SearchVoatBot ago

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diesel4420 ago

Wow!!!! Look at all the butt hurt assholes that don't like me. OH NO! WHAT EVER WILL I DO? Some racist asshole cockmunchers don't like how I run my subs. I'm sorry that all you fucking Nazi snowflakes have a collective IQ of a sponge. I can't do much about that. You assholes are the same people that say nasty and hateful things to other people but when someone fights back you become a 5 year old with a temper tantrum.

Let's clear up some facts. I haven't banned anyone from my subs but I have deleted comments that clearly go against the rules. So if you don't like it then have a big glass of Go Fuck Yourself.

So here's my side of the story. I log on to my account tonight and I'm hit with a ton of comments and submission replies. Almost all of the comments were from Anon, so that leads me to believe that 1 or 2 people made a bunch of accounts just to spam me. Sounds like you douchebags are going through a lot of trouble just to spam people you don't like. I thought it was funny as hell that I am getting under the skin of some of the biggest assholes Voat has to offer. LOL... (Now I'm in your head, there wasn't much in there to begin with so there is plenty of room.) So the other day some asshole wrote a racist comment and I deleted it. The next day this happens. So some rotten Nazi twat got his panties in a bunch and decided to spam my account. I really don't give a shit but it shows that Voat is loaded with immature racist fuck knots that couldn't find their way out of a wet paper bag.

Go right ahead and call me names and keep making bullshit accusations about me, I honestly have fun with it because I'm not a gigantic bitch like most of the hateful shit pies on Voat.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @kevdude.

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dspfoisdafodsi ago

((i don't care and i'm gonna write a wall of words to prove it, i am smart and i fight evil nazis lolz))

CapinBoredface ago

“Excuse me but Jewish is not a race. Jewish is a religion.”

“Well I hate Jews anyway.”

“You racist.”

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/theunexplained comment by @Renatus.

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Newmemba ago

is it jewish too?


Semetic, Kazar

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/theunexplained submission by @Renatus.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/theunexplained comment by @Renatus.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/theunexplained comment by @Renatus.

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Walk1 ago

People don't like it when you speak up against the people who want to unify the races and make multi-culturalism a world wide affair.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @MadWorld.

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BrGoat ago

Props for using Brave.

I don't even access voat on my phone, let alone on chrome. Of course, since i comment here about niggers, kikes, shitskins and faggots.

Food_Stamp ago

Yeah its not perfect but it beats the shit out of chrome.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Oy vey!!! Voat is for the Jews goy!!!

Evileddie13 ago

He must be Jewish. Jews and Niggers think like women. The great and Holy Pimp hand is coming. They want shit to be real. LET'S MAKE THE HOLOCAUST REAL.

Renatus ago

Pre-heats oven.

sguevar ago

Well time to flood their subverse with some good ole' unexplained red pills!

SocksOnCats ago

Censorship? On VOAT? That moderator should be dragged out in to the street, beaten, and left for dead.

Cool-it-Fatboy ago

@diesel4420 burn in an oven you fucking like bitch

Inaminit ago

Doxxing @diesel4420

MrDarkWater ago

But they get exposed quite easily, training is on their way even further, making their job harder. Jews are so dumb

LettItBurn ago

Annnnnd... (unexplainedly)'s gone. (but not forgotten).

Chempergrill ago

@diesel4420 is a niggercuck

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Oh look another mod who needs banning.

Scandinavian ago

Good luck to them. The Voat immune system is very healthy.

Renatus ago

I'd like to see this kikery immunised.

The_Crusader ago

Wtf? Deleting comments for racism on voat?

What is this faggotry.

Renatus ago

It's disgusting. Needs to fuck off back to Reddit.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

I put my 2 cents in overthere. We just have to stay on it.

WhoreOfBabylon ago

What is this Plebbit gabage?

@diesel4420 is a baby-raping kike.

Asashio ago

Why are these people even on Voat? I don't get it.

It's like the gun nuts that choose /k/ of all fucking platforms, and then proceed to bitch about the Animu shit.

Like, what the fuck did you expect?

Pythagoras345 ago

Gun nuts? You mean freedom lovers.

Podd ago

Yea, Freedom nuts.

