lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

for certain it seems

JesusIsCool ago

the Nazi, white power stuff on front page scares away most of the public who stop here. i see the same thing on 8chan or 4chan. I do wonder if its done intentionally to keep people talking in the larger 'safer' spaces like reddit...

gelsk ago

// , It raised my eyebrow a few days ago when I joined.

I think this limits voat.co to a rather specific audience.

Lurker22 ago

I think people are busy trying to make sure they pay their taxes and healthcare bills

ExpertShitposter ago

And they didn't have to do that a year ago?

Lurker22 ago

Healthcare has increased. Moral and jobs are questionable. Being a slightly bit hidden racist doesn't help anyone move up in life and if they did move up in life, they have more work to do. Not everyone is paid by the government to be on this site, nor do they have the capabilities to slacking off all the time. Living with parents helps, but what if they moved out and got their own place or got a room to rent. Social life may have risen with Trump in office. With the JFK files released many are busy reading. With the Rothschild's going down many are probably partying. With the suicide rate still high for whites, shit, some may have taken their own lives -(.... Wish that on nobody..

ExpertShitposter ago

Lurker22: Everything is going to shit.

Yes, but it hasn't suddenly gone to shit in the last 12 months. I guess they are gaming and getting high then as you say.

Lurker22 ago

The world does this, society does this, like many others point to Germany during Hitler's rise. Maybe voat might become a better place with your commenting.... unless you aren't liking your comments on your responses?

ExpertShitposter ago

It would appear that we are in a bit of a dip + i was commenting more than usual so those two things working together is what happened.


theoldones ago

still strong, and growing with each reddit banwave, as far as i can see

gelsk ago

// , In spite of the Nazism (sarcastic or otherwise) on the front page.

theoldones ago

oh dont be silly

even inanimate halloween decorations are "nazis" nowadays

join the club, niggerfaggot

Halstan ago

Hey, look at you.

ExpertShitposter ago

No, look at voat.

Halstan ago

Hey, look at Voat.

Halstan ago

Did you draw that? Hey, look at you.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yes, just now.

Halstan ago

Hey, look at that.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

I'm not there so you're trying Harder then me.

elitch2 ago


TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Grr, k sorry..

heygeorge ago

60 comments/day isn't trying?

gelsk ago

// , He's just headbutting everyone.

Like this goat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8BXUFFG1Ns

ExpertShitposter ago

Well....i wasn't trying to get on the score board or anything. Was just talking to peeps. I honestly don't even know where the hell a said so many things. I wasn't fighting with discord boys much, i didn't really respond much in some of the more popular threads i made, and i was drunk only once. Or maybe twice, don't remember. I have no idea where i talked so much.

heygeorge ago

Lol I guess they do go quick with small back and forth conversation. Keep up the great work, clearly Voat needs you.

ExpertShitposter ago

Ya but its a bit scary. Not because its i'm normally not in third place, but i'm normally not on the top 50 list at all.

heygeorge ago

Congrats on your achievement! Do you actually check the list every week? Maybe you are and don't realise it.

ExpertShitposter ago

No i never look at it because the bot automatically pings you if you're on any of the lists.

heygeorge ago

I think only the top 5 pings go out, and probably the lower ones that have to go in a comment.

ExpertShitposter ago

I have investigated. Yes only the first top 5 get pinged.

ExpertShitposter ago

Hmmm.....i will check out some history in the sub.

ExpertShitposter ago

What about the total number of posts on voat as a whole. Are we all together drooping?

SearchVoat ago

Maybe: Posts per week Nov 2015 - Nov 2017 But probably just until the next exodus.

ExpertShitposter ago

Awesome info, thanks!

Lurker22 ago

Thanks for the update

ExpertShitposter ago

Perhaps @JohnSka7 @VoatSearch @SearchVoat can shed some light on this. You can probably see some averages from your data.

TheBuddha ago

Your profile has your comment count and join date.

Count/days will get your average daily post count. You're at about 700 days and 10000 posts. Rough guess would be an average of 13 posts per day.