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amarQ144 ago

As to JFK,jr, he may well be on the "it ain't him" list...we will know if/when Q identity is made known and not before. Either way, get your head around's true wither or not Jr. is alive or dead....hmmm. Here is my take on the "who" of it. Right now it's like a spinning roulette wheel. When the ball stops, the "who" question vanishes. I'm much more intrigued by the "How" of it regardless of the name(s) of the players. When the how of it becomes known it is very likely that there will be a few who are in shock...for the rest it will simply go over their head.

WhiteRonin ago

The how is easy. Somebody is releasing intel and info. How else did Wikileaks get their data.

I don’t think Q is Trump. Just too much to plan out and to condense. He’s too busy to be playing this game.

Vindicator ago

I will bet $1000 that Trump is Q. Five reasons I think so:

  1. Q has repeatedly signed off "4, 10, 20" i.e. "DJT"
  2. Q said in a rather gleeful manner "Wait until you find out who has been talking to you here" at the very beginning. Why would anyone care who it was if it was someone other than Trump?
  3. It's not a military guy. A career spook with top level security clearance would NEVER brag about it or even talk about it...but an admirer of the military tickled as fuck about being in charge of real army men would.
  4. Q uses two m's for "million" as in $29mm. This is an old school accountant's notation specifically for currency, used because a single "M" is the Roman Numeral for 1,000. Q is talking like a money man, not a military guy.
  5. Trump has a history of speaking through fake personas. Look up Trump and "John Miller" and Trump and "John Baron". :-)

Do I think every Q post is Trump? No. He's clearly got people helping. But I have no doubt whatsoever that many of the posts are directly from Trump, and more importantly, that Trump dreamed up Q himself to cut the balls off the media and their deepstate controllers.

WhiteRonin ago

Very good arguements!

You forget that Trump went to military school. So, he should know several of the ranking officers personally. I wonder if this is part of why he was picked to run.

I thought about this for a bit and I can see him playing in and sometimes posting himself but still wonder because even posting here with legit and shit posts, it eats up time.

I don’t think he dreamed it up but probably saw that it could explode and become a legit way of getting people involved and vested.

I’m gonna ponder on this some more because you do make some great points

Lol, @type_o_negative might have a break down though.

Vindicator ago

I'm thinking I might make a submission on this. I've refrained up to now, because there seemed to be a lot of discord any time the topic came up. I can't recall who was pushing the idea that we have to protect Q's identity. But given all the recent revelations about the network of sock puppets we've been uncovering that try to censor Q information any way they can, I'm thinking that is probably a Shareblue campaign being repeated uncritically by Q followers. I'm inclined to make a submission just to poke the hornets nest and see what flies out.

WhiteRonin ago

Type-O didn’t like that I was looking at Julian. I can see his point but he rubbed me the wrong way and I was being an ass about after the 3rd time of his style.

Keeping Q a mystery is a game. It keeps sheep and low level red pills invested. Obviously, Q is a team of several people. It can’t be just Julian. So, it’s good that sheep have an alternative to CNN/MSM. It’s a conspiracy style of campaign and people know that the moon, jfk and aliens are some what conspiracies yet at the same time true. It’s intriguing. It’s fun. Yet, scary because many don’t really want to know the truth so are afraid to dig deep and go down fox holes in Vietnam. Alice is a nasty trip!

I think it’s a good time to try to find out who are share blue and ADL within the community. No big q news is gonna happen until January when the elected finally start working and committees have been joined. Until then no booms because mass arrests can’t happen and military tribunals won’t start until then.

So for my tangent:

I’m independent regarding Q. I really want to believe and do mostly but I’d say I’m more of a Trump believer to be honest.

I’m definitely not left but do like social health care and public education.

I really don’t care who q is besides some curiosity. It’s a mysetery so it sparks my interest. I don’t dig for it but watching enough YouTube videos on Q / deep state and leakers related to all this I just thought it could be Julian so threw that post out that pissed a few GA people off. I didn’t post that to piss people off. I just wanted thoughts and opinions.

If anything I do believe 100% in the unity concept. I think it covers race, social class and political parties which means accepting democrats who are patriots. I won’t budge on this unity because I really think it’s light vs dark. I also hate all the subs that a divided. With my Julian post I figured out how much an echo chamber q subs can be and how they want to be exclusive of even noobs to the game. I had thought this was a problem and my Julian post proved it. Unity means accepting all who are wanting to believe and not just brainwashed believers. It can’t be about it’s our turn now so fuck you.

So, if I were to go balls deep into Q many of you would not like what I post because of how I raise questions, question thoughts and actions. I’m also a dick about rules. If it’s research then stop posting Trump news. Research also means to me digging up original content that pizzagate did not just playing Cracker Jack decoder buffs.

See, I’m not shit posting in GA but actually calling out / posting thoughts. I don’t do it often because I know I ruffle feathers.

Sorry for going off tangent a bit but I thought I should explain what happened the other day and give you an idea of what I’m about. Honestly, I want to see GA become the sole q sub here and all q anons united and strong with people learning that self responsibility is what our nation needs.

We all have roles and not all roles have to be exactly the same. I am sticking to my role of pulling random info together, observing and ruffling feathers because that’s what I do best.

I’m gonna tag @srayzie just for giggles.

Vindicator ago

So, if I were to go balls deep into Q many of you would not like what I post because of how I raise questions, question thoughts and actions.

I actually like this and think we need more of it. Ping me if you decide to make additional posts. I will participate.

I don't like the echo chamber blind-follower thing, either. It's nuts because Q himself chose the Socratic Method to combat that zombie mentality. One of my favorite things about Voat is that there are a lot of people here who aren't Kool-Aid drinkers.

I personally think it's why he sent his Redditors here.

Did you see my post on the very Q post on Voat? It's kind of interesting.

WhiteRonin ago

No, I didn’t see that. Like I said I only tip my toes every so often because of my personality. I think srayzie is cool so I want to keep my promise of good behavior as much as possible. She doesn’t need to have to also worry about messes that I make.

Thanks, will do that.

SBBH is sort of tied to Putt on different levels. I know that our rep but we tend to play the marines role when dealing with refugees and power mods. We somehow sniff out trouble like a dog a fire hydrant! Our lie for voat might be a destructive kind but it’s honest at least. No we don’t drink kool aid and keep an eye on each other to make sure we don’t either.

You are right about voat goats. Those of us who have managed to make it through the years have seen it all. Seen too much probably. I’m damaged goods. Lol. But being part of sbbh keeps things in check - we are actually moderates on voat. Now imagine that! Lol

Thanks for the link! Shit. I posted something similar questioning why Putt has kept voat solid during the q migration. I haven’t been on preview since April during the great outage. Yeah, atko showing up was weird as hell. But like I said, sbbh has ties to Putt and we stayed solid. I miss those days because it was just shit posting heaven and no drama just a bunch of retards having fun. Your link does confirm my suspicions that hardware got upgraded and code became more proficient. Hmmmm I wonder ... we need to find out who is doing code refactoring and fixing. This can’t all be Putt. Nah. He’s good but the amount of stability is staggering. Voat is solid and didn’t flinch much at all.

It’s also interesting that you said that Q sent reddit anons here. You are right. Just be viewing v/all has to be earth moving shocking to them. Lol poor babies!