mr_anthrope ago

People should post links to Voat on Reddit. People are constantly complaining there about the leftist bias and how every comment thread turns into an anti-Trump shit show, so whenever people post comments about how bad Reddit is, there should be replies letting them know about Voat.

toobaditworks ago

Member for 8 days. VOAT IS DYING!! lol

calfahul ago

Growth for growth's sake shouldn't be a goal. We need quality, not quantity. Figure out a way to encourage more thoughtful content, threads about actionable things people can use in their real lives. Doubling threads created doesn't mean shit if they're all low-effort image macro memes from facebook. And that's where the boomer hate you're decrying comes in. Boomers are cringe, sorry. They fucked up the country/world and are cringy dorks. If boomers want to help they should really just stay out of the way. Go play with your grandkids, or help your kids buy some property and the means to defend it so they can give you grandkids. Cleaning up your mess is going to be a multi-generational effort.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @Rellik88.

Posted automatically (#84834) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@oaf: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Rellik88)

Pablolove ago

From an outsider's non American point of view, voat seems to be full of really backward aggressive racists. Maybe that's putting some folk off. Never fails to amaze me how obsessed Americans are with race.

blumen4alles ago

This submission currently has a score of 27.


SCP: 27

68 upvotes, 41 downvotes (62% upvoted it)

I don't know where they went, if you are the last one please turn out the lights.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

How is a free speech place not more popular? Need to have patrols going out to thousands of other websites and recruiting. Go in on the buddy system. Have like three people go sign up at the same website and talk about how cool Voat is. I'm serious. Tactics like this work. Just make sure you target the higher IQ or professional people.

Brickman45 ago

As a new user I can only post once per 24 hours and my engagement is limited to 10 upvotes daily. There is no guidance on how to expand my allowed involvement. It’s quite annoying and I don’t have time to figure it out and would like to be able to join in a conversation when I have something to contribute. I generally like the content here, but it’s a hassle to be a part of the community due to ambiguous rules and restrictions,

Tandemlee ago

Shalom rabbi

Jewish influence is dying, Voat is doing just fine. Good job putting this together though, must have taken you a few hours.

Paradude ago

Maybe they are taking us out one by one?

oaf ago


Neurotoxin or "liver cancer toxin" smeared on doorhandle of car or apartment door!

A time tested Ceye A trick!

Dimethyl sulfoxide mixed with a toxin!!!

Dimethyl sulfoxide takes chemicals directly through skin into body and can be put behind car door handle latches or other targets.

DMSO2 is odorless, colorless, semi-greasy, and part of CIA bag of tricks.

some DMSO2 can convert to DMSO4 Dimethyl Sulfate, but its not a desired result.

On very well cleaned skin, applying pure DMSO2 can relieve pain, diminish swelling, reduce inflammation, encourage healing, but it is used by naughty people to inject drugs through skin.

hundreds of compounds can create liver cancer.

a few interesting chemicals can be neurotoxins

WHO IS KILLING 30% of voat members?

antiliberalsociety ago

Psylent ago

It is tiring arguing with people who deny basic science. Site is full of them now.

It's just not a place that has much of value any more, it still has some funny shit, but there is only so much mileage you can get from "haha nigger faggot" - Holocaust denial, ACC denial etc etc... its become an echo-chamber of bullshit.

antiliberalsociety ago

Holocaust denial

Say, how many nukes does Israel have? It's amazing how many sleeper accounts woke up in the past few months.

Psylent ago

Prime example of the retards in residence right here. ^

antiliberalsociety ago

You're the one taking the kike's point of view.

Say, here is an Encyclopedia from 1965, I wonder what word is missing? What was that you were saying about denying basic science?

antiliberalsociety ago

You're the one taking the kike's point of view.

oaf ago

An IQ test validation for full membership posting rights, as proposed by @BrennKommando, would have far more benefits, than unwanted consequences. It would make places like voat not make higher IQ flee. refer :

But you are correct : echo-chamber of same emotional battles, and worse... anti vaccine without full background in medicine and statistics, anti-science including flat earth (kooks to make voat look bad or real users), various nuts, some of which are benefits and add flavor, but in moderate doses.

IQ would protect a site like voat and attract a lot of high IQ conservatives.

antiliberalsociety ago

Random 3 letter alt army

Amazing similarities, right schlomo?

antiliberalsociety ago

Random 3 letter alt army

Amazing similarities, right schlomo?

deadvoat ago

Voat is dead! Same shit different post!

oaf ago

Dying and dead are two different things, one is provable using graphs. I showed absolute trend line graphs.

30% loss year after year is not sustainable, but does meet definition of DYING!

RodentLord ago

Fuck the internet anyway, if voat dies maybe that will motivate us NEETs to go do something real to improve ourselves instead of sour grapesing it up online.

Majorfatboy ago

One reason is probably how unstable the site is now that it's under constant attack. Honestly, that's the reason I stopped coming here for a few months; Every other time I tried to view this site, it was down due to DDOS or some other shit, so I just said "fuck it" and stopped coming. Even now, there's problems daily: Clicking a link and be met with the "voat's being baaaaaad" goat is a normal occurrence these days.

As for blaming "normies" for the downturn in activity, I've said it before and I'll say it again: YOU fucking faggots wanted us "normies" here in the first place. You geeks churn out "redpill" memes, go on IOTBW campaigns, and do everything you can to shit up everyone else's space, weaponizing any and every thing your filthy little hands could reach, then cry like a bunch of faggots when We "normies" actually come over and join in.

My primary goal here is still the same: To make fun of hitLARPer faggots, because between you guys and the commie degenerates, there's nowhere left for normal people to go. Don't want "normies" here? Then don't invite them and stop fucking with "normie" spaces.

foxtrot45 ago

Well done on the list, I was thinking allot on where I should go after leaving voat.

ichlibejuice ago

There's no actual discussion. Nothing is funny on here anymore. It's nothing but sensationalist walls of texts and whining about Jews being omnipotent malevolent overlords. My guess is it's Chinese and Russians trying to distract is from the real problems. The real problems being niggers.

slwsnowman40 ago

Why do you feel the need to lecture us from a 7 day old account? Since it appears you need to switch accounts, it sounds like the immune system is working still.

