SearchVoatBot ago

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CrustyBeaver52 ago

@crench is our very own weapon of mass destruction - pinpoint accuracy - devastating results.

xenoPsychologist ago

he sure knows how to make their rectums look like blown-out microwave burritos.

gabara ago

Noice subtest. I'd do it too but I just started consuming cannabis.

xenoPsychologist ago

drugs are bad mmmkay?

gabara ago

It's a prescription. It works so well my wife gives me heck if I don't do it.

xenoPsychologist ago

it could be worse, i suppose. you could be addicted to shekels.

gabara ago

Nah. I'm happy with my medicine and my shitposting to varrious websites.

xenoPsychologist ago

hey, whatever butters your bacon.

Crensch ago

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

gabara ago

We need to follow to model of Japanese. We should approach all not whites and ask them how they're enjoying The US/Canada/Croatia and when they're going home.

Le_Squish ago

Oh, nuked for orbit!

zyklon_b ago

@crensch ate sausage pizza

hangry ago

@voatbakescookies was one nigger loving faggot