eagleshigh ago

Voat has become a pro Trump circle jerk

It's always been a Drumpfstein circle jerk.

HWY__395 ago

Yes And thanks :-)

TheRealDuchess ago

Yes. Most subs are dead and the subs that are active only have a few submitters. Take away the few submitters in those subs and voat dies. Hell, there is only a couple of voaters who submit everyday and they aren't top quality posts. Voat is slowly dying

Owlchemy ago

LOL - not sure what you're subscribed to, but there's lots of non-political content. Sure, that's a large part, as is shitposting crap ... but look at the contributors listed in v/voatstatistics (example: Link) ... there's a ton diverse links on many subjects unrelated to news and politics.

Foralltoosee ago

Just give it a bit, things will come back down.

No one really likes Trump; there weren't masses of people in 2012 thinking, "I hope he makes it." But his election represents something. None of us can put our finger on what exactly, but it stands against the tide of 'social justice' and identity politics that has become so toxic that there just isn't a way to bring it back. More and more, people are beginning to see that these calls for "equality" are anything but. So when Trump won, it was an incredible shock and one that meant it wasn't a small number of idiot trolls who hated this stuff, but a massive amount of people. Most are still living in that high of defiance and remain there because of the needless media efforts to attack him and, by association, the people tired of the PC nightmare that has taken over. Tack on to that the moves he's made so far have been great, so it's an added bonus. But he is president now, sooner or later he will have to make a tough decision that will piss people off no matter what he does and the switch should flip back.

After that keep in mind that we have a way smaller community here than our older, uglier sister site. So if you're thinking it might ever look or act like that place in terms of variety, don't hold your breath.

Redditsdead ago

I just don't feel voat is fun anymore. Maybe I'm just disillusioned but this place isn't a trustworthy source of news either. If it's not fun and not informative, it loses its appeal. I'm not beating a drum for others to quit or anything. If I lay off voat, I won't be going back to reddit or anything. I'll just go back to sifting through the media for my own news.

Foralltoosee ago

It definitely isn't as fun these days. I'm hoping that will change, but I'm not holding my breath. The saving grace for me is that I still get a kick out of this, even if it isn't as neat as it once was. It's a bummer it isn't as informative as it should be; a bunch of people who claim to 'see the truth' should do more than shitpost memes. If it has stopped being fun for you though, I can see why you'd be over it. It's just goofy now, and once that gets old you're kind of boned.

Redditsdead ago

Yeah. I'm not rushing to purge my account or anything. I just don't feel like contributing anything or participating meaningfully. The only thing really interesting is the internal drama. A person can go to Drudge Report to get most of the legitimate news that gets posted here. I think the final straw for me was the uproar about Lockeproposal and his subs. Why the fuck can't the guy curate his niche sub?

Foralltoosee ago

I've never really understood that issue people have with Lockeproposal. I don't know why anyone needs to be able to be shitty about something in every sub in order to enjoy this place. Go to system subs and you're free to have at it. Why do they need to shit on small subs just to make a point?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no voat is not dead, you stupid nigger.

nor is it dying.

in fact, everything is looking UP!

golgotham ago

Dude, no offense, ok? But you're obsessed with death. Look at your username. Look at the post's title. You're hooked on endings. Military brat?

Redditsdead ago


golgotham ago

It'll be ok, though. Keep your eyes open for better content, and you may yet find it...