Bobbysaypie ago

It isn't dying. We get new users constantly and in pretty decent abundance. Most users are probably out enjoying vacation since it is summer.

xbryn ago

Maybe you should try posting some things? If there is more activity, it might attract more people.

Doomking_Grimlock ago

Perfect time to do it too, Pokemon Go is out. I've never seen so many people out and about in the summer heat, and almost every one of them is playing Pokemon.


voat is not dying. It just slows down during the summer when people are out enjoying the summer, and not posting from their classroom computers. Also sees reduced posting and activity as people are on vacation.

Jasoman ago

It is slow around this time, It is like waves on the ocean some times there is more then others, You should have seen the time where /u/ChillyHellion was posting like he was on adderall. I could barely keep up.

ChillyHellion ago

Those were the days. I still put out a lot of posts, but more sporadically since my job and life have both gotten busier. Someone did the math and in my first year of voating I put out an average of a few posts per hour for a solid year, even averaging the hours I was asleep.

There are other voaters picking up the slack though, @Aged is quicker than I am on video game articles and niche gaming subs, and I appreciate that because I spread myself too thin at times. There's still activity on Voat, but you have to venture out of the defaults to find it. Just keeping one eye on /v/all throughout the day shows how many small subs pop up here and there. /v/all is basically a community in itself.