SearchVoatBot ago

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DakotaJane ago

Good. Too many nazi fags on Voat.

Why anyone would want to glorify a failed ideology that’s only lasting imprint is the uniforms that now shape gay BDSM fashion is beyond me.

Maybe they are all getting off thinking about how Hitlers failure led to the mass gang rape of the wives, mothers and daughters of German soldiers. Fucking cucks.

Octoclops ago

This. The Nazi's were too soft.

totes_magotes ago

Says "Nazi" like it's a bad thing. lulz

birds_sing ago

I don't get it - They say that racism isn't allowed there, but then they themselves use the term Nazi. A racially specific term that they're using in a derogatory way.

Why do they get to use an N word and no one else gets to use one?

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @kevdude.

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