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BrennKommando ago

Whoever makes the next similar thing should seriously consider throwing the sign up CAPTCHA away and replace it with an IQ test. After all the attacks Voat has withstood I never imagined it would be stupid users that brought the site down, but that appears to be the case.

Some of us is sitting on something that we may have to share with the rest of you shortly if we don't get some answers soon..

xenoPsychologist ago

better yet, have them send in a dna sample, then test it for known intelligence related genes.

gabaras ago

Every new user must apply and submit a detailed application including a Q&A interview process. Quorum of the existing users must vote to accept new user.

It can be done. We have the technology.

Sosacms ago

Voat is dying, how to we get more users?

I know, let's bar a huge chunk of the population and set arbitrary restrictions on the users! That'll help.

toobaditworks ago

notice that the guy saying we need new users (OP) is a new user. member for 8 days.

antiliberalsociety ago

muh open borders!

Sosacms ago

If the problem is a shrinking user base, restrictions on new users won't help that. Voat users can't just breed to create new users....

antiliberalsociety ago

without refugees, Voat will not survive!

The bulk of its user base doesn't contribute anyway. Proof is on the front page; the top voted posts never increase after registration opens up.

RodentLord ago

Do you sort by new?

antiliberalsociety ago

That has nothing to do with what I was talking about. I was talking about the max number of votes a top voted post gets. It's always been 150-300 on average. We get thousands of new users, that number never jumps to 1,000 like it theoretically should. Reddit had some 5,000 even before the cuckening.

Hellion ago

What are you waiting for? @puttitout to magically come back and have the perfect excuse why he abandoned the site paying his bills? Share it now!

Toronto88 ago


Rotteuxx ago

Notice how OP is subliminally gurgling on Putt's dick as if the admins were innocent in Voat's dumbing down ?

It's all because of the users !

BrennKommando ago

Might be, but they are factually correct in Voat having turned to shit regardless.

I imagine you want to drop the bomb just as much as I do, but what would you say we give it a day or two? I only just reached out yesterday and it was Sunday so no one at the office..

tempuser1 ago

What is this knowledge bomb you're hinting at?

RodentLord ago

A bunch of voat users are planning to come out of the closet as homosexual together.

Rotteuxx ago

I'm down with that

oaf ago

GREAT IDEA, especially if the test corpus is symbol based , and cannot be google searched for aid!

Maybe I can ask a buddy to make a 3rd party service that using http protocols can send back a "POST" message of a users IQ (hash of account name and web site sent to testing site)

It can be calibrated within reason such that it using 5 answer multiple choice, and 30 to 60 questions increasing in complexity, but generous with time, can cover IQs 95 to 142 with semi precision, and a optional second battery someone can take on their own volition, not meant for captcha that covers IQ 120 to 160. The trick is building a large enough question corpus. It would need 500 puzzles to prevent training for it suing memorization or web sites offering crib sheets. I have solutions to prevent that though I would suggest to designers.

You dont need IQs to be higher than 102, but you do need all users to have IQ 102 or higher to prevent s shitty site.

antiliberalsociety ago

Why are you identical to @urp?

BrennKommando ago

I was thinking more in line of a 120 IQ cut off lol

To compensate for the reduced users it would bring, you could permit 'user invites' that would bypass the IQ requirement but also hold the users accountable for who they invite. That is if you invite me and I sperg out, both of us gets thrown off the platform.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

don't use voat, goy

OP and others in here are Defeatist Kike Faggots

SIayfire122 ago

Have limited posting accounts for unverified users. Something like allow 3x posts and 10x comments per day.

Deceneu ago

What do you mean by 'unverified' ? What 'verifications' would you like to perform ?

SIayfire122 ago

IQ tests. Is that not what we're talking about? They mentioned having an IQ test to create an account. I'm suggesting having an IQ test in order to have an unrestricted account.

Deceneu ago

I thought you were changing the subject to identity verification as for instance, Twitter.

oaf ago

IQ 102 would eliminate exactly 50% of Caucasians, and only eliminate 50% of Caucasian females, setting to IQ 124 would actually and factually turn it into a mostly male-only site, for at IQ 124 the chance of someone being female is merely 1 in 8 probability or maybe 1 in 7.

At IQ 172, all polymaths are of course male, all 500 or so historical polymaths. You get the point. Maybe life is not fair, and the sweet spot is as you say, IQ 120 or IQ 130, even if it limits female participation greatly.

MENSA admissions is IQ 130 and 2% of caucasians. refer:

I personally could imagine a single sub-verse that allows READING, but not posting, unless a person has IQ 130. Every other site subverse could be at IQ 102 or 120 or whatever.

In no cases would a persons IQ scores from the unaccredited test "captcha replacement" ever be seen by any other user.


MENSA...The sad thing about mensa meetings is that you attend one or two and NEVER RETURN because the people in them remind you of how truly cringey some autistic people are, and you feel you are "one of them"

I met lots of people that went to only a couple MENSA meetings after joining, never to return ever again.

Every IQ club in the world is above IQ 130 (mensa generous cutoff), but they have almost no physical meetups.

autists will downvote me smearing mensa meetups on I think.

heygeorge ago

single sub-verse that allows READING, but not posting, unless a person has IQ 130

I understand. We were having a bit of trouble with new participants meeting the threshold so we’ve moved to v/diasabled to try to fill the quotas.

oaf ago

IQ 102 would eliminate exactly 50% of Caucasians, and only eliminate 50% of Caucasian females, setting to IQ 124 would actually and factually turn it into a mostly male-only site, for at IQ 124 the chance of someone being female is merely 1 in 8 probability or maybe 1 in 7.

I personally could imagine a single sub-verse that allows READING, but not posting, unless a person has IQ 124.

In no cases would a persons IQ scores from the unaccredited test "captcha replacement" ever be seen by any other user.