StarAnon ago

Ok, so Q said there were less than 10 that know the whole story, and 3 aren't military. So, max of 9, min of 4, right; on Q Team? I can see Assange being on the periphery; not knowing entire plan, but entering the picture as a cameo. I think Assange has acquired enough intel over the years, that he knows where all of this is going - which is why he's been silenced, IMO. So, not Q Team is my final answer lol

WhiteRonin ago

So Q’s word is gospel but outing him is wrong.

Personally, I would use disinformation to keep people wondering.

StarAnon ago

If you were disseminating information on the chans using anon as your handle, and I outed you, you would label that "doxing".

I would then be in trouble, right? And yes, you would surround yourself with dubious info to keep your identity a secret, until

you were ready to reveal yourself.

WhiteRonin ago

I’ve posted a lot of my info here. Go for it.

If you don’t want to be dozed, don’t have a public identity. Stay private and to yourself.

What information have I shared beside wild conjecture? So your whole argument is weak and very liberal.

Stand up and take responsibility for your actions. Stop perpetuating the problem that Q is cleaning up. Because of people like you, I have to deal with this crap.

StarAnon ago

You've posted a lot of your info here, as that's your choice, right? At this time, that's not Q Team's choice. I wasn't arguing with you, but answering the questions you throw out there in defense of "wild conjecture".
Look at you with the victim mentality. "Because of people like you, I have to deal with this crap." Put your pussy hat back in your pocket. You put yourself out there when you posted "wild conjecture". Take responsibility for your actions, instead of putting this onto others. Most in this thread were theorizing with you, then you turn into this when it doesn't match with yours. Theories are theories, until an element shows up to alter those theories.

WhiteRonin ago

Still a liberal argument.

You take zero responsibility of how this nation has become. I was gone for decades so I’m not a brainwashed drone detoxing like the rest of you. I came back with how I left and better training.

You on the other hand have here all along.

Those you who lapped up 9-11, those you who let your representatives vote away our liberties.

There is no theory or argument here but pure facts!

Yes, it is on you who voted for this!

Yes, I am the victim of poor choices made by Americans voting away their liberties. So fuck yeah, I’m pissed!

Look at all the arguments by the left and you proud researching anons. The arguments are the same methods, same techniques! Nobody is admitting to they fucked up! Just we need to fix it. Well, why the fuck is it broke? Who broke it and who let it break?

Yes, I always put myself out there when I post because I cut through the crap and call it out. I’m on my fourth straight year bitching about how Americans have no clue what responsibility is.eys use Ford as an example: nobody said she should have known as a women getting drunk at a party with guys that she put herself in that position! Why not? Right! Beavans calling them out to take responsibility ain’t part of their character.

So, you make a claim that I’m turning the points around in this thread. Proof? Sauce? Your generalizations are why I call you a liberal in the way you argue. What research is this? Nothing! Just generalizations like the left.

Quote me! And let’s see how your points and claims stand up!

Ocean_Cruiser ago

I don't think so - read the post by Light_Guard.

WhiteRonin ago

I haven’t seen that. A brief bing search didn’t return much about Q and Julian being the same. This made me wonder as to why not? Obviously, I am. It the first to have this idea.

I’d say link me but at least give me some help on refining where and about how far back I should look.

Vindicator ago

Assange helped with some of the early Q proofs at the very beginning.

He is definitely part of the Q team. Steve Pieszcenik said so too in his video about whitehats working with Trump to stop globalists from taking total control in a silent coup.

WhiteRonin ago

Maybe Juilian pushed the idea of using pol to post. Hmmm

StarAnon ago

You're not the first to guess Assange as part of Q Team. There's no way to prove it, and links on the net aren't going to help anyone. I would just take a wait and see approach. It's a good discussion, though! I've waited for him to be allowed to step in with the source files from the DNC. Maybe, he already has! The JFK Jr is Q KelliAnnHubNews engages in censorship - youtube-ing on Q and censors. Make sense? No room for debate... We have to take her word for Q being JFK, Jr

WhiteRonin ago

I really want to see JFK jr ending up alive but look at the intel, lingo and methodology. It just feel right.

Duke_Nucleon ago

Hope these "___ could be Q" are simply diversions. AFAIK, Q's plan includes Q remaining anonymous at present. Thus, speculations of Q's identity are anti-Q-plan.

WhiteRonin ago

No, not really.

So you are saying is be woke 80% and let the other 20% stay a sheep because doing your own research and thinkingbfor yourself is against the plan.


Duke_Nucleon ago

With all due respect, I'm saying what I said. Your effort at mind-reading/interpretation fails and is what you are saying. AFAIK, "thinking for yourself" is part of the plan, not as you state, "against the plan". If I may add, use of logic (not mind-reading) is also part of "the plan".

WhiteDragonMage ago

I used to wonder that myself but I just don’t think so anymore. I did come across some weirdness while looking into it though. So there was a reddit account created a couple years back by the name of stargateSG7. This account only made a couple of posts but it was clear that this person was a computer genius. He made the claim that he worked at the largest supercomputer locates in Canada and that they created away to crack 256 bit encryption. He also states that he had cracked the encryption on the Wikileaks insurance files and that he would release them on a certain day. He then signs the post “the Q”.

