LordMega ago

You're. Fucking you are. English is fucking easy.

Cunty84 ago

joined not so long ago and think it’s thriving, where can you post truths and not be moderated and told you’re a racist bigot etc

IsaacJan ago

It probably really is though

Talc ago

having putt gone is not a good sign. Hope he's OK.

Someone cried wolf in the past and there was no wolf. Does that mean we never have to look out for wolves again? perhaps it does if you're hard-of-thinking.

Armpit_and_Ass ago


Crayonall9t ago

Maybe if the site didn’t crash every 30 mins, I would use it more...

AgentSakura ago

Does anyone know of a better forum then this and the chans or is this it for user friendly freedom of speech platforms?

GhostCow ago

RPG Codex if you're a gamer

Crayonall9t ago

Poal, Telegram, & the chans.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

This place is doing better than 8chan....

Jiggggg ago

Love you too, niggerfaggot. Voat is the best. There chans are great too, but Voat is really where it's at

Glipglup ago

I'm noticing a lot of "no goy please don't leave the plantation" posts.

Keep chewing your hay, everything is fine.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I have the sense that I'm in a corral of sorts, and we are hidden from society (online) at large. We DEFINATELY do not fit with the liberal media's stereotype of the sorts of people we ARE (in fact).

armday2day ago

We are all a piece of the pattern

MaunaLoona ago

With Putt gone I'm surprised the site works at all. Who is paying for the servers?

fuie8483djejx73 ago

feds, (((angel investor))), oh who cares

i’m fine with glowniggers paying for voat if they want to see my shitposts so bad

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Goats are safe in packs

illuminalto2 ago

Amen faggot. I dont even know you but I love you.

Even if they drown voat in a million shillbots, sour CTR holdovers, and redditors, they can never silence the truth.

We will continue to push for a better world, website or not.

A toast to all goats!

phillyjoe ago

netcraft confirms it, NetBSD is dying!

oaf ago

Ha! I remember that line.

20 years ago, I remember seeing that typed in response every week to this other predictive quote :

"Slashdot is dying"

In a way, both finally came true.

Slashdot is more than totally and utterly dead, and NetBSD slowly fell far behind FreeBSD, 4.4BSD-Lite (used in Apple iOS iPhones and used in MacOS (OS X), and also NetBSD fell far behind OpenBSD. NetBSD at least properly supports more CPUs.

If NetBSD lost 30% of its users in one year though, like voat, I would certainly believe NetBSD was in trouble.

phillyjoe ago

Has it really been 20 years?

I swear, 1994 feels like it was a few short weeks ago.

Crensch ago

Good man.

spaceman84 ago

Declining average IQ due to unchecked migration from reddit has been bad for voat.

bb22 ago

Too bad all you fucking big brains didn’t think of that before huh genius?

I never used Reddit but you crybabies constantly insinuating your massive intellects should just go masturbate on Reddit yourselves.

spaceman84 ago

I've been here for years nigger. It wasn't a problem until reddit sent the qoomers away.

bb22 ago

Being here for a long time, you had plenty of time to use your massive intellect to foresee and stave off this problem, right?

spaceman84 ago

I'm not putt, faggot

bb22 ago

Then why do you pretend to run this place?

spaceman84 ago

I'm sorry I didn't realize I was conversing with a retard. Have a nice day.

bb22 ago

My bad, I actually thought this was a different thread chain.

spaceman84 ago

Fair enough my fellow nigger faggot

Lynch_Tree ago

Normies have to get redpilled somehow, we need more people on the platform if you really want to get truth to the masses.. Doesn't seem like a legitimate complaint to me.

spaceman84 ago

Normies are never going to be redpilled until reality crumbles around them and they begin to search for answers. If there are no repercussions or disturbances to their world view/narrative, they have no reason to look away from mainstream media and social media. That's why they're NPCs.

Cletusaurus ago

I’ve been a long time lurker on r/conspiracy and after reading Mein Kampf came here. I frequent both and usually never post anything. Being a college grad I can say that the 2016 election is what woke me up and reading Mein Kampf put it in hyperdrive. I love red pilling my housemates with this site. Have faith in the younger generations. We are waking up to the BS around us.

Lynch_Tree ago

I can't argue with that. If you're doing well for yourself and your family why complain?

Problem is those people are quickly becoming the minority

illuminalto2 ago

We are the exception to the rule.

Voat's low tolerance for bullshit means low information people receive accurate information very quickly.

They can try to hide in their subverse foxholes, but they cant stay clean from the contaminated spillover.

Unlike reddit and other social shitholes, people here care. Voat brings the floor up closer to the ceiling.

I'd like to think so anyways.

Call me Mr. Optimistic.

spaceman84 ago

What of the Qoomer Question though? They're not leaving any time soon and they are dumber than most.

bb22 ago

They’re making anti kike posts already. Don’t be so down.

lion4liberty ago

yea, if you look at the anon vs non anon threads the non anon are much more red pilled friendly. Its the anon ones that have the real blue pilled retards in it and i am pretty sure its the same accounts talking to each other.

RM-Goetbbels ago

What of the Final Solution to the Qoomer Question?

