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virge ago

@thewebofslime, a line of inquiry:

I have all of the Collections.

How? I asked you this question once and you never responded. These aren't just public, you can't go to their site and get the database. That's valuable data, worth money on various open markets. How did you obtain it?


So, you accused me of being a shill, but I have a little mini RICO database of shills that I will "thot audit." I have a couple of lawyers going over what I've got and a computer science professor from the UC system to provide expert insight.

  1. Please elaborate on the term "mini RICO database of shills that I will "thot autit."
  2. Why are you hiring attorneys to investigate data you've collected? What is the purpose of spending money on this?


My thesis, which I required the help of two non-pizzagaters to uncover (they do not believe in it, at all), is that a person used a CACI company device to visit the pizzagate thread, then came to the site and started low level attacks from their own device, before moving onto a series of more sophisticated atrtacks.

Please clarify the involvement and assessment of CACI. Is CACI a NGO, or just a CIA front? It smells about as legitimate as USAID. Of course, I could be wrong. Just curious.


@Crensch referral tag is rudimentary website child's play. From a technical perspective I see nothing that merits objection about this. Please illuminate me as to your complaint.

Same observation for "he probably made his own website". I don't see anything malign.

The Vindicator section is not enough corroboration. Unless I missed something, he's making an educated guess on 2 minutes. That's about as accurate as flipping a coin, @webofslime?


indirectly admits to using stolen credentials to send emails, in addition to email spamming

I don't see this at all. He never says he uses stolen credentials. He admits to e-mail spamming, yes, but he's e-mail spamming a list of CNN and Government e-mail addresses. He's waging a war against CNN. What's not to like?


using alts in same conversation

@thewebofslime, what is the purpose of @followthemoney, and why separate the accounts?

The vernacular used by the accounts matches.


claims usernames/passwords are public info

IF @thewebofslime is @followthemoney, then this has the appearance of a albeit somewhat arrogant over-exaggeration for the aggregate. From a technical perspective, he's right - most peoples passwords have leaked by now and most people use a lot of repeat passwords. A staggering, disgustingly amount of people. It's common modern OpSec to never re-use passwords and to have cypher's or variants because of this.

@crensch, if anything this is sound technical observation and my only complaint is he's not even bothering to educate directly and seems mostly indignant he'd have to. Frankly, I would, too.


claims doxxing material deleted by kevdude (, when it was done by Voat (

@thewebofslime, can you explain the discrepancy? Was this a mistake, assumption, or is something not readily apparent by the logs?


holds criminal/doxxing material of Voat users

@crensch I see what @thewebofslime is saying here, and calling it "holds criminal/doxxing material" is a large stretch of the imagination.

The guy basically said she doxxed first, so he retaliated. Help me see why this isn't equalization of force to combat a threat.

thewebofslime ago

The AntiPublic collections are on every torrent site, along with many other database leaks. Anyone can download them. You have to come up with your own solution to search the binaries.

Please elaborate on the term "mini RICO database of shills that I will "thot autit."

There exists people who are getting paid to cover up pedophilia on the Internet. This is forensic interruption and is illegal. They are liable to the IRS for getting paid under the table to do this. I have a particular dislike of people who are taking money to make sure pedophiles are allowed to operate in the open.

Why are you hiring attorneys to investigate data you've collected? What is the purpose of spending money on this?

II don't spend money on attorneys, but I have to be judicial in my use of them as it is a quid pro quo situation. Think of it as a consult. My question is, "Is there a case?" The answer is yes, provided I have enough solid evidence.

The purpose is that there are legal implications for people who use dox on me to do things like make fake dating profiles all over the country to mess with my marriage. Additionally, I have a website that is being slandered which also has legal implications. I hope to expose to the authorities shill farms that are being used to cover up corruption and the easiest trail in which to start looking for them is to follow the trail they left on my site, which was subjected to a variety of amateurish attacks.

Please clarify the involvement and assessment of CACI. Is CACI a NGO, or just a CIA front? It smells about as legitimate as USAID. Of course, I could be wrong. Just curious.

CACI is a Defense Intelligence Agency contractor.

@thewebofslime, what is the purpose of @followthemoney, and why separate the accounts?

My cousin, who helped on my site, made the account and originally helped me on Voat, though doesn't really use the account much. The accounts are logged on with different devices. I usually only do WoS work from one device, which has an impossible password to remember. Peripheral devices are easier to use as @followthemoney, particularly when I am at my cousin's houses who also follow the subject matter. I have been transparent about this.

@thewebofslime, can you explain the discrepancy? Was this a mistake, assumption, or is something not readily apparent by the logs?

The original @srayzie criminal records were immediately deleted on @protectvoat. They were screenshots of the Fresno and Kern County court databases.

@crensch I see what @thewebofslime is saying here, and calling it "holds criminal/doxxing material" is a large stretch of the imagination.

I hold doxx on billions of people. I am not targeting anyone when I download publicly available databases, of which there are many and are plentiful on sites like, among others.

On a philosophical level, I am not opposed to doxx because there are hundreds of thousands of people who have access to doxx on everyone in the world via government and private intelligence. They have private information and they regularly sell and trade it. It levels the playing field is we, as the general public, are also allowed to check up on those who are potentially bad actors in the background.

@srayzie doxxed repeatedly over the course of a year and made many multiple accounts to do this over and over again. Here's the thing...

I have no way of knowing if @srazyie is really who we are lead to believe. I ran the picture through facial recognition. That doesn't mean someone couldn't use her pictures to make a fake profile. There is relatively little proof that it is really the same person. The same goes for @gothamgirl. Sure, we can make an educated guess about what is going on, but is there any way to rule out that it is all an act? The drama manufactured?

All of my social media uses someone else's pictures from photobucket/recent. You can easily make multiple accounts that appear to be someone else. So, in fact, we cannot be 100% certain that anyone is who they say they are, short of a video with a timestamp, etc, and EVEN THEN, if you haven't tried making DeepFakes with FakeApp (also available on torrents) then you should give it a try because it is scary what you can do.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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virge ago

Anyone can download them. You have to come up with your own solution to search the binaries.

So you're a programmer?


They are liable to the IRS for getting paid under the table to do this.

What is the nature of your interest? Revenge? Or profit?


II don't spend money on attorneys, but I have to be judicial in my use of them as it is a quid pro quo situation. Think of it as a consult. My question is, "Is there a case?" The answer is yes, provided I have enough solid evidence.

Employed as a consultant? Having judicial use of quid pro quo attorneys falls into a few very specific niches of individual. I'm sure you can see the conundrum with this elaboration. This is the kind of thing most folks around here will declare a Special Agent, given the relationships. Are you?


The purpose is that there are legal implications for people who use dox on me to do things like make fake dating profiles all over the country to mess with my marriage.

Who did this, when, and why?

thewebofslime ago

I am not a programmer... but I know enough to cut and paste and make scripts works.

I've made a good profit pursuing legitimate causes.

I work with law firms for times when they have a difficult process service, among other things.

I was on a rant about how over the top racism was being inserted into Internet forums to run off "normies" when I ran afoul of Colin Flaherty shills. They took extra time to pick on me in a variety of ways. At that stage, digging up police reports related to him solved the problem.

virge ago

Sounds to me like the only adult in the room.

Carry on.