So the day comes and he drops the keys to the insurance files but they only unlocks the first level of encryption (there are 3). The others do not work. I personally feel this person had a change of heart and decided to not give all the correct keys but still proves he can break the 256 bit encryption by giving only the first level. This still leaves Julian with his insurance. I wouldn’t give this much thought other than obviously this guy knows computers extremely well from what little he revealed and he also does have the ability to break the encryption. A person or group of people with this ability would essentially be able to access all kinds of top secret data and therefore was a contender for being Q. The whole thing was very strange. I am not going to link that account but it can be found very easily

WhiteRonin ago

Good dig but I doubt he’s Q.

He might be a source for Wikileaks though.

srayzie ago

Q is a team of less than 10. Only 3 non military. If anything, Julian Assange could be one of them. That could account for him not being on Air Force One.

But, I believe all of the Q team have top Security clearance. Assange wouldn’t have that. But, he could be working close with the president.

WhiteRonin ago

This so far has been the most likely scenario. I’m just thinking Julian is the public side.

Nobody is addressing the fact that IF this were an active inside job the repercussions it could have. Look at the shit storm about who leaked Ford’s story. Imagine the heyday the left would have if Q is sitting next to Trump during the day.

On top of which, covert military operations don’t run directly from the office. You need to have middlemen to protect the leadership from failures.

Of course Julian doesn’t have any clearance. Well maybe he has filed for public disclosure documents. He has always been on the receiving end of intel and “leaks”. He might have met the President but working close would mean he is receiving info or directions on how to release his stock pile of information.

srayzie ago

I don’t know. But if that were the case, I would love to be a fly on the wall when Hillary found out! 😂

Type-o-Negative ago

I doubt it is him, and dont understand why we all of us as a collective cant just forget about it until the end of the movie.

Think of it like this; Do you worry who the main camera person’s name the whole time the movie you want to see is playing?

Let it go.

Crensch ago

I doubt it is him, and dont understand why we all of us as a collective cant just forget about it until the end of the movie.

Why do you have a problem with people taking guesses and trying to figure it out?

Think of it like this; Do you worry who the main camera person’s name the whole time the movie you want to see is playing?

Equating this to some Jewlywood horseshit is really quite stupid, IMO. We're SUPPOSED to be digging.

Let it go.

Telling (probably) adults on the internet what to do. Classy.

Vindicator ago

I'll just leave this here. Happened to have a tab still open with this juicy takedown in it. Here it is, for posterity:

@WhiteRonin @srayzie

Vindicator ago

@Crensch see parent in case you want it for permanent display in Crenschworld.

Crensch ago

Much appreciated, bud.

srayzie ago

He sounds like BA and talks about Neon Revolt. He was a totally different person than who I knew before I made him a mod.

WhiteRonin ago

That’s persistent! Lol

MadWorld ago

Context to parent comment:

I doubt it is him, and dont understand why we all of us as a collective cant just forget about it until the end of the movie.

Think of it like this; Do you worry who the main camera person’s name the whole time the movie you want to see is playing?

Let it go.

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Type-o-Negative ago

Hey @crensch, it was an analogy, should I get the dictionary definition for you since you are simple minded too?

Analogy (from Greek ἀναλογία, analogia, "proportion", from ana- "upon, according to" [also "against", "anew"] + logos "ratio" [also "word, speech, reckoning"][1][2]) is a cognitive process of transferring information or meaning from a particular subject (the analog, or source) to another (the target), or a linguistic expression corresponding to such a process. In a narrower sense, analogy is an inference or an argument from one particular to another particular, as opposed to deduction, induction, and abduction, in which at least one of the premises, or the conclusion, is general rather than particular in nature. The term analogy can also refer to the relation between the source and the target themselves, which is often (though not always) a similarity, as in the biological notion of analogy.

Ignore the first couple of lines, probably too hard for you to understand.

Crensch ago

Hey @crensch, it was an analogy, should I get the dictionary definition for you since you are simple minded too?

And I punched a hole in it so wide a 747 could fly through. You're just too stupid to understand what happened to your precious analogy.

Ignore the first couple of lines, probably too hard for you to understand.

How does it feel to be outclassed by someone you're trying to be snarky to?

Your words are those of someone that wants to be right for the sake of being right, and not because they really care about the truth or reality; it's beneath PCs to act in such a way, but I doubt you are conscious of any shame you feel in writing what you have, making you exactly what you wish you could paint me as.

Type-o-Negative ago

You think I am outclassed by a mod who’s sub lost Jenny Moore and never wants to talk about that? Get the fuck out of here.

Lets talk about how Jenny Moore got murdered? Lots of “opinions” swirl about that.

Crensch ago

You think I am outclassed by a mod who’s sub lost Jenny Moore and never wants to talk about that?

I'm ready to talk about it all day long.

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie @kevdude Is this another one?

Get the fuck out of here.

More telling people what to do. Do you think this makes you sound like some kind of authority?

Lets talk about how Jenny Moore got murdered? Lots of “opinions” swirl about that.

Sure. Let's talk facts. Prove the first sentence.

Type-o-Negative ago

Look who is telling who what to do now!

It is a fact “opinions” swirl around.

Crensch ago

Look who is telling who what to do now!

You made the claim. I get to demand proof. Or do you not know how the burden of proof works?

It is a fact “opinions” swirl around.

Do you like repeating yourself or something? Do you know how to support your position, or do you think repeating yourself makes something magically true?

