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ExpertShitposter ago

Damn, now what happens to his v/soapfoxbanhammer ?

JunOS ago

We make it whatever the fuck we want! Top Kek.

xenoPsychologist ago

if it were "hambanner" instead of "banhammer" there might be somethin to talk about, but sadly no.

Crensch ago


@JunOS is now the top-tier owner.

Crensch ago

That's hilarious.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yes considering oiseaulibre is amalek's discord buddy.

Crensch ago


Fucking hell.

I feel like you know more about this, and you're feeding breadcrumbs.

ExpertShitposter ago

I investigate those jews from time to time just for fun. Outed many alts and their shit over time. Didn't know you had a particular interest in them, but i usually posted my findings in PV.

Crensch ago

I can't remember them is my problem. I can't seem to remember writing styles or positions of the usernames I have run-ins with. I regularly have @Trigglypuff or @kevdude remind me who's who.

I suppose for what I do it doesn't matter too much, and I'm not really interested in THEM directly. It just always comes as a surprise to me when usernames are linked.

Think Memento when it comes to keeping these shills, cucks, leftists, Jews, and idiots straight.

ExpertShitposter ago

Its kind of like how Milo is a "right winger" even tho he is a jew but it turns out he is gay and his gay boyfriend is black. So he is a gay, coal burning, jewish "right winger".

In the same way, MYG is a "right winger" from Texas, except he attacks most right wing goats, says he spends most time on reddit because its a "better site" and constantly posts the worst imaginable nigger rap to music subs.

Crensch ago

Milo is controlled opposition, IMO. I'm pretty sure at every main stage where the pendulum will swing over has someone already in place spouting that level of anti-jew rhetoric.

Milo is all those things, Ben Shapiro has less items on the list, but is Jewish, and I'll exercise caution with my assertions to the right of that.

ExpertShitposter ago

Oh shit i actually liked Shapiro's shit, and only about a month ago i'm watching his vid and go: "is that a Kippah on his head?!?!?" He wears a black one and with his black hair you can barely see its there. Was quite disappointing.

Cheesebooger ago

I pointed out Shapiro long ago and got fucking attacked by a pack of wild sheep haha. I have a rule in life. Its: Never. Trust. A. Jew.

Crensch ago

Oh, for sure. These controlled opposition kikes likely have entire legions of ghost writers to have the most clever shit to say for their C.O. level.

That is to say, some of the shit they say is, indeed, true, and powerfully succinct.