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GoBackToReddit ago

It's just more of the same T_D, CBTS, Q invasion power grabbing bullshit. It sucks watching a place I love burn down.

Renatus ago

This is Voat. If the mod keeps up his kikery, he and his subverse will soon be immunised. He's being watched. He's stupid enough to have revealed his true colours.

GoBackToReddit ago

I do not have faith in the immune system anymore. The last wave of retards showing up to open admin arms pretty much killed it.

Renatus ago

What do you mean by "open admin arms"?

The first influx of Qanon Redditors (v/theawakening) was decimated for censorship. That's why v/QRV exists with no such censorship.

GoBackToReddit ago

What do you mean by "open admin arms"?


My response:

Renatus ago

Didn't realise there was so many Qanon subverse variants. Certainly indicative of power-grabbing as you say.

GoBackToReddit ago

There are more I did not list. It's the same exact tactic that was "unsuccessfully" (subjective) used with the T_D and CBTS invasions. They came in greater numbers with the Q brand and overwhelmed the native population. From a site owners standpoint, the flood is great as it ranks the site higher, making it hold more value. From a user perspective, this place is burning to the ground. I don't think it can be saved... but I reserve a small amount of hope so I have not left yet.

Renatus ago

Try posting an anti-Zionist submission to v/QRV. The community at large has been red-pilled. Not all hope is lost quite yet.

GoBackToReddit ago

Try posting a... submission to v/QRV.

Nope. They are part of the invasion.

The community at large has been red-pilled.

Oh I'm sure.