projection ago

Good stuff @Crensch - I take my hat off to you. And you do it with humour too!

bdmthrfkr ago

Good work goat!

Crensch ago

Thanks BD! Pic definitely related.

RimeTheBard ago

Lmao fucking kikes. Gas em all.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Kill confirmed

Jesus, how many more kills til you're voat's Überkanonen?

goatsandbros ago

"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"

BigFatDaddy ago


You gassed that kike a good one. One more shill account ovened. Well done, mein bruder.

Pres_Jack_Tunney ago

It's annudah Shoah!

Cheesebooger ago

wow. They cant help but throw out there how everyone needs punished for wronging them/revenge. That is the jewish mindset. You caught a jewess posting as someone else(JIDF). Slimy trash was in here trying to control the narrative. Great job busting her, man. I bet this is her:

People need to take note of this. It is happening. Jew shills are here and doing their best to stop us.

Anti_Idle ago

It's always fun to make a jew toss themselves in the oven.

gabara ago

You're doing God's work!

Crensch ago

@MinorLeakage @auto_turret @bourbonexpert

Spreading the goat love!

MinorLeakage ago

I've never been pinged before. What an exciting time this is for me.

xenoPsychologist ago

like this??

Voopin__Voopin ago


yeah right. revenge for the holohoax. IF it did happen, i'm sure uncle adolf was mad at jews for no reason whatsoever....

national socialism was "the revenge".....

Deus Vult!

KosherHiveKicker ago

Victory !! Mein KeK Kameraden!!

Crensch ago

Turned my speakers up because I trust you. I was not disappointed and started marching around my home to it, thank you!

Crensch ago

I rather like to think that, even if trolling or shilling, that "wife" thing is real, and the kike bitch is getting a beating for wrecking such a well-established username.

Some people drink alcohol, do drugs, or chase tail; I mainline schadenfreude.

11520792? ago

I mainline schadenfreude.


ExpertShitposter ago

Yeah he is not myg alt, he is a separate user, but part of the discord JIDF special Olympics synchronized gay cumming team.

He is always friendly on his own, but when ever some PV drama comes up, he is quick to make up lies about SBBH and defend MYG.

Crensch ago

discord JIDF special Olympics synchronized gay cumming team.


Crensch ago

@ExpertShitposter had him linked to Oseaulibre, who is Amalek's discord buttbuddy.

(I know none of this, as usual.)

Germ22 ago

Your dedication reminds me a bit of SaneGoatiSwear. He was the protector of voat who called out shills way before any one else did. But then he turned absolute crazy and mental.
Crench, please keep your sanity and don't go crazy. I enjoy your very informative posts and often save them.

Crensch ago

I don't plan on going nuts any time soon, brother goat.

Germ22 ago

If you do, i will point you to this thread!

Crensch ago

Do it. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

Sullysq ago

Thanks dood, that was a good laugh to wake up to. Good on ya.

MadWorld ago

:-) Our HERO!!

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


xenoPsychologist ago

you are doing the LORD's work, man. they try to SHUT IT DOWN, you make them off themselves. their accounts, whatever. too bad the wanker will just be back under a different name.

MadWorld ago

They may come back under different names, but their subconscious characters rarely change.

ExpertShitposter ago

Damn, now what happens to his v/soapfoxbanhammer ?

JunOS ago

We make it whatever the fuck we want! Top Kek.

xenoPsychologist ago

if it were "hambanner" instead of "banhammer" there might be somethin to talk about, but sadly no.

Crensch ago


@JunOS is now the top-tier owner.

Crensch ago

That's hilarious.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yes considering oiseaulibre is amalek's discord buddy.

Crensch ago


Fucking hell.

I feel like you know more about this, and you're feeding breadcrumbs.

ExpertShitposter ago

I investigate those jews from time to time just for fun. Outed many alts and their shit over time. Didn't know you had a particular interest in them, but i usually posted my findings in PV.

Crensch ago

I can't remember them is my problem. I can't seem to remember writing styles or positions of the usernames I have run-ins with. I regularly have @Trigglypuff or @kevdude remind me who's who.

I suppose for what I do it doesn't matter too much, and I'm not really interested in THEM directly. It just always comes as a surprise to me when usernames are linked.

Think Memento when it comes to keeping these shills, cucks, leftists, Jews, and idiots straight.

ExpertShitposter ago

Its kind of like how Milo is a "right winger" even tho he is a jew but it turns out he is gay and his gay boyfriend is black. So he is a gay, coal burning, jewish "right winger".

In the same way, MYG is a "right winger" from Texas, except he attacks most right wing goats, says he spends most time on reddit because its a "better site" and constantly posts the worst imaginable nigger rap to music subs.

