Lag-wagon ago

May I enquire as to what your criteria is? Are you just grabbing top level comments?

SearchVoat ago

Lag-wagon ago

Wth... I'm commenting like crazy. I need an honorable mention!

Cheesebooger ago

You gotta dig deep and shitpost like there's no tomorrow, young grasshoopper

Lag-wagon ago

I am sure I comment more than 23 times. I argue with people all the time.

SearchVoat ago

And special congratulations to @Lag-wagon at #403

Lag-wagon ago

How the hell am I 403?

10833792? ago

You are awesome! Great work here. (:

Tester1027 ago

What the heck? Mr. @Cheesebooger Sir, I goofed, please check the stats Sir, I think my eye examination is due soon... this can't be right...

Cheesebooger ago

I told ya I was gonna slack off a little haha

Tester1027 ago

I don’t believe you...

I still win even with slacking off... heehee

Cheesebooger ago

Oh yeah>???? I bet next time I will be even lower on that list(I hope I am)

Cheesebooger ago

alright. You got me. I will be back

Cheesebooger ago

I should banhammer you!! hahaha I'm trying to ease off a little because I look like an asshole without a life

Tester1027 ago

Lol, good point, I better get a life then. Being thinking about that too...