SearchVoatBot ago

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kneo24 ago

Subverse owners should be allowed to run their subverses as they see fit in non-system subverses, and we as Goats should 100% hold them publicly accountable for their bullshit when we see it.

MrDarkWater ago

We were wretched from the bowels of Reddit, rejected by the body. Left to fester, we grew to become self aware malignant tumor destroying the ideas of a body ruined by chemotherapy. We will kill this body.

Yeah, cancer. I can dig it.

Renatus ago

@FrozenFire74: You'll find your question is also being answered here.

Maximum50 ago

@diesel4420 You are summoning Voat's immune system and we are just getting started.

Donky_punch ago

Idk why this post is being downvoted. We absolutely need to weed out those who allow censorship and those who censor and bring them into the spotlight as part of the problem

Renatus ago

Could very well be the SJWs themselves. Two have already been pinged in the comments.

White_pride_cis ago

Yes. Go back to Reddit, faggot. They will ensure you space stays safe.