1moar ago

tldr, stfu

spaceman84 ago

If you think Qtards raised the average IQ of voat users, then you are the retard. Qoomers are dumb as fuck.

ardvarcus ago

If Voat is dying, it is due to two things -- the sustained DOS attack of the past six or eight months, which caused new members to be shut out; and the fact that it crashes randomly while you are using it for no reason for a few seconds to a minute or so, which is really annoying. The decline in numbers has nothing to do with Voat's content or political bias.

Leveraction ago

Love voat. Not sure why anyone would leave.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Hail Hitler.

YoHomie ago

Seven day account. Fuck off.

bitbug ago

Quality, not quantity.

Nobody wants retarded The Donald posters here. It's a great thing they were scared off. And the same goes for any other faggot that can't deal.

HeebyKneegrow ago

This place really is a toxic shithole and no one advertises it

I like that I can say whatever I like here and it is what freedom of speech looks like but damn there's some small minded people here

ardvarcus ago

It's only "toxic" if you have been brainwashed with liberal dogma. If you are starting to wake up to reality, it's a breath of fresh air.

PHXSunlight ago

What do you considered to be small-minded?

Just curious.

Sosacms ago

Voat is just helping people get off the drug of idle entertainment and back to interacting with real life people, like their families.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

You're looking at this the wrong way. You're trying to match Voat numbers up with Reddit and we're not the same kind of site. In general there aren't thriving places here, at least compared to Reddit, where people can talk about hobbies and the like. We're just not big enough for those places to thrive.

This place is primarily a pro-White political forum, and if you look at it from THAT side of things, I'm pretty sure no other such forum has ever pulled down 45,000 submissions a month before.

As far as the numbers falling goes, I imagine there hasn't been a scandal on Reddit for a while and people have gone back there temporarily to hit their favorite non-political subs. The numbers here shrink and grow based on how much Reddit has pissed people off lately.

There's nothing wrong with smaller numbers. It siphons out people who don't belong here and makes us less of a target.

olltre ago

i still pop in here for a few minutes every day, but the warrant canary never was renewed meaning this place is compromised but no one knows to what extent. most users dont really have anything to hide but just the idea of the warrant canary thing and the fact that Putitout hasnt been seen in months, ive even been considering migrating to poal but tbh i like voat better.

CarFan ago

I think the problem is that the place constantly crashes so people have moved on because they're sick of dealing with it. I think it's probably that simple.

TimMasson1 ago

Also whether you want to accept this or not a place where nigger, kike and faggot is thrown around every other sentence is not going to attract the most intelligent stock of people. People come here to check this place out, see that kind of stuff every other word and immediately leave without giving it a chance. This is a fact. Additionally a lot of the decent people or at least people who post a lot of the good content have been run out of here by idiots of which there are many. Water seeks its own level.

antiliberalsociety ago

Yet you get triggered by anything pro Christianity...

TimMasson1 ago

Me? I don't know where you're getting that from but it's not even close to truth! 💒

kw92 ago

QRV and Qshit effectively killed the site. The trump shilling was tolerable but fucktard boomers and people retarded enough to buy into the q psyop drove it straight into the fucking ground

TimMasson1 ago

Also whether you want to accept this or not a place where nigger, kike and faggot is thrown around every other sentence is not going to attract the most intelligent stock of people. People come here to check this place out, see that kind of stuff every other word and immediately leave without giving him a chance. This is a fact.

Saint_Clementine ago

Voat's population decline is the equivalent of falling birthrates

Qtards and boomers are like the niggers the jews want to import to "fix" this issue

Stop being a jewish faggot

HiJoker ago

OP is a fag.

OP doesn't address how the sight crashes constantly and how it was on 'lock down' for a long damn time. It's a damn wonder it's got anyone using it still.

OP took this as an opportunity to whine about users. OP is a bitch nigger fag on a 7 day old account. Who the fuck does OP think he is anyway?

antiliberalsociety ago

OP is @urp

TimMasson1 ago

You should live your life and realize there's nothing you can do outside of trying to post good content. The only person or people who can save this place are those who own it and control it and apparently that is not high on their list of things to do.

I am really surprised at all the complaining about a service that is provided to you for free. Maybe just be glad that a place like this where free speech is a real exist. Constantly talking about how terrible the place it is isn't going to help, that I can tell you for sure.

FederalShill ago

Whatever happened to the "fuck off we're full mentality"

Mumbleberry ago

Too many stinking pajeets got in.

xenoPsychologist ago

show bobs and vagene.

FederalShill ago

Pajeets?? Where???

RedditSureDoesSuck ago


boekanier ago

Who will put the light out?

scandalous-goat ago

Take your meds, schizo

Leonidas4Q ago

This gets my vote:

Toxic anti-Q anti-"boomer" anti-Trump rhetoric by disenchanters has its effect in killing voat too.

Also, I have sent friends to Voat but they tell me the site is closed and they can't register. That's a sure way to start shrinking. No new members!

Holonomic ago

You're posting all this shit after you've been here for 7 days? Go fuck yourself [d]eddit faggot.

Jon633 ago

I wasn't able to post for at least 3 months after voat was attacked.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Post dank memes fool

SubspaceDistortion ago

Why is voat dieing? I'd imagine it has something to do with the canary being dead as well as the influx of refugees. The more intelligent users probably realized that voat is next on the chopping block anyway. Free speech cannot exist under the NWO.

Blood-is-Nature ago

"33%" "12 months" = 3+3+3 = 9


And if you think this 9/11 encoding is a coincidence, don't forget the over six million comments...


  1. Voat is constantly down

  2. You need to sign up just to view it

  3. Anti-vax morons shilling everywhere

  4. Q-boomers still dumb enough to believe the LARP

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

You forgot the intactivists.

Tallest_Skil ago


Seems like it’s a good thing you’ve left.


