're trying to mix issues. I don't think ANYONE should be allowed to fuck outside marriage, ever.

But since teenagers DO fuck, we should accommodate that reality by marrying girls off by 18.

Shizie ago

I don't think ANYONE should be allowed to fuck outside marriage, ever.

Yet you brag about all our sexual conquests, including fucking virgins and then calling them sluts afterwards.

Don-Keyhote ago

Oh so I'm no longer a fat incel who just "hates" women cuz he can't get any? Interesting, can't imagine what changed ur mind, LOL

Shizie ago

Interesting, can't imagine what changed ur mind, LOL

Haha! You slut!

theoldones ago

you just kicked out of the antipedosquad sub for expressing interest in 8 year olds

Don-Keyhote ago

Lmfao no one reading that will draw the same conclusion, you've just nuked whatever credibility you erroneously thought you had

theoldones ago

links, articles and posting images are quite explicitly being interested

Don-Keyhote ago

LMFAO you didn't even READ THE ARTICLES HEADLINE before assuming it was pro-pedo??

And you run the "anti Pedo Squad"? Why has your idiocy been tolerated this long XDDD

theoldones ago

if you think im clicking on links you fucking give me you're insane.

Don-Keyhote ago

Lmfao if you don't even know what the DAILY STORMER is wtf are you doing on this site? Jesus you need a severe ass-kicking dude

theoldones ago

i know exactly what the daily stormer is.

why are you trying to use it to talk about 8 year olds on dating apps after claiming to fuck children? even if they've hit puberty, before the right age its still pedophilia you utter dumbass

you're trying to hide behind right-wing icons to enable your evil habits.

Don-Keyhote ago

"before the right age" LMFAO according to whom, YOU? Not a legitimate basis to accuse someone of a federal crime, dipshit

theoldones ago

"before the right age" LMFAO according to whom, YOU?

before age 18, fucking someone is pedophilia. you're on record saying "if it bleeds it breeds" so in other words, you want that 18 number lowered to 13.

Don-Keyhote ago

before age 18, fucking someone is pedophilia


You know there's a patchwork of laws, and even grace periods like a 19+17yo, and even states where 13yo can get married w parents permission.

Cuz, get this, some people think women are best as mothers and homemakers.

If a 19yo impregnates a 13yo with her love and consent you don't want them to have the option to marry, you want the man in prison and the girl in therapy I guess. Because you're a weird antisocial fuck.

SearchVoatBot ago

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theoldones ago

If a 19yo impregnates a 13yo

this is pedophilia you just described.

Don-Keyhote ago

Oh my god you fucking absolute special case.

Every 13yo girl in America is attracted to 19yo boys. THEY ARE LARGER, HAVE JOBS AND CARS, ETC.

YOU want girls to be eternal victims until the day they're 18 no matter how slutty they behave. And you want MEN to go to PRISON to ACTUALLY be raped if the slut happened to lie about her age.

You are despicable

theoldones ago

Every 13yo girl in America is attracted to 19yo boys. THEY ARE LARGER, HAVE JOBS AND CARS, ETC.

reminder 55 fucking million how you are a pedophile

Don-Keyhote ago

Omfg how do you think females of any species find mates?? You are fkn clueless abt basic biology, not worth talking to

Did u think they should be attracted to their pimply weak useless peer males in junior high? Lmfao you'd like to think so, but sorry.

Don-Keyhote ago

Oh because it's proof that even some 8 year olds let alone 14 are DAMAGED AND SEXUALIZED and the only remedy is suppressing them, physically.

You are NOT RIGHT WING, FAGGOT. You dont believe in traditional gender roles.

theoldones ago

@thewebofslime if true you fucked up by crawling out your hole, m8.

shizie good catch

Nadeshda ago

Just a note here coming from someone who has been following pizzagate since it hit. Researchers into this field understand the principles of how it works. In my limited understanding and observation of that comment, @thewebofslime is merely pointing out that the government is providing the marketplace for this atrocious act and in many ways they are protecting it with their laws that pander to young girls being able to marry.

Child trafficking makes more money then dealing in firearms or drugs. The big wigs are generating a lot of money from this.

Secondly, the human nature aspect, why do people act like animals or have a need for degenerate behavior? How can we stop this?

Pizzagate has always been about going after those that are in positions of power and influence; to cut off supply, change laws and deter this industry as much as possible while bringing the information into the public eye while educating them on the evil world we presently live in.

This thread is pretty hostile and that is why I chose to reply to you.

thewebofslime ago

I realize that most people haven't actually made it to the court room to deal with this stuff, but nobody is going to go to jail for thinking bad things about kids. There is no way to even trace such a thing. It is a shill tactic to try to divide attention to random instances of pedophilia versus the important cases.

Additionally, people who have the child porn and not creating it aren't necessarily the problem in that, even if you catch them and throw them in jail, there are still those who are making it who are getting sentences that are lighter than those who merely possess it. I interpret this to mean that the system is designed to protect this black market and is not actually trying to stop it.

I see no point in the Pizzagate movement to spend inordinate amounts of time on random pedophiles.

Personally, I made /v/ArrestsWeb and similar feeds to catch a lot of the random cases and I do, indeed, run the relevant names and places through searches to see if there is a connection to a larger ring that is trying to be covered up. I especially pay close attention when a Pizza Shop or a Funeral Home is involved. If I find something, I usually attempt to report the lead as a discretionary reporter. If I find something that is a slam dunk, I put my name on it and submit it, usually stating that I would be willing to testify.

For this reason, i have been growing the tools that I use and I would love to share those tools with Voat, but, clearly, doxxing terrifies shills. Doxxing is fine, in my book, because I am not able to contribute original research without the ability to doxx.

My main criticism of the Pizzagate movement is that there is not enough effort to report crimes (though I am happy to report some of you have showed me that you started reporting) and there is not enough effort to get the information out to the rest of the world and out of the echo chamber. That effort is what would prove to me shills aren't trying to operate Voat as a containment board.

Additionally, imagine how much more trusting everyone would be if Pizzagate and GreatAwakening were system subs? How much controversy would evaporate? I think it is the smartest move and that is why @crensch is upset and being thoroughly dishonest.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakeningMeta comment by @Crensch.

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theoldones ago

its pretty damn hostile because pedos deserve bullets

Nadeshda ago

I understand where you are coming from and yes garbage needs to be taken out.

If you cut off the head, the whole body withers and being smart and able to protect yourself while doing this work of uncovering deep darkness is vitally important too, one of the reasons I never shared much research in pizzagate was the threat of those with powers coming after us. So all these programs that researchers use to uncover the lies and deception are but tools and obviously can be used for good or bad.

I want to encourage those with the smarts to protect themselves to continue unfolding the web of deceit by exposing those that are shoulders deep in this cesspit.

Obviously; you do you, call out the pedos on Voat, then people like TWOS can focus calling out kid smugglers in government agencies with all the tools he has at his disposal. Honestly, there is so much darkness around we all could work full time trying to call it out.

I do not want this drama to distract from sickos roaming freely, anywhere.

We need to look at how we can best work together to break this camels back (evil). Just my humble opinion here and not shared in malice or emotional investment in all the drama.

sguevar ago

Quite reasonable opinion you have there if you ask me.

Nadeshda ago

In my eyes, we all make part of the rich tapestry of life, now if the good guys can just start weaving in the same direction, we’ll actually get somewhere, lol.

SandHog ago

Wouldn't that be nice?

sguevar ago

Oh believe me, I hear what you are saying here... sadly in my attempts to get that exact thing I have been slandered, attacked and insulted. Plus I do not trust the author of the OP at this point.

So it is better for me to recuse myself.