Crensch ago

Milo is controlled opposition, IMO. I'm pretty sure at every main stage where the pendulum will swing over has someone already in place spouting that level of anti-jew rhetoric.

Milo is all those things, Ben Shapiro has less items on the list, but is Jewish, and I'll exercise caution with my assertions to the right of that.

ExpertShitposter ago

Oh shit i actually liked Shapiro's shit, and only about a month ago i'm watching his vid and go: "is that a Kippah on his head?!?!?" He wears a black one and with his black hair you can barely see its there. Was quite disappointing.

Cheesebooger ago

I pointed out Shapiro long ago and got fucking attacked by a pack of wild sheep haha. I have a rule in life. Its: Never. Trust. A. Jew.

Crensch ago

Oh, for sure. These controlled opposition kikes likely have entire legions of ghost writers to have the most clever shit to say for their C.O. level.

That is to say, some of the shit they say is, indeed, true, and powerfully succinct.

AnmanIndustries ago

I conversed a lot wit this guy. I am quite certain he actually was autistic. Like, he attacked me a lot, not much different to you, but I saw something wrong and kept going along with him and just talking as if nothing was wrong and seeing what I could get out of him. I think you may have actually just tarded a tard.

Crensch ago

I attack you?

AnmanIndustries ago

Oh I usually counter your points and then you go typical internet atheist crazy. I purposely dont bother to engage you anymore (hence your memory loss) because it is futile. Remember? You confirmed that the only way to solve the world problems is to hate everything. EG:

This beta married a kike sow. Spent time defending her like a good white knight faggot, then let the man of the house defend itself.

Admittedly, this is normal internet voat behavior. Wouldnt do anything to me. Even if my wife was jewish, I know ones genetic heritage has no impact on their ability to deny a teaching or not. However to a guy with aspergers, maybe not so. As I said, tard triggered.

Crensch ago

Oh, you're a "they jus like us" faggot.

Stats and facts just really didn't penetrate that skull of yours.

AnmanIndustries ago

Yes yes. 100% of all judahite ancestors want to kill you. Specially you. You specifically. I believe you.

Crensch ago

Yes yes. 100% of all judahite ancestors want to kill you. Specially you. You specifically. I believe you.

I never said me specifically. Figures you'd need fake news to make it seem like I'm the unreasonable one.

AnmanIndustries ago

Yes yes. 100% of all judahite ancestors dont want to kill you. Specially you. You specifically. I believe you.

Crensch ago

Yes yes. 100% of all judahite ancestors dont want to kill you. Specially you. You specifically. I believe you.

AnmanIndustries ago

Yes. Im so scared to see an archive of my mockery of you. How did you know this was my fear? Maybe this gave it away?:

Oh I usually counter your points and then you go typical internet atheist crazy.


I purposely dont bother to engage you anymore because it is futile

Hence the low effort mockery.

Dalai_Llama ago


AnmanIndustries ago

Mmm. Very clever. Did you think of that all by yourself?

Dalai_Llama ago

Hence the low effort mockery.

If you want to be a faggot don't expect any high effort responses.


AnmanIndustries ago

And who are you? Crenschs alt? Read from the first post again. You clearly have missed the point and its proving to be evidence at your lack of intelligence.

Dalai_Llama ago

I don't need to, you're a fucking faggot. Just call me someone else's alt and move along. That's all you fucking retarded faggots can do now a days.

AnmanIndustries ago

Cant think of any other insult? You can't even figure out why I called you an alt? Its ok, I know thinking is hard for many people. I wont hold it against you.

Dalai_Llama ago

Why should I think of another insult? Why does it matter? Why are you such a faggot?

AnmanIndustries ago

Why should I think


Why does it matter?

Clearly, the life you lead is evident.

Crensch ago

Someone once decided that my username could be used as a verb roughly equating to "destroy".

I say it can also be used to describe this. I credit @heygeorge with this, as he commented to a user a while back about the nesting formatting going nuts after a while, and I was mentioned by name.

If, on the other hand, there's already a word for that, please educate me; I will rescind this announcement, and edit my submission to match.

xenoPsychologist ago

i like to think it can also be understood to mean "having a rageboner upon seeing or interacting with a jew". which i wouldnt say is a bad thing at all. they kinda... work to earn it... they earn those rageboners, i mean. what one does with their own rageboner is entirely their own business.

Crensch ago

Can honestly say it's been a month or two since I've laughed as hard as I did reading this; thank you, fellow goat.

xenoPsychologist ago

its my pleasure to give a great goat a good laugh.

Crensch ago

Crensch ago