Imagine being so stupid that you think Jenny McCarthjy is a doctor and end up dying of a preventable disease at age 7 because your parent were hippie millennial retards

Tallest_Skil ago

retarded jewish spam and strawmen because his narrative was questioned

Okay, commit suicide. You openly admit to being paid by jews to post here now.

jiggawatt ago

Well... you cant view anything unless you're logged in - so people are not registering as means to comment and engage with content

OpenCommunity ago

I'm still here, I just don't bother posting or submitting. Unlike reddit, I generally don't have a counter-point to argue, so I don't care to post. That said, often times the comments border on juvenile.

antiliberalsociety ago

still here

4.1 years, 180 SCP, 563 CCP

Yeah, who the fuck are you again? Or are you going for a "This place is juvenile so I don't contribute" approach? Still begs the question why you'd still be here then, huh...

OpenCommunity ago

Outside of three posts today (including this one), I have less than 10 posts/comments in the last 2 years. Thank you for your constructive comment.

observation1 ago

Same reason will never make it. Voat cant be seen unless you register. No one has time for that

TenPointMatt ago

i like voat, but its aligned very closely with reddit in terms of UX and design.

if you want to check out a new platform with a totally new look and feel, and plenty of novel options, take a look at

its like reddit and twitter had a baby, but it somehow turned out cool.

Mumbleberry ago

Um, no.

Rellik88 ago

Whats funny is posts like have been been posted for years now. Every so often OMG voat is dying.

RustyEquipment ago

putts gone, no point, it is an alphabet soup now

that secret investor really paid him to fuyck outta here!

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Don't flatter yourself.

RustyEquipment ago

myself? huh?

anyguy62 ago

Canary died right around the decline.

Fancy451 ago

Because online community and socializing is dissatisfying and is no replacement for real world community and socializing.

Woelf3 ago

Just saw a ‘ question ‘ post

Mine removed yesterday for posting in form of ‘ question ‘

Maybe mods might want to rethink that inaine concept

Questionable_1 ago

People are getting tired of the site randomly coming out from under them, imagine making a nice meaty post only to click submit and the fuckin thing randomly pops into maintenance mode, work goes poof. So then you wise up I'm going to copy the text incase she goes down. Well this time it went down for hours, fuck this I have better shit to do and what I wanted to post will be known and irrelevant by the time this fucker comes back up. So then you Fuck off elsewhere for the day. This is something for @Puttitout and crew to fix, or maybe he doesn't want to?

questionable_turkey ago

Hay wuz up!!

antiliberalsociety ago

I don't see any great contributions in your history, namely a "nice meaty post".

v/GreatAwakening, bitching about crensch

Ahh, that's why.

Questionable_1 ago

I wasn't refering to myself, I'm content here. However I can see the site going down randomly as a deterrent to some.

And yeah fuck that faggot

ReformedFeminist ago

Maybe people are spending more time concentrating on their real life? I'd argue that's a good thing. My family is moving away from the city, I've become armed, and I'm learning to play music. These kinds of things can't happen when I'm lost on Voat.

Merchant_Menace ago

It's because putt is gone and the canary died.

Being mean to Qoomers is probably not very relevant.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/OneTruePutt submission by @PeaceSeeker.

Posted automatically (#84604) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Merchant_Menace: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @PeaceSeeker)

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Could start a "Frequent Posting Miles" program where users earn points for posts that can be redeemed for drugs or prostitutes.

oaf ago

or both! It's not just either/or during redemption.

oaf ago

or both! It's not just either/or during redemption, right?

PuttitoutIsGone ago


ImReallyHighBut ago


All you people do is bitch about blacks and jews all day every day. It's not accurate, it's insane, and serves only to create division.

I'm only here to troll you stupid faggots.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Man, your comments really leave me torn.

antiliberalsociety ago

Division amongst what?

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

I blame @gabara and all his sbbh alts.

Bog-o-nogs ago

All of the Q and awakening subs are full of faggots and it's overtaken v/all and drives people away. Too many reddit refugees.

(I've got a new account but I've been here since 2015. I create new accounts to prevent doxxing)

norse ago

Voat is dying because of the insane number of degenerate faggots who dont realize they are feeding into (((their))) plan, by promoting racism. And the sockpuppets doing (((their))) job to promote it. Divide then conquer.

capnflummox ago

7 day old account talks about "the past 12 months"...





Flirp ago

And uses the magic number 33. Interesting.

generate ago

how the fuck did he get 3 letter username? Are they still available?

Holonomic ago

He's a full-of-shit faggot that spams this shit on the site.

Rasimov ago

I guarantee you they still use all of their other accounts to push their own shit up top.

antiliberalsociety ago

Prove it then, faggot. Unless it takes one to know one, how can you guarantee shit?

Rasimov ago

Oh look, an edgelord.

antiliberalsociety ago

Oh, look, no proof.

Rasimov ago


antiliberalsociety ago

Why do I bother with an alt that will self delete again after going negative CCP?

Because I enjoy seeing plebbitors run back to the shithole from whence they came

antiliberalsociety ago

It says a lot that he has to "keep switching accounts"

Joe_McCarthy ago

A combination of mass stupidity and deliberate sabotage will drive people away. We have toxic elements that abuse downvoting and based on these stats are also accounts with multiple users using them probably posting on shifts.

Generally if posters are employing insults, downvotes, and downvoting older established users or sub owners it is a red flag.

One should be open to the very real possibility that some are stupid on purpose.

scandalous-goat ago

Talking to yourself again?

Joe_McCarthy ago

You called me a neo-Nazi on the Georgia Jones thread. I think that is very revealing.

scandalous-goat ago

Aren't you not?

Joe_McCarthy ago

No. But an intelligence agent interested in limiting my visibility and reach might think so. Not so much a Jew hating fringer like yourself though. Or what you pose as anyway.

scandalous-goat ago

Then why have you been hanging in neo-nazi forums and been sharing neo-nazi imagery for so long?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Now that's a rather complicated question. Probably a bit above the pay grade of FBI training manuals.

scandalous-goat ago

You're such a dishonest fucker. Did you register as a foreign agent?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm usually quite honest. Although I sometimes bait suspected intelligence agents. If you promise to be polite I'll even lift your ban in my sub and we can discuss, officer.

scandalous-goat ago

It's not necessary, you dimwit. People have been asking you about your motivation for ages and you refuse to be honest about it.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I made the offer. You just dodged. Telling.

scandalous-goat ago

Who cares about your shitty sub? The only reason I went there was to show what it's like having something you care about that's being pissed on.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You're a suspicious character that offers little more than insults, at best. The real question at this point is what your motivations are.

