Motoko ago

Thanks for the info

arrggg ago

Nothing noticeable has happened since the incorporation in the US, and atko said he was taking a break to focus on moving. It does not seem to be under active development or management anymore. There have been no improvements to the voting, modding, or spam control features. The user requests on privacy and security seem to be unanswered and ignored.

The answer will appear when the BTC runs out.

Motoko ago

Just catching glimpses of people saying, no ads - no voat. And they seem convinced there's no chance it'll make it without them.

MrPim ago

I think it depends on you definition of dying. If we're talking content and users, I'd say no. It's small, and the content is sometimes little or slow, but for its size it's going just fine in that dept.
Now if we're talking about the countdown meter and the assumption that that's how much funding we have left. Things could be bad. But I also think that the Admins have something planned for that. Ads, or subscriptions, merch, all of the above. I say that because they seem to still be doing dev work. Of course that could just be for fun and learning.
IDK, I guess we'll find out by sticking around to see the exciting conclusion.

Owlchemy ago

It takes time to build something great ... I really don't see this place dying ... I see it as having huge growth potential. Keep posting and telling your friends!

pray_the_gay_away ago

No ads. Voat won't die. But if it does, I'm going down with the ship. Give me liberty & free speech, or no internet at all!