LadyMermaid ago

The problem is that the format of Voat is structured like Reddit. The founders of Reddit created multiple usernames in order to seem as if they had more traffic than they actually do.

I think if the format of Voat is structured like craigslist forums with a paid subscription- say $10/year or $1/month with a verified email limited to the creation of 4 usernames, then that would keep 60% of the spammers out.

Secondly, reddit is mainly used by advertisers, politicians and corporations to lock down on their competition and to promote their agenda. So people no longer trust any opinions on reddit, as it is a cesspool of curated opinions that promote their corporativist views. In that reddit makes money by these advertisers and sponsors.

If Voat wants to keep free speech, then people will have to subscribe and pay for it, due to the nature of funding in which a company needs to self fund in order to be free from 3rd party interests and agendas.

If you want to get rid of all the paid shills, then change the format into a subscription based one.

Doglegwarrior ago

Cant agree more. I watch owen benjamin mainly because he says what ever the fuck he wants to say because he doesmt have one fucking sponsor it is all user donationa or a cheap monthly subscription. I happily give money just to here the jew named with 6k other fellow americans listening.. just think if 6k met in person and the person speaking named the jew and the crowd went wild?!! Well big bear is doing that virtualy and one day publicaly i hope.

LadyMermaid ago

I honestly hope reddit will get shut down and another will take over. They are losing thousands of subscribers every day which they inflate with paid shills and bots. That site is a disgrace to democracy.

Doglegwarrior ago

Agree 100 percent. Im fighting shill and bots on here all the time. Im ready to start hunting down the people that make these bots and or idiots willing to be paid to shill and suing them. But what the hell are they even legaly doing wrong besides trying to ruin free speech?

madmalloy ago

Would it help if I called you a niggerfaggot?

Inaminit ago

Much more activity in the last 6 months, quality shitposting galore!

BurnThemBurnThemAll ago

It is a slow march to the bottom for these people. Those dishonest, piss poor suckers who work to undermine honest conversation.

It has been going on for years. Getting worse and worse every day. Hundreds of people operating tens of thousands of accounts, with no concept of how bad the world they are creating is.

Doglegwarrior ago

Jesus you expressed exaxtly what i think is going on. How much do you think these trolls get paid? Are some of them really just idiots that sit around and like starting bullshit fights and disrupting sites like voat? Are there a lot more bots then i think? I get a ton of one line low thought low effort trolling are those most likely bots?

Thanks for comment i like your description of the state of affairs.

BurnThemBurnThemAll ago

It is a profession. The people who do it don't have any marketable skills so they sink to doing this. They aren't sophisticated enough to understand who they are helping censor alternate viewpoints.

Reverse-Flash ago

Anything that i post half the responses are bots shills trolls possibly jdif faggots who knows.

Get a fucking grip.

Doglegwarrior ago

Brilliant respone well thought out and truly helping the situation.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I've been having a blast here the last few days. A lot of good conversations and arguments.

Doglegwarrior ago

It used to be better. The reddit invasions are maybe finaly taking a toll

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I dunno. I've been here for years and really the only negative change I have seen is that we have lost some good posters. There was a guy who used to post history stuff for instance. But mostly the site is still pretty good. The only thing wrong with it is that we don't splatter the shit mods when they get out of line fast enough. And there are to many spammers who a lot of times don't even use links that match the headlines etc..

Anyway voat's got issues but atm its the only game in town.

Doglegwarrior ago

True much of what you said is true. Maybe my post have gotten worse or something lol.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

There's time to change your trajectory right up until you crash.

Neon_daemon ago

That daily history guy was great.

coinphrase ago

me too

MrBoutros ago

try posting in subs other than v/whatever

I think people get the best out of voat when they join subs that represent their hobbies like v/woodworking or v/music.

You are in the promised land, my friend. You just need to find your frens.

Doglegwarrior ago

Yep you might have a point. I usualy stick to askvoat which is pretty good usualy and if i domt have a specific area i default to whatever