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Type-o-Negative ago

I doubt it is him, and dont understand why we all of us as a collective cant just forget about it until the end of the movie.

Think of it like this; Do you worry who the main camera person’s name the whole time the movie you want to see is playing?

Let it go.

Crensch ago

I doubt it is him, and dont understand why we all of us as a collective cant just forget about it until the end of the movie.

Why do you have a problem with people taking guesses and trying to figure it out?

Think of it like this; Do you worry who the main camera person’s name the whole time the movie you want to see is playing?

Equating this to some Jewlywood horseshit is really quite stupid, IMO. We're SUPPOSED to be digging.

Let it go.

Telling (probably) adults on the internet what to do. Classy.

Type-o-Negative ago

Digging on Q’s identity on a post that was opinion with no link.

Yeah classy srayzie....

Crensch ago

Digging on Q’s identity on a post that was opinion with no link.

The submission itself was a link.

Yeah classy...the post violated rule 3

"more in comments" might not be the way to go about that, but OP clearly didn't intend to leave the submission as just that. I don't know what SOP is there, but I assume the mods are handling it - they seem fairly active.

And that's not what I was calling you classy about. Maybe you should re-read my words and figure out what I was referring to? (Hint: it's in the nice big quote box above my line calling you "classy".)

Furthermore, Q already stated his identity, 10 people, 3 not military...


Are you the Q police?

Type-o-Negative ago

more in comments might not the way to go about that

You are absolutely right and I spoke to @srayzie about it and it was resolved, I stepped down as a mod by hitting the resign button, no one “fired” me. i am perfectly happy being a subscriber again. How are you involved in that convo when you werent a party to anyways?

Crensch ago

You are absolutely right and I spoke to @srayzie about it and it was resolved, I stepped down as a mod by hitting the resign button, no one “fired” me.

What? Who gives a shit about that. You were a mod?

Kek. You're too stupid to be a mod. Grandstanding as if you don't care while clearly caring enough to make response comments.

i am perfectly happy being a subscriber again.

Knowing your level is a good place to start.

How are you involved in that convo when you werent a party to anyways?

I involve myself wherever I want to involve myself. Are you going to try to tell me to stay out of it, along with all the other things you try to tell me to do?

Type-o-Negative ago

Well the situation was taken care of, I resigned Mr Q police officer. I never told you anything, you are the one trying to be a billy bad ass on the internet.

Mods are janitors, and you should really clean yourself up.

I was the one who figured out NR iswas while you were staring at a forum board acting so cool as if being a mod is such an awesome job to have.


Crensch ago

Well the situation was taken care of, I resigned Mr Q police officer. I never told you anything,

I'm not really interested in your situation, or what you told me or didn't tell me.

you are the one trying to be a billy bad ass on the internet.

You must be new here.

Mods are janitors, and you should really clean yourself up.

I'm part of the original crew that fought for that to be the case; do you think telling me that has some kind of significance here?

Or were you referring to me saying you're too stupid to be a mod?

Let me rephrase for you:

You're too stupid to be a janitor.

I was the one who figured out NR iswas while you were staring at a forum board acting so cool as if being a mod is such an awesome job to have.

About that. I started that particular avalanche, a day before your account existed.

@kevdude @Vindicator @think- @srayzie @shizy


Remember what I told you about snark? You really should leave it to those that can pull it off.

Type-o-Negative ago

Being a dick isnt working out for you either bub.

Type-o-Negative ago

Care to add anymore names to ping? So you can gang up on me? How funny, you cant handle yourself in this convo lol.

Crensch ago

Care to add anymore names to ping?

Probably so. I'll think of a few more here in a minute.

So you can gang up on me?

So they can witness your slaughter. Also so they can have a good laugh.

Also so they can comment and rip you to shreds in their own way.

You're a fun toy, and it'd be selfish of me to not share.

How funny, you cant handle yourself in this convo lol.

Yeah, I totally need help.

Since you have no clue what's going on there, click on/mouse over the usernames that I'm arguing with there.

See something funny? Like a tombstone?

MadWorld ago


[–]Type-o-Negative 0 points (+0|-0) 3.2 hours ago (2018-10-16 07:28:28)

Care to add anymore names to ping? So you can gang up on me? How funny, you cant handle yourself in this convo lol.

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Crensch ago


@heygeorge @ExpertShitposter @gabara @Rainy-Day-Dream @Trigglypuff

I couldn't keep this one all to myself. Had to share.

MadWorld ago


[–]Type-o-Negative 0 points (+0|-0) 3.4 hours ago (2018-10-16 07:13:38)

Being a dick isnt working out for you either bub.

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Type-o-Negative ago

Please share! I blocked all of them already! You think I care what they have to say? This is a fucking forum board, none of this affects my life.

Crensch ago

You think I care what they have to say? This is a fucking forum board, none of this affects my life.

Yes, and if not, why did you say this:

Care to add anymore names to ping? So you can gang up on me? How funny, you cant handle yourself in this convo lol.


MadWorld ago


[–]Type-o-Negative 0 points (+0|-0) 3.1 hours ago (2018-10-16 07:30:37)

Please share! I blocked all of them already! You think I care what they have to say? This is a fucking forum board, none of this affects my life.

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