GAS THE QTARDS. GAS THEM ALL. And not that fake holohoaxey gassing like the jews "got" in the mid '40's.

illuminalto2 ago

When Q dries up, they will be newborn goats, still fragile and wet behind the ears.

We can be intolerant of bullshit and still welcoming of people.

Many redpills in store for them once the veil falls.

spaceman84 ago

Call me a pessimist, but the intelligence barrier will always be a limiting factor.

illuminalto2 ago

It's okay to be a pessimist. You are your own person with your own experiences.

But leave them to die? Leave them to return to sleep so the beast gets stronger?

Even simple men can perform carpentry.

In this life, some things are sent to you so you can foster it and hopefully set it on a better path as it leaves your domain of control. It's not winning the war in blow, it's turning the small wheels of the cog.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it backfires spectacularly in your face.

I can't say what is right and wrong.

spaceman84 ago

Qoomers are "woke" but not open minded. When it ends or they get burnt out I'm not sure they're going to turn to us. Gen Z has shown far more promise.

illuminalto2 ago

Qoomers are "woke" but not open minded. When it ends or they get burnt out I'm not sure they're going to turn to us.

I disagree and have hope, but we shall see.

Gen Z has shown far more promise.

Agreed. The left has really created their own nightmare in Gen Z.

Crensch ago

I'd say the IQ has been raised given the (((shitposters))) we have here.

spaceman84 ago

If you believe lying Ashkenazi IQ stats, I suppose that could be true.

Crensch ago

Askenazi did lie for their IQ. The shitposters, at the very least, act like low-IQ kikes. Meaning no matter what you think of the Q crowd, the average IQ for this site could have only gone up.

oaf ago

We need to find a way to save voat

You are mixing quality discussions with participation metrics facts. One of your links tried to dispute a participation metric fact with no counterpoint of your own.

Voat over one year lost 30% of participation shown in graphs...

VOAT IS DYING! 30% less participation!

I feel very sad at the following numbers :

Month Submissions Comments
January 60,381 631,360
February 56,315 574,126
March 63,072 668,687
April 57,396 588,857
May 60,095 592,558
June 53,702 541,785
July 51,817 486,214
August 45,524 433,146
September 42,619 375,510
October 43,528 370,285
November 46,996 397,677
December 44,530 400,020
Total 625,975 6,060,225

Graph: Posts per month

Graph: Posts per day

source : https://voat.co/v/VoatStatistics/3587597

I only am talking about participation metrics, not quality of posts, not quality of comments, not anything but the 30% annual loss of participation that proves to anyone that it is a mathematical fact that voat is in trouble and shrinking (dying).

631,360 a year ago vs 400,020, means in simple mathematics that (631,360 - 400,020) = 231,340, and that 231,340/400,020 represents that the old monthly total is %57.8 larger!

57.8% more posts per month just one year ago!

That is a huge drop!

Voat sadly is, in fact, dying if you define dying as "dramatically less and less participation" and disregard arguments related to quality.

What can be done to get more quality users to join? Or at least STOP the decline?

bb22 ago

Killing yourself might be a good start. Only one way to find out!

IslamicStatePatriot ago

With new registrations restricted and all the restrictions to stop the attacks its no wonder usage is down. If the site stabilizes things will heat up, ESPECIALLY in an election year.

It is worth noting that there are more sites than ever that offer alternatives to places like reddit. There is stuff on the dark web, several clones on the clearnet, a few forums that refugees from reddit that focused specific topics like kratom and other things have been created.

Things are looking pretty good overall, far better now then when Whoaverse was created. But I do hope to see this site become more general purpose, the state of some of the mainline subs is just sad.

Crensch ago

Ebb and flow.

NotHereForPizza ago

A site infested with feds and completely controlled by noses isn't dead?

heygeorge ago

infested with feds and completely controlled by noses

Go on, give a cryptic response about how much you really know without including remotely any evidence or detail

NotHereForPizza ago

PIA was dug on

fed tactics are comically simple to spot

heygeorge ago

I ask and you giveth. Thank you. What if it’s not PIA directly who donated to Voat, but the founder or a principal?

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm not going to lie, I would have just let it all go if Justin didn't threaten me...

I'm not afraid or anything. I don't expect anyone to bother me about it. Fuck cops (well, most of them).

With all of that being said, I didn't make this personal, he did.

heygeorge ago

Are you insanegoatse?

NotHereForPizza ago


I'm not really that serious. The most I can really do to anyone is annoy them, as you know.

heygeorge ago

I do, and I appreciate it.

TavistockInstitute ago


oaf ago

Voat over one year lost 30% of participation shown in graphs...

VOAT IS DYING! 30% less participation!

I feel very sad at the following numbers :

Month Submissions Comments
January 60,381 631,360
February 56,315 574,126
March 63,072 668,687
April 57,396 588,857
May 60,095 592,558
June 53,702 541,785
July 51,817 486,214
August 45,524 433,146
September 42,619 375,510
October 43,528 370,285
November 46,996 397,677
December 44,530 400,020
Total 625,975 6,060,225

Graph: Posts per month

Graph: Posts per day

source : https://voat.co/v/VoatStatistics/3587597

I only am talking about participation metrics, not quality of posts, not quality of comments, not anything but the 30% annual loss of participation that proves to anyone that it is a mathematical fact that voat is in trouble and shrinking (dying).