Type-o-Negative ago

Digging on Q’s identity on a post that was opinion with no link.

Yeah classy srayzie....

Crensch ago

Digging on Q’s identity on a post that was opinion with no link.

The submission itself was a link.

Yeah classy...the post violated rule 3

"more in comments" might not be the way to go about that, but OP clearly didn't intend to leave the submission as just that. I don't know what SOP is there, but I assume the mods are handling it - they seem fairly active.

And that's not what I was calling you classy about. Maybe you should re-read my words and figure out what I was referring to? (Hint: it's in the nice big quote box above my line calling you "classy".)

Furthermore, Q already stated his identity, 10 people, 3 not military...


Are you the Q police?

MadWorld ago


[–]Type-o-Negative -1 points (+0|-1) 4.6 hours ago (2018-10-16 06:00:03)

Digging on Q’s identity on a post that was opinion with no link.

Yeah classy...the post violated rule 3

Furthermore, Q already stated his identity, 10 people, 3 not military...

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Type-o-Negative ago

more in comments might not the way to go about that

You are absolutely right and I spoke to @srayzie about it and it was resolved, I stepped down as a mod by hitting the resign button, no one “fired” me. i am perfectly happy being a subscriber again. How are you involved in that convo when you werent a party to anyways?

Crensch ago

You are absolutely right and I spoke to @srayzie about it and it was resolved, I stepped down as a mod by hitting the resign button, no one “fired” me.

What? Who gives a shit about that. You were a mod?

Kek. You're too stupid to be a mod. Grandstanding as if you don't care while clearly caring enough to make response comments.

i am perfectly happy being a subscriber again.

Knowing your level is a good place to start.

How are you involved in that convo when you werent a party to anyways?

I involve myself wherever I want to involve myself. Are you going to try to tell me to stay out of it, along with all the other things you try to tell me to do?

MadWorld ago


[–]Type-o-Negative -1 points (+0|-1) 3.8 hours ago (2018-10-16 06:51:30)

more in comments might not the way to go about that

You are absolutely right and I spoke to @srayzie about it and it was resolved, I stepped down as a mod by hitting the resign button, no one “fired” me. i am perfectly happy being a subscriber again. How are you involved in that convo when you werent a party to anyways?

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srayzie ago

I told the psycho that it wasn’t going to work out. He hurried and hit the resign button. Lol.

bopper ago

Why do people say you are a Jew Reddit Cancer Mod?

You were sweet to me at that coffee shop.

And where is donkey, things aren't the same with him gone...

Type-o-Negative ago

Well the situation was taken care of, I resigned Mr Q police officer. I never told you anything, you are the one trying to be a billy bad ass on the internet.

Mods are janitors, and you should really clean yourself up.

I was the one who figured out NR iswas while you were staring at a forum board acting so cool as if being a mod is such an awesome job to have.


Crensch ago

Well the situation was taken care of, I resigned Mr Q police officer. I never told you anything,

I'm not really interested in your situation, or what you told me or didn't tell me.

you are the one trying to be a billy bad ass on the internet.

You must be new here.

Mods are janitors, and you should really clean yourself up.

I'm part of the original crew that fought for that to be the case; do you think telling me that has some kind of significance here?

Or were you referring to me saying you're too stupid to be a mod?

Let me rephrase for you:

You're too stupid to be a janitor.

I was the one who figured out NR iswas while you were staring at a forum board acting so cool as if being a mod is such an awesome job to have.

About that. I started that particular avalanche, a day before your account existed.

@kevdude @Vindicator @think- @srayzie @shizy


Remember what I told you about snark? You really should leave it to those that can pull it off.

MadWorld ago


[–]Type-o-Negative -1 points (+0|-1) 3.6 hours ago (2018-10-16 07:01:57)

Well the situation was taken care of, I resigned Mr Q police officer. I never told you anything, you are the one trying to be a billy bad ass on the internet.

Mods are janitors, and you should really clean yourself up.

I was the one who figured out NR iswas while you were staring at a forum board acting so cool as if being a mod is such an awesome job to have.


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Rainy-Day-Dream ago

You're too stupid to be a janitor.


Type-o-Negative ago

About that. I started that particular avalanche, a day before your account existed.

Awesome you fucking rock!

Where is your evidence? See I brought evidence to the party dated way before your post was even conceived.

Nice try bub.

Crensch ago

Awesome you fucking rock!

Where is your evidence? See I brought evidence to the party dated way before your post was even conceived.

Nice try bub.

Are you literally retarded? I linked my evidence.

You've brought not a single link. Of anything.

And my link shows that I made that post an entire day before your username existed. Try again?

MadWorld ago


[–]Type-o-Negative 0 points (+0|-0) 3.3 hours ago (2018-10-16 07:18:21)

About that. I started that particular avalanche, a day before your account existed.

Awesome you fucking rock!

Where is your evidence? See I brought evidence to the party dated way before your post was even conceived.

Nice try bub.

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Type-o-Negative ago

Being a dick isnt working out for you either bub.

Type-o-Negative ago

Care to add anymore names to ping? So you can gang up on me? How funny, you cant handle yourself in this convo lol.

Crensch ago

Care to add anymore names to ping?

Probably so. I'll think of a few more here in a minute.

So you can gang up on me?

So they can witness your slaughter. Also so they can have a good laugh.

