Sword-and-Shield ago

I am going to go in the camp of "go and milk it", especially if you haven't done 18 year olds. But if your mind is not in it, then don't bother. But you have to ask yourself if you genuinely want to go because of a raw true core decision and not because of your beta, anxiety-ridden-self said so.

Rifle ago

Is this referencing another post? Link that.

1True_Morty ago

edited and linked.

carnold03 ago

Yea, that could've gone better. In future, never tell the girl you're going to a second job. Leave them thinking you've either got one or none. Only wives need know for sure. On the up side, you got the digits and she followed up in returning your call. Did you leave her a message or hang up when the voice-mail kicked responded? As for the exchange, the girl did vaguely remember you, so that's good. Your face to face encounter was somewhat memorable. You've just got to work on your game over the phone more.

1True_Morty ago

She hadn't set up her voicemail yet.

So she didn't actually know who she was calling back.

carnold03 ago

Lan line or mobile?

1True_Morty ago


carnold03 ago

Then I definitely don't understand how she didn't know it was you who called her. Caller ID and voicemail are separate functions.

1True_Morty ago

She gave me her number. I didn't give her mine.

carnold03 ago

I got that much, but her caller ID clearly functioned otherwise she never would've been able to call you back. Very few people her age have any clue as to *69.

Either way, good effort. Next time a girl asks you your age and you want to present as close to hers, knock six years off your actual age and stick with that. The only person aside from my mother who knows my age is my physician. If the girl digs what you do for her, then she won't care. Don't talk about second job, only refer to one, or none unless the woman is your wife. Aside for that work on your phone game. If texting is your thing, then look up Roosh V's Bang, he offers excellent text game there. I think he may have even had a downloadable excerpt as a text messaging guide available through his site rooshv dot com.

Lag-wagon ago

Give no fucks and meet the girl. If you go in with no cares you will ooze arogance/confidence. Chicks love that and you will also get some practice with just conversation.

con77 ago

did you clear a box in the basement for her?

1True_Morty ago

I don't use boxes. Too much space, and too much evidence. I have a furnace, though.

Voopin__Voopin ago

we all know who the ovens are for, morty, and it ain't the bitches you're courting ;)

1True_Morty ago

I can't fool you guys!

ofyourownfreewill ago

"I don't think I had control of the conversation."

Where is your head at? You do not control conversations, esp not with 18 - 49 year old girls. It's more like surfing, and having control over yourself and your position on your own board. Rejecting a suitable mate based upon your own failure to hit a grandslam (in your own mind) during a conversation that hasn't occurred face to face is the height of self cucking.

If anything, don't text her back because she is insecure, unstable, and unable to accurately asses threats.

neomadic ago

"If anything, don't text her back because she is insecure, unstable, and unable to accurately asses threats."

This, for sure. Unless op's just really creepy and her concern is valid based upon something we aren't aware of, she's likely not worth the trouble and the 6 bazillion texts he'll have to send back and forth before finally giving up on meeting her.

ofyourownfreewill ago

IMO, if a girl asks you if you are creepy/weird/etc, they are one of the stupidest prey animals on the planet, destined to invite in the things they fear the most, all while blaming anything but themselves.

neomadic ago

Agreed. My reply to "Are you a creep?" is usually, "Go fuck your cats." or something similar. I guess that may make me a creep but I've wasted enough time with, as one ex-girlfriend said, "Ain't shit bitches."

1True_Morty ago

Yeah, those questions were a little naive.

When I say control the conversation, I guess I mean control my portion of the conversation. I was flying blind, so to speak. And also a little anxious.

You pulled way more from that transcript than I can. Insecure, I can see. Unable to accurately assess threats, I can see. Unstable, though, could you elaborate on that one?

ofyourownfreewill ago

Insecure and unable to asses threats = high anxiey due to not knowing why bad things happen (or when they simply don't go her way) which means WHEN bad things happen, she will find or create rationalizations, typically blaming others unjustly, or justifying why others tresspass upon her = unstable. This girl is a threat to herself and any man who attempts to get close to her. You cannot teach or train her, that was her father's job and he clearly fucked up. All you can do is fuck her, never get in a car she is driving and gamble on whether or not you'll be accused of rape/cheating/stealing/lying/racist/bigot/KKK. My advice, stay the fuck away, and learn the warning signs of the degenerative brain disease known as liberalism - which she clearly has.

1True_Morty ago

You have articulated your position quite well.

This is a few more checks in the "don't text her" column,.It's been a while, but if your assessment is accurate, breaking the dry spell is not worth it.

ofyourownfreewill ago

It's worth it if you find a girl who can handle her shit, that you can be honest with, who is fit and healthy that isn't going to destroy your life through stupidity or malice. But then again, you should probably stick with a girl like that!

Rotteuxx ago

Fuck it, txt her and meet up with her.

Even if it doesn't lead to anything, it's more experience under your belt. Might as well milk it !

RoBatten ago

Law of averages. I had a friend who would just outright ask 'em if they wanted to fuck. He estimated that it worked once in 12 - 15 times (he did this with intoxicated ones). He got laid more than any of us did. So, you might have to go through at least a few before one will say yes. Keep trying, keep your head up. Know that rejection is a large part of it, deal with that, move on until you find one.

neomadic ago

I had two friends that did this in high school. Neither had much to offer but they rolled in hot pussy. It was drama laden, dumb, expensive, annoying, vapid, hot pussy, and they're both lonely losers these days, but I'm sure it was a blast while it lasted.

Lag-wagon ago

But that is including ugos and fatties. Not the best strategy.

con77 ago

Knew a guy in the Navy. His one and only line was "I have the biggest cock youve ever seen" Worked every time. White guy. He wasnt lying.