In any case you're a cancer poster. The very type I intend to help free Voat from.

scandalous-goat ago

Stop posting porn to system subs. You stop doing that, I quit being a dick. So easy and yet, you can't grasp this concept.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Uh huh.

scandalous-goat ago

It costs you nothing to try it out.

Joe_McCarthy ago

After this conversation there is no sure prediction what you'll do. I don't have another solo gif ready to hand anyway though. Plus someone important to me wants me to stop posting them. But we'll see on that.

You see, not everything is calculated to ignite a National Socialist revolution in the United States. Just most things.

scandalous-goat ago

You'll see. I argued with you in the past, that's what "social" media are for, but I never been harassing. I only started going on you since you decided it was a good idea to post porn in /v/whatever.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Well, I suspect yours is an older bought account. But admittedly I don't have strong evidence for that. Just suspicion. Plus I haven't looked thoroughly through your account yet. But I will. My shift lasts longer than 8 hours.

antiliberalsociety ago

So you can't downvote old established users or it's a red flag?

Coming from you that's hilarious.

RedMower ago

30% is about equal to how often the sites DOWN.

Wonder_Boy ago

It's because Voat is down so much. I think that's what's partially being reflected. Also, opening Voat in the spring let in a bunch of Niggerfaggots that has led to demoralization.

slwsnowman40 ago

I've noticed I'm here less and less because it always seems to be down when I try to comment.

Wonder_Boy ago


antiliberalsociety ago

My opinion wasn't popular when I said keeping the registration closed was a good thing. Now we have blatant vote farming again (v/RandomNumbers)

LurkedForever ago

Counter point- The registration closing didn't bother me until we couldn't browse anymore without an account. I had lurked on Voat since near the beginning and then suddenly, it was unviewable without an account. That SUCKED. Poal became my next home, and although people there are significantly more polite, and don't abuse the disagree downvoat button, it simply isn't as dense as it is here.

deadvoat ago

This 100%. The logwall killed voat.

LurkedForever ago

It could be admin's attempt at keeping voat safe? Who knows. But not having an account meant that I couldn't browse for 3 months until they reopened registration.

deadvoat ago

Same here. Did you also think it was quite odd that while the Q posts stopped, we also couldn’t get into voat and there was a US election going on? I always thought something was odd about that. And two states getting demofag governors at the same time as a result. Cohencidence?

LurkedForever ago

There seems to be two prevailing opinions on Q here: One is that everyone who types that letter is an asshole/moron. The other is that Q is basically James Bond. I don't put any stock into Q so I never noticed, but I also don't think that people who do are assholes.

antiliberalsociety ago

Lurk moar, faggot. Poal smokers are nothing more than a glorified subverse in need of a safe space. The reason Voat shut down was because of DDoS attacks due to our posts pissing of the (((wrong))) people. Enjoy that ghost town plebbit wannabe shit hole.

xenoPsychologist ago

poal smokers. i like it.

Wonder_Boy ago

The immune system was overwhelmed. Diversity is not our strength.

JoeBigCheeseParchesi ago

For the fact you can't just stumble into Voat and that you need to be logged on to view content means ppl who would otherwise be on the site

BiscuitFever ago

Voat is nothing but a constant flow of garbage low effort bullshit. When I first joined there wasn’t so many big brain morons posting bait tier garbage on /v/conspiracy, 90% of the content on this site is reddit level garbage with a right wing twist that makes the autists here feel validated without actually thinking. It was never great here but ever since the Donald flooded in I can’t bring myself to care anymore. Fucking normies.

deadvoat ago

Heh, /v/conspiracy is what got me started lurking here, but that was a long time ago.

smokratez ago

Lots of reddit faggots went back to reddit. The shitposters post less shit. Less people posting the same thing. I don't see anything wrong with current voat.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Then you're a faggot.

Maltherian1 ago

It seems stale to me. Maybe it’s because I’ve become jaded. And I know I don’t help the problem by never posting.

xenoPsychologist ago

probably because truth is no longer novel to you. keeping the truth fresh for new users is worthwhile, but we also need to have new and interesting things incorporated. i think the main problem is that people generally cant be arsed to do the little bit of work required to post something. either that or they dont have the intelligence to seek out anything interesting.

okimaracist ago

well add something new yourself

smokratez ago

It's the news. I don't expect voat to be my all around entertainment. I come here to see if things got worse or not. When they haven't, I'm happy.

waucka ago

Honestly, that's a big part of why I'm here. I don't want to get taken by surprise when shit goes down, and Voat, for all its faults, does a pretty good job of digging up the stories that the news outlets bury.

Rasimov ago

I've had an account since alpha. I barely comment since for the most part there is rarely anything worth commenting on. It's just the same low effort shit over and over again, and a good portion of it is easily shown to be wrong if you took two seconds to google it.

Also, even though it doesn't seem that hard to do, reaching the vote threshold to have an impact on the content is hard to reach when it seems like the vast majority of the content on here is propaganda and idiots posting 4chan level posts while missing the irony of 4chan.

So, might be entirely wrong here, but VOAT is super non-friendly to new users and most content is probably created and up-voated by people with alt-accounts and bots.

oaf ago

I dare not use any account for more than a couple months, due to possibility of having my life destroyed.


I propose a few alts in sequence over time, that you burn and bury, that speak your actual opinion.

If you are a CEO of a major publicly traded US corp, then ignore my advice and keep "doing you" and lurk away. We will all be semi doxed via IP address trails at one point.

"non-friendly to new users"... I think so too, for think skinned females, but its a type of trial by fire. Perhaps people should insult less and act more mature, especially to new people.

antiliberalsociety ago

Okay @urp, let's just lie down and do nothing. Once again you're deleting and reposting comments that were downvoted.

Might be time to abandon ship again I'd say

oaf ago

I dare not use any account for more than a couple months, due to possibility of having my life destroyed.


I propose a few alts in sequence over time, that you burn and bury, that speak your actual opinion.

If you are a CEO of a major publicly traded US corp, then ignore my advice and keep "doing you" and lurk away. We will all be semi doxed via IP address trails at one point.