Also so they can comment and rip you to shreds in their own way.

You're a fun toy, and it'd be selfish of me to not share.

How funny, you cant handle yourself in this convo lol.

Yeah, I totally need help.

Since you have no clue what's going on there, click on/mouse over the usernames that I'm arguing with there.

See something funny? Like a tombstone?

MadWorld ago


[–]Type-o-Negative 0 points (+0|-0) 3.2 hours ago (2018-10-16 07:28:28)

Care to add anymore names to ping? So you can gang up on me? How funny, you cant handle yourself in this convo lol.

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Crensch ago


@heygeorge @ExpertShitposter @gabara @Rainy-Day-Dream @Trigglypuff

I couldn't keep this one all to myself. Had to share.

MadWorld ago


[–]Type-o-Negative 0 points (+0|-0) 3.4 hours ago (2018-10-16 07:13:38)

Being a dick isnt working out for you either bub.

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Type-o-Negative ago

Please share! I blocked all of them already! You think I care what they have to say? This is a fucking forum board, none of this affects my life.

Crensch ago

You think I care what they have to say? This is a fucking forum board, none of this affects my life.

Yes, and if not, why did you say this:

Care to add anymore names to ping? So you can gang up on me? How funny, you cant handle yourself in this convo lol.


MadWorld ago


[–]Type-o-Negative 0 points (+0|-0) 3.1 hours ago (2018-10-16 07:30:37)

Please share! I blocked all of them already! You think I care what they have to say? This is a fucking forum board, none of this affects my life.

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Type-o-Negative ago

Kek. You're too stupid to be a mod. Grandstanding as if you don't care while clearly caring enough to make response comments.

Are you calling @srayzie a liar then?

Crensch ago

Are you calling @srayzie a liar then?

What would I be saying she lied about, exactly?

MadWorld ago


[–]Type-o-Negative -1 points (+0|-1) 3.5 hours ago (2018-10-16 07:10:16)

Kek. You're too stupid to be a mod. Grandstanding as if you don't care while clearly caring enough to make response comments.

Are you calling @srayzie a liar then?

permalink(Ref: context full comments

Type-o-Negative ago

I am not interested on why you think she is a liar. You got the point at least.

Crensch ago

I am not interested on why you think she is a liar. You got the point at least.

No, you stupid faggot. Nothing I said even suggested that I'd be calling @srayzie a liar.

So maybe you should explain what exactly I would be saying she lied about.

Type-o-Negative ago

You are really boring me, I thought srayzie was smarter to be surrounded by people who call her a liar and arent very smart themselves.

Nice try trying to take credit for NeonRevolt, that was really shitty of you.

Crensch ago

You are really boring me,

OH! I forgot the "yawn/bored" tactic you faggots like to go with. Damn.

I thought srayzie was smarter to be surrounded by people who call her a liar and arent very smart themselves.

Again I ask, ESL?

And that last part, kek. Try to make the idea that I'm not smart stick. Please. Try to convince someone that I'm not smart on here.

I would LOVE to watch you try to make something of that abortion of an idea.

Nice try trying to take credit for NeonRevolt, that was really shitty of you.

Nice try not bringing any evidence at all showing that you did anything worthwhile with your entire life, much less NR.

Type-o-Negative ago

You are really boring me. I thought srayzie was smart, but she is surrounded by people who call her a liar and that just isnt very smart.

Crensch ago

Winner winner, chicken dinner!

Do you like responding to the same comment 3 times? It makes you look desperate.

Type-o-Negative ago

It is not in my interest to explain myself nor do I care to explain myself to you, your are the one who accused in the first place.

Looks like I am winning here, got you calling me names now, calling your friends to help. Guess you know what that means huh “smart” guy?

What else is in your bag of stupid tricks?

Crensch ago

It is not in my interest to explain myself nor do I care to explain myself to you, your are the one who accused in the first place.

Is English not your first language?

Looks like I am winning here, got you calling me names now, calling your friends to help. Guess you know what that means huh “smart” guy?

It means you'll take both hollow and fake victories since you can't manage to win anything legitimate?

What else is in your bag of stupid tricks?

Apparently, I can not say anything of the sort, but still accuse @srayzie of being a liar. You really should explain that for your own sake at this point, but I think you realize that you were being stupid when you said that, and you don't want to admit it.

Type-o-Negative ago

You are attacking me, all I said was what Q said about his identity, relaying a message already saidin his crumbs, why are you doing this?

Crensch ago

You are attacking me, all I said was what Q said about his identity, relaying a message already saidin his crumbs, why are you doing this?

Why are you responding to yourself?

Are you only just now realizing how outclassed you are? How incredibly, embarrassingly stupid you are?

Type-o-Negative ago

You said I was an NPC earlier, now I make a mistake, and gosh darn you jump on that, bet that made your day huh? You really are simple minded.

Crensch ago

You said I was an NPC earlier, now I make a mistake, and gosh darn you jump on that, bet that made your day huh?

I didn't need your mistake to bury you - that's already been done after every comment of yours. The mistake is just something for me to point and laugh at.

You really are simple minded.

And you're very obviously projecting your own insecurities onto me. What's it like to find out you're simple-minded compared to someone else?

Type-o-Negative ago

Why are you calling @srayzie a liar??

That is so rude!

Crensch ago

Why are you calling @srayzie a liar??

