SearchVoatBot ago

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N3DM ago

It's a predictable cycle: mod deletes something. We find out. We post statistics and/or the JQ. More deletion and bans. More people find out. More stats and (((criticism))). Etc.

Asking about the gorillion is just the fastest way to find out where a tyrant mod stands.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Yes. Nobody should be allowed to delete content for ideology here. This is a website dedicated to free speech for users and mods do not have the right to interfere with the conversation. At all.

Frankly I don't think we are reacting strongly enough because these faggots keep coming back. We should be finding these people irl and breaking some goddamned fingers.

sguevar ago

After reading the different proofs of he censoring I decided to make this post: - The post is following all of his guidelines.

His reply though shows the following: - archived for deletion purposes but here is the direct quote to his statement:

Now as far as your post. This is not the type of content that I would normally allow because it doesn't relate to the content for this sub. You have some very good questions but this isn't the place to discuss politics, religion or philosophy. Although I do enjoy discussing those topics. Moving forward, I will allow this post to stay up for a while but at some point I will delete it because like I said it's not related to the content of this sub.

If you read the post you will see that the questions to rhetorical for me are not for many and are indeed unexplained subjects that fall into the topic of the subverse he has. Yet he claims they are not for they are not the type of content HE would allow.

Though I quoted his rules on my answer I quote again:

Racism and hateful comments: Racist or hateful comments have no place on this sub. This includes the use of the "N" word. If you aren't sure what I mean by the "N" word, then it's safe to say it would be best to not post a comment at all. The owner and moderators of this sub have the right to break this rule when dealing with hateful individuals.

This is a direct violation of freedom of speech as by the SCOTUS hate speech is free speech. If he censors the comments or submissions because he doesn't like what they were about he is censoring free speech. Voat is doesn't stand for that as you yourself claimed.

And to add to the subject the fact that he self proclaims he can break the rules to be impolite and insult or offend the people he doesn't like because he finds them hateful shows the hypocrisy under which he operates.

He deserves to be thought that here on Voat you don't get to attack freedom of speech. I may not agree with lots of people saying what they say, but I will defend their right to say it. The only judge, in my view as a Christian, will be God. But I will not trump the right of others to say what they want.

He is using excessive and authoritarian moderation which is highly frowned upon.

gazillions ago

Fight or die babushka.

markrod420 ago

idk i saw some shit going down, saw his hypocrisy thrown at him, and decided to fuck with him. i also saw a v/awww post about curation that i didnt believe to be hypocrisy and i said nothing.

speedisavirus ago

Neck yourself faggot

Maximum50 ago

We have experience with those faggots. They will not be happy just staying in their sub not bothering anyone. If they want to do that they should learn from fat people hate. Most people dislike them and they have reddit tier rules, but they are left alone. No, this is one of those shill faggots trying to worm their way in here. We cut those problems in the bud.

FrozenFire74 ago

You talk like Diesel just picked up the sub, but IIRC he's had it for over a year at least.

Maximum50 ago

It has only come to my attention now, must be for something. Plus who cares how long someone has been here? We have tons of sleeper accounts that have been created over 2 years ago and only have a few hundred votes.

FrozenFire74 ago

It's been brought to your attention because one user is overhyping this thing for SCP farming. They've made something like 8 posts on the topic alone in the last 24 hours.

xenoPsychologist ago

scp does nothing. you cant accomplish anything by farming it. a normal user would know something like that after being around for so long...

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @Renatus.

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NupNupYup ago

but the backlash seems disproportionate and possibly artificial here.


MatterzStrange ago

Haredeenee has minus Comment Contribution Points: -351

FrozenFire74 ago

Only one of those submissions isn't from you. Nearly 90% of the hype over this is coming from just one person.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

He is being the canary in the coal mine. Im fine with his triggering of this kod and exposing the cunt.

Renatus ago

I'm doing my part.

Why are selectively ignoring the comments or the submissions I've cited?

Face reality. You're at odds with Voat culture. You belong in Reddit. You need to go back.

FrozenFire74 ago

The more links you create to prove your point doesn't equate to more evidence that's been presented. All those posts are just different wording of the same situation with no presentation of new evidence that this guy is a Reddit Mod. No indication that he's a paid shill, farming, or anything.

Renatus ago

A question is posited in your OP.

The comment sections of the compilation of links I've provided you, answers your question.

Plant_Boy ago

The backlash is proportional to the objection the sub owner makes.

The sub owner could own up to their mistake but instead they decided to go about calling everyone a triggered bitch nazi snowflake. If this rubs the community up the wrong way then of course people will respond. If you think that sitting idly while some gulag mod turns this platform into a cuckold is the way to go then on you go. Sit idly and do nothing.

lets_get_hyyerr ago


also FUCK the daily crusader

barraccuda ago

No, its the same as letting faggots be accepted in society. If you stop beating the shit out of censors then we slip straight down the reddithole

FrozenFire74 ago

So then what's the point of having specific subs if every topic has to be allowed in them?

dontforgetaboutevil ago

To act as a conversation starter. That's all.

barraccuda ago

He is not banning for off topic, he is banning for racism. Read the ban logs.

FrozenFire74 ago

Racism doesn't fall under 2 of the 4 sub rules regarding politeness?

gazillions ago

If you want politesse, you need to learn the subject.

Ignorance of the complex rules of courtesy can't be made up on the fly. This is the failure of the entire snowflake culture. They're ignorant, obstreperous and boorish; yet they try to control others through their invented rules of manners.

It's a mother's biological role to tech her children socialization and manners. You don't teach other people manners you don't understand. They'll kick the shit out of you because you got it wrong.

Have children, teach them manners.

barraccuda ago

As per tags


Racism is not impolite, it is natural and correct.

FrozenFire74 ago

I never said he was correct in his response to being blasted on Voat as publically as possible. The issue I see here is that this mod doesnt want to see it in his sub, and I see that as fair, since 99% of the other subverses have a heaping dose of it.

barraccuda ago

Then i would recommend he write rules of greater clarity.

It is obviously deliberately vague in order to allow him to behave as seen.

Politeness is not the same word as racism. The definitions of the words used in rules and standards must be explicit lest this very situation arises.

It is not reasonable for a mystery sub to ban mysteries around jews because of vague modernist feelings about racism.

If you want to ban racism, do so. If you want to ban the impolite, do so.

Do not obfuscate intent and standards.

FrozenFire74 ago

In a perfect world, a perfect mind would be able to lay put all the rules for their sub knowing what all potential situations would occur in their sub and thus lay out rules precisely worded so as to prevent those situations from escalating like what we have here.

I dont think anyone on Voat here has the perfect mind to mod without running into some hiccups, especially if their views change over time. I know some of the rules for my subs include vague terminologies, but that doesnt mean I'm pro censorship, just that there may come a point where I find something that I dont want to see on my sub. Will I delete it? Probably not, especially not without making a reply stating I dont want to see that here. I'll update the rules when that occurs, but having something as a catch all makes sense from a Mod Perspective that hasn't detailed the rules in their entirety.

barraccuda ago

I disagree, the catch all needs to be active, prompt, behaviour. Which is reactive to the sentiments of the fostered community of users and that reaction will be quite inflammatory if not addressed well, as seen.

Its quite late here now, I must sleep.

I will address you further tomorrow.

Monteblanc ago

Yes, you are.