"non-friendly to new users"... I think so too, for think skinned females, but its a type of trial by fire. Perhaps people should insult less and act more mature, especially to new people.

antiliberalsociety ago

Okay @urp, let's just lie down and do nothing. Once again you're deleting and reposting comments that were downvoted.

oaf ago

I've used voat longer than your 3.4 year alt you are using now called "antiliberalsociety", but NOT as long as your other older account : "Rasimov"

Yes, you are "Rasimov"

Deny it all you want, but I know its you.

antiliberalsociety ago

Kek @ your paranoia.

Takes one to know one huh?

oaf ago

I never EVER delete comments unless they go negative, and do not deserve to be negative. EVER.

oaf ago

I dare not use any account for more than a couple months, due to possibility of having my life destroyed.


I propose a few alts in sequence over time, that you burn and bury, that speak your actual opinion.

If you are a CEO of a major publicly traded US corp, then ignore my advice and keep "doing you" and lurk away. We will all be semi doxed via IP address trails at one point.

"non-friendly to new users"... I think so too, for think skinned females, but its a type of trial by fire. Perhaps people should insult less and act more mature, especially to new people.

Trash_Panda ago

there is rarely anything worth commenting on. It's just the same low effort shit over and over again

Pretty much this. I've found a couple people that were interesting to talk to but this is like finding survivors in a zombie apocalypse. Sometimes I come back and post regularly for a month or so, and I actually do put a lot of effort and research into my posts. I feel kind of obligated to be the voice of reason because there's usually nobody else who isn't busy circle jerking.

But then people will usually just call me a Jew or a nigger until I get bored and leave, rather than actually trying to discuss the topic at hand.

Rasimov ago

VOAT is full of little edgelords and people who think some random blog post justifies their random ass conspiracy theories. VOAT is also full of some of the most fragile snowflakes who can only react by throwing some random ass slur at someone from the safety of their computer.

I'm checking in today more than I typically do since I am slightly amused by the amount of people down voting my comments like I give a damn about them. Freaking snowflakes on here can't take criticism and get butthurt the second someone pokes their little protective bubble that VOAT created by not being welcoming to anyone new to the site.

Most of the posts on here just make the users looks like pathetic little shits.

At least 4chan and similar sites can be funny. VOAT is just low effort retarded half of the time with the shit content provided by the "dominant" users and shill accounts.

antiliberalsociety ago

Hey @Rasimov Faggot,

The term Conspiracy Theory was weaponized in 1967 by the CIA as a way to denounce anyone challenging the narrative of an official report. What report had just come under scrutiny at that time? The Warren Report, investigating the JFK assassination, where a cooperative effort to investigate was robbed from the FBI & Senate, and given to a Jew named Earl Warren at the behest of a COMMUNIST NEWSPAPER demanding so. So using that term only means you can't prove your statements.

I'm checking in today more than I typically do since I am slightly amused by the amount of people down voting my comments like I give a damn about them. Freaking snowflakes on here can't take criticism and get butthurt the second someone pokes their little protective bubble that VOAT created by not being welcoming to anyone new to the site.

Cry harder, faggot. You're visiting on a sleeper account, bashing the site you claim to hate, and as you act like you don't care about downvotes you still feel the need to mention it. What criticism have you even offered? You never responded to the rebuttals from your other cry-mments.

Most of the posts on here just make the users looks like pathetic little shits.

Compared to what, plebbit? Where anything that disagrees gets banned by snowflake mods? I'd like examples, and not just cherry picking what I'm saying here, I want past conversations you've had on here illustrating that.

At least 4chan and similar sites can be funny. VOAT is just low effort retarded half of the time with the shit content provided by the "dominant" users and shill accounts.

4chan has been cucked as long as plebbit; "OMG ITS HAPPENING!!! BASED NIGGER!!! WW3 ABOUT TO KICK OFF!!!' They have a larger amount of the "little shits" you're eluding to. Keep crying though, you're still here "amused" and something makes you log in to see what's going on. Did you get your copypasta to take to r/MeanWhileOnVoat?

You'd probably get more respect by presenting facts instead of whambulancing that no one likes you. It's kind of funny, in your rant that people are mean to you, you're ratting yourself out as so weak you are completely unable to counter it, in the same breath you cry about us being snowflakes lol.

Rasimov ago


antiliberalsociety ago

Exactly what I thought

Rasimov ago

What you thought? You just wrote what people typically write when they pull random bullshit out of their ass to defend their beliefs that are founded on nonsense. You sound like those nutjob tinfoil hat conspiracy retards that will pull the most random blog to back their beliefs.

antiliberalsociety ago

You just wrote what people typically write... You sound like... Y'all just tinfoil hat conspiracy retards.

Color me absofuckinglutely shocked you can't post a single fact. Your argument is that of emotion, like women and soyboy liberals. All you're missing is emojis.

antiliberalsociety ago

That or you just sound like a whiny faggot crying that you aren't popular...

HeebyKneegrow ago

It's always niggers or Jews. It was funny and provided dank memes but it's tiresome

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

Voat isn't especially unfriendly to new users IMO. There might be a niggerfaggot joke or an accusation of Jewry coming your way if you've drawn a lot of attention to yourself or if you've stated your account is new, but there's nothing serious intended with it. Mainly it's a test to see if you're on board with the viewpoints here and if you belong on a site that doesn't rely on censorship.

ardvarcus ago

Everyone gets called a niggerfaggot. It's a rite of passage on Voat. If you haven't been called a niggerfaggot you don't belong here.

antiliberalsociety ago

1 month.

I don't trust sapling accounts, and much like the military, you are put through the ringer in that period to see if you can hack it. That being said, truth is rewarded and often won't take long to climb with regular participation. If you aren't a snowflake or pushing some leftist subversive shit, you will be accepted. The ones that cry about it usually are the above.

We were all saplings at one time, grin and bear it because it can be rewarding with the shit you learn and will eventually teach to an apprentice.

Tallest_Skil ago

same low effort shit over and over again

This is why I have repeatedly said that lies must be banned entirely for truth to advance.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

You'd be the first to go.