That is so rude!

Let's see, after pretending to troll like this, you'll go low-effort, then act like you have a better IRL life than me, then pretend you don't care some more, then claim you're leaving, but you wont' leave, then you'll try some kind of SJW-style smear on my character.

think- ago


WhiteRonin ago


Letting it go is like avoiding a subject because it don’t fit your particular major.

Research means looking at all angles and uncovering all rocks. Research isn’t just reading tea leaves called Q drops.

Type-o-Negative ago

what rocks have you uncovered?

WhiteRonin ago

Why are you putting me into your ctegory? I have clearly stated what I like to do.

Type-o-Negative ago

Research means looking at all angles and uncovering all rocks.

Explain how this is a category?

WhiteRonin ago

How do you see your role in all of this?

Type-o-Negative ago

Dont change the topic, how is your quote a category?

WhiteRonin ago

Go study English and get back to me.

Type-o-Negative ago

Judging by your response by @srayzie, you already know it is 10 people and Q has said this much, yet you only name one person making it sound like it is singular.

Why provide disinfo to others? To fit a certain narrative for you?

Crensch ago

Judging by your response by @srayzie


, you already know it is 10 people and Q has said this much, yet you only name one person making it sound like it is singular.

So what?

Why provide disinfo to others? To fit a certain narrative for you?

Why argue with someone presenting their opinion/findings?

Research doesnt involve “guessing” It requires facts, which your post has none of which I shouldnt expect from you because you never raise the bar anyways.

A lot of facts aren't available with Q, and research does involve guessing, because you have to guess where info/confirmation can be found constantly.

Umm, good luck in your “research” lol...

Snark isn't a good look on you.


Type-o-Negative ago

@crensch, snark isnt working well for you either!

Crensch ago

@crensch, snark isnt working well for you either!

The difference here is that I demonstrated to you why yours wasn't a good look. You're just too stupid to understand the difference, and think some "rubber-glue" rhetoric will work all the same because reasons.

WhiteRonin ago

Oh ok, so my own thoughts are disinfo.

I never said that Julian is acting alone. So why are you saying that I’m saying it’s 1 person. Besides you totally skip how Julian would be getting his intel so that automatically makes it 2 - Julian plus leaker. But wait! We also have to assume that the leaker is not fully working on their own and implicit consent is being given by Trump or at least he doesn’t mind it is happening. So now we have 2-3 more in the game.

Since you implying I have a narrative. Have some balls and say what you think it is or what you are assuming my narrative is! Don’t be passive aggressive. State your mind son. Come out with it. I’m grown up enough to listen to your opinion.

What is my narrative? For this post? Simple, look into the possibility Q’s public side is Julian.

For why I post alregarding Q which is also why I’m on voat? To wake people up. Americans hate taking self responsibility. If Ford isn’t lieing, she still failed at taking responsibility for her own actions. Americans let 9-11 fuck them over. But I’m not a criminal so why should I worry! Americans let the US come to where it is today and the need of Q. People are fucking stupid. You the people bring on your own problems by not taking active control over your own life and actions. Rant over.

So, that is why I post controversial shit. People just don’t like their world upset. They want to move along like ants and not have to worry about anything and not take responsibility for their own actions. Many of you don’t see this as clearly as I do because you were here the entire time will TV and Radio slowly brainwashed you. I was out of the country have self responsibility beat into me. I came back to this mess that you all have made.

There is no counter Q movement from me. Sure, I’m gonna shit post jokes about it because so many dumb fucks needed a shepherd to wake them up. I’m old school, I’ve hated affirmative action and unions since the late 70’s when I was just coming of age to realize what a penis is for.

But still go ahead and tell me why you think I have a narrative.

Becoming awake isn’t just waking up to a q drop. It’s to see all around you. To question. To question the dark, but more importantly to question the light.

Type-o-Negative ago


Crensch ago

Your opinion doesnt make it fact - check out my post on the OPM and when you can make a post packed with facts, I will read it. Have a good day.

"Look at my stuff that I totally will not link here and I'll act superior to you and tell you I won't read your posts anymore but I totally will because I have an axe to grind with you for some reason."


Type-o-Negative ago

I dont feel like reading a 16 foot long lecture on something that is has been mentioned by the Q team.

Get your head out of your ass @crensch and stop being a NPC.

Crensch ago

I dont feel like reading a 16 foot long lecture on something that is has been mentioned by the Q team.

Because Q never said that disinfo was necessary? You're kinda stupid, did you know that?

Get your head out of your ass @crensch and stop being a NPC.

You really don't have anything but snarky quips with which to argue, do you? Even your FACT from Q is nothing more than guesswork since Q also puts out disinformation.

Type-o-Negative ago

Hahaha trying to make me mad?

Not working

Crensch ago

Hahaha trying to make me mad?

Not working

Step 1) Assume intent.

Step 2) Snark based on assumption.

Oh, it's working.

srayzie ago

@WhiteRonin was just stating an opinion. That doesn’t mean it’s disinfo. Can we keep the peace?

WhiteRonin ago

Sure thing.

But let’s be honest. We don’t have facts. It’s mostly guess work.

Type-o-Negative ago

Not sure who the “we” is in that statement because I am not worried about who Q is as they already told us, and that is good enough for me.

