niggerfaggot1488 ago

The only people who buy Playboy anymore are old white men. Old white guys aren't running out to buy nudes of a tranny.

BlockMe ago

Disgusting. Bets on that they'll go bust in a year?

hangry ago

Yeah, difficult to come back from that

digitalentity1497 ago

Playboy is gay.

spherical_cube ago

Since when has anyone actually paid for porn? It has been years. Tranny porn at that? You can get more free tranny porn than you can free regular porn at this point.

Hammer71 ago

This fucking rag was done to me when they had a Sandra Bernhard pictorial.

Goathole ago

He's got some nice tits. I wouldn't fuck him, cuz he's know....a fuckin' dude, but I'd bet we could drink a couple of beers together. Maybe later their would be one of those "hey, dose er sum nice teets pal, how about a squeezer or two? c'mon, just let me feel'm up n' shit"......

A little sexual harassment ought to fix him right up. Act like a bitch, get treated like one.

el_pendejo ago

Thought it was a Kardashian at first glance.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I wonder why ((( The Media ))) hasn't pounced on this "Proud First Moment In Nigger-Tranny History"?

el_pendejo ago

Next month catch their super enlightened SCAT issue. With a advertorial for NAMBLA tucked in there somewhere.

AssKing ago


Tor1 ago


Caprophilia full feature spread is in next weeks issue.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Hahahahahahaha take that you porn mag reading losers!

misanthroat ago

"But I paid five thousand dollars to be a woman. This would mean I I'm not really a woman. Ih, I'm just a... a I'm just a guy with a mutilated penis!" - Mr. Garrison.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

They should have tried a switcheroo, if they wanted a watershed moment. Think of it, millions of men fawning over the centerfold, only for next month's issue to feature the article stating heshes's cosmetic DLC only.

They definitely pass for a woman, but the voice always does them in. I'd have to hear it.

123_456 ago

They're just trying to boost up their business, and let's be honest with ourselves, tranny porn has been around for a long time. This is just a first for Playboy.


Looks like more people will be picking up a hustler "for the articles".

fr33europe ago

Fucking gross

LazarusLong ago

We gonna get to see that D?

insensible ago

wow, way to drive in the coffin nails on a dead publication.

BlowjaySimpson ago

You don't want to fuck that beautiful woman? What a bunch of homophobes.

Inside every cis-white heteronormative male is a closeted faggot dying for that sweet sweet tranny butt or post-op fleshwound-pocket pussy.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

this is a bullshit lie they have had trannnies in there for decades, it just wasn't open.

edistojim ago

Has it still got a dick or a fake vag?

jerkwad152 ago

Because mangled dudes are totally why their subscribers buy the magazine. There goes the sales.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Hes not even cold yet!

ToFat2Fish ago

Playboy uust fucked them selves. Imagine your average playboy reader doesn't align with such nonsense. Just watch playboy subscription numbers take a drastic fall after this.

Obeastiality ago

Is nothing safe from this trans shit?

goatsandbros ago

When /b/'s "feminine penis" makes it to print, you know the world is in the midst of a shitstorm.

HumanityLost ago

Playboy Lost soon will be like MTV. LATER might be nigger month Playboy pics.

Crikes ago


TheyLie ago


dv1155 ago


meno ago

lmao, its gross, but quit actlng like you just saw someone go through a meat grinder, fucking drama queens I swear.

SaveTheChildren ago

There have been TONS of hidden trannies in playboy before... this is the fist open one.

ToFat2Fish ago

You can't make a claim like that without posting some sources.

SaveTheChildren ago

I have an entire YouTube channel dedicated to outing hidden transgenders....

chuckletrousers ago

Citing your own deranged bullshit as a source isn't going to convince anybody.

ToFat2Fish ago

Ok post your channel

SaveTheChildren ago

Here's a video I recently did on Harriet tub-MAN

ToFat2Fish ago

Pewdiepie, Thor, Harvey Weinstein, Michael Jordan and pretty much everyone else on that list. Are you retarded, seriously are you.

SaveTheChildren ago

Calling someone retarded isn't an argument. Anatomy is anatomy. You know nothing about the differences in male and female skeletal structure because they don't teach it to us in school and they lie about it!

Macdaddy5000 ago

You claim to weigh 130 pounds and you're more scatterbrained than Edith Bunker on "All in the Family". You're a woman by that argument.

ToFat2Fish ago

Well if you're being legitimately retarded I'd say it is an argument. Quit pretending you're Stefan molyneux.

SaveTheChildren ago

Stefan moly is a tranny shill.

ToFat2Fish ago

Hahaha that he is, that he is. Bless his tranny balls.

Le_Squish ago

This is part of the degeneracy progression.

Cuckolds follows traps, iirc.

Martel-Sobieski ago

Shhh the slippery slope is just a fallacy ;^)

Lag-wagon ago

This is fucked.

lord_nougat ago


gl7 ago

I won't know if he didn't say he is trans... All seem as female body line on face, neck, shoulder, waist, hips, leg...

Lafall ago

it might be difficult to tell, even if this was a body or skull of him/her I imagine its difficult, even before the 'operations' I imagine he looks like a very effeminate girlyman male. If you ever did photography or painting your eyes will see the difference, of course there's the whole adam's apple and voice but also face profile, nasal shape, structure of chin, men typically have thicker, heavier skulls, you can also tell by the eyes or arch or “monkey brow” and shape and contour of forehead males tend to have larger, more robust bones and joint surfaces however if people are taking hormonal chemical or hormone sex gender transexual cross-sex hormone therapy its going to change the whole natural cycle completely

gl7 ago

Especially the waist and stomach fat free muscles, very female to me... Or praise the doctor.