Tallest_Skil ago


Reminder that the above user worships jews.

chirogonemd ago

I think there is just a collective realization happening that all of our talk is pretty much bullshit. We say the same things over and over again, while the same things keep happening over and over again, and the rest of society parrots the same responses over and over again. The cycle keeps turning and all of our shit posting doesn't truly move the needle - therefore, it's getting boring.

Myself, I'm finding it harder and harder to get here and want to bitch about Jews continually. I've done it, and it is losing its significance. What I'm really getting at, is until something actually starts happening, people start doing something more significant than talking, it's just felt sillier lately to return to the same chamber to shout the same things. All of the so called "meme wars" and we are still about to walk right into Iran. Perhaps the better way of saying all of this, is I think the collective realization is starting to fall on the real stakes. All of the online chatter is starting to seem insubstantial compared with what reality is probably actually going to demand for anything to change.

deadvoat ago

Maybe we should just go to church?

xenoPsychologist ago

we should be fighting them instead of running from them.

antiliberalsociety ago

You've been here 2 years and completely missed the point. You aren't supposed to bitch about it here, you're supposed to take the knowledge you gain from here that's banned everywhere else and spread it to normies. Take it to the mainstream, THAT is where the challenge lies. Trying to redpill normies is the greatest challenge I've seen here, it's like They Live was a documentary. Spread your redpills and report back, THAT is what we're supposed to be doing here.

chirogonemd ago

I thought that was best achieved by bringing people here. That's how I was caught by it. That's how I've gotten others to see things from my worldview, by bringing them here. For me that has always been a much more substantial way to create change, as opposed to walking in to another echo chamber and trying to rattle off where everybody else is doing the very same thing: rattling off to be heard and to feel significant. I think perhaps you are misunderstanding the nature of the whole predicament we are in. All of the other "places" where you think you are redpilling normies, these places are inherently the problems in and of themselves, because they don't foster the sort of dialogue we mistakenly perceive that they do. For the most part, people in other forums have found themselves situated within a particular collective "dasein" if you will, each of these places has their immune system and their particular sense of in-group/out-group, I vs. other.

To me, the best thing we've ever been able to do was to make a person curious about this place, to use the psychological principle of exclusivity and the possibility that people who feel alienated by what they think might have a place where they will be welcomed. You have to make people part of a group. I just fundamentally disagree that going around throwing out data is really moving the needle, because we are past the point of any of this being strictly rational.

Like I said in my first comment, you've been "redpilling normies" for how long now, 3 or 4 years? How far have we come in that time? We are all still talking about the same things here, and in fact, the richness and participation are declining. I think you are seeing something that isn't there.

antiliberalsociety ago

I'm still learning just like everyone else is here. Bringing people here isn't the endgame, it's getting them to think outside the box. Very few people are willing to swim against the stream to find out the truth. Most are content in their lives, living out their days like sheep. This place isn't for everyone. Redpilling is a fine, delicate process that can't be done in one shot. If you link someone here, they'll most likely start shying away from you. What I do is take documents to the masses who are complaining about a certain political situation, or questioning why things are messed up. The Matrix is almost a documentary; "It's calling you, it wants to be found. It's the question that brought you here." Those personalities is what I focus on.

The masses WILL NOT STUDY like you people will do. They read comic books. They get home from work, tired, they don't want to study, they want to put their feet up open a beer and watch the game. They need things sugar coated; Lyndon Johnson GAVE them that sugarcoating. No matter what we do we keep losing, and we just did it again to the biggest liar and louse I've ever seen, a man who would no doubt KILL to get into the whitehouse. If a man trips over a rock twice, and doesn't change his path, there's something wrong with that man! Which is why we need to adopt a strategy that works. They use comic books? WE should be using comic books! We need to appeal to the heart instead of shoving facts down their throats all the time.

v/GeorgeLincolnRockwel 1965 speech on how to get political power.

Don't let the climate discourage you, BECOME the climate. I'm working on a project right now that's going to be normie friendly, and it subtly opens eyes to (((trends))) in theater. You asked how far have we come? The answers aren't on here, they're out there. Look no farther than Black Israelites, Stephan Molyneux, there's a ton of redpilled information out there because of little people like us. It's the tiny masses that makes the world turn. I never knew who Leo Frank was 2 years ago, now the ADL has to write cover stories to continue the lie, they're in panic mode, bombing and stabbing themselves to maintain victimhood status.

Don't you see it?

ardvarcus ago

We say the same things over and over again,

At least we are saying it. Nobody, or almost nobody, else is. If we repeat it over and over, it's because it is important and bears repeating in the hope that some normies will get a clue and come back to reality.

xenoPsychologist ago

its not doing any good to be all talk. we arent even slowing them down.

Rasimov ago

The thing is, you're not saying anything. VOAT is just a giant circle jerk of the same thing over and over again and the only people really listening are the same people posting the exact same shit. VOAT accidentally created this protective bubble so people on here think they are being heard and accepted. They aren't, next to no one is hearing you.

VOAT is a tiny microcosm. There is no actual discourse here for the most part. It just mainly people spewing the same stupid shit over and over again.

There is barely any actual content here.

antiliberalsociety ago

just a giant circlejerk

Kind of like your comments here, you aren't really saying anything. You're just repeating your message of "whaa, VOAT SUX!"

Rasimov ago

Just look at the front page, it's just people posting bullshit idiotic shit all of the time. Posts will latch onto one conspiracy theory topic for a while and then something big will happen in the world that shows how much bullshit it is that idiotic sheep on here gobble up, and then they go silent until they latch onto some new bullshit conspiracy theory. When it's not conspiracy theories it's just low effort edgelord bullshit.

Someone goes through the effort of making an account and their first reaction is more than likely going to be "Oh... bunch of edgy dumb fuck 13 years are in here."

And if someone points it out, the butthurt little edgelords use their downvoting abilities to to hide anything that goes against their low energy tiny dick posts. So, who the fuck wants to put effort getting past that 100 thresh hold when the people who have already done that are pushing their own stupid bullshit non-stop and trying to suppress anything of actual worth.

antiliberalsociety ago

First off, you had 4.9 years to try and make it better by posting quality shit. Second, you're making a lot of assumptions and generalizations by grouping Voat & the front page as one - something that is ostracized on plebbit. Third you haven't provided fuck all for proof on anything you have said, so it's no wonder you're being downvoted. Four, you keep using subjective points with nothing backing them, "it's edge lordy!" ...based on what? Why log in if you can't handle it?