Crensch ago

Not sure who the “we” is in that statement because I am not worried about who Q is as they already told us, and that is good enough for me.

Nobody really cares about your opinion.


Type-o-Negative ago

Actually wasnt an opinion, q told us already. Quit being childish and read the drops, that was fact from the Q team.

Crensch ago

Actually wasnt an opinion,

and that is good enough for me.

"good enough for me" is your opinion.

q told us already.

Disinfo is necessary. Or did Q not say that, too?

Quit being childish and read the drops, that was fact from the Q team.

Whatever you say, NeonRevolt. Should I buy a T-Shirt, too?

Type-o-Negative ago

That is correct, opinion, not fact based. Who the hell cares!

Crensch ago

That is correct, opinion, not fact based. Who the hell cares!

The guy responding does, apparently.

Do I need to illustrate for you the irony in responding to someone and saying "who the hell cares"?

WhiteRonin ago

Who did Q say he is beisides “inside”?

Gawd, that sounds like a god believer style of comment.

Being woke is to see all arhuemebta and sides scientifically- not through some blind believer goggles.

Type-o-Negative ago

Who the fuck cares?!

Crensch ago

Who the fuck cares?!

Oh, look. The NPC says things that can be said back to it and still be just as valid!

Type-o-Negative ago

Who the fuck cares!

Crensch ago

Who the fuck cares!

You do. Because you're responding.

WhiteRonin ago

Exactly my point! Thanks for agreeing.

Type-o-Negative ago

I was agreeing with my last reply, not yours.

Crensch ago

I am not worried about who Q is as they already told us.

I was agreeing with my last “opinion” not yours.

"Hey guise, I patted myself on the back!"

WhiteRonin ago

You’re still new here and to the concept of being free and having your own opinions. I’m gonna cut you some slack.

Type-o-Negative ago

Well...gee... what a guy...

Crensch ago

Gee thanks!

I am free, woohoo!

What do I owe you for your generosity?

How does it feel to be such a beta?

WhiteRonin ago

Well, I did figure you wouldn’t get a fee for pimping yourself out.

No, I’m not interested in your services!

Light_Guard ago

Why are you all so obsessed with discovering who Q is? He obviously doesn't want us to know who he is, so if you were successful at guessing and posted it on the net, who did you help? Your ego? At what risk? Q is not a single person, Q is a team, that much you should know already. The Q team is helping us win our country back. Does he deserve our respect for his wish to remain anonymous or not?

Maybe somebody finally guesses who one of the team is and they take him/her out. How would you feel about that?

corrbrick ago

Q did plant a teaser when he wrote (to paraphrase) "Wait until you find out who you've been talking to." So it does seem like Q wants to eventually reveal his/their identity.

But your point is taken. We don't need to speculate about who Q is at this point. All will be revealed in due time. And if it's not, well then there will be sufficient grounds for all-out speculation!

Type-o-Negative ago

Great point!

They will tell us in due time. Focus should be on the socialists, not on who is who on our team. This post feels like it is diversion/distraction from pursuing research on other topics or creating memes for the electronic battlefield.

WhiteRonin ago

Ok, so you are saying to blindly follow the Q drops and do pretend decoding research instead of becoming self aware, woke and using our own intellect.

Stay the sheep sounds like your mantra!

Obviously, Q likes his anon status. It provides a cover and keeps the enemy guessing. Who plays poker with all their cards showing?

How would I feel about Q dieing? He’s a human so of course I wouldn’t be happy.

Wow! Now it’s thanks Q for cleaning up the shot mess we were to lazy and too retarded to prevent and clean up by ourselves! Q should never have needed to become.

Light_Guard ago

I'm not saying to do anything. I posed a series of questions. You can answer them for yourself and act according to what you conclude. Either the most important thing to you is taking our country back and you believe Q plays a vital role in that objective and you want them to be successful, or, it's most important to you that the identity of Q be exposed to the world because you want to know who Q is more than you value what Q has done and will do going forward.

WhiteRonin ago

Nothing is black and white. It’s all grey.

We all play different roles. Or do you think a football team should be all quarterbacks playing different positions. Should we just dump the airforce and army because the Navy covers those 2 roles better?

Why does what I like have to match what you like?

Your belief system sounds like being sheep is proper.

Light_Guard ago

Your justification for supporting the exposure of freedom fighters to their enemies sounds like a sheep's rationale. I bet you'd dox anons on the chans if you could too.

WhiteRonin ago

why the fuck should I! doxxing is no fun. It’s lame on top of it. Hmm, just like The Democrats day, “blame them for what you do!” Hmmm sounds like you think of that a lot.

Hey! I live in Arkansas. 6 churches within 2 miles of my house. Actually more.

Exposure of freedom fighters. What? Julian is a public figure. Apparently he lives at the Equador embassy.

Now, can you kindly address my other points instead of cherry picking your points like a liberal does. Researchers should address all points. Fakes cherry pick and use statistics to prove points.

Light_Guard ago

This post is about guessing (exposing) who Q is fool. That is the point and it's the only point I'm addressing here. It's common for (((shills))) like you to call whoever puts a beam on your BS what you actually are. I guess the DemonRats got that strategy from (((you people))).

WhiteRonin ago

What am I doing? Make it very clear since your research is very general in comment.

Fish7463 ago


WhiteRonin ago

Not exactly.