SolarBaby ago

Disney, Apple, United States, Playboy

The blind always corrupt and destroy what visionaries create.

speedisavirus ago

I don't know but maybe, just maybe, the demographic that still buys Playboy isn't down for chicks with dicks. If they were they would pick up a magazine of chicks with dicks.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Not like they can help it what with that prolapsed anus they got peddling all that ass....

ravensedgesom ago

No dude they are pushing it everywhere they can its fucking despicable.

ravensedgesom ago

I never cared for playboy and don't understand why it had much keep to begin with. It was and always has been a lame publication. Hopefully this sinks them. Good riddance.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Back in the day Playboy had some of the best writing around, right up there with the New Yorker of the time. If they didn't have nudes I still would have bought them for the articles.

hels ago

You grew up with the internet, have low testosterone or are a fag. Maybe all three.

You were never a man around other men. There was a time when being a man was great because you were allowed to speak your mind without consequence. You were actually allowed to be proud for being a successful man.

ravensedgesom ago

Do you have a point to anything you just said. Yes I'm a fag for wanting a shit publication to fail gloriously for pushing revolting cultural marxist mind rot.

Fambida ago

Eh, back in the 80s it actually had some interesting articles to go with the nice tits and actual bush.

ravensedgesom ago

I came across boxes of classic porn magazines. I mean boxes. I sorted through them took two boxes a some sort of cool thing to look through on a uneventful day. I'm telling you that there was much better magazines even back then, even the articles were more interesting it seemed in Penthouse or Gallery. The nudes in PB were also the lamest and underwhelming.

Fambida ago

That's fair. PB always toed the borderline acceptable line, whereas penthouse or hustler really went balls to the wall. I never read gallery that I can recall, although I remember that perfect 10 actually had 10s back when instead of being copyright trolls like they are today.

hangry ago

Next there will be chicks driving in NASCAR

Mr_Wolf ago

Where have you been? There's 2 sisters and Danica Patrick. Well Danica is on her way out.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Next you'll tell me they'll be voting soon.

Mr_Wolf ago

How else do you think Hillary won the electi....

klobos ago

So does it have a dick or just an bleeding pussing open wound?

hangry ago

You'll have to buy the issue to find out!

ilovepussy ago

Ain't no thing as chicks with dicks, just dudes with boobs (and mostly fake ones)

harry_nash ago

'It’s a salvation to speak the truth about yourself'

If that's really the case, then it should drop the transgender bullshit and tell us what it's like to be a chemically and surgically induced female impersonator. I think it's pretty fucking creepy.

philomath ago

What do you have against a dude that castrates himself and sews water balloons to his chest, then dresses up like a girl. If that's not completely normal, I don't know what is.

Rabidfish88 ago


Martel-Sobieski ago

Trap posting jumped from /b/ and landed on a magazine. You can't escape those faggots

Gravspeed ago

And they're done. In the next year Playboy will be gone or a fag mag.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

What if I told you that they've been secretly adding trannies to porn for a looooong time? Would you stop watching? Cause you should.

MedicalMountainGoat ago

What do you mean 'next year'?

Gravspeed ago

Fair enough... I was talking about openly advertising to a gay audience.

belrial ago

35 quatloos they will be gone by new years.

Reddit_traitor ago


newoldwave ago

Heff is rolling in his grave.

totes_magotes ago

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Agile ago

NOPE, Hef didn't even have a chance to cool in his grave yet and the Marxists descend. Only saving grace is who the fuck reads playboy and of all the old timers that are left buying that rag which one of them will willingly beat it to a man. /rip

ilovepussy ago

Nobody "Reads" Playboy

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Apparently, this "model" was "featured" back in 2014. Even if Hefner has barely had any time to rot in the dirt, his legacy has been rotting away for years in the open.

con77 ago

it has to stick a plug in its wound every day or it would heal shut. Probably smells like death too.

LiberationArtFront ago

yup, shits the bed

Speakfreely ago

Nuh uh are you srs? I quickly read the article but got kinda bored so I didn't see that part.

Rotteuxx ago

...brace yourself

Speakfreely ago

Thumbnails enough... I'll take your word...

Rotteuxx ago

Nah man, it's super informative !

Rotteuxx ago

Don't forget to mention the hairballs getting stuck in there

100LinksToGunter ago

Probably just douches with veet ahaha.

ginx2666 ago

They were waiting for the old bastard to kick the bucket, because if he had lived, he'd kick those freaks of nature and lgbt extremist sympathizers out.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

RIP Hugh Hefner

BobBelcher ago

Probably would have happened anyway. Hugh was a big Democrat.

jerry ago

The article says they featured the tranny in 2014, hef was still kickin last time they let her on

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Doubt it, old bastard liked watching gay porn.


How do you know that

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Someone interviewed former playmates that slept with Heff. There was a link around voat when he died, it's in MPCdot's porn is bad for you thread.

Snort ago

His daughter has been running the show for a while. That is why they dropped nudes briefly.

Martel-Sobieski ago

How fucking stupid does someone have to be to think it's a good idea to put a woman in charge of a nude magazine geared at men. She will NEVER be able to understand what men find sexy in the way that men do same way men will never truly be able to understand what women find sexy in the way women do.

It's insulting tbh but the results of that mistake show in their declining sales.

derram ago | :

Playboy features first transgender ‘playmate’ | The Independent

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