Putzmiester ago

This. I am trying to meet people in real life and stop being an internet entity all together. The time for griping on the internet is long passed, it is time to go out and meet people and make your boogaloo bois groups, train and strategize for the coming boog.

heygeorge ago

If you’ve really been around for nearly 5 years and haven’t found anything worthy of commenting on, then you missed out. It would appear you have not found anything hardly worthy of voting on, either.

But now, finally, this thread exalting the high IQ Qbits? Wow! They don’t believe in coincidence!

xenoPsychologist ago

yeah, that bit about the qcumbers really set off some red flags. they absolutely did not raise average iq around here.

Rasimov ago

Content was sparse when it was in alpha and mainly consisted of voat circle jerks and people with stars in their eyes about getting in on a website when it first started, then the dregs of humanity started posting shit that was banned (and was illegal) on reddit for good reason. Most of the first wave probably left during this time since it was mostly a mix of people not liking sudden censorship and people who got banned from other sites for being degenerates. Judging by how the content created an environment in desperate need of moderation and censorship, it was the degenerates who stuck around until the ban.

I check here every once in a while to see how it is, but it just seems to lean more towards obvious shill accounts and low effort propaganda as people leave and are replaced by bots and conspiracy theory nutjobs.

antiliberalsociety ago

I check here every once in a while to see how it is, but it just seems to lean more towards obvious shill accounts and low effort propaganda as people leave and are replaced by bots and conspiracy theory nutjobs

I bet you can prove it, too.

Supporting oppressive mods

And there it is. Go back to your safe space on plebbit, and remain silent there too as to avoid a ban that will undoubtedly label you a degenerate.

Rasimov ago

It's funny how much of a snowflake some of the people on here are. You talk about safe places, but voat is such a small microcosm of hive minded mentality that it's in denial about being a safe place for people like you.

xenoPsychologist ago

disagreeing with you isnt being a snowflake. into the oven with you.

Rasimov ago

Such an edgelord. This is why VOAT is dying.

xenoPsychologist ago

sustained kikery.

Rasimov ago

I like how every comment getting mad at me backs all of the comments talking about how bad this community is.

xenoPsychologist ago

getting mad at you? thats quite an assumption. i was letting you know that its not snowflakery just to disagree with you. it might be called antisemitism by our fellow white people, though.

antiliberalsociety ago

How is being open to new ideas that go outside the realm of what's considered to be socially acceptable considered being hive minded, or this place a "safe place" ? It was the stifling of truth on plebbit that gave birth to this site, which naturally gravitated towards antagonistic views from that communist shithole. You think it's a small mircrocosm, and in a sense that's accurate because truth is stifled in the mainstream, but your calling it a hive mind couldn't be farther from the truth.

We present facts that are politically incorrect. People like you sit on the outside judging it without exploring whether or not it's legit, and denounce it as "racist" or "degenerate". Without confronting all the facts, you have prejudged us which makes you prejudiced. So who's really in the hive mind?

Dkeere ago

I got a laugh out of it, thinking the qtard migration was the paragon of voat's height...

RiverWind ago

There are two problems: 1) Voat's new major shareholders 2) Voat is centralized and therefor subject to censorship. There is an alternative platform already available which is decentralized and there to support free expression: Aether.

Bring some content and have a look!

gazillions ago

Voat has way too many Iranian muslims pretending to be something else. Let them shill each other. It's fun to watch. The entire site has become "Side with Iran over Israel or else. pick me pick me" I don't like either one.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

"Yeah, durr durr dur, aren't mudkikes wonderful, they like to fuck children just like regular kikes and are just Israeli puppets who pretend to hates jews but also wear towels on their head durrrr."

Shit is so tiring. Fuck all sandniggers.

Maltherian1 ago

What is the culture like?

RiverWind ago

At the moment it is rational . There are quite a few normal people there. One great thing about Aetheris that it is so well engineered against brigading and censorship, which is why I suggest it. It would be very hard to censor, as it doesn't use HTTP for its messages, so they can't block an IP address and stop Aether. Also, you can't become a power mod and remain one against the wish of the users. It is worthwhile. Have a look.

oaf ago

I dare not use any account for more than a couple months, due to possibility of having my life destroyed.


I propose a few alts in sequence over time, that you burn and bury, that speak your actual opinion.

If you are a CEO of a major publicly traded US corp, then ignore my advice and keep "doing you" and lurk away. We will all be semi doxed via IP address trails at one point.

"non-friendly to new users"... I think so too, for think skinned females, but its a type of trial by fire. Perhaps people should insult less and act more mature, especially to new people.

antiliberalsociety ago

Oy vey! Look how victim I am! I have to live in hiding because I'm so important!

BrennKommando ago

Whoever makes the next similar thing should seriously consider throwing the sign up CAPTCHA away and replace it with an IQ test. After all the attacks Voat has withstood I never imagined it would be stupid users that brought the site down, but that appears to be the case.

Some of us is sitting on something that we may have to share with the rest of you shortly if we don't get some answers soon..

xenoPsychologist ago

better yet, have them send in a dna sample, then test it for known intelligence related genes.

gabaras ago

Every new user must apply and submit a detailed application including a Q&A interview process. Quorum of the existing users must vote to accept new user.

It can be done. We have the technology.

Sosacms ago

Voat is dying, how to we get more users?

I know, let's bar a huge chunk of the population and set arbitrary restrictions on the users! That'll help.

toobaditworks ago

notice that the guy saying we need new users (OP) is a new user. member for 8 days.

antiliberalsociety ago

muh open borders!

Sosacms ago

If the problem is a shrinking user base, restrictions on new users won't help that. Voat users can't just breed to create new users....

antiliberalsociety ago

without refugees, Voat will not survive!

The bulk of its user base doesn't contribute anyway. Proof is on the front page; the top voted posts never increase after registration opens up.

