AndrewBlazeIt ago

Member for 17 hours

Bullinamarket_ ago

Member for 7 months

AndrewBlazeIt ago


I'm not the one talking about voat living or dying

Bullinamarket_ ago


I'm not the one talking about voat living or dying

Then fuck off because that's what the question was about not pointless remarks such as:

Member for 17 hours

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Member for 18 hours

Bullinamarket_ ago

Just noticed "BlazeIt" in your name and realized I'm talking to a fourteen year old, good chat.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

I'm probably older than you mane

Smartech ago

There are only about 200 active accounts left on Voat.

The majority left after discovering it's another honeypot.

TheTrigger ago

Really? Because I see about 200 new active accounts, every month, that do nothing but post links to Shareblue and spread kike propaganda. Case in point.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

This dude is literally retarded, btw

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Judging from the constant inflow of brand new accounts asking questions like this, I must say I think we're growing.

Artofchoke ago

Let it be neither. We're good. Why you looking into such things, 16 hour old motherfucker, curious ass hoe.

Bullinamarket_ ago

Actually I'm a few months old, my original account was Bullinamarket without the underscore. And you sound like a nigger.

Artofchoke ago


Twas my new years resolution to improve my language. Thanks for the reminder, fag.