Gilderoy ago

Woo hooo!

What a to-do.

Two "Q" chapters.

Who knew?

srayzie ago

How weird. Maybe it was only for a limited time and aren’t sharing it anymore. Yesterday it worked.

Charlie_Prime ago

Google may have restricted it due to excessive server load, or copyright concerns.

srayzie ago

Oh ok

Warnos44 ago

Every non believing asshat can no longer deny the legitimacy.

srayzie ago

I wish I knew the answers

IAmJohnBarron ago

some have the theory Bannon and Trumped worked this out to have the book purposefully spew false info (via Bannon as credible source) This allows for Trump to pursue and possibly change libel laws, and eventually using them against fake news.

srayzie ago

That’s a great theory! A even talked about actors and what makes a great movie.

Random101 ago

wikileaks has always been limited hangout.

derram ago :

WikiLeaks on Twitter: "New Trump book "Fire and Fury" by Michael Wolff. Full PDF:"

This has been an automated message.