RodentLord ago

Do you sort by new?

antiliberalsociety ago

That has nothing to do with what I was talking about. I was talking about the max number of votes a top voted post gets. It's always been 150-300 on average. We get thousands of new users, that number never jumps to 1,000 like it theoretically should. Reddit had some 5,000 even before the cuckening.

Hellion ago

What are you waiting for? @puttitout to magically come back and have the perfect excuse why he abandoned the site paying his bills? Share it now!

Toronto88 ago


Rotteuxx ago

Notice how OP is subliminally gurgling on Putt's dick as if the admins were innocent in Voat's dumbing down ?

It's all because of the users !

BrennKommando ago

Might be, but they are factually correct in Voat having turned to shit regardless.

I imagine you want to drop the bomb just as much as I do, but what would you say we give it a day or two? I only just reached out yesterday and it was Sunday so no one at the office..

tempuser1 ago

What is this knowledge bomb you're hinting at?

RodentLord ago

A bunch of voat users are planning to come out of the closet as homosexual together.

Rotteuxx ago

I'm down with that

oaf ago

GREAT IDEA, especially if the test corpus is symbol based , and cannot be google searched for aid!

Maybe I can ask a buddy to make a 3rd party service that using http protocols can send back a "POST" message of a users IQ (hash of account name and web site sent to testing site)

It can be calibrated within reason such that it using 5 answer multiple choice, and 30 to 60 questions increasing in complexity, but generous with time, can cover IQs 95 to 142 with semi precision, and a optional second battery someone can take on their own volition, not meant for captcha that covers IQ 120 to 160. The trick is building a large enough question corpus. It would need 500 puzzles to prevent training for it suing memorization or web sites offering crib sheets. I have solutions to prevent that though I would suggest to designers.

You dont need IQs to be higher than 102, but you do need all users to have IQ 102 or higher to prevent s shitty site.

antiliberalsociety ago

Why are you identical to @urp?

BrennKommando ago

I was thinking more in line of a 120 IQ cut off lol

To compensate for the reduced users it would bring, you could permit 'user invites' that would bypass the IQ requirement but also hold the users accountable for who they invite. That is if you invite me and I sperg out, both of us gets thrown off the platform.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

don't use voat, goy

OP and others in here are Defeatist Kike Faggots

SIayfire122 ago

Have limited posting accounts for unverified users. Something like allow 3x posts and 10x comments per day.

Deceneu ago

What do you mean by 'unverified' ? What 'verifications' would you like to perform ?

SIayfire122 ago

IQ tests. Is that not what we're talking about? They mentioned having an IQ test to create an account. I'm suggesting having an IQ test in order to have an unrestricted account.

Deceneu ago

I thought you were changing the subject to identity verification as for instance, Twitter.

oaf ago

IQ 102 would eliminate exactly 50% of Caucasians, and only eliminate 50% of Caucasian females, setting to IQ 124 would actually and factually turn it into a mostly male-only site, for at IQ 124 the chance of someone being female is merely 1 in 8 probability or maybe 1 in 7.

At IQ 172, all polymaths are of course male, all 500 or so historical polymaths. You get the point. Maybe life is not fair, and the sweet spot is as you say, IQ 120 or IQ 130, even if it limits female participation greatly.

MENSA admissions is IQ 130 and 2% of caucasians. refer:

I personally could imagine a single sub-verse that allows READING, but not posting, unless a person has IQ 130. Every other site subverse could be at IQ 102 or 120 or whatever.

In no cases would a persons IQ scores from the unaccredited test "captcha replacement" ever be seen by any other user.


MENSA...The sad thing about mensa meetings is that you attend one or two and NEVER RETURN because the people in them remind you of how truly cringey some autistic people are, and you feel you are "one of them"

I met lots of people that went to only a couple MENSA meetings after joining, never to return ever again.

Every IQ club in the world is above IQ 130 (mensa generous cutoff), but they have almost no physical meetups.

autists will downvote me smearing mensa meetups on I think.

heygeorge ago

single sub-verse that allows READING, but not posting, unless a person has IQ 130

I understand. We were having a bit of trouble with new participants meeting the threshold so we’ve moved to v/diasabled to try to fill the quotas.

oaf ago

IQ 102 would eliminate exactly 50% of Caucasians, and only eliminate 50% of Caucasian females, setting to IQ 124 would actually and factually turn it into a mostly male-only site, for at IQ 124 the chance of someone being female is merely 1 in 8 probability or maybe 1 in 7.

I personally could imagine a single sub-verse that allows READING, but not posting, unless a person has IQ 124.

In no cases would a persons IQ scores from the unaccredited test "captcha replacement" ever be seen by any other user.

valleysunshine ago

Ok boomer

Day_of_the_rope ago

This comment is the kind of crap that drives people away.

You can't even have an adult conversation here anymore.

ImReallyHighBut ago

Says the jew shill


Mental illness is killing voat.

Day_of_the_rope ago

Seeing a Jew in everything is a mental illness.

ImReallyHighBut ago

It's at least a symptom to be sure. This entire place is toxic.

i_scream_trucks ago

do people who use that word have a fetish for acting like retarded 12 year olds in special ed?

cos thats the immediate impression i get when i hear that word used these days.

its like the millenial version of 'literally'

oaf ago

I usually am impressed by a couple Boomer facts :

All the "new" mega companies , tech companies like Apple, Intel, Microsoft, etc, 90% were created by Boomers.

Boomers are the 1946 to 1963 born people.

However the PRE-1946 generation built technology that landed people on the MOON!!!!

The successive generations after Boomers, have less and less astounding achievements to offer. I think the ruined school systems that keep everyone "equal" and avoid competition, created this new Soy Boy leftist world of selfies and video blogs, and CLOWN WORLD.

You can blame education and maybe even (((media))) for the latest generation of "do nothings".

The world literally being misused makes me bristle and want to punch someone everytime I hear it uttered by sub IQ 100 morons : "I literally died!" "I literally was hungry", etc.

I am wise enough to know English has words that flip meanings , even "Bad" means "really good" in the 1980s to negroes, but losing a vital word like "literally", with no replacement, is like living in an IDIOCRACY!

valleysunshine ago

Which one? Boomer, or ok?

ChiCom ago

Doubling down on faggotry... ?

oaf ago