Are you part of the herd and a sheep?

amarQ144 ago

As to JFK,jr, he may well be on the "it ain't him" list...we will know if/when Q identity is made known and not before. Either way, get your head around's true wither or not Jr. is alive or dead....hmmm. Here is my take on the "who" of it. Right now it's like a spinning roulette wheel. When the ball stops, the "who" question vanishes. I'm much more intrigued by the "How" of it regardless of the name(s) of the players. When the how of it becomes known it is very likely that there will be a few who are in shock...for the rest it will simply go over their head.

WhiteRonin ago

The how is easy. Somebody is releasing intel and info. How else did Wikileaks get their data.

I don’t think Q is Trump. Just too much to plan out and to condense. He’s too busy to be playing this game.

Vindicator ago

I will bet $1000 that Trump is Q. Five reasons I think so:

  1. Q has repeatedly signed off "4, 10, 20" i.e. "DJT"
  2. Q said in a rather gleeful manner "Wait until you find out who has been talking to you here" at the very beginning. Why would anyone care who it was if it was someone other than Trump?
  3. It's not a military guy. A career spook with top level security clearance would NEVER brag about it or even talk about it...but an admirer of the military tickled as fuck about being in charge of real army men would.
  4. Q uses two m's for "million" as in $29mm. This is an old school accountant's notation specifically for currency, used because a single "M" is the Roman Numeral for 1,000. Q is talking like a money man, not a military guy.
  5. Trump has a history of speaking through fake personas. Look up Trump and "John Miller" and Trump and "John Baron". :-)

Do I think every Q post is Trump? No. He's clearly got people helping. But I have no doubt whatsoever that many of the posts are directly from Trump, and more importantly, that Trump dreamed up Q himself to cut the balls off the media and their deepstate controllers.

WhiteRonin ago

Very good arguements!

You forget that Trump went to military school. So, he should know several of the ranking officers personally. I wonder if this is part of why he was picked to run.

I thought about this for a bit and I can see him playing in and sometimes posting himself but still wonder because even posting here with legit and shit posts, it eats up time.

I don’t think he dreamed it up but probably saw that it could explode and become a legit way of getting people involved and vested.

I’m gonna ponder on this some more because you do make some great points

Lol, @type_o_negative might have a break down though.

Vindicator ago

I'm thinking I might make a submission on this. I've refrained up to now, because there seemed to be a lot of discord any time the topic came up. I can't recall who was pushing the idea that we have to protect Q's identity. But given all the recent revelations about the network of sock puppets we've been uncovering that try to censor Q information any way they can, I'm thinking that is probably a Shareblue campaign being repeated uncritically by Q followers. I'm inclined to make a submission just to poke the hornets nest and see what flies out.

WhiteRonin ago

Type-O didn’t like that I was looking at Julian. I can see his point but he rubbed me the wrong way and I was being an ass about after the 3rd time of his style.

Keeping Q a mystery is a game. It keeps sheep and low level red pills invested. Obviously, Q is a team of several people. It can’t be just Julian. So, it’s good that sheep have an alternative to CNN/MSM. It’s a conspiracy style of campaign and people know that the moon, jfk and aliens are some what conspiracies yet at the same time true. It’s intriguing. It’s fun. Yet, scary because many don’t really want to know the truth so are afraid to dig deep and go down fox holes in Vietnam. Alice is a nasty trip!

I think it’s a good time to try to find out who are share blue and ADL within the community. No big q news is gonna happen until January when the elected finally start working and committees have been joined. Until then no booms because mass arrests can’t happen and military tribunals won’t start until then.

So for my tangent:

I’m independent regarding Q. I really want to believe and do mostly but I’d say I’m more of a Trump believer to be honest.

I’m definitely not left but do like social health care and public education.

I really don’t care who q is besides some curiosity. It’s a mysetery so it sparks my interest. I don’t dig for it but watching enough YouTube videos on Q / deep state and leakers related to all this I just thought it could be Julian so threw that post out that pissed a few GA people off. I didn’t post that to piss people off. I just wanted thoughts and opinions.

If anything I do believe 100% in the unity concept. I think it covers race, social class and political parties which means accepting democrats who are patriots. I won’t budge on this unity because I really think it’s light vs dark. I also hate all the subs that a divided. With my Julian post I figured out how much an echo chamber q subs can be and how they want to be exclusive of even noobs to the game. I had thought this was a problem and my Julian post proved it. Unity means accepting all who are wanting to believe and not just brainwashed believers. It can’t be about it’s our turn now so fuck you.

So, if I were to go balls deep into Q many of you would not like what I post because of how I raise questions, question thoughts and actions. I’m also a dick about rules. If it’s research then stop posting Trump news. Research also means to me digging up original content that pizzagate did not just playing Cracker Jack decoder buffs.

See, I’m not shit posting in GA but actually calling out / posting thoughts. I don’t do it often because I know I ruffle feathers.

Sorry for going off tangent a bit but I thought I should explain what happened the other day and give you an idea of what I’m about. Honestly, I want to see GA become the sole q sub here and all q anons united and strong with people learning that self responsibility is what our nation needs.

We all have roles and not all roles have to be exactly the same. I am sticking to my role of pulling random info together, observing and ruffling feathers because that’s what I do best.

I’m gonna tag @srayzie just for giggles.

Vindicator ago

So, if I were to go balls deep into Q many of you would not like what I post because of how I raise questions, question thoughts and actions.

