SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @kevdude.

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MadWorld ago

Renatus ago

I see it's already been discussed at length. Great. Now what of the necessary immunisation process?

MadWorld ago

Make more submissions to that subverse, discussing why jews been kicked out of numerous countries cannot be explained XD.

GreaseLightning ago

Sweet I was looking for someone to fuck with today

Renatus ago

Go forth, my fellow crusader.

Renatus ago

theunexplained Rules:

Racist or hateful comments have no place on this sub. This includes the use of the "N" word. If you aren't sure what I mean by the "N" word, then it's safe to say it would be best to not post a comment at all.

The owner and moderators of this sub have the right to break this rule when dealing with hateful individuals."

If this sanctimonious bullshit interested me, I'd be using Reddit.

Voat is being infested.

philomath ago

Because of this? Nah. You must've missed the early days where this was discussed and ultimately determined to be fine so long as it's not a default sub. The dude gets to run his domain as he sees fit. You don't like it, start a new one.

Renatus ago

Other "wrong speak" being censored:

  • Niggers
  • Nazis
  • Faggots