Volcris ago

I’m doing my part 👍🏻

Food_Stamp ago

The scientific name is Shekel Nigger.

bdmthrfkr ago

Fucking kek!

pic related

MrPim ago

I believe the scientific nomenclature would be Sheklegruber Hooknosicum Shlomo

Pattern_Blind ago

(((Proboscis Psuedo-Humanis))) if you are refering to long nosed, fake human parasites, aka the kikes.

Acerphoon ago

@diesel4420 probably is a jew and sucks baby dicks.

totes_magotes ago

But you repeat yourself...

BurqaFart ago

That's my first thought.

bfriend13 ago

The guy has this on his profile page:

The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.

Itsdone63 ago

Crying out in pain as he strikes? Ya don't say.

Acerphoon ago

I think the jews are, in fact, genetically different, if I remember correctly.

Pattern_Blind ago

All parasites including (((Proboscis Psuedo- Humanis))) are actually genetically different than their hosts. No matter how simular they might appear.

Rotteuxx ago

Inbred is the correct word, not different.

totes_magotes ago

@diesel4420 is an SCP farmer, reddit tier mod. He constantly double posts and when engaged in comments, he consistently censors, deletes, and bans. This is not the first time this bullshit has been pointed out. He's been asked not to do any of these things repeatedly but, as you can see, the retard absolutely does not care. He's pure cancer.

WhitePaladin ago

We need @PuttItOut take on this

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

No we don't.

Most on here are not children and don't need to run to "Daddy" for every little thing.

WhitePaladin ago

Winning is about winning, the methods used dont matter.

MadWorld ago

He constantly double posts...

SCP farming maybe, but he doe not appear to be a regular double-poster.

totes_magotes ago

News flash: "Regularly" does not mean "always." "Regularly" can mean "every 5 url submitted". Or even "every three days". Or "when he feels he's not making enough SCP" because that can be regular based on his observations but not on time.

And even if you make any point here, it absolutely does not mitigate anything else said or that he's done.

MadWorld ago

And even if you make any point here, it absolutely does not mitigate anything else said or that he's done.

I understand what he has done is bad, for censoring the comments; I am not here to defend him. But I still do not think that he is a regular double-poster!

Here is the data sampled out of 500 submissions within 8 months:


Of those 500 submissions, only 10 were double posted.

totes_magotes ago

So he's toned it down. Not quite as regular. Doesn't really change much of the point that I was making.

MadWorld ago

Like i said, I am not here to defend him. It is also possible that he uses multiple accounts to post a collection of urls. If by any chance that you know his alt accounts, that could get interesting!

totes_magotes ago

I nominate @zyklon_b. He can take up that job.

zyklon_b ago

totes_magotes ago

Preach it.

MadWorld ago

Haha... That is probably one of those users who can blow everything out of proportion!

totes_magotes ago

He's a gas.

Wuttier ago

Top kek!

PatriotLady1 ago

Sounds a lot like edie.

Food_Stamp ago

I did not know that, thanks.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Free food stamp

Wuttier ago

@diesel4420 You seeing "monsters" among our own Voaters? Come on, you can't be that butthurt.

Food_Stamp ago

My comment was an honest and truthful one, idk why he deleted it. I just wanted to discuss some nasty ass biblical monsters.

uvulectomy ago

Ironically enough, their bio says “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”

Yet they get triggered by you pointing something out.

truthwoke33 ago

Oh my.

That's beautiful.

infyrno ago

Cause you need to place the Jews in ((( ))).

Plant_Boy ago

And @Wuttier

The comment can be viewed here

Food_Stamp ago

Thanks for the link, i enjoyed reading through his list of deletions. Especially the ones about woke science nigger.

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

Bitchute bot was removed for spam....stupid fuck

Wuttier ago

Maybe he hates Jesus.

gabara ago

At SBBH we ban for arbitrary reasons comma @heygeorge

Food_Stamp ago

Are foreskin banned there?

gabara ago

Is required

Food_Stamp ago

Damn Ill have to go find that kike doctor and get mine back.

gabara ago

It's on Oprahs face now. You can call Oprah a dick face and it's not slander since it's accurate

Food_Stamp ago

Knowing that my weiners turtle neck went to benefit some nigger with a jewish name infuriates me.

heygeorge ago

As Jesus intended

GhostSkin ago