I actually like this and think we need more of it. Ping me if you decide to make additional posts. I will participate.

I don't like the echo chamber blind-follower thing, either. It's nuts because Q himself chose the Socratic Method to combat that zombie mentality. One of my favorite things about Voat is that there are a lot of people here who aren't Kool-Aid drinkers.

I personally think it's why he sent his Redditors here.

Did you see my post on the very Q post on Voat? It's kind of interesting.

WhiteRonin ago

No, I didn’t see that. Like I said I only tip my toes every so often because of my personality. I think srayzie is cool so I want to keep my promise of good behavior as much as possible. She doesn’t need to have to also worry about messes that I make.

Thanks, will do that.

SBBH is sort of tied to Putt on different levels. I know that our rep but we tend to play the marines role when dealing with refugees and power mods. We somehow sniff out trouble like a dog a fire hydrant! Our lie for voat might be a destructive kind but it’s honest at least. No we don’t drink kool aid and keep an eye on each other to make sure we don’t either.

You are right about voat goats. Those of us who have managed to make it through the years have seen it all. Seen too much probably. I’m damaged goods. Lol. But being part of sbbh keeps things in check - we are actually moderates on voat. Now imagine that! Lol

Thanks for the link! Shit. I posted something similar questioning why Putt has kept voat solid during the q migration. I haven’t been on preview since April during the great outage. Yeah, atko showing up was weird as hell. But like I said, sbbh has ties to Putt and we stayed solid. I miss those days because it was just shit posting heaven and no drama just a bunch of retards having fun. Your link does confirm my suspicions that hardware got upgraded and code became more proficient. Hmmmm I wonder ... we need to find out who is doing code refactoring and fixing. This can’t all be Putt. Nah. He’s good but the amount of stability is staggering. Voat is solid and didn’t flinch much at all.

It’s also interesting that you said that Q sent reddit anons here. You are right. Just be viewing v/all has to be earth moving shocking to them. Lol poor babies!

WhiteRonin ago

Well, as q drops go that image sure does look like a Q! Just kidding ...

So, Q starts up around the beginning of November of 2017.

Assanage is like MIA according to some sites just before Q came around.

I’m not gonna do a thesis on this. That’s not my specialty.

So, if Q isn’t inner circle Trump it is either a good larper but that is sort of just plain dumb or somebody who has intel and lots of it. Who else has this much intel that makes him seem almost inner circle Trump?

Kim Dotcom ! Well maybe but not likely unless he was bored.

So who has the intel and obviously time to kill everyday, has around the clock security and no where to go? Julian.

Is there a possibility he was placed there on purpose? I doubt he came up with the idea on his own - he had help.

So what about current info? Leaks and feeds.

Even better yet, Julian is outside of the circle and thus not technically connected to trump. Worse case is that his staffer was leaking info. Trump is clean and didn’t reveal classified info.

Think people! Stop the JFK jr wishing. Sadly, it ain’t him.

jbakers1 ago

How could the pictures of af1 be explained, or when Trump was in vegas. I believe it is some one in the inner circle or very close to Trump also i believe it is not just one person

WhiteRonin ago

I’ve been inside of Reagan’s AF1 Jet. It’s an exhibit inside his library.

How did Julian get his material? Like I said in my original comment, people could still be feeding him intel.

I’m on and off about Q being a team. It’s probably a team effort.

Type-o-Negative ago

Whew! Well I am glad you finally admitted it was one person that you argued that wasnt the case earlier. Glad you think it is a team. Taking a pic of this in case you ever make a post about this again, so I can remind you on your stance.

WhiteRonin ago

Really? That’s it?

Send me an imgoat link and I’ll even sign for you. Better yet, archive it!

Here, bonus points! I think Mueller is gonna be the Republican Hero! I still think Graham is a Rhino. Cruz is sucking it to keep his senate seat and Sessions is part of the WWF tag team with Trump. And I’m on the record saying that the Cabal has retreated, cutting its personnel losses, playing the stock market and will crash the market during the second President elected after Trump term. Yes, I believe in aliens (mathmatically they exist) and think churches are a waste of time. Oh yes! I’m pro-legal immigration and think all races have trash that should be coined as niggers which means not all blacks are niggers.

So here you go! Much more material to screen shot!

Your game is so low effort liberal tears it’s really sad.

Type-o-Negative ago

Your game is low effort too, this post is a good example of it.

WhiteRonin ago

oh? A new me too movement?

Type-o-Negative ago

So you add 1 alien with another alien and you get two?

MolochHunter ago

I used to think Assange was a strong contender. but I'm not so convinced Assange is the kinda guy to go HOOOAH!! with any frequency

WhiteRonin ago

Do you remember the realFakeJobs blog? The guy sounded like what Steve Jobs probably would say.

So, using lingo would be part of the ruse.

GranimalSnake ago

According to this, Assange means it is up to you  adj. the decision is yours...

Am I reading that right?

Morbo ago


WhiteRonin ago

Smart ass!

I did post my reasons!

GranimalSnake ago

Great post

Morbo ago

The Voat comment/post lag ruined the joke but I had to try since you made it obligatory with those words.

WhiteRonin ago

Lol! I was joking - just in case.

Well not really. ;-)

I really wish voat would let you post a comment like regular discussion posts.