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Shizie ago

He also sounds like a pedophile.

Damn the USA and their silly age of consent laws! Damn their laws that make viewing child porn illegal because if it were legal, we could all view it and use facial recognition software to identify the pedos. What?!! Only a pedophile thinks making CP legal will stop pedos!

@theoldones @vindicator @argosciv @sandhog

theoldones ago

@thewebofslime if true you fucked up by crawling out your hole, m8.

shizie good catch

Nadeshda ago

Just a note here coming from someone who has been following pizzagate since it hit. Researchers into this field understand the principles of how it works. In my limited understanding and observation of that comment, @thewebofslime is merely pointing out that the government is providing the marketplace for this atrocious act and in many ways they are protecting it with their laws that pander to young girls being able to marry.

Child trafficking makes more money then dealing in firearms or drugs. The big wigs are generating a lot of money from this.

Secondly, the human nature aspect, why do people act like animals or have a need for degenerate behavior? How can we stop this?

Pizzagate has always been about going after those that are in positions of power and influence; to cut off supply, change laws and deter this industry as much as possible while bringing the information into the public eye while educating them on the evil world we presently live in.

This thread is pretty hostile and that is why I chose to reply to you.

thewebofslime ago

I realize that most people haven't actually made it to the court room to deal with this stuff, but nobody is going to go to jail for thinking bad things about kids. There is no way to even trace such a thing. It is a shill tactic to try to divide attention to random instances of pedophilia versus the important cases.

Additionally, people who have the child porn and not creating it aren't necessarily the problem in that, even if you catch them and throw them in jail, there are still those who are making it who are getting sentences that are lighter than those who merely possess it. I interpret this to mean that the system is designed to protect this black market and is not actually trying to stop it.

I see no point in the Pizzagate movement to spend inordinate amounts of time on random pedophiles.

Personally, I made /v/ArrestsWeb and similar feeds to catch a lot of the random cases and I do, indeed, run the relevant names and places through searches to see if there is a connection to a larger ring that is trying to be covered up. I especially pay close attention when a Pizza Shop or a Funeral Home is involved. If I find something, I usually attempt to report the lead as a discretionary reporter. If I find something that is a slam dunk, I put my name on it and submit it, usually stating that I would be willing to testify.

For this reason, i have been growing the tools that I use and I would love to share those tools with Voat, but, clearly, doxxing terrifies shills. Doxxing is fine, in my book, because I am not able to contribute original research without the ability to doxx.

My main criticism of the Pizzagate movement is that there is not enough effort to report crimes (though I am happy to report some of you have showed me that you started reporting) and there is not enough effort to get the information out to the rest of the world and out of the echo chamber. That effort is what would prove to me shills aren't trying to operate Voat as a containment board.

Additionally, imagine how much more trusting everyone would be if Pizzagate and GreatAwakening were system subs? How much controversy would evaporate? I think it is the smartest move and that is why @crensch is upset and being